The group performs the final rite and welcomes Jon into the portal.
Rob has a theory about the interdimensional couple. Jon attempts to flee the college. Aubrey tells Jon not to panic. Savannah puts Jon in touch with Marissa Mars.
Пропущенные эпизоды?
Jon becomes the focus of the experiment. Savannah puts Jon in touch with Marissa Mars. Jon attempts to flee the college.
Jacob meets a lonely little girl in the second world. Bri and Dan coach him to seek the book and burn it.
Dan enters the portal and becomes possessed by otherworldly beings. Marissa Mars identifies possessing entities in the second world.
Olivia returns to the cornfield to confront her double. Aubrey synchronizes the three points of her triangle. Jon arrives in Shenandoah.
Rob worries that Aubrey is pushing Nikki too hard. Nikki feels for the portal’s vibration on her skin. Jon has another strange encounter on the edge of the woods.
Aubrey is searching for Autumn’s portal in Shenandoah. Olivia is haunted by her double. Jon sees a strange figure in the woods.
Jon believes he made up Marissa Mars. Kara tries to retrieve Lucy and Shannon from the portal.
Ana wonders why Rob has hid the backstory of Autumn Tremond’s book from the actors. Shannon goes to search for Lucy. Jon gets a strange message from Marissa Mars.
Kara and Lucy debate who should go first in the portal. Lucy breaks the rules and meets a stranger who is either trapped or attempting to trap her.
Rob and Ana create the portal. Jon volunteers to document the project but worries about psychic vampires. The actors complete their meditations and gather at the college.
Starting September 13th, the actors drop back into the vortex for our second chapter in the second world.
Rob and Olivia discuss plans for the next experiment. T. Carl Rasmusen publishes about a secret grimoire. Listeners visit our website. www.darkpoolproject.com.
Bri finds a message burned into her lawn. Everyone gathers at the reservoir. Nathan brings Geneva into the rain.
Nathan shares his plan to solve the distress brought on by the project. Jon interviews the paranormal historian T. Carl Rasmusen. Dan believes he has discovered Rob’s secret.
Dan and Jon are starting to worry that the experiment has gone too far. Aubrey receives cryptic messages from her guide. Nathan has a premonition.
Liz is leaving strange messages for Aubrey. Rob considers whether or not the actors are experiencing paranormal phenomena. Aubrey discovers an otherworldly guide.
Kara is experimenting with automatic writing. Dan has discovered an usual online persona belonging to one of the actors. Jacob feels the need to protect Nathan from Dan.
Kara wakes up naked outside in the woods after a meditation. Olivia digs into Rob's past as an experimental artist. Liz might be the one leaving rocks at Olivia's house.
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