Medicine is often framed as a meritocracy, where intelligence, hard work, and dedication dictate success. Yet, institutions of medicine are shaped by histories of exclusion, bias, and systemic inequities. And for clinicians coming from marginalized backgrounds, the journey is not just about learning the science. It's also about learning an entirely different set of rules — rules that are unspoken and unwritten, but deeply felt.
For Damon Tweedy, MD, this struggle was deeply personal. Raised in a working class, all-black neighborhood, medicine once felt worlds away. Earning a spot at Duke Medical School was a milestone, but it came with new challenges. The paradox of being both visible and invisible; of constantly proving — sometimes subtly, sometimes forcefully — that he belonged. Dr. Tweedy talks about the paradox of striving to be “twice as good,” while still being mistaken for the janitor, turning down an invitation to play golf with faculty because he simply did not know the game, and realizing that for some of his classmates, medicine was not a leap into the unknown, but simply an inheritance.
Beyond race, this episode is also about identity, resilience, and what happens when personal history collides with professional expectation. It's about how trust in medicine is built or broken not just for doctors, but for patients. Dr. Tweedy shares how his own experiences have shaped the way he interacts with patients, why he approaches conversations with more humility, and why sometimes the most important thing a doctor can do is simply acknowledge the weight that a patient carries into the exam room. Ultimately, this episode is about the search for authenticity in a system that often demands conformity.
In this episode, you’ll hear about:
3:24 - Dr. Tweedy’s path to medicine and his experience as a black first-generation college student
14:08 - How Dr. Tweedy navigates experiences of being discriminated against as a black physician
24:58 - Dr. Tweedy’s approach to navigating discriminatory experiences between patients and trainees
29:56 - Dr. Tweedy’s path to becoming a public voice regarding race and medicine
32:07 - The current approach to teaching race and medicine in medical school, and Dr. Tweedy’s thoughts on how it can be improved.
43:42 - Effectively serving patients of different racial backgrounds without falling into profiling or prejudice
48:49 - Dr. Tweedy’s advice for new medical students
Dr. Damon Tweedy is the author of Black Man in a White Coat (2016) and Facing the Unseen (2024).
Dr. Tweedy can be found on Twitter/X at @damontweedymd.
Visit our website www.TheDoctorsArt.com where you can find transcripts of all episodes.
If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, rate, and review our show, available for free on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. If you know of a doctor, patient, or anyone working in health care who would love to explore meaning in medicine with us on the show, feel free to leave a suggestion in the comments or send an email to [email protected].
Copyright The Doctor’s Art Podcast 2025
Physicians are trained to diagnose and treat disease, but they're not always taught how to lead. Yet in an era of increasing administrative burdens, evolving healthcare policies, and growing physician burnout, leadership skills have never been more essential. How can physicians reclaim their voices in healthcare decision making? What makes an effective physician leader in today's complex landscape?
Here to answer these questions is Peter Angood, MD, President and CEO of the American Association for Physician Leadership, an organization dedicated to empowering physicians with the tools and strategies to lead successfully. With years of experience as a trauma surgeon and a leader of patient safety at organizations ranging from The Joint Commission to the World Health Organization, Dr. Angood has thought deeply about expanding the role of physicians beyond the bedside.
Over the course of our conversation. Dr. Angood first takes us into the mind of a trauma surgeon dealing with split-second life-or-death decisions, then discusses the evolving role of physician leadership, trends that concern and excite him about modern healthcare, and concrete skills all clinicians can develop to lead meaningful changes.
In this episode, you’ll hear about:
2:23 - How Dr. Angood became drawn to a career in medicine
5:58 - The day-to-day experience of a trauma surgeon
18:39 - How Dr. Angood expanded his role beyond the operating room
21:44 - The role of the Joint Commission
23:02 - Finding the balance between patient safety, teamwork, and physician autonomy
31:37 - Dr. Angood’s leadership philosophy
41:40 - Why all physicians should be seen as leaders
43:45 - Dr. Angood’s advice for how to be successful in a leadership role
53:57 - Dr. Angood’s advice for new clinicians
Dr. Angood is the author of Inspiring Growth and Leadership in Medical Careers: Transform Healthcare as a Physician Leader (2024) and All Physicians are Leaders: Reflections on Inspiring Change Together for Better Healthcare (2020).
Visit our website www.TheDoctorsArt.com where you can find transcripts of all episodes.
If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, rate, and review our show, available for free on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. If you know of a doctor, patient, or anyone working in health care who would love to explore meaning in medicine with us on the show, feel free to leave a suggestion in the comments or send an email to [email protected].
Copyright The Doctor’s Art Podcast 2025
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The American diet is the leading cause of death among Americans. Accumulating medical evidence now shows that poor diet not only contributes to heart disease, diabetes, and stroke, but also to cancer, Alzheimer's disease, liver disease, and much more. Despite its direct and indirect roles in causing half or more of all deaths, food is not something doctors learn about in their training, nor is it something that's emphasized enough to patients by the medical establishment.
Our guest on this episode is Michael Greger, MD, a specialist in lifestyle medicine and one of the most trusted voices in evidence based nutrition and public health. He is the internationally best selling author of How Not to Die (2015), How Not to Diet (2019), and How Not to Age (2023).
Over the course of our conversation, Dr. Greger shares his approach to healthy living, focusing on the surprising power of whole-food, largely plant-based diets in transforming our bodies at a molecular level. He discusses strategies for helping patients and ourselves achieve behavioral change and explores how our brains and palates are rewired by processed foods, how we can reverse this, the ethics of patient counseling around lifestyle interventions, why there is such a mismatch between nutrition beliefs and behaviors among physicians, and his most high-yield recommendations for starting your journey to eating well.
In this episode, you’ll hear about:
2:45 - How Dr. Greger’s grandmother’s miraculous recovery due to diet change inspired him to build a career in nutrition science
6:58 - The disconnect that exists between the American medical system and the science of nutrition
13:57 - Why nutrition education is lacking in American medical training
21:31 - Issues with compliance among patients trying to adopt a lifestyle of healthy eating
28:00 - Supporting patients who are not interested in preventative healthcare measures
35:15 - Navigating the confusing and often conflicting landscape of nutritional studies
43:20 - Whether there is a universal dietary recommendation
46:49 - Simple ways to improve your diet, starting today
Visit our website www.TheDoctorsArt.com where you can find transcripts of all episodes.
If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, rate, and review our show, available for free on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. If you know of a doctor, patient, or anyone working in health care who would love to explore meaning in medicine with us on the show, feel free to leave a suggestion in the comments or send an email to [email protected].
Copyright The Doctor’s Art Podcast 2024
In recent years, it has become evident that loneliness is one of the most pressing public health challenges of our time — so much so that the US Surgeon General has labeled it an epidemic with far reaching consequences. The pain of isolation doesn't merely gnaw at our sense of belonging: it undermines our physical wellbeing, erodes our mental health, and places an invisible strain on communities. In this climate of ever widening personal and cultural divides, the collective call for deeper human bonds feels both urgent and universal.
Our guest on this episode is Julia Hotz, a journalist and passionate advocate for social prescribing, the practice of directing people to community activities and social support networks as part of their health care. She is the author of the book The Connection Cure: The Prescriptive Power of Movement, Nature, Art, Service and Belonging (2024), in which she argues that whether it's group classes, volunteer opportunities, or simply forging new friendships, true well-being is as much about our social fabric as it is about physical health.
Over the course of our conversation, we discuss the psychology of isolation and loneliness, the tangible health effects of loneliness, the historical societal forces that drive humans increasingly apart, the role of social media in connecting and separating us, and how patients and physicians alike can take proactive and creative steps in making human connection an integral part of living well.
In this episode, you’ll hear about:
2:50 - What social prescribing is and how it became Hotz’ focus as a journalist
5:32 - How loneliness became a crisis in the era of social media
18:46 - The ways in which social prescribing can change the conversation between doctors and patients
28:24 - The impact that our relationships and environments have on our physiological wellbeing
38:29 - How doctors and health care systems can leverage the power of social prescribing
45:00 - How social prescribing is beginning to find its place in the American healthcare system
56:03 - How social prescribing can bring a stronger sense of meaning into the lives of both patients and doctors
To learn more about how you can get involved in the social prescribing movement, Julia recommends visiting Social Prescribing USA and socialprescribing.co.
Visit our website www.TheDoctorsArt.com where you can find transcripts of all episodes.
If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, rate, and review our show, available for free on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. If you know of a doctor, patient, or anyone working in health care who would love to explore meaning in medicine with us on the show, feel free to leave a suggestion in the comments or send an email to [email protected].
Copyright The Doctor’s Art Podcast 2024
We have featured many techno-optimists on this show — healthcare leaders who believe that precision medicine and emerging technologies promise to revolutionize and democratize medicine in the best of ways. But look under the glossy veneer of this optimism and we see a far more complex story, one that touches on questions of power, inequity and the troubling ways in which genetics can be wielded, intentionally or not, to shape society in potentially dangerous ways.
Our guest on this episode is James Tabery, PhD, a bioethicist, philosopher, and author of the book Tyranny of the Gene” Personalized Medicine and its Threat to Public Health (2024). Tabery gives us a tour of the rise of personalized and precision medicine, a field that promises to tailor treatments to our unique genetic profiles. Importantly, though, he highlights how the blind pursuit of these advances can distract us from larger public health challenges and exacerbate inequality. In our conversation, we explore the historical forces that have shaped modern genetics, ethical dilemmas involving the tension between patient autonomy and societal justice, and necessary guardrails around technological advances.
We hope this conversation will challenge your assumptions, whether you are a clinician, a patient, or simply someone fascinated by the ways science shapes our world.
In this episode, you’ll hear about:
3:15 - How Tabery became drawn to his work in philosophy and bioethics
5:30 - Tabery’s view on the potential perils of the constant march of scientific progress
9:34 - The ways in which his father’s early experience with precision medicine shaped Tabery’s thinking on the topic
19:33 - Examining the promises and realities of precision medicine
30:12 - Navigating the inequities caused by the exorbitant cost of precision medicine
35:29 - The challenges doctors face when approaching “financial toxicity”
40:00 - Tabery’s worries about medical genetics and AI
49:51 - How innovation be controlled in order to better align with ethical concerns
James Tabery can be found on Twitter/X at @jamestabery.
Visit our website www.TheDoctorsArt.com where you can find transcripts of all episodes.
If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, rate, and review our show, available for free on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. If you know of a doctor, patient, or anyone working in health care who would love to explore meaning in medicine with us on the show, feel free to leave a suggestion in the comments or send an email to [email protected].
Copyright The Doctor’s Art Podcast 2024
Life can be hard when we are sick. But even when we aren't, life can still wear us down in quiet, surprising ways. Indeed, major traumas are relatively rare, and it's the moments when too many things go wrong at once, or we are exposed to prolonged periods of stress, that we fall into a spiral of exhaustion, fatigue, burnout, and hopelessness.
Vincent Deary, PhD is an author and health psychologist who explores the mundane struggles of everyday life. His writings blend clinical insight, literary finesse and wisdom drawn from philosophy and art to illuminate how the wear and tear of life affect all of us, and how we can navigate through it all. He is the author of How We Are (2024), which explores the power of human routines and the challenges of personal change, and How We Break (2024), which delves into how individuals cope when pushed to their limits.
Over the course of our conversation, we discuss what the clinical work of health psychology looks like, what happens to our minds when we deal with stressors in life, the importance of storytelling for psychological growth, balancing self-improvement with self-acceptance, the role of constitutional luck in our search for happiness, the importance of restorative rest, how clinicians can cope with grief and guilt from their work, and more. By bringing an empathetic lens to the complexities of modern existence, Vincent helps us create a path through difficult times.
In this episode, you’ll hear about:
2:43 - What health psychology is and how Deary became drawn to this field
18:58 - Deary’s motivations for exploring the emotional toll of experiencing life in his writings
22:42 - The benefit of approaching each patient as a “case”
31:46 - Finding a balance between self-improvement and self-acceptance
38:10 - Using the bio-psycho-social model to explain our capacities for weathering stress
43:14 - Fostering a healthier perspective on work-life balance
50:55 - The importance of community and institutional support in helping people process compassion fatigue
58:05 - Strategies for connecting more deeply with patients within a clinical setting
Vincent Deary can be found on Twitter/X at @vincentdeary.
Visit our website www.TheDoctorsArt.com where you can find transcripts of all episodes.
If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, rate, and review our show, available for free on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. If you know of a doctor, patient, or anyone working in health care who would love to explore meaning in medicine with us on the show, feel free to leave a suggestion in the comments or send an email to [email protected].
Copyright The Doctor’s Art Podcast 2024
Variations of cryonics — the long term storage of human beings, usually at low temperatures — have long been featured in science fiction. In stories involving space travel, it’s often used as a solution for long-duration journeys. But increasingly, this is not just the stuff of fiction anymore.
The prospect of preserving ourselves, potentially indefinitely, forces us to ask some of the most profound questions we have ever faced: are we meant to transcend the boundaries of our mortal lives? What does it mean to be alive? If life can be extended, what happens to its meaning, urgency, and beauty? These questions, by turns technological, philosophical, ethical and even spiritual, are what we explore in this episode.
Ariel Zeleznikow-Johnson, PhD is a neuroscientist who studies the nature of conscious experiences to better understand how we can preserve cognitive function. His book The Future Loves You: How and Why We Should Abolish Death (2024), explores the viability of delaying death and its societal implications. Over the course of our conversation, we discuss the science of human preservation, definitions of life and death, broader questions about how we derive meaning from life, whether or not the finitude of human experience is essential to our conceptions of a well-lived life, our social contract with future generations, and more.
In this episode, you’ll hear about:
2:44 - How Dr. Zeleznikow-Johnson became interested in the future of longevity
6:00 - Dr. Zeleznikow-Johnson’s definitions of “life” and “death”
14:29 - Why Dr. Zeleznikow-Johnson thinks that believing death is inevitable is a form of “learned helplessness”
17:52 - The level of faith one would need to have in the future of technology to consent to cryosleep
24:16: - Whether the finitude of human existence is essential to its meaning
29:05 - Whether every death is an inherent tragedy
30:25 - How the limitations of the human brain could impede longevity
33:16 - The ethical dilemma that would arise due to the financial costs of this technology
36:30 - Why Dr. Zeleznikow-Johnson is confident that cryonics will be successful
46:42 - The core thesis of Dr. Zeleznikow-Johnson’s book The Future Loves You
50:15 - Whether immortality is a desirable objective
Visit our website www.TheDoctorsArt.com where you can find transcripts of all episodes.
If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, rate, and review our show, available for free on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. If you know of a doctor, patient, or anyone working in health care who would love to explore meaning in medicine with us on the show, feel free to leave a suggestion in the comments or send an email to [email protected].
Copyright The Doctor’s Art Podcast 2024
One of the most mysterious and frightening entities in medicine are prion diseases — rare neurodegenerative disorders that are usually infectious in nature but involve not bacteria or viruses, but proteins. Prions are misfolded proteins that can induce normal proteins to become misfolded as well, resulting in a chain reaction that leads to irreversible brain damage and death. What makes prions alarming is that they are incurable, can incubate for decades in a person's brain without symptoms, and are usually associated with 100% mortality within months to a few years.
Sonia Vallabh, PhD was a recently-married lawyer in her early career when she witnessed her mother's baffling sudden health decline and death. Her mother was ferried from hospital to hospital, yet dozens of doctors could not figure out why she was seemingly succumbing to rapidly progressive dementia at the age of 52. It wasn't until after her death that Vallabh discovered the cause was a genetic prion disease. Subsequent testing revealed that Sonia Vallabh herself had inherited the same genetic abnormality. Determined to find a solution, Vallabh and her husband Eric, a transportation engineer, decided to retrain as biomedical scientists in a race to cure her before it grew too late. The couple now leads a prion research lab at the Broad Institute at MIT and Harvard. They are also the co-founders of the nonprofit Prion Alliance.
Over the course of our conversation, Vallabh opens up about what it was like to accompany her mother in her last months of life, the psychological toll of dealing with a fatal medical mystery, how she lives each day with an awareness of how ephemeral life is, what prion diseases are and what makes them so difficult to treat, what makes her optimistic about the future of her work, and more.
In this episode, you’ll hear about:
3:23 - Vallabh’s early memories of her mother and the devastating experience that overcame her at 52 years old
16:37 - The process of grieving the loss a parent
22:32 - What prion diseases are
25:35 - How Vallabh made the decision to undergo the genetic testing that confirmed she inherited a mutation thah causes prion disease
36:27 - Vallabh’s major career change to become biomedical researchers
45:50 - Where the quest for an effective therapy for prion disease currently stands
52:08 - Vallabh’s message to listeners on how to approach life
View Sonia Vallabh’s TED Talk on her quest to cure prion disease.
Visit our website www.TheDoctorsArt.com where you can find transcripts of all episodes.
If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, rate, and review our show, available for free on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. If you know of a doctor, patient, or anyone working in health care who would love to explore meaning in medicine with us on the show, feel free to leave a suggestion in the comments or send an email to [email protected].
Copyright The Doctor’s Art Podcast 2024
The second half of the 20th century saw monumental shifts in civil rights in the United States, with the end of legalized racial segregation, discrimination, and disenfranchisement affecting all spheres of life, from education to health care to housing to marriage and more.
Judge David S. Tatel is a civil rights lawyer who has contributed to key advancements in voting rights, educational equality, and disability rights. Over the course of his five-decade career, he has served as Director of the National Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, as Director of the Office for Civil Rights during the Carter administration, and as a federal judge on the D.C. Circuit, considered the second highest court in America.
Judge Tatel also happens to be blind, due to a rare genetic condition called retinitis pigmentosa. In 2024, he published a book titled Vision: A Memoir of Blindness and Justice.
Over the course of our conversation, Judge Tatel opens up about how he has wrestled with vision impairment in both his legal career and his personal life. He discusses what it was like to be diagnosed with an incurable, progressive, blinding disease as a teenager, how he struggled to make sense of his identity as a blind individual even as his career was taking off, his philosophy as a lawyer, how his beautiful relationship with his wife and children have helped him navigate the world, and how he met his guide dog, Vixen. Judge Tatel's legacy is one of judicial integrity, a lifelong commitment to equality, and a testament to the boundless potential of individuals living with disabilities.
In this episode, you’ll hear about:
3:45 - Judge Tatel’s experience of being diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa as a teenager
15:33 - The inspiration that led Judge Tatel to focus his legal career on civil rights
22:47 - Judge Tatel’s experience of progressively losing his vision while ascending in his legal career
28:05 - Visual elements of life that Judge Tatel misses and how he now “experiences” vision
33:12 - Why Judge Tatel regrets concealing the truth about his blindness early in his career
37:01 - How Judge Tatel’s blindness has influenced his civil rights work
44:45 - Judge Tatel’s concerns about the future of democracy in the United States
46:27 - The ways in which getting a guide dog late in life changed Judge Tatel’s sense of freedom and his perspective on blindness
49:06 - Judge Tatel’s advice to his former self
Visit our website www.TheDoctorsArt.com where you can find transcripts of all episodes.
If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, rate, and review our show, available for free on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. If you know of a doctor, patient, or anyone working in health care who would love to explore meaning in medicine with us on the show, feel free to leave a suggestion in the comments or send an email to [email protected].
Copyright The Doctor’s Art Podcast 2024
Addiction is often misunderstood not just by the public, but also by clinicians. It challenges us as individuals, families, and communities. To understand addiction is to understand not only human behavior and neuroscience, but also social networks, public policies, and bioethics. Our guest on this episode, Keith Humphreys, PhD, is a psychologist who specializes in addiction and has served on the White House Commission on Drug Free Communities during the Bush administration, and as Senior Policy Advisor to the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy during the Obama administration. His research on recovery support systems like Alcoholics Anonymous and on the opioid crisis has shaped how we understand addiction recovery.
Over the course of our conversation, Dr. Humphreys shares how he became interested in addiction medicine, what happens to our brains when we become addicted, the difficulty of balancing interventions with a respect for patient autonomy, why social networks can be powerful tools in addiction recovery, possible solutions to the opioid crisis, and how clinicians can better establish trust with patients facing addiction.
In this episode, you’ll hear about:
2:36 - How Dr. Humphreys became interested in studying the psychology of addiction
4:34 - The neuroscience of addiction
9:15 - Whether addictive behavior is a matter of personal choice
16:27 - How clinicians can address patients who do not yet recognize their addiction as a problem
21:36 - What GLP-1 inhibitors can tell us about the mechanisms of addiction
26:07 - The benefits of peer support groups (like Alcoholics Anonymous) for addiction recovery
32:55 - Dr. Humphreys' work on drug policy
37:32 - The rise of the opioid crisis
43:05 - Policy models to address substance abuse
48:24 - How medical professionals who are struggling with addiction can seek help
51:25 - Dr. Humphreys' advice for clinicians on how to connect with patients who are struggling with addiction
Dr. Keith Humphreys can be found on Twitter/X at @KeithNHumphreys.
Visit our website www.TheDoctorsArt.com where you can find transcripts of all episodes.
If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, rate, and review our show, available for free on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. If you know of a doctor, patient, or anyone working in health care who would love to explore meaning in medicine with us on the show, feel free to leave a suggestion in the comments or send an email to [email protected].
Copyright The Doctor’s Art Podcast 2024
One of the most fascinating concepts in human health is the idea of social contagion, meaning that emotions, behaviors, and health outcomes can spread through social networks, much like infectious diseases. Examples in the medical literature abound: if a person becomes obese, their friends have a significantly higher chance of becoming obese — even their friends of friends have increased odds of becoming obese. Similarly, someone who quit smoking is likely to create a ripple effect through their social networks, influencing many more people to quit smoking. Social contagion affects life and death itself — after the death of a spouse, the surviving partner's mortality risk increases, and conversely, strong social networks are protective against early death.
Much of the groundwork of our understanding of the powerful health effects of social networks laid by Nicholas Christakis, MD, PhD, MPH, a physician-turned-social scientist who is the author of multiple best selling books, including Apollo's Arrow: The Profound and Enduring Impact of Coronavirus On the Way We Live (2020) in Blueprint: The Evolutionary Origins of a Good Society (2019).
In this episode, Dr. Christakis shares his remarkable path to medicine and sociology, beginning from witnessing his mother's struggle through serious illness, to his foray into palliative medicine, and finally to his life's work on the social, economic and evolutionary determinants of human welfare. We discuss the mechanisms by which social contagion functions, why modern medicine does a disservice to patients by atomizing their medical problems, how the COVID-19 pandemic illustrates the effects of social networks on public health, the philosophical implications of living an interconnected life, and why human beings are wired to build good societies through our capacity for love, friendship and cooperation.
In this episode, you’ll hear about
3:17 - Dr. Christakis’s path to medicine through witnessing his mother’s serious illness
15:05 - How Dr. Christakis became passionate about studying the effects of social networks
24:43 - How social networks affect an individual’s health
31:28 - The negative effects that COVID-19 restrictions had on patients and their loved ones
38:58 - The central thesis of Dr. Christakis’s 2019 book Blueprint: The Evolutionary Origins of a Good Society
50:38 - Dr. Christakis’s thoughts on how to live a meaningful life
Dr. Nicholas Christakis can be found on Twitter/X at @NAChristakis.
Visit our website www.TheDoctorsArt.com where you can find transcripts of all episodes.
If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, rate, and review our show, available for free on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. If you know of a doctor, patient, or anyone working in health care who would love to explore meaning in medicine with us on the show, feel free to leave a suggestion in the comments or send an email to [email protected].
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Digital technologies have saturated our lives and there is no going back. Given this, it's worth pondering whether and how they are fundamentally reshaping our mind and our relationships.
A seminal work that explores these issues is the 2010 book The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains, by journalist Nicholas Carr. In it, he argues that the internet is “shallowing” our brains, meaning that as we offload cognitive tasks to digital tools, our ability to read linearly, to absorb and immerse ourselves in complex information, is reduced. But more than that, the internet curtails our emotional depth and compassion, diminishing our humanity and rendering us more computer-like, as we process information in short bursts, skim for quick answers, and operate with frenetic attention spans. In Carr’s 2014 book The Glass Cage, he discusses how the increasing automation of tasks leads to a decrease in human agency, creativity, and problem solving capability.
In this episode, Carr joins us to discuss the neuroplasticity of the brain, the mechanisms by which digital technologies reduce our ability to think deeply, how the failures of electronic medical records illustrate the limitations of technology, what social media does to our relationships, the value of focused, reflective thought in a fast paced world, what we can all do to remain independent of technology, and more.
In this episode, you’ll hear about:
2:42 - Carr’s path to researching and writing about the human consequences of technology
5:38 - The central thesis of Carr’s 2010 book The Shallows
15:27 - Whether the cognitive impacts of digital technologies are reversible or permanent
21:18 - Whether society is better or worse off due to social media and the internet
25:38 - How modern technology has changed the medical profession
38:22 - Carr’s thesis for his upcoming book Superbloom
45:21 - How society can address the loss of focus and empathy that has occurred as a result of social media
Nicholas Carr can be found on Twitter/X at @roughtype.
Visit our website www.TheDoctorsArt.com where you can find transcripts of all episodes.
If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, rate, and review our show, available for free on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. If you know of a doctor, patient, or anyone working in health care who would love to explore meaning in medicine with us on the show, feel free to leave a suggestion in the comments or send an email to [email protected].
Copyright The Doctor’s Art Podcast 2024
Medicine is filled with stories that illustrate the most beautiful, devastating, hopeful, and consequential moments of life. But how do we capture these moments and transform them into everlasting lessons that guide us on our search for meaning? That's where the art of storytelling comes in.
Our guest on this episode is Anna Reisman, MD, director of the Program for Humanities in Medicine at the Yale School of Medicine. Dr. Reisman is not only a physician-writer whose essays have appeared in The Atlantic, The New York Times, and other major outlets. She has also dedicated her career to helping clinicians better reflect and write about their experiences.
Over the course of our conversation, we discuss how Dr. Reisman went from being an English major in college to working as a physician, her own experiences with burnout and what helped her overcome it, her approach to creative nonfiction writing, concrete ways that writing sharpens the mind of the physician, and more.
In this episode, you’ll hear about:
2:00 - Dr. Reisman’s path from English major to physician
3:45 - The scope of Dr. Reisman’s current work
8:22 - How Dr. Reisman became involved in medical humanities and how she created a writer workshop at Yale Medicine
14:19 - How writing and the medical profession goes hand in hand
22:49 - The VA Writes reflective writing group
27:56 - Teaching observational skills to medical students in today’s technology-forward landscape
30:25 - How to approach the writing process if you are new to writing
45:57 - What Dr. Reisman wishes she would have known at the beginning of her career
Dr. Anna Reisman can be found on Twitter/X at @annareisman.
A list of Dr. Reisman’s essays can be found on MuckRack.
Visit our website www.TheDoctorsArt.com where you can find transcripts of all episodes.
If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, rate, and review our show, available for free on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. If you know of a doctor, patient, or anyone working in health care who would love to explore meaning in medicine with us on the show, feel free to leave a suggestion in the comments or send an email to [email protected].
Copyright The Doctor’s Art Podcast 2024
During the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, the phrase “Healthcare Heroes” echoed through hospital walls and city streets. For many people, this felt like an overdue acknowledgment of the difficult and important work that healthcare professionals carried out during the most devastating healthcare crisis the world had seen in a century. But this phrase can also be problematic, romanticizing the sacrifices of individual clinicians without addressing the systemic failures that put them at risk, overlooking the mental health struggles they experienced, and undermining healthcare environments that encourage reflection about respect and duty.
Our guest on this episode is Dhaval Desai, MD, a hospitalist at Emory Healthcare in Georgia and the author of the book Burning Out on the Covid Front Lines: A Doctor's Memoir of Fatherhood, Race, and Perseverance in the Pandemic (2023), in which he details his personal narrative as a healthcare leader and frontline physician fighting to hold his hospital together.
Over the course of our conversation, Dr. Desai shares why he decided to train in both internal medicine and pediatrics, how his experiences caring for his ailing father revealed the flaws of our healthcare systems, the nerve-wracking first few months of the COVID-19 pandemic, his own struggles as a leader, healer, father, and husband during a time of deep uncertainty, how we can all better connect with patients through even a few moments of shared humanity amid our busy days, and more.
In this episode, you’ll hear about:
2:36 - Dr. Desai’s path to medicine
5:05 - How a Med-Peds residency differs from other medical residency tracks
8:06 - How Dr. Desai’s personal experiences have shaped his approach to patient advocacy
11:53 - Dr. Desai’s personal and professional life leading up to the COVID-19 pandemic
18:46 - Dr. Desai’s opinion on why it is important for leaders to be able to express emotion
24:53 - How Dr. Desai used his leadership role to help his staff navigate the emotional turmoil of the pandemic experience
28:32 - Moments when Dr. Desai suffered heavily from burnout
34:47 - Stories of the isolating effects of COVID-19 in the ER
39:53 - Our society’s support of healthcare workers
46:19 - Advice for young clinicians on ensuring humanity stays central to their work
Dr. Dhaval Desai can be found on Instagram at @doctordesaimd and on X/Twitter @DrDesaiMDx.
In this episode, we discussed the New York Times article “I Couldn’t Do Anything: The Virus and an E.R. Doctor’s Suicide”
Visit our website www.TheDoctorsArt.com where you can find transcripts of all episodes.
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Precision medicine — the approach to health care that involves tailoring medical interventions to an individual's genetic makeup, environment and lifestyle — promises to deliver the right treatment to the right person at the right time. From preventing diseases decades before they appear, to specially designed cocktails of cancer drugs, to genetic modification of rare diseases, many of these applications sound straight out of science fiction.
At the forefront of precision medicine and medical genomics is Euan Ashley, MBChB, DPhill, Chair of Medicine at Stanford University Medical Center. A cardiologist and intensive care physician by training, Dr. Ashley has pioneered the use of genetic sequencing to identify risk factors for heart disease and new treatments for rare diseases. He is also the author of The Genome Odyssey: Medical Mysteries and the Incredible Quest to Solve Them (2021).
Over the course of our conversation, we discuss his path from growing up in a small Scottish town to now working at the cutting edge of medicine, the excitement and fulfillment he experiences as a clinician in the cardiac intensive care unit, remarkable patient stories of healing and resilience, the future of precision medicine, why he is optimistic about the development of artificial intelligence, and more.
In this episode, you’ll hear about:
2:24 - Dr. Ashley’s path to medicine and to cardiology
7:19 - What life is like working in the CCU
21:34 - How the Undiagnosed Diseases Network was founded and what it does
33:22 - An overview of precision medicine
38:09 - The impact that genetic testing and genomic medicine is having on modern medicine and where it could go from here
45:00 - Dr. Ashley’s thoughts on how AI will change the field of medicine
51:40 - Making access to medical advancements in AI and genomics more equitable
1:04:39 - Dr. Ashley’s advice for healthcare professionals in training
Dr. Euan Ashley can be found on Twitter/X at @euanashley.
Visit our website www.TheDoctorsArt.com where you can find transcripts of all episodes.
If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, rate, and review our show, available for free on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. If you know of a doctor, patient, or anyone working in health care who would love to explore meaning in medicine with us on the show, feel free to leave a suggestion in the comments or send an email to [email protected].
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Joseph Sakran, MD, MPH was a teenager in a small town in Virginia when, in 1994, his life took a dramatic turn. At the age of 17, he was out with his friends after a high school football game when a nearby gunfight broke out and he was struck by a stray bullet in the throat. The bullet, tearing through his windpipe and a carotid artery, brought him to the razor edge of death before he was saved by trauma surgeons.
Thirty years later, Dr. Sakran is now a trauma surgeon who serves as Director of Emergency General Surgery at the Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore and a vocal advocate of reducing firearm injury through public health initiatives at the state and national levels. Following the 2018 comment by the National Rifle Association that doctors should “stay in their lane” with regard to gun violence prevention, Dr. Sakran started the #ThisIsOurLane movement, mobilizing thousands of health care professionals to advocate for gun violence as a public health crisis.
Over the course of our conversation, Dr. Sakran shares his harrowing experience of being shot and what it was like to be confronted with imminent death, how his perspectives on and priorities in life changed after the incident, what goes on in his mind when he operates on victims of gun violence, how he connects with his patients over shared experiences of trauma, how all clinicians can be more empathetic with their patients, and why advocacy is integral to the work of a physician.
In this episode, you’ll hear about:
2:46 - How a personal tragedy set Dr. Sakran on the path to becoming a trauma surgeon
9:51 - How Dr. Sakran’s perspective on life was altered by his personal experience with gun violence
13:11 - How Dr. Sakran’s experiences informs his approach to speaking with patients and their loved ones during traumatic situations
19:09 - The importance of showing empathy to build rapport with patients and families
23:51 - What it is like to tend to victims of violence
29:26 - Addressing the public health crisis of gun violence in America
37:41 - How clinicians can become more involved in advocacy
45:32 - Dr. Sakran’s advice to future clinicians
Dr. Joseph Sakran can be found on Twitter/X at @josephsakran.
Visit our website www.TheDoctorsArt.com where you can find transcripts of all episodes.
If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, rate, and review our show, available for free on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. If you know of a doctor, patient, or anyone working in health care who would love to explore meaning in medicine with us on the show, feel free to leave a suggestion in the comments or send an email to [email protected].
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To the best of our knowledge, humans appear to be unique among animals in our awareness of mortality — at least in our capacity for existential reflection about death in an abstract, cultural, and symbolic sense. With this capacity comes profound psychological experiences, from our search for meaning, to our struggle with grief, to a yearning for the spiritual.
Our guest on this episode is Dr. Rachel Clarke, a palliative care physician based in the United Kingdom who entered medicine after an initial career in journalism. As she would discover, her love for language and storytelling has turned out to be one of the most important ways she helps patients heal in some of the most devastating moments of their lives. As a writer. Dr. Clarke is the author of multiple best selling books, including Dear Life: A Doctor's Story of Love and Loss (2020), Your Life in My Hands: A Junior Doctor's Story (2017), and Breathtaking (2021), which was adapted into a TV series of the same name. Her writing, imbued with both grace and grit, invites readers to confront difficult truths about mortality, suffering, and the inequities of the healthcare system, while also offering a vision of medicine that is as deeply human as it is healing. Over the course of our conversation, we discuss her journey to medicine by way of journalism, her reflections on the moral imperatives that drive her work, the power of storytelling in comforting patients, why suffering is inextricably connected to love, and more.
In this episode, you’ll hear about:
3:12 - Why Dr. Clarke switched careers from journalism to palliative care
9:46 - The challenge modern doctors and patients face when it comes to thinking about mortality
15:09 - Supporting a patient’s psychological suffering through conversation
20:31 - Grappling with what Dr. Clarke calls the “essential paradox of being a human being” — our awareness of mortality
33:41 - The experience of watching a person die and the reverence we hold for the bodies of the dead
43:05 - The doctor’s dual responsibilities of navigating both science and human emotions
Dr. Rachel Clarke is the author of four books, including most recently, The Story of a Heart (2024).
Dr. Clarke can be found on Twitter/X at @doctor_oxford.
Visit our website www.TheDoctorsArt.com where you can find transcripts of all episodes.
If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, rate, and review our show, available for free on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. If you know of a doctor, patient, or anyone working in health care who would love to explore meaning in medicine with us on the show, feel free to leave a suggestion in the comments or send an email to [email protected].
Copyright The Doctor’s Art Podcast 2024
Modern medicine has long considered many neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease to be immutably linked to the fate of certain unlucky individuals through yet-poorly understood genetic mechanisms. But increasingly, we are seeing evidence that some of our lifestyle choices, including our diet, physical activity, and relationships, may play a significant role in the development of, or protection against, these diseases. Our guest on this episode, David Perlmutter, MD, is a neurologist and writer whose immensely popular books, including Grain Brain: The Surprising Truth About Wheat, Carbs, and Sugar — Your Brain’s Silent Killers (2013), discuss why diets low in refined carbohydrates and high in fats, in addition to foods that nurture a healthy gut microbiome, may prevent cognitive decline.
Over the course of our conversation, we discuss Dr. Perlmutter's path from conventional neurology to moving towards a more functional and holistic approach to treating brain disorders, the importance of metabolic health in maintaining our cognitive capacities, how Dr. Perlmutter responds to critics of his non-conventional medical advice, why nutrition science is riddled with messy and conflicting findings and how we can better navigate through it all, what clinicians can do to better help their patients live well, and more.
Note: Some of Dr. Perlmutter’s ideas and recommendations have been the subject of debate and controversy within the medical community. While we believe in fostering open dialog and exploring diverse perspectives, the views expressed in this episode are those of Dr. Perlmutter and do not necessarily reflect the views or endorsements of this podcast. We encourage listeners to critically evaluate the information presented and work with qualified healthcare professionals when making any changes to their health and wellness routines.
In this episode, you’ll hear about:
3:11 - Dr. Perlmutter’s transition from conventional neurology to what he calls “preventative” neurology
8:43 - Dr. Perlmutter’s views on what constitutes a “disease” and the role of the doctor.
19:08 - Emerging science on the importance of metabolic health on brain health
25:17 - How scientific studies on preventative health can be (and have been) designed
34:56 - Why Dr. Perlmutter prioritizes health markers (such as HbA1c) over specific dietary recommendations when working with patients
42:21 - Dr. Perlmutter’s views on GLP-1 antagonists such as Ozempic and Mounjaro
50:36 - How Dr. Perlmutter has dealt with critics of his work
Dr. David Perlmutter is the author of eight books.
Dr. Perlmutter can be found on Twitter/X at @davidperlmutter.
Visit our website www.TheDoctorsArt.com where you can find transcripts of all episodes.
If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, rate, and review our show, available for free on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. If you know of a doctor, patient, or anyone working in health care who would love to explore meaning in medicine with us on the show, feel free to leave a suggestion in the comments or send an email to [email protected].
Copyright The Doctor’s Art Podcast 2024
What makes a life worth living? This question has animated great thinkers and faith traditions for millennia. Interestingly enough, in our time of rapid globalization, technological advancement, and material abundance, we often seem more unmoored from our conception of the self and its relation to the world than ever before.
Our guest on this episode, Miroslav Volf, has spent his life wrestling with this question of questions and helping others to do the same. Volf is a professor of theology at Yale Divinity School and founding director of the Yale Center for Faith and Culture, and his work explores the intersections of faith, identity, and public life. He is the author of more than 10 books, including the bestselling Life Worth Living: A Guide to What Matters Most (2023), based on one of the most popular courses at Yale University, which he co-teaches. The book, an inquiry into the nature of human flourishing, invites readers to consider wisdom drawn from various religious, philosophical, and literary traditions. He challenges the often superficial metrics of happiness promoted by modern society, urging readers to reflect deeply on the kind of life they want to lead — one that is not just pleasurable or successful by conventional standards, but that is positively shaped by adversity, contemplation, and interconnectedness.
In our conversation, we discuss how growing up as the son of a Pentecostal minister in Former Yugoslavia influenced Volf's relationship with Christian theology, why faith is a “comfortably difficult” thing, why “finding your authentic self” is a problematic concept in modern culture, how social media, divisive political currents, and the relentless drive for productivity distract us from what matters most, and the nobility in pursuing a richer, more intentioned, and just life.
In this episode, you’ll hear about:
3:12 - What Volf’s work as a systematic theologian entails, and key childhood experiences that shaped his relationship with faith
12:18 - The philosophical basis for the Yale class that inspired the book Life Worth Living
20:23 - Why Volf uses Smokey Bear as a representation of the pursuit of a meaningful life
26:53 - Shifting the focus of life from personal desires toward the quest to live by “truth”
40:38 - The inherent challenge in shifting focus away from “I, Me, and Mine”
45:49 - How the search for a meaningful life relates to the experiences of a medical professional
51:42 - Advice for how to add philosophical practices to a busy modern life
Miroslav Volf is the author of 17 books, including Life Worth Living (2023)
Past episodes discussed in this episode:
Episode 95: Shaping a Soul, Building a Self | William Deresiewicz
Episode 21: Pain, Pleasure, and Finding Balance | Anna Lembke, MD
Visit www.TheDoctorsArt.com for transcripts of all episodes. If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, rate, and review our show, available for free on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. If you know of anyone working in health care who would love to explore meaning in medicine with us on the show, send an email to [email protected].Copyright The Doctor’s Art Podcast 2024
Most people shudder at the idea of an infectious disease outbreak — patients stricken with a mysterious illness, hospitals overflowing, and cities going into lockdown. But for Syra Madad, DHSc, MSc , MCP, rushing into such a scenario, donned in a hazmat suit, to control the chaos has been a dream since childhood. Today, she is an epidemiologist, biosecurity advisor, and a pathogen preparedness expert who serves as Senior Director of the System-Wide Special Pathogens Program at New York City Health and Hospitals, which operates the municipal health care system of New York City.
Over the course of our conversation, Dr. Madad shares what excites her about the work of infectious disease control, why she believes we have emerged from the Covid-19 pandemic worse prepared for the next pandemic, how scientists and doctors can better communicate with the public in the absence of clear data, the importance of utilizing trusted messengers in the community to fully deploy the power of public health, and more.
In this episode, you’ll hear about:
2:09 - How a movie led Dr. Madad to become an infectious disease preparedness expert
6:54 - An overview of Biosafety levels (BSL)
9:30 - Moments in Dr. Madad’s career when disease containment went well and moments when it did not.
12:27 - How Dr. Madad mentally and emotionally manages the heavy weight of often-lethal infectious diseases
18:05 - Dr. Madad’s opinion on how COVID-19 policies were handled
24:02 - Dr. Madad’s personal thoughts on the potential origins of COVID-19
26:55 - What concerns Dr. Madad most about future pandemics and how we can make positive steps toward recovering trust in science
35:40 - Dr. Madad’s advice for those considering a career in public health or infectious diseases
Dr. Syra Madad appears in the Netflix special Pandemic: How to Prevent an Outbreak.
Dr. Syra Madad can be found on Twitter/X at @syramadad.
Visit our website www.TheDoctorsArt.com where you can find transcripts of all episodes.
If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, rate, and review our show, available for free on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. If you know of a doctor, patient, or anyone working in health care who would love to explore meaning in medicine with us on the show, feel free to leave a suggestion in the comments or send an email to [email protected].
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