Today we are joined by Dr. Lewis Thomas, a life coach and experienced GP. Listen as he shares his journey from being a disillusioned doctor in the NHS to helping professionals break free from unfulfilling jobs. With over 11 years in the field and training as a General Practitioner since 2019, Lewis combines his medical expertise and coaching skills to guide you in pursuing your true passions and crafting a career you love.
Dr Lewis Thomas
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Dan and Bod chat all things General Election, NHS workforce, PAs, Betting Scandals and Tories just being Tory.
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Today we have a triple board certified Pulmonologist, Critical Care & Lifestyle Medicine doctor, TheVegDoc @thevegdoc on Twitter. Vehemently anti-antivax and vegan for animals we have a wide ranging discussion about life, medicine and which Southern US state has the best BBQ.Support the podcast: Buy us a coffee
Dr Hartland is an ex-NHS Dr and now the EDI Deputy Education Director at Bristol University. They are the recipient of Attitude magazines Pride 2023 award for their work in queering medical education and with the campaign to ban so-called conversion therapy. They join us to have a fascinating and passionate discussion regarding the issues around gender and sexuality in healthcare and more broadly in society.
Follow Jo on Twitter @HartlandJoseph
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Dr Dan and Dr Farbod discuss everything from a Pan-Celtic Superstate and Parliamentary Puch Ups, Musky-Lad's Twitter Takeover and those GREEDY GREEDY Nurses!
It's an hour of the joys and despair that makes life worth living.
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Follow us on Twitter: Farbod, Dan and our producer Silent Ben
Today we speak to the Fabulous Dr Jha!
GP, globetrotting backpacker, advocate of global medicine and much more. We chat and laugh about everything and nothing.
If you are willing to look after Neena's Children please call: 555-1234 or send a letter to 123 Fake Street, Impostershire, IMJK 0FC
You can find Dr Neena Jha on Twitter
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On this episode we have the wonderful Dr Jamie Shenannigans (nee Sherrington).
GP, Gym Bro, Ginger. The man has it all. We laugh and we cry and we laugh again.
Join us for fun and frolics.
You can find Jamie and I on our Gaming Podcast The ECCO Chamber
Penhaligon's Friends are a Cornish charity supporting bereaved children, young people, parents and carers throughout the county. They offer children and young people the chance to meet others and share their experiences, as well as practical resources for children and parents. You can find more information about the charity on their website here.
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2 incredible women in healthcare come and talk to us today about Social Media and how it can be used to procatively encourage anti-racism in the NHS and beyond.
Dr Rachael Harlow is a Dentist and Medical Student training to be a Maxillofacial Surgeon and Miss Evelyn Mensah is an Ophthalmic Surgeon, clincal lead and WRES expert.
You can follow Dr Rachael on TikTok @reoalvarez and Miss Evelyn Mensah on Twitter @eveosh.
More information about the Korle BU Trust and Moorfields Eye Charity can be found using the link below:
Moorfields Eye Charity - The Lions International Eye Centre, Korle BU
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Partha Kar is a National Lead on Diabetes and for Equality in the NHS medical workforce. We talk about the challenges and barriers in tackling inequality and racism in the NHS.
We also discuss why reboot movies are utterly crap, except maybe for the new Top Gun.
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Racism and the dankest of memes are discussed on the pod today with our guest @MemeRegOnCall Dr Arafat Mulla.
On today's epsiode is the magnificent Dr Dan Goyal. We chat about many things but mostly about how covid has affected us personally and professionally, and also how we have managed to be married to people well out of our league.
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On this episode we have the wonderful Dr Minil Patel (@DrIronJunkie) GPST1 and Hench AF.
We have a wide ranging discussion around veganism, going vegan, whole food plant based diets, animal rights and welfare, agriculture, the food industry, biodiversity, lifestyle medicine and body building.
In short: the VEGAN AGENDA!!!
Gary Yourofsky - The Most Important Speech You Will Ever Hear:
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The legend that is Mrs Pauline Cutting joins us on the podcast for this episode.
Doctor, Surgeon, Author, Hero.
One of the most remarkable people I have ever met, but with such a beautifully modest and humble soul.
Children of the Siege:
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Dr Nighat Arif is a GP with a specialist interest in Women’s Health & Family Planning.
She is the resident TV Doctor on BBC Breakfast, This Morning ITV & BBC LookEast. Host of Sunday Breakfast show on BBC3 Counties Radio.
Passionate promoter of menopause care, wellness, self care & placing the patient at the centre of their care plan.
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A new season with new voices and new stories to hear.
Today's guest is Dr Andrew Meyerson, an American Doctor in London. You might know him as that doctor who does the videos railing against government ineptitude in healthcare and his passionate defence of the NHS.
We discuss ADHD, the Israel-Palestinian conflict, Egyptian street food, the Wire TV show, the rise and rise of John Oliver and much more.
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Today we are joined IN STUDIO (a first) by Rhian Mannings MBE.
A remarkable story filled with unimaginable tragedy and suffering, but also of hope and charity.
A truly wonderful person I am proud to call my friend.
To find out more about Rhian's charity 2wish please visit:
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A first on the ECHO Chamber - a consensual revealing of the person behind an anonymous account. Shiwon Green is the Frustrated Immigrant although these days her Twitter handle is even more descriptive. A self-confessed fan of #MedTwitter but with a more interesting story than most of MedTwitter combined!
Racism, Horses, qualifying for the Olympics, the Carthaginian solution and 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon, all in one jam packed episode.
https://gallopinghousewife.com/ -
A fabulous chat was had with Rosie (@rosieICM) on this episode. Veganism, variable erection stiffness, the joys of villainy, accents and some more veganism.
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Welcome again to the ECHO Chamber podcast. This week we chat with a consultant cardiologist and all round good egg, Dr Lynn Greig Miller. The conversation meanders around the joys of ballet and opera, how being a couch potato is a solid life choice and living a double life. Don't miss the retelling of the adventures of Shaun the Safari park guide and his story regarding the bloated hippopotamus.
This week we speak to Kayode Oki a final year medical student and fast becoming one of my favourite people of all time.
*Trigger Warning* This episode includes a segment discussing issues around Sexual Assault and Rape. This is a marked section for those who may wish to skip this section on Anchor they can. For other platforms the segment begins at around 32 minutes and ends around 47 minutes.
Ben and I are mindful that not everyone may wish to hear these topics discussed, but we hope that you will appreciate the tone and content should you choose to do so.
We also chat about my silly tweets, Doctor Who, veganism vs plant-based and Kayode's odd experience as a TA in a London primary school.
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