Season 3 is here! In this first episode I talk about the inevitable, SET BACKS! No one loves them but they're impossible to avoid so tune in to see my experience.
Keep up with me on social media everywhere @hasionmalik
Follow the podcast on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/twentyconversations/
Check out my new photography website! www.hasionmalik.com
See y'all on March 1st!
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It's the 1st so you know what that means, another episode! We've reached a mile stone since this is the final episode of season two! I appreciate you for constantly tuning in and keep up with me as I journey through my twenties.
In this final episode, I talk about my difficult with trusting myself in the face of fear. Money and security are inextricably intertwined and I'm no stranger to being broke. So as much as I want to dive deep into my building my business, doubts on whether it's worth the risk have become amplified. Especially with me preparing to more in just a couple months. The idea of investing time into a craft without guaranteed versus obtaining another job has brought me to deep contemplation and worry. What should I do? Tune into this episode to find out the path I'm willing to pursue against the possibility of failing.
Twenty Conversations Instagram
Keep up with me on Instagram and Twitter
See you on the 15th for the first episode of SEASON THREE!
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Пропущенные эпизоды?
A hot take but hear me out, other peoples opinions do matter. Tune into this new episode to find out why I believe this is true and two questions to ask yourself when external opinions arise.
We're on Youtube & Instagram now!
Keep up with my personal social media
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Hey y'all and Happy New Year!
As promised, it's the 1st and I'm back with another episode! This week I reflect on my thinking and experience with my 6 month goal plan in 2022. Even deeper, I share the lessons I learned and how they're shaping the next version myself and my approach to my goals in 2023. Tune in to learn more about me and my mindset around goal setting.
We're now on Instagram and YouTube!
Instagram | Twenty Conversations
Youtube | Twenty Conversations
Keep up with me on all my personal social media @hasionmalik
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Yup thats right, I'm quitting social media. In this episode I talk about the realizations I had in Brazil that had to me to this decision. I hope you enjoy this episode.
Let's stay connected @hasionmalik everywhere.
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Go to where the knowledge is RICH!
Hey y'all I'm back with another episode for 20 Conversations and In this episode I talk about one simple but very necessary step before making a drastic decision "Go to where the knowledge is rich." I was recently considering cutting my hair because I've grown tiresome of twist outs and continuously fail at wash-and-go's. Therefore, I figure cutting my hair (a drastic decision) would bring more ease in terms of managing the mane. However, I had a shift once I went to an expert and realize I was lacking the proper knowledge in order to achieve my goal. Tune in to hear about my take on "Going to Where the knowledge is Rich."
As mentioned in the episode Doux Mousse Def
Keep up with me on all my socials here
Get 10% off your first photoshoot here
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Hey, y’all I’m back with my very first guest episode ever! This week I sat down with Alfred Gyanash, a multi-medium artist, born in Queens and raised in Worcester, MA. Alfred spent over an entire year curating “Itself” "a project that works to elaborate, and exaggerate character traits, or monumental standouts that have pushed the strength, uniqueness, and boldness of those who identify within the LGBTQ+IA communities. Each subject has a particular storyline, anything from honing in on support systems, elaborating defense mechanisms, and celebrating overcoming fears." -- Alfred Gyansah
In this episode we dive into the path that led Gyanash to create “Itself”, the meaning, the beauty and challenges of being queer, and the importance of creating intentional content with intentional consumption. Tune into this episode to meet Alfred.
See “Itself” here
Keep up with Alfred here
Keep up with me on all my socials here
Get 10% off your first photoshoot here
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Guess who’s back? AGAIN! Yes, it’s yours truly Hasion Malik and it feels so good to be back on the mic! I can’t believe its been three months since my last episode…… I missed you guys so these long breaks have to gooo! I’m back with balance, a new name, and so much more! In my first episode back I talk about the necessity of giving ourselves permission to grow and change. Tune in for another episode of 20 Conversations.
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So in this weeks episode I wanted to talk about the difficulty yet necessity of putting yourself first in order to achieve your goals. As twenty somethings we're used to people pleasing or simply avoiding the act of being selfish. However, you're the best investment you'll ever have therefore, you will need to make decisions that reflect this intention. Making the hard decision to put yourself first may not be easy but its paramount to your now and future. Listen to hear about my personal experience and how you can get more comfortable with the uncomfortable.
Talk to you guys next week!
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Hey everyone and welcome back to the Exhale Podcast! Olá a todos e bem-vindos de volta ao Podcast de Expiração? For this weeks episode we're about everything that's holding you back from pursuing that idea you've had for a while now. Often times, starting seems like the hardest part but I believe the contrary. In this episode I talk about the difference between excuses and execution, starting with what you have, and being vulnerable to the experiences of starting something new. You don't have to be an expert but you have to be willing to grow. With these simple steps you can finally start pursuing that idea to become a content creator, businesses owner, freelance, and more.
Can you relate to this? Tell me about your experience by sending an email to infotheexhale@gmail.com I would love to share your experience, lessons, and tips with our community.
Keep up with me on all my social media @hasionmalik and I'll see you guys next week!
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Hey y'alllll SEASON 2 IS FINALLY HERE and I'm jumping with joy! To kick off season 2, we're talking about a tool I've been using for my personal development called the SWOT Analysis. Some of you may be familiar with this tool within the work environment, however its also helpful for personal development as well! As my 24th birthday approaches, I believe it's important to take inventory of what parts of myself I need to keep and others that can be let go. So join me for a new episode as I dive into another page of The Exhale, verbal journal to help twenty somethings feel seen and understood in this journey of life.
The SWOT ANALYSIS I mentioned in the podcast and used myself.
Lets stay connected on Instagram and Twitter
Check out my photography here
How to book a photoshoot here
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Hey y’all I’m back with a bonus episode! I’m still in the process of planning and getting ready for season two, but I had to get this off my chest. I recently finished the famous book “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho. A book filled with life lessons, proverbs, and truths on every single page. After I finished this book, I started to reflect on my own “Personal Legend” commonly referred to as our “Life’s Purpose” and the steps I’ve taken and have not taken in this direction. This lead me to my own Youtube videos, one of which titled “The Truth About Adulting” where I discussed the difficulty and sometimes uncomfortable steps to adulthood and achieving your goals. In this bonus episode, I talk about how to find you purpose by listening to your heart and acknowledge signs from the universe, how the fear of failure creates the obstacle of stagnancy, and why we need to lean into the uncomfortable. I know life isn’t easy, but it’s not impossible. I trust that you will succeed and create your dream life if you’re willing to do the handwork. I hope you enjoy this episode. Asè
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If there’s anything that I learned this far my early 20s is that life is going to place many adversities on your path. But how many is too many before we start to give up on ourselves? In the final episode of The Exhale I talk about four reasons why I’ve given up on myself. Followed by new exercise called I’m using to diminish this bad habit. Truth be told, this is my favorite episode of the entire season because although this topic is extremely sensitive for me this is the only episode in which I had the least amount of nerves. This was very therapeutic because I was able to comfortably acknowledge what I’m going through and share that without feeling as though I needed to have already resolved this obstacle. I’m not perfect and I don’t want to be. I’m just a 20 some thing trying to figure out this labyrinth we call life. Thank you for joining me on this journey of The Exhale and I look forward to seeing you guys for season two! Be great and fly above your limits.
What topics do you want me to cover in season 2? Use the poll below (for Spotify users) or send me a DM or email to sirgastan@gmail.com
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If there’s anything that I learned this far my early 20s is that life is going to place many adversities on your path. But how many is too many before we start to give up on ourselves? In the final episode of The Exhale I talk about four reasons why I’ve given up on myself. Followed by new exercise called I’m using to diminish this bad habit. Truth be told, this is my favorite episode of the entire season because although this topic is extremely sensitive for me this is the only episode in which I had the least amount of nerves. This was very therapeutic because I was able to comfortably acknowledge what I’m going through and share that without feeling as though I needed to have already resolved this obstacle. I’m not perfect and I don’t want to be. I’m just a 20 some thing trying to figure out this labyrinth we call life. Thank you for joining me on this journey of The Exhale and I look forward to seeing you guys for season two! Be great and fly above your limits.
What topics do you want me to cover in season 2? Use the poll below (for Spotify users)or send me a DM or email to sirgastan@gmail.com
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Round of a applause because we're finally a VIDEO PODAST!!!!!! This has been a long time coming so I'm happy to finally make it official. Thank you all for sticking with me through this journey! To kick off the video podcast, I want to talk about a realization I had in NYC about the importance of writing down your goals. I believe this experience will help you reflect on personal goals in a manner which gives your fuel to reach future goals.
P.s We're approaching the last episode of season 1 and I want to incorporate more of your ideas into season 2. Therefore, I am asking you to send me topic suggestions or questions you have for next season. Also, who would you like to see on season 2? Let's get some guest stars in, leave me a comment, DM, or email. Sirgastan on all social media or sirgastan@gmail.com
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Figuring out your place in this world seems to be a lifelong pursuit. And I promise you, you are not the only one trying to figure this out. In this episode I talk about a recent conversation with my professor from undergrad. Tune into episode eight to learn about the advice she gave me and how to overcome this obstacle.
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In this episode I talk about two recent instances where my lack of patience combined with the act of rushing led me to a few frustrating outcomes. Being so fixated on the destination, I had zero attention to the present moment. Times like this remind me of the importance to slow down and having more patience. But what does this actually mean? Often times, we're told what we "should do" rather than "how to do something." Talking myself through my thoughts and actions, has been a helpful tool. It's a form of self-awareness that fosters diligence with each step you're taking in order work through a matter. Whether it be cleaning up a leaking washer machine or opening a new package, talking yourself through these moments can reduce additional stress or consequences. Spring is full effect, so I’m happy to announce not one, but two discounts for photography. You can use the code “SPRINGWITHSIR” to get 10% off any digital or film photo package. The second offer is a Graduation Special to celebrate the class of 2022. For more information head over to my website here www.sirgastam.com --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/twentyconversations/support
It's finally spring and we're entering into a new season. This is a special time for us to think deeply about what part of ourselves we need to leave behind and what the other parts we can take into our new beginnings. In this episode of the "The Exhale" I talk about the process of journaling in order to officially end the journey with my job as an Apprentice Community Organizer. Followed by the practices I'm taking with me in oder to prepare myself mentally and physically for my new beginning as a self-taught photographer and filmmaker. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/twentyconversations/support
It's been too damn long but guess what?! I'm back and a lot has happened. Over the last few months I've been struggling with the revelation that I no longer want to be a Community Organizer. Coming to terms with this was extremely difficult because for as long as I can remember, I've always wanted to be a Community Organizer, its a dream that I married myself to with no consideration of a divorce. Yet, here I am accepting this truth and making space for another, my artistry as a photographer and filmmaker. In this episode, I discuss how I came to this revelation, an affirming conversation with my dermatologist, and the opposition from loved ones as I pursue my new dream.Calming Music for Anxiety and Street 1 Month Free of Royalty Music from Epidemic Sound My Spotify Playlists Let's stays connected! Follow me @SirGastan on Instagram, Twitter, Spotify, and Snapchat --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/twentyconversations/support
Do you fear failure? or Do you welcome it as an integral part of your growth? In this episode I talk about the root of my perfectionism; my fear of failure. Yup, just like you I developed a negative relationship. After deep reflection, I've begun the process of shifting to a different perspective and relationship to failure, one that understands it as a result not a character trait of who I am. Tune into to hear about the conversation with my executive director that led me to this realization of my relationship to failure. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/twentyconversations/support
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