EP 136: This episode is all about sustainable weight loss tips for your health! You know when you are in the market and you don’t know what to buy? But you want to be “healthy” and you are trying to remember all the opposing things you have seen on IG and Tik Tok. Me too! Do you wonder if there are some tricks and strategies to just get the darn daily protein? How do I cut the sugar? What packaged foods are healthier choices? Want simple tips to refresh your diet? Need a little boost for your midlife health journey? I've got your back!
In this episode, I am joined by the inspiring, fun and educational food & weight loss expert, Hunter Stoler. He is a certified health and nutrition coach and the mastermind behind Health With Hunter—a thriving social media platform and brand & a one-on-one (and group) coaching program designed to help you eat clean, get lean, and feel good. I mean what more can you ask for… Hunter’s IG and Tik Tok platforms are off the charts in growth and a healthy addiction.
Today, we are digging deep into Hunter’s health and weight loss philosophies that are built around simplicity and sustainability, two things I love to prioritize in midlife. The “weights, the steps, the protein”...Ugh! Hunter’s story is as motivating as it gets. He turned his own health journey of losing 50 pounds into a thriving coaching business, and now he’s here to share his insights with us.
We are getting into everything from his self-transformation in health and entrepreneurship. We talk about how to grow a social media following.This conversation covers the importance of consistency, the role of personalized nutrition, weight loss and practical and sustainable tips for health and wellness in midlife. As Hunter says, “Health is your wealth”.
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC SHOW NOTES:https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/episodes/136
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/theflexibleneurotic/
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC WEBSITE: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC EMAIL: sarah@theflexibleneurotic.com
EP 135: Ready to step into your main-character energy and say f*** to your inner b****? Into some “LUCKY GIRL SYNDROME? Feeling a little stuck and not sure how to chase those big dreams or even the little ones? No worries, I got you! Today’s guest is a total pro at helping you transform, get unstuck, and build the life you’ve been dreaming of…Get ready for some serious inspiration and some quantum leaping.
In this episode of the Flexible Neurotic Podcast, I sat down with licensed family and marriage therapist, life coach and entrepreneur Margot Miller. She’s the founder and CEO of "Her Unapologetic Success", a place for female entrepreneurs to break free from codependent survival roles and step into main character energy. I love it!
In this episode, we are getting into everything from self-transformation and empowerment, to mindset and personal growth. Margot emphasizes the significance of self-worth and the ability to embrace true self-authenticity and the importance of unapologetically going "for it" at any age. Get ready for action items around positive thinking and creating space for new opportunities. With some “delulu” on the side.
As always, this episode is available on Youtube!
Looking forward to connecting with you! Here are some ways to connect with me!
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC SHOW NOTES: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/episodes/135
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/theflexibleneurotic/
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC WEBSITE: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC EMAIL: sarah@theflexibleneurotic.com
Пропущенные эпизоды?
EP 134: As a midlife woman, do you ever feel like maybe you don’t really know what your style is with clothes and how you express yourself? Sometimes you are boho chic, while other times you are preppy chic. Do you ever crave the ease of a “capsule” wardrobe? A magical closet fairy who can solve your outfit dramas? Me too!
I got your back! In this episode, I am joined by wardrobe stylist and fellow midlifer who just did her own personal midlife pivot, Kim Preis. This was like a blind date because I really just met her for the first time, so we are all getting to know her together.
Join me as we dig deep into Kim’s journey in the fashion industry and common challenges that women in midlife face in regards to style and confidence. Kim emphasizes the importance of self-acceptance and finding joy in personal style.
You won’t want to miss this episode, also available on youtube!
Looking forward to connecting with you! Here are some ways to connect with me!
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC SHOW NOTES: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/episodes/134
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/theflexibleneurotic/
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC WEBSITE: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC EMAIL: sarah@theflexibleneurotic.com
EP 133: Title: A Juicy Midlife… Parenthood, Creative outlets, And The Importance Of Female Friends
This is like the midlife bestie chat where you feel like a “fly on the wall” with two women getting into it all. “I threw out my back picking up something in the shower. Is this really where I am at right now, in midlife?” LOL.
Today I am joined by midlife hottie, mom, social media superstar and top jewelry designer, Melinda Spiegel of Melinda Maria Jewelry. Today we are getting into everything midlife from parenting and following your passions to longevity and beauty routines. Let’s talk about our “angry b**** hormones”...Melinda’s thoughts on midlife friendships, hormones, husbands and parenting & of course the midlife “peeing all the time”...& is “manopause” real and happening? And, how I am making my whole family do the “stool poop” tests…My teenagers really love me. LOL.
In typical Flexible Neurotic style we are getting honest and open and giving you so many dripping golden nuggets you will appreciate in midlife. We talk about entrepreneurial spirit, the impact of hormones, and the significance of pursuing your pivots. The beauty of “just starting the thing”. And, if you want to hear about Melinda’s supplements, workouts, her thoughtful eating habits…
This is my second episode with Melinda. The first episode was during the pandemic and you can enjoy this episode too
Passion, Style & Jewelry Business in the Second Half of Life
Looking forward to connecting with you! Here are some ways to connect with me!
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC SHOW NOTES: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/episodes/133
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/theflexibleneurotic/
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC WEBSITE: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC EMAIL: sarah@theflexibleneurotic.com
EP 132: Are you a midlife woman who kinda just wants to be able to DM another midlife woman and say “I’m sweating, I’m bored, I am sad my kids left the house”…? Me too. That's why I answer all of my IG DM messages.
I just started a little minisode series called “in my DM’s”… I will do quick episodes reading and responding to some of my listener DM’s. You can complain, commiserate or ask me questions!
We unpacked my midlife baggage… we unpacked my emotional baggage… and today we are unpacking my DMs.
You guys know that I respond to every single one of your messages! I love the community that we have built and I want to share some messages because I know that other midlife women are either feeling the same or have the same question that you do.
We are digging deep into my inbox to discuss our shared experience with hormones, doctors, fitness and all things midlife. You won’t want to miss this solo mini sode, also available on youtube!
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC SHOW NOTES: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/episodes/132
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/theflexibleneurotic/
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC WEBSITE: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC EMAIL: sarah@theflexibleneurotic.com
EP 131: Today we are unpacking my midlife bags, literally. You guys know I like to be prepared for anything that I (or my husband) might need. Everyone makes fun of me until they need one of the bandaids I packed at the airport.
We are digging deep into my trusted midlife bags! I am back with another solo mini-sode where I am giving you an inside look at all my literal and metaphorical baggage… like all of it. So get ready for some much needed midlife TMI!
From no sweat inner thigh solutions to the perfume I hide from my daughter, I’m putting it all out there with links, Duh! Oh and this episode is on youtube so you can see all the products, everything so much sure to check it out.
Looking forward to connecting with you! Here are some ways to connect with me!
SHOP MY MIDLIFE BAG: https://shopmy.us/collections/833075
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC SHOW NOTES: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/episodes/131
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/theflexibleneurotic/
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC WEBSITE: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC EMAIL: sarah@theflexibleneurotic.com
EP 130: Permission for the “ugly cry” is granted. “midlife mom” mixed with “empty nest” or “half empty nest”, omg! Get ready for a new solo mini-sode where I get into everything empty nest (half empty nest) and “teen son” as I call him is now “college son”. He just left for his sophomore year of college. I’m heading into my second “year of lasts” (last prom, last SAT, last college apps) with “teen daughter”, finishing her last year of high school and I’m trying to stay present for all of it, “hard and good” as I say!
I am digging deep with all of you into my personal journey through the “ugh’s and fabulosities” of parenting in midlife and the transition to an empty nest. I’m still a “half empty nester”. I know you’re feeling it too and I’m here to remind you that you are not alone. Parenting sh** mixed with new feelings of feeling irrelevant. Woosh! When we enter an “empty nest” era, our mom duties change from “mangager to consultant” and the need for self-reflection, personal growth and humor is necessary. Getting real with you, per usual.
Today, I am giving you practical golden nuggets for navigating this experience! You won’t want to miss this episode, also available on Youtube!THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC SHOW NOTES: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/episodes/130
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/theflexibleneurotic/
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC WEBSITE: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC EMAIL: sarah@theflexibleneurotic.com
Are you a midlife woman who is being flooded with information on social media regarding all things health and longevity? I am! Do the infrared sauna, stand on your head, go to f*king yoga, sweat your balls off, jump in a cold plunge, eat this, don’t eat that, the list goes on…
In this episode we are getting to the bottom of all this information with an amazing midlife health expert. You won’t want to miss it.
In this episode I’m joined by cleanse, wellness and overall transformational expert Elissa Goodman. She is a holistic nutritionist with a list of celebrity clientele and today I am asking her about midlife health tools, and all the things we see on instagram and think… should I try that?
Our first conversation Thriving, Not Just Surviving… Cleansing, Juicing & Transforming With Elissa Goodman took place during Covid in the early stages of my podcast. It was so fun to meet in person for this midlife chat and of course it’s available on youtube, so make sure to check it out there!
Looking forward to connecting with you! Here are some ways to connect with me!
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC SHOW NOTES: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/episodes/129
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/theflexibleneurotic/
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC WEBSITE: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC EMAIL: sarah@theflexibleneurotic.com
EP 128: Mocktails, pickleball, midlife friendships & marriage and top health hacks….did I peak your interest? Do you ever wonder why you feel so stuck in midlife? Part of it is that we aren’t experimenting and trying new things. We made our kids try new sports or take that random art class, yet we don’t apply the same expectations to ourselves as midlifers.
In this episode, I’m joined by long-time friend, cooking instructor and Instagram phenomenon, Pamela Salzman. We are covering midlife health, routines, keeping your brain sharp and so much more. Pamela is sharing her experiences as an entrepreneur, empty-nester, and health influencer. We also talk about realigning midlife friendships and finding inspiration in “non traditional” paths for midlife pivot. And, we of course talk about marriage and our husbands.
This was such a fun and layered conversation, I loved deep diving in Pamela’s life and you will appreciate her candor with her midlife advice.
We met in person for this midlife talk!
Pamela is another repeat guest, she was my second guest on my podcast, ever - our first conversation is Reimagining Family Meals & Health From The Inside Out With Pamela Salzman
Looking forward to connecting with you! Here are some ways to connect with me!
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC SHOW NOTES: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/episodes/128
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/theflexibleneurotic/
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC WEBSITE: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC EMAIL: sarah@theflexibleneurotic.com
EP 127: Are you a midlife woman looking to explore your identity beyond motherhood? I am! Today’s guest is telling us that you don’t have to check all of the midlife boxes, it’s okay to just do what works for YOU and why it’s important to find your midlife freedom. If you are feeling stuck and need some midlife motivation, then this episode is definitely for you!
Today I’m joined by another second time guest, and midlife hottie… She’s a beauty guru, mom, and the owner of the one-and-only Knockout Beauty, Cayli Cavaco Reck!
We spoke for hours and covered every midlife topic under the sun. We are discussing the importance of building midlife identity beyond motherhood, self re-discovery, midlife freedom and self care. Cayli is sharing her amazing midlife philosophies, the importance of nourishing the skin through vitamins and having a simple skin care routine and the intricacies of midlife.
If you would rather watch this episode make sure to check it out on youtube!
If you loved this episode, check out our first conversation for a little midlife throwback Skincare: Wrinkles, Melasma & Dewy Glows In Midlife
Looking forward to connecting with you! Here are some ways to connect with me!
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC SHOW NOTES: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/episodes/127
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/theflexibleneurotic/
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC WEBSITE: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC EMAIL: sarah@theflexibleneurotic.com
EP 126: Putting yourself first in midlife. Yes! Hard and good! Thinking about “midlife self reinvention”? It doesn’t mean you are “burning the house down”...It just means you are looking for your “next thing” in midlife. Maybe you are seeking passion, purpose, meaning or even some novelty. You are not alone. Most of us feel this way. Ready to mix-it-up in midlife? Wanting to be in touch with your inner voice? Looking for ways to prioritize your midlife mental health? Then this episode is for you! Today’s guest is telling us how she put herself first at 40 and why it was the best decision she’s ever made.
Join me, Dr. Sarah Milken in a new podcast episode all about midlife reinvention, mindfulness and what it looks like to prioritize emotional wellness. This week I am joined by author, life-coach, midlife reinvention-ist and pickleball champ, Camilla Sacre-Dallerup. She was a champion dancer on the UK equivalent of Dancing With The Stars, Strictly Come Dancing (omg!) and now she’s the author of three books about personal reinvention and redefining midlife “success”.
We are also getting into some midlife woo-woo from hypnosis to chakras and subconscious alignment. If you would rather watch this episode, make sure to check it out on Youtube! And don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast on any podcast platform and subscribe to Youtube!
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC SHOW NOTES: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/episodes/126
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/theflexibleneurotic/
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC WEBSITE: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC EMAIL: sarah@theflexibleneurotic.com
EP 125: Join me, Dr. Sarah Milken in a rad, real and open conversation with one of my favorite midlife besties and hottie/smarties.
Jennifer Fisher is back! Our first episode was on zoom two years ago. Today, we are on fire and in person in NYC, underboob sweat and all! Jennifer is a jeweler, entrepreneur, chef, kitchen influencer, social media superstar, entrepreneurial speaker and overall midlife hottie. She’s a half-empty nest mom, just like me and is going through all the same things that most midlife women are facing… hormone shifts, kids leaving the house and all the things. She’s hilarious, honest, and inspirational, and today she’s giving us all the details, and I mean ALL the details on her favorite products and midlife motivations. We get into it!
In this episode, we are getting into everything midlife, sweating mid-summer in New York City, having sons in college, menopause and more!
I was able to catch Jennifer on my quick trip to NYC. You will love this in person interview…so make sure to check out the full episode on Youtube and sign up for the full list of midlife goodies that she mentions in the episode.
Looking forward to connecting with you! Here are some ways to connect with me!
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC SHOW NOTES: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/episodes/125
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/theflexibleneurotic/
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC WEBSITE: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC SHOP MY SH*T: https://shopmy.us/theflexibleneurotic
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC EMAIL: sarah@theflexibleneurotic.com
EP 124: I know that I am your “midlife bestie”, oversharing my midlife “ugh’s & fabulosities” and finding us all the expert golden nuggets to create our optimal midlife. But, today I am talking to another midlife bestie, “poolside”! This midlife hottie showed up to our zoom interview in a bikini. Let me explain… we had a timing miscommunication and she was at her pool with her “teen sons” who are home for the summer. So, I went into my closet and put a one piece swimsuit on…a little “Missoni like” number from Target, 5 years ago. We gotta get stuff done. No rescheduling, just doing it the way the universe had it planned for us…real life style.
We talk about our 2.5 decade marriages, keeping it real, empty nest and midlife friendships. We also talked about how she started her platform, how she tries to stay in the “fun and creativity” and not get lost in the vanity metrics.This is TMI and unfiltered midlife besties chatting “poolside”. SOOOO, of course there was some sweating involved. If you are looking for midlife inspo and real talk, then this episode is definitely for you.
Join me, Dr. Sarah Milken in a fun & new podcast episode about everything midlife. This week I am joined by the fashion Instagram“link-queen” herself. She’s a fashion influencer, midlife remixer, Instagram bestie, Jen Sattler. We are talking about her journey through Instagram, influencing, sharing her story and finding her voice.
Today we are getting into all the ebbs and flows of midlife, instagram, marriage, empty-nesting and the power of being open with your community.
Looking forward to connecting with you! Here are some ways to connect with me!
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC SHOW NOTES: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/episodes/124
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/theflexibleneurotic/
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC WEBSITE: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC EMAIL: sarah@theflexibleneurotic.com
EP 123: Blood sugar! Are you a midlife woman just learning about the dreaded blood sugar saga or you already know you are insulin resistant? Maybe you feel clunky and tired? Maybe you have gained a few pounds? Do you want to learn some simple lifestyle changes that can help you balance your blood sugar, feel better and lose some extra weight? Want the secret to really making it a lifestyle this time, then you are in the right place. My guest this week is all about thinking of food as medicine, prioritizing protein and making the healthiest choices in easy ways.
Join me, Dr. Sarah Milken, in an informative and inspiring episode all about health and wellness in midlife.
This week I am joined by holistic certified nutritionist, Beth Bollinger, of Nest Wellness. She is a health and nutrition recipe expert, an IG phenomenon, sharing her knowledge about everything food & health on Instagram and her website.
Today, we are getting into the elements of her recipes from dairy, gluten and sugar free to metabolically balanced. She makes it look easy for us, you won’t want to miss this, it’s also available on Youtube.
We get into it!!!
Looking forward to connecting with you! Here are some ways to connect with me!
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC SHOW NOTES: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/episodes/123
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/theflexibleneurotic/
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC WEBSITE: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC EMAIL: sarah@theflexibleneurotic.com
EP 122: 6 month “midlife review” for you. It is 6 months into the new year. Have you taken any of those personal steps that you might have pondered on January 1? This is not general “self help” bla bla. This is the real juice.
Midlife woman, I know you are ready for a personal “uplevel” because you are here! Wanting a pivot, reset, rei-ignition, with some mindfulness on the side…me too! What if I told you that I could give you a carefully curated “top shelf” midlife golden nugget action step list that might get you to take that first tiny step towards “choosing you”? What’s stopping you…your inner mean girl, the perception that others will judge you, or plain fear of doing something new and failing? Me too! We are not settling! We are creating!
If you are ready to jump off the “midlife hamster wheel” of the same damn day everyday…I got you. Me too! This week's guest is going deep with me and digging into 10 golden nuggets on being “braver” for you!
Join me, Dr. Sarah Milken in a new podcast episode that is all about bridging the gap between “knowing vs. actually” doing. This week I am joined by podcaster, author and thought leader with 400K+ social media followers, Cory Allen.
In this episode we are outlining practical steps for midlife “uplevel”. Cory and I dig into his new book “A Brave New You: A Roadmap To Believing The More Is Possible” through a midlife lens, to uncover the 10 things for midlife women
Looking forward to connecting with you! Here are some ways to connect with me!
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC SHOW NOTES: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/episodes/122
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/theflexibleneurotic/
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC WEBSITE: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC EMAIL: sarah@theflexibleneurotic.com
EP 121: It’s not selfish to put yourself first in midlife. Midlife self obsession is approved. My guest today has 400k social media followers listening to her every word. After being a mother and a wife, a friend, a sister or a career-er when will it be time to be you and choose you, too?!? Today’s guest explains why choosing you in midlife is not selfish and gives us the tools to show up for ourselves despite the midlife internal s**t show.
Join me, Dr. Sarah Milken in a new podcast episode all about choosing yourself in midlife. This week I am joined by London-based registered psychotherapist, social media rockstar and new author & podcaster, Helen Marie.
Today we are talking about self-worth, getting unstuck, parenting and re-parenting ourselves - which are all topics that she explores in her new book called “Choose You Gentle Words to Help You Heal and Grow” which is a guide for inner-work and deep thinking. This is the midlife self-help, self-recognition, self-work episode you have all been waiting for.
Looking forward to connecting with you! Here are some ways to connect with me!
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC SHOW NOTES: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/episodes/121
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/theflexibleneurotic/
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC WEBSITE: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC EMAIL: sarah@theflexibleneurotic.com
EP 120: MIDLIFE MUFFIN TOP... I know you can relate. As a midlife woman, do you struggle to find consistency in your diet? I do! Do you find yourself snacking when you're bored or when your college kid leaves the nest again to go back to school? I do! Do you wish that your weight loss was sustainable and easy to maintain? I do!!! This mini episode talks all about diet as a lifestyle in midlife and has some simple and practical nuggets for you to start today!
This week we are doing another quick golden nugget mini-sode excerpt from my past conversation with nutritional therapist, registered dietitian & “fellow midlifer”, Kim Shapira. She knows what works and what doesn’t and she’s sharing it all with us today with 6 science-backed rules to transform your relationship with food. Kim says that applying these 6 simple rules to your daily life will result in aself n increased self confidence and improved health and wellbeing.
Enjoy this mini-sode, then dive into the full episode, where we get into so much more of Kim’s research. Food, Weight & Me In Midlife
Looking forward to connecting with you! Here are some ways to connect with me!
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC SHOW NOTES: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/episodes/120
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/theflexibleneurotic/
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC WEBSITE: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC EMAIL: sarah@theflexibleneurotic.com
Calling all midlifers! Today I’m reviewing my first year as a half-empty nest mom. Ugh! In this 15 min quickie, I have so many thoughts and questions that I know you’re probably having too… So, in the regular Flexible Neurotic style I’m getting honest and vulnerable in this solo mini-sode. With one kid (teen son) in college and the other finishing her junior year of high school, I’m feeling all the feels. This was a “year-of-firsts” (kid in college) in so many ways and next year will be another “year-of-lasts” (last high school prom), ugh again! Teen daughter will be graduating from high school. If you are a midlifer, empty-nester, and/or generally feeling like “WTF?” about midlife, this episode is definitely for you.
Join me, Dr. Sarah Milken in a new solo episode called “Midlife’s 10 Things”. In this episode I am recapping my ten “take aways” from my first year as a half empty-nester. I’m getting into all the questions I ask myself on a daily basis, including why is my kid not texting me back? And am I over ordering on Amazon as a coping mechanism? Yep, we’re getting real today. Get ready for the Midlife 10 Things, you won’t want to miss this mini-sode.
Looking forward to connecting with you! Here are some ways to connect with me!
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC SHOW NOTES: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/episodes/119
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/theflexibleneurotic/
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC WEBSITE: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC EMAIL: sarah@theflexibleneurotic.com
EP 118: Are you a midlife woman experiencing intense shoulder pain? I was! Does your body just ache? Mine does. Is your doctor suggesting it’s just a pickle-ball injury or you just gotta push through the midlife grind? Mine was too! (even though I don’t play pickle-ball, lol) Are you knee deep digging through google for answers to why you can’t f*kn move your arms? Look no further because today’s guest has all the answers you are looking for about Frozen Shoulder, AKA Adhesive Capsulitis, the real medical term. And, the midlife “aches and pains” is called Arthralgia.
Join me, Dr. Sarah Milken in an educational conversation called “Midlife Body Aches & Frozen Shoulder”. My repeat guest, Dr. Vonda Wright is a double board-certified orthopedic surgeon, best selling author and sought after speaker, empowering and educating women on longevity and health practices. I got so many messages about Frozen Shoulder that I asked her to come back and do a special episode answering all of your unanswered questions. We get into everything from the causes, treatments and prevention of Frozen Shoulder in midlife. And, we get into the midlife “aches and pains”! You won’t want to miss this episode.
Listen to my previous experience and solo episode about Frozen Shoulder here: Snap, Crackle & Pop… Mystery Pains
If you enjoyed this episode, make sure to check out my previous episode with Dr. Vonda Wright. Lift Heavy Sh*t In Midlife
Looking forward to connecting with you! Here are some ways to connect with me!
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC SHOW NOTES: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/episodes/118
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/theflexibleneurotic/
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC WEBSITE: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC EMAIL: sarah@theflexibleneurotic.com
EP 117: Midlife philosophy, marriage, health and action steps. Ready for a little midlife motivation from the midlife health queen herself? My guest tells us what it means to “live life from the inside out”, a practice that she embraces for connecting to her inner voice and taking necessary action steps. Looking for a midlife lifestyle reset? Ready to embrace a mindset that promotes ease and intuition? Wanna talk about midlife marriage? Then this episode is definitely for you!
This week we are diving back into The Flexible Neurotic archive to bring you the juicy information that you might have forgotten about from the full length episode. This week is another golden-nugget recap quickie and short minisode on all things midlife health, wellness and relationships. Let’s call them hacks. I’m revisiting a conversation that I had with fellow midlife hottie, Abbie Crane. She knows all things physical, mental and nutritional health. She is an integrated health coach, brand marketer, nutrition enthusiast and mother and today she is sharing her midlife mindset, marriage and health tips.
Enjoy this minisode, then dive into the full episode, where we get into so much more detail on Abbie’s midlife experience in a two part episode Midlife’s 10 Things… Freedom For Reinvention In Self-Awareness, Marriage, Nutrition & Empty Nest.
Looking forward to connecting with you! Here are some ways to connect with me!
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC SHOW NOTES: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/episodes/117
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/theflexibleneurotic/
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC WEBSITE: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/
THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC EMAIL: sarah@theflexibleneurotic.com
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