Lives are being shattered because not everyone in whom kundalini is active wanted it to happen. Problem is: there’s no known way of mitigating these energy surges. As a consequence, people who’d never even heard of “kundalini” are suffering from overdoses of pranic energy, especially in spontaneous cases.
All violence is self-hate. Upon arousing kundalini in 1971, that thought was the first insight I had, the first thing that popped into my head. I wondered why.
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The oldest argument, not only in Christianity, but in all religions, is how and/or whether the individual can experience Oneness with the Universal Spirit, sometimes called God, or the Creator. Is it through enlightenment, spiritual awakening, or self-realization? Or is it through the intervention of some orthodox religion, salvation through the doctrines and dogmas of the Church? Can the truth – the Way, the Path, whatever you want to call it – only be handed to you from without by some authorized representative of orthodox religion, or can you find it within by using your wits and trusting your eternal nature?
Thanks to Kundalini, I'm sensitive to everything I ingest or am exposed to. A few months ago I participated in a group that tested the Scalar Wave Laser. I could feel the energy waves in my body, but no one else could. That's the degree of sensitivity with which I feel outside stimuli. I can tell which energy sources and substances are good for me and which aren't. In that regard I'm like an early warning system. If I've tested it and it has a detrimental effect on me, beware… For example, a few years after I activated Kundalini, I began sweating profusely at night, especially after a big meal. Since it happened after heavy meals, I was certain it was food related. The question was: which food? So I began the process of elimination. First, wine, then meat, then vegetables, then bread, and finally cheese. Cheese, especially the gummy, squeezable, spreadable, processed, additive infested, pasteurized by-product they serve today, is hard to digest and may contain large amounts of uric acid. "Dairy products can also be high in purines. High-fat dairy, like whole milk, ice cream, butter, and cheese have been said to possibly cause gout and are recommended to be replaced with low-fat or non-fat dairy, or soy alternatives."
The reason human nature varies so greatly among individuals is because nature is subordinate to the individual's current state of consciousness. The higher the state of consciousness, the nobler the nature of the individual. Unfortunately, the aggregate state of human nature at this time has created a world of financial collapse, war, greed, illness, obesity, addiction, wide-scale sexual slavery, racial hatred. Violent emotions, selfish habits, negative outlook, addictions, aggressive personalities, faulty mental processes have created a "lowest-common-denominator" behavioral standard. Often, we exhibit negative behavior out of frustration, because we feel like "cogs in a machine." In order to survive the changing conditions of overcrowding and diminished resources, we can and must eliminate the negative aspects of our nature that makes us feel like cogs in a machine.
Evolution has allowed us to dominate our planet. To do this, we needed raw emotional power, a type of behavioral nature that could not be deterred by any threat to our survival. Immediate survival was the role of the Reptilian brain that psychologists and anthropologists often talk about. Once on the road to dominance, a Mammalian brain was added. This evolutionary adjustment added an emotional component — a capability that allowed our species to develop a strong sense of identity based on simple emotions such as, surprise, fear, anger, sadness, joy and more developed emotions like, remorse, awe, pride, optimism, shame, guilt, love. In an ever-decreasing world, are emotions a luxury? Will the human being of the future let his emotions govern his decisions?
It’s all about redemption, transformation, and transcendence and yet…and yet, the labels keep us apart. We share this one goal — transcendence — and yet we don’t trust each other. The labels separate us, classify us, make us suspicious of one another. Two months ago I was speaking to a Raw Foods group. A few weeks from now I’ll speak to a Kundalini group. Next, I’ll address a Christian Group in Atlanta. All these different groups, different paths, and hardly anyone sees the connections.
They say there are so many, too many systems out there. And they’re right. In this new age of ours, it’s hard to keep score. You know what I tell them? The only thing that matters — it’s not the labels — are the systems that work and the systems that don’t work. -
Although many people don’t realize it, meditation is a type of a scientific experiment performed in the laboratory of the body. Approached correctly, meditation actually brings about changes in the body. But is the meditation experience scientifically valid? Absolutely—as long as the results are the same over a given number of subjects. That is the whole purpose behind Golden Flower Meditation—assuring standardized results in the Kundalini arousal process. GFM produces safe, reliable, consistent results over a given number of subjects. But before getting into the particulars of GFM, practitioners must prepare themselves for a new type of experience—using the body as a laboratory. This episode outlines the mental discipline necessary for achieving success.
Golden Flower Meditation (GFM) produces effects that go way beyond the average meditation experience. By adding one simple step, a secret technique for breath control, GFM triggers autonomic self-healing mechanisms in the body that use the nervous system to completely revitalize the body.
After researching self-improvement techniques for many years—and feeling I was getting nowhere—I obtained a copy of an ancient Taoist text from a stranger. I spent two years mastering the mysterious “backward-flowing method.” Ultimately, success unleashed a powerful transformational force that rooted out all traces of illness and malformation in my body. -
Imagine a method that would eliminate aberrant sexual behavior on a mass scale, not by outside intervention, but by voluntary effort. Golden Flower Meditation sublimates the sex drive, allowing the individual to use his sexual potency for constructive purposes. Imagine thousands of potential sexual predators removed from circulation. Consider the great numbers of people realizing that they bore a responsibility, not only to control runaway reproduction on a planetary scale, but also to control the human tendency towards aberrance. A huge reduction in sex crimes taking place because men were channeling their sex drives to higher purposes.
I’m talking about a voluntary means of avoiding enforced programs like mass sterilization, because somewhere down the line, that's where we're headed. I’m talking about an evolutionary turn in human awareness, one guided not by chance or by the survival of the fittest, but by collective self-interest. In the final result, it’s self-interest that dictates a person’s choices, not always, but in most cases. But are the changes in consciousness I’m talking about enough to motivate a single individual to select sublimation as a way of overcoming sexual addiction? Nevertheless, the fact that sublimation preserves the body, increases creativity, and expands consciousness are powerful persuaders. -
Is there a basis to the notion that sex and spirituality are somehow intertwined? Is sexual energy behind spiritual transformation? And what is meant by “spiritual transformation?” Well, in the first place Golden Flower Meditation is not concerned with the so-called spiritual, it’s about initiating a series of physical actions during meditation. Each action produces a reaction. That’s right, sublimation occurs as a result of actions you take during your meditation practice. To permanently activate the Kundalini Life Force, you have to practice a method capable of accomplishing this feat, a method capable of taking you beyond the average strip mall meditation method. Golden Flower Meditation (GFM) is a safe, scientific, reliable, standardized way of permanently activating the Life Force.