Hey Goodys! This week, after a quick update on Elly's first therapy appointment, the girls give the big life update and allll that will be coming with it! Still curious?InstagramFacebookThanks for stopping by, happy listening, and God bless!
Hey Goodys!
This week, Elly dives into her recent mental health struggles, and her reasons and ultimate decision to start therapy.
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Hey Goodys!
This week we're giving you all a life update; the newest installment of God's incomprehensible but good plan. If our family has ever learned anything, it is that faith in God is power over every situation, and this one will be no different.
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Thanks for stopping by, happy listening, and God bless!
Hey Goodies!
This week, Becky speaks into her early years as a mom and the struggles she experiences in wanting to do.. more. Having a deep desire to create and produce, but ultimately having no time to do so. It is a hard balance; and one that many mothers have to battle with daily.
Is there ever truly a moment to make it all happen?
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Hey Goodies!
This week we dive into the comforting effects of shifting your mindset in difficult things, turning 18 and being an "adult", and the strange peace in becoming more 'okish' with the idea of moving out.
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Hey Goodys!
This week, the girls are diving into the struggles of a tomboy; the perceptions our society instills in us about femininity, and truth we have found about our womanly identities. (Turns out liking to look pretty doesn't make you stupid and a woman of God can still love trucks??)
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Hey Goodys!
This week, we "met" each other for the first time. Pretending to get coffee and hold a normal conversation; how much did we truly know and how much did we really find out?
(Spoilers, Elly did know about the serial killer thing)
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Hey Goodys!
With the shorted hours, darker days, and frigid mornings, it's clear that winter is the worst of any season... right?
Join us today as we dive into the myth of winter's evils, the power of words and mindset, and the scientific reasons why you can learn how to truly enjoy it. Snow anyone?
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Hey Goodys! This week we brought in a special guest to tell us how we can have successful goals. Youtuber (and brother) Liam Sell has made two separate Youtube channels, but only one has been successful. He tell us how he got to where he is today, his toughest struggles, and tips for keeping realistic goals.
Happy New Year!
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Today we take a step back in time to the mid 1980s to 1990s as we gain perspective from the Mom Half. Much of what Elly and her siblings have experienced as Christmas traditions and values started when their parents were just children themselves. Today we focus on Becky's Christmases and one in particular that stand apart as a turning point for her whole family.
Hey Goodies! This week we are coming in just in time to help you all out- its last minute Christmas gift time.
Wether you planned in advance and it all fell through, or you skillfully procrastinated the whole month prior, we have got your back.
Join us today as we dive into gift ideas for all kinds of people, and some general tips on how find the "it" gift on a time crunch.
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Hey Goodies! This episode, the girls are talking about their "winter ark"; aka their personal goals for the coming winter season. Just because the days are getting shorter, doesn't mean our aspirations have to. Our bodies natural want to change with the season, so by looking inward towards our own personal growth during this season, we can truly make the most of the cooler days.
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Hey Goodys! This week we are talking about our one-month social media fast, and its affects. Why can't we let go of old relationships? Why do we jump to quick-fix time killers? And WHY is Animal Crossing so addicting?
Answers to all this and more!!
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Hey there Goodys! We recently hosted an in-home artist conference (called a HouseMoot) for ourselves and some friends. We got the opportunity to listen to some really interesting speakers, as well as have several great discussions.
Join us today as we break down some of the key takeaways that we distilled, as well as some fun art discussions of our own.
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Hey there Goodys! This week's episode is a recording of our LIVE SHOW! Yep, you read that right!
We were so honored to have been the speakers at a local women's event, so we decided to delve into one of our favorite topics: Communication between generations.
From childhood background differences, to language differences, to even different understanding of technology, communicating with other generations can be genuinely difficult.
Join us this week as we delve into the fascinating similarities and difference between generations, and what we can do in our conversations to Bridge the Gap.
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Welcome back Goodys! This week the girls are talking about not only creating traditions, but keeping them. Whether big or small, silly or serious, traditions are the humble backbone to nearly all your dearest memories. Join us this week as we break down the simple yet memorable way to ring in the next beloved season, or to mark the beginning of something new!
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Hey Goodies! This week Elly is breaking down her recent trip to the British Virgin Islands; first time flying + leaving the country, undying heat, the fascinating cultural differences, and more. It was a week jam-packed full of lessons and adventures, so sit back and let's dive in!
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It's hygge season! What's that? Well let us tell you! And here's the phonetic way to say it...because as you'll hear, we need all the help we can get!
According to various sources, the Danish word “hygge” is pronounced as:
“hoo-gah” (with a slight emphasis on the first syllable)
So settle in with something warm and cozy because that's what this episode is all about!
Whether you are a day-one listener, or a brand new member of the Goody Two Shoes club, we are so so glad you are here!
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Comparison and categorizing is just a part of human nature. In many ways, it's how we find our place in our families, our communities and our world. The problem is when we listen to lies about ourselves and forget who we are: our identity is in Christ, as His child! Today we explore how comparison differs for Gen Z and older generations...and how so much of it is the same.
Whether you are a day-one listener, or a brand new member of the Goody Two Shoes club, we are so glad you are here!
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Hey Goodies!! After months of radio silence, we are finally here again, and truly better than ever. While the cozy season may be upon us, we have some major life updates due before we dive into pumpkins and sweaters. We are so impossibly grateful for all of our listeners, and cannot wait to bring you all sorts of exciting new content. Whether you are a day-one listener, or a brand new member of the Goody Two Shoes club, we are so so glad you are here!
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