
  • Episode 51 of Season 4 is a Lesson In Journalism, about a Winnipeg Free Press attack on two candidates in the LRSD school trustee by-election. It was an obvious hit job timed for the Saturday edition before the June 6 vote.

    The powers that be in the Free Press newsroom decided to manufacture a controversy and 'Make the story fit the headline' to fool voters in St. Boniface.

    "I saw newspaper reports which did not bear any relation to the facts, not even the relationship which is implied in an ordinary lie." George Orwell, 1943

    From the first paragraph, the narrative is laid out in a style of "professional journalism" where facts don’t matter and anything challenging the narrative is excluded.

    The article, filled with innuendo and outright falsehoods, should be studied in every J-school in the country as a lesson on how a newspaper can influence an election by, as Orwell described, publishing a report with no relation to the facts.

    ⁠Check out the top episodes⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠, make a donation towards our costs, and help our public affairs coverage spring into Season 5 !

    Part 1- Two candidates seeking to win the vacant Ward 1 seat were singled out over supporting 'parental rights'

    LRSD Board members, candidates seeking to join their club, and even the Superintendent were given free rein to invent malicious false claims about the pamphlets, and paint Sandra Saint-Cyr and Marcel Boille as "belligerent, confrontational and anti-inclusion."

    Marty Gold knows the facts because as a voter in the ward, he has the election literature the reporter was bashing. He also has the loaded, one-sided questions sent to one of the targets, ⁠Sandra Saint-Cyr, who was interviewed in Episode 46⁠.

    The story wanted to divert attention from their in-school practices, and we wondered why.

    Hear how Boille is smeared for courting supporters of deposed trustee Francine Champagne and defending her. The substance of his platform- "students do not belong to the trustees or the teachers" and wanting "quality academic and vocational education" was never divulged in the hit piece.

    16:56 Part 2- While the LRSD Supt. claimed Saint-Cyr misrepresented the “lived experiences” in the schools, and others insisted parents were fully informed about division practices, we let you compare the candidate's supposedly controversial statements with actual LRSD policy- unlike the Free Press.

    The article misled readers about why Saint-Cyr hadn't responded to them - hiding that reporter Chris Kitching gave her only 3 hours to reply.

    27.00- The road map of influencing the by-election pivoted on trapping Saint-Cyr with loaded questions built on Orwellian "emotional superstructures" about "banning books", 'safe inclusive' schools, and "Do you consider yourself to be on the right or far-right?"

    Did Kitching ask anyone he quoted if they are "left or far-left" for his story, so readers can get context on their bias? Listen to all the questions and the narrative behind them.

    34.55- "Political suicide questions" to frame Saint-Cyr as a "child-hater" is how a listener described it, with the Free Press hoping no one reads what she wrote or the LRSD rulebook.

    That's because the issues she raised- including keeping "private and confidential" information from parents, biological males competing against girls, and allowing boys into girl's change-rooms - is LRSD policy.

    That's the "lived experience" of kids in their care. Are parents who have concerns "hateful"?

    Comments, news tips, Interac donations- [email protected]

    46:59 Part 3- To bolster their web of misinformation, the Free Press trotted out an Ontario 'hate expert'.

    They didn't say he's a self-described 'queer activist' who has an avowed hatred of Christians.

    56.20 - Justin Trudeau gives the newspaper almost $1M a year, and in return opponents of "progressive" policies are keel-hauled by, as Orwell explained, "retailing these lies."

    We offer free advice for the new owners of the Winnipeg Sun on how to compete with the Free Press.

  • In Episode 50, Marty Gold walks listeners through his ongoing Season 4 reports about antisemitism and illustrates a continuing reluctance of Winnipeg media to tell the truth about the conduct and behavior of their like-minded friends in the 'From the river to the sea" crowd.

    Last week we published a blog story on ActionLine.ca: ⁠Antisemitism Training To Be Mandatory at U of M Med School⁠

    It was the latest installment about the manifestations of Jew-hate across our province and ⁠our nation⁠. In ⁠our schools⁠, in ⁠our newspapers⁠, and ⁠among political leaders⁠.

    Not a single MSM outlet has reported on what University of Manitoba President Michael Benarroch said:

    - “Antisemitism continues to exist on our campuses today”

    - The anti-Israel valedictory speaker “tarnished” the med school graduation event

    - “I hear far too often from students and colleagues who do not feel UM’s campuses are safe for them.”

    To report these facts would disrupt the "it's anti-Zionism not antisemitism" narrative the biased Winnipeg media uses to cover up for the pro-Islamist campus activists.

    ⁠Check out the top episodes⁠⁠, make a donation towards our costs, and help our public affairs coverage spring into Summer!

    18:49 Part 2- After 4 days, a Free Press typist covering a formal complaint about the valedictory speech included two sanitized sentences about Benarroch’s initiatives:

    "In response to the criticism, U of M president Michael Benarroch said the university would offer additional anti-racism training to students, faculty and staff. The training will be mandatory for students in the Rady faculty of health sciences."

    Notice what's missing? The word "antisemitism".

    What Benarroch said was: "including antisemitism training for our students, faculty and staff."

    The Free Press- and the rest of the Winnipeg media- doesn't want you to know.

    It's not the first time the broadsheet has ducked using the word antisemitism.

    Hear how the reporter steered her article about an antisemitism complaint, into a bleating session for other pro-Hamas leftists in town who are being criticized after outing themselves by voicing support for the doctor now under investigation.

    26.30- Local media doesn't clue in the community about incidents Canada-wide either: a comic illustrator barred from a BC festival, or about the two Jewish schools shot at in the last week. The pattern is clear, that hate and violence towards Jews is "Not News".

    We list media outlets that made no mention of Benarroch admitting the U of M has a problem with Jew-haters.

    32.00 - It's not just the "Jew" thing. Winnipeg media has contorted itself to avoid reporting on race relations gone wrong.

    A significant underlying factor behind the attacks on Food Fare employees has been mob behavior encouraged by aboriginal activists and the evident distrust between them and the Palestinian grocers.

    Justice Minister Matt Wiebe pronounced he wants police to act, but he also hid what's really behind the violence.

    Marty Gold explains how in recent years, police chief Danny Smyth cowered from violent mobs, including a pro-Hamas attack on Jews near the Legislature in 2021 that was followed by the statue-destroying, cop-hating aboriginal radical mob 6 weeks later.

    No one was charged in either riot, and the signal was sent that mobs rule our streets.

    Smyth helped cause the problem, and no one should expect him to do anything as he counts down the days to his retirement in September.

    Comments, news tips, Interac donations- [email protected]

    Coming up: Coun. Jason Schreyer on city debt, public safety, and deficient public consultation; Nurses ready to revolt against Wab Kinew; and Will the Sun Rise Again?

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  • A full house turned out in St. James on Friday to say farewell to Brian Smiley. From all walks of life and his endeavours, but especially we heard about family and friends from the lake. Marty briefly describes the celebration of our old chum in Part 1 of Episode 49.

    8:02 Part 2- The headlines have been blaring for a month about confrontations at a West End supermarket fending off shoplifters.

    An April 28th incident where a woman swung, missed and got punched by an employee was followed by CBC making excuses for the thieves, and other kinds of 'warriors' making direct threats towards Food Fare for confronting them.

    Marty Gold explains that the subsequent CBC report criticizing confrontations as "normalizing something that's not normal" had it backwards. What's become normalized in Winnipeg is stealing from retailers, and that's what has to be addressed.

    What's not normal. is labeling what's going on as "petty shoplifting by individuals who are poor, struggling, maybe dealing with substance abuse issues, unhoused or underhoused." That's narrative, not reality.

    And it drove antagonism that bad actors took to heart.

    Comments, news tips, Interac [email protected]

    This week's Free Press story provided the details of the escalating intimidation at the Portage and Arlington store that has included staged Candid Camera style thefts to instigate bad publicity and litigation, a jumping in a parking lot, and a premeditated revenge raid with brass knuckles and batons by a gang of 5.

    Every incident thus far has had a common denominator- invoking the 'victim' of the April 28th rhubarb by aboriginal crusaders.

    Hear how on May 3rd, self-described "angry Indians" demanded the firing of the now-suspended employee involved in the April incident. The demands were accompanied with threats to the store's operations and a declaration about native sovereignty over the property ("our land").

    We questioned how these tactics would be reported if "white people" did this to an immigrant family grocer.

    23.00 - "You can't touch us", taunted a group of 4 attackers on May 14, when they scoped out the joint with a shoplifting excursion around 5 pm and got thrown out.

    What message does it send when the 17 year old isn't sent off the streets for a single day? He brandished brass knuckles leading a mob with weapons, attacked and hospitalized 3 grocery store clerks, and gets a scolding from a cop and is sent off with a court date. Who does that protect?

    26:16 - “We never know what to expect.”

    Food Fare told about the dollar value of stolen goods they retrieve every month before it's walked out their door, and shoplifting at that store has "quadrupled." Armed with phone cameras, it's a set-up to engineer criminal, civil, or human rights complaints against the store- ie Lawfare.

    Faced with a lawless mob - armed goons - intimidating a supermarket and 4 of them still on the loose, Police Chief Danny Smyth shows no concern. Neither does Wab Kinew, Scott Gillingham, or other political leaders.

    If the mob were from another segment of society, would politicians call out the intimidation, violence and hate?

    Are they waiting until another grocery owner gets muscled?

    38:38 Part 3 - A fast wrap-up with a peek at an upcoming interview. We're rolling on towards Season 5!


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  • A recap of violent incidents across the city is the theme of Episode 48, including a possible lead in an inner-city homicide.

    Part 1- Our recent episodes get a mention, as does the controversy about antisemitism on display at the University of Manitoba medical graduation- which earned a stern rebuke from the Rady family. Will this issue trip up the NDP at the doors in the Tuxedo by-election?

    8:48 Part 2- Disturbing details of separate mall parking lot beatings in Tuxedo and Grant Park that newsrooms haven't warned the community about, but we do.

    One victim lost almost every tooth in their mouth, to a trio who took off in a stolen car; the other was carjacked in a brazen noon hour assault. One senior said they won't even carry plastic to the mall anymore, lest they be purse-snatched.

    Then we continue east to Osborne Village, where Mayor Gillingham visited the neighborhood with CBC last week to address the rampant crime that forced Starbucks to shutter. As Marty Gold explains, corporate practices that tolerated drugged out zombies using the restaurant until it was too late were part of the problem.

    18.50- Gillingham made the point that social issues don't underly every incident, and that some criminals just "think they can get away with it."

    While that seems an entirely reasonable statement, an anti-cop, anti-capitalist, antisemitic professor at the University of Winnipeg ivory tower pounced with a Marxist word salad:

    "This rhetoric is made possible by concessions to the separation of criminalized people into categories of those who deserve to be policed and those who don’t... Regardless of the person or issue being policed, policing is a repressive and harmful response."

    Her oppression narrative was immediately dismantled by a critic who raised the eruption of consequence-free Liquor Mart carry-out heists a few years ago, and by a fellow who works in a beer vendor describing the threats he gets.

    If policing represses violent thieves, the working class seems to be all for it.

    Check out the top episodes⁠⁠, make a donation towards our costs, and help our public affairs coverage spring into summer

    22.30- Continuing on to St. Boniface, one 7-11 is already closed overnight, and another might not be far behind after a failed 2 am robbery.

    A 17 year old with priors unloaded bear spray but was tackled by 2 customers. We wonder what would keep kids like this out of trouble... more recreation probably?... except Council keeps closing pools in the French quarter.

    25.30 Foodfare on Portage at Arlington keeps appearing in headlines, but after 3 employees got the brass knuckle treatment from (yet another) 17 year old, one detail wasn't heard in the news.

    He had been tossed out of the supermarket earlier and returned for revenge, but sources tell us- he brought some friends. Is that the kind of gang Wab Kinew said he'd go after?

    27.00- A body was found in the back lane around the 400 block of Notre Dame near Isabel last Tuesday. You'll want to hear about a potential clue from someone who had played online video games with the victim, Leo Amus Caribou, and was trying to find out what happened.

    Rounding out the episode is a couple of arrests of violent criminals with a common denominator - failure to comply.

    One case involved a slew of weapons and drugs; the other, trying to mow down store employees with a stolen car.

    Just remember that to the Criminal Justice experts at the U of W, "policing is a repressive and harmful response."


    Coming up: Updates on Happyland Pool, Tuxedo by-election candidates, and a chat with East Kildonan Coun. Jason Schreyer!

  • The ‘Sport of Kings’ has been thrilling fans of thoroughbred racing at ⁠Winnipeg’s Assiniboia Downs ⁠since 1958.

    TGCTS returns to covering the world of sports with this special interview.

    Last year ASD set a betting record, but there's a lot more happening at the west Portage Avenue destination than just 'playing the horses'. It's an important part of our history and social fabric and brings the community together with exciting events like Indian bareback horse racing, the Manitoba Night Market, musical acts, the circus and the best buffet in town!

    5:50 Part 2- With the 67th season going to the post on Monday, Marty Gold spoke with Darren Dunn, CEO of the track.

    They talk about the history of the local sport and the legendary sportsmen who led the way, ASD's enormous impact on the local economy with their partners - using the hashtag #DoTheDowns to drive online engagement.

    You'll hear how the facility rebuilt the business model to fit into the entertainment habits of Manitobans and customers worldwide after the pandemic "shut off our revenues like a light switch within 48 hours."

    Racing has shifted to a Monday to Wednesday schedule and now all sorts of shows and gatherings- including weddings - are taking place there the rest of the week.

    Comments, news tips, Interac [email protected]

    11.53- By the numbers, it's an amazing success story.

    Dunn describes ⁠the Downs supporting the agriculture industry⁠ with quality full time jobs and sustaining a tradition of sports excellence, with dedicated owners, expert trainers, skilled jockeys, and world-class breeders that engineered the Manitoba heritage of⁠ the last 2 Kentucky Derby Winners.⁠

    "The skill and talent that resides in our barn area, in our jockey's room, that's on display on our racetrack, can race anywhere."

    Dunn is thrilled about the upcoming ⁠Western Canada Derby Series⁠, where the stakes are high and the best from ASD prove they are championship calibre. It kicks off August 5th with the Manitoba Derby.

    16.20- To end the podcast, Darren Dunn talks about the late Jim Farrell, deeply involved with ASD for decades both on the microphone and behind the scenes.

    As a mentor and a friend, the old-style CKND news anchor brought warmth, good humour and a true love of the sport to the ASD community.

    This summer- on Mondays kids get in free for Family Night and they'll light up in wonder at the spectacle, sounds and sights.

    For the grown-ups- "Pick a name, pick a number, throw a couple of dollars down" and be part of the action at Assiniboia Downs !

    ⁠Check out the top episodes⁠⁠, make a donation towards our costs, and help our community affairs coverage spring into Summer !
  • In Episode 46, you'll hear about the Louis Riel School Division By-Election to fill a Trustee seat in Ward 1 on June 6th.

    School board elections have long been used as a farm club for the Manitoba NDP- and with no spending or donation rules it's a wild-west environment for unions and other radical groups to seize a lever of political power.

    After the LRSD Board forced Francine Champagne to resign, 5 residents have ⁠filed nomination papers⁠. Unlike Winnipeg's MSM, we explain the far-left lens used to determine that she failed the ideological purity test demanded by the other trustees.

    As the Black Rod reported, LRSD has adopted the teachings of a Brazilian educator celebrated by Marxists. Paulo Friere's foundational belief was students must liberate themselves and become social justice warriors:

    “All education is political; teaching is never a neutral act”.

    The disastrous effect on math education in Manitoba was explained in our last podcast.

    Check out the top episodes⁠⁠, make a donation towards our costs, and help our public affairs coverage Spring into Summer

    LRSD is at the forefront of indoctrinating employees and students with "Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Anti-Racism" mandates. After all, who's against anti-racism and inclusion?

    Parents represented by Francine Champagne believe that children should be allowed, for instance, to mature at their own pace and to grow up and form healthy adult relationships- and she said so. To 'Woke educators' this is hate speech.

    Now those parents and the rest of the electorate have to pick a replacement for Champagne. Marty briefly discusses 4 of those candidates- and then interviews the fifth.

    20:11 Part 2- Sandra Saint-Cyr describes moving to Winnipeg as a teen and an education career that spanned the UK, Sweden, Norway and Manitoba- which included an FN-run school and then 3 schools within LRSD.

    Married to a retired policeman and mother to 4 children, she tells how "My focus has always been centralized on the learner and the family behind the learner."

    She states the Division has been excelling in literacy programming, going back to the basics after 'whole language' curriculum proved a failure.

    29.00- Saint-Cyr believes "Parents make good parents but large, multilayered governmental organizations never make good parents.”

    At the door, voters tell her they "want to be informed and to have a voice,“ but aren't sure how. She notes the protocols for "LRSD Policy AC - Respect for Human Diversity," are not widely known about by teachers, let alone parents.

    That policy is cited to justify keeping parents in the dark about their kids experimenting with gender identity.

    "If we're withholding critical information about a child's development from the parent... we have systems and supports in place (like clinical support). Those systems work very well and at no point prior to this have I experienced when the parent wouldn't be fully informed."

    Comments, news tips, public speaking and hosting [email protected]

    38:22 Part 3- A Free Press report claimed “they are elected to represent the perspective of their constituents," but when Champagne did that, she was labeled a bigot who "fell out of line".

    Marty asks Saint-Cyr about the lack of ideological diversity on the LRSD Board. Citing a 2017 provincial rule, she says "our only option is to affirm" a student's gender spectrum self-ID.

    50.00- "A teacher's being asked to diagnose and support a decision we have no expertise to do... It's critical that parents are part of every decision we make for students."

    But with numerous countries now backing off transitioning underage youth, "parental consent is at the heart of the issue. We need to involve the family."

    Saint-Cyr shares concerns of some parents about sexualized library content. "That is an area that needs attention and I believe change," which will depend on parents stepping forward at Board meetings to bring questions forward.

    ( For more info: [email protected] )

  • In Episode 45, we take a deep dive into the battle over math education in Manitoba. After playing out in the media for almost 20 years in plain sight, we go through the history.

    Math is hard for lefties when the actual educators refuse to let the Paulo Friere critical race theory fan club take over school curriculum, and promote "anti-racist" math in which everyone is either an oppressor or "oppressed."

    Store clerks can't round up to give you change or multiply how much 3 orders of fries costs, but to the promoters of fuzzy math, that's not a problem.

    We earn your support - ⁠⁠⁠donate at this link⁠⁠⁠, and check out the lists of top stories!

    Part 1- We analyze the trail of skirmishes in the Winnipeg Free Press (starting with 09/10/11):

    "Teachers' math skills 'alarmingly weak'... Some teachers didn't get adequate math courses when they were in high school and thus can't teach their students properly, the petition alleges"

    "... A student can get into a faculty of education with only Grade 12 consumer math, Professor Anna Stokke said. "I wouldn't even call it a math course -- it's a life-skills course."

    "It's a disaster. They're coming in with grade-school math."

    Another instructor noted- "Young children can develop a fear of mathematics if their teachers do not have a good understanding of the subject."

    Faced with pushback, the newspaper platformed far-left attack dog Neil Dempsey, in "‘Drill and kill’ no way to teach math in 2011".

    You'll hear how how his ilk of "educators" rely on half-truths and insulting critics - memorization baaaad!

    Next was Dempsey's WFP polemic in 2016. He aligned himself with a Stanford "expert" recently alleged to have "in 52 instances misrepresented supporting research she has cited in her own work in order to support her conclusions. These include the notions that taking timed tests causes math anxiety."

    The pushback he got from another U of M math Professor, Robert Craigen, exposed the scam:

    "These puff pieces are usually sprinkled with a generous helping of “research shows” without specifics, or generic “researchers” cited as having such and such opinions... We ask to see this research and, mostoften, the only reply is dismissal tactics."

    By 2013, "Manitoba went from ranking fifth (in the PISA test) to dead last in Canada."

    That was the result of emphasizing "cultural sustaining pedagogy" and progressive groupthink, with unqualified public school instructors being trained to bake the DEI narratives of Marxist revolutionaries into the classrooms.

    Comments, news tips, Interac donations- [email protected]

    Part 2 24.53- A big topic locally last fall became "math anxiety" - whipped up online by a trustee's spouse.

    Prof. Stokke wrote in the Free Press in January that: "the percentage of Manitoba students performing below level 2, which corresponds roughly to innumeracy, doubled since 2003. The percentage of highest-performing students halved. More students are struggling in math, and fewer are excelling."

    Her C.D. Howe Intelligence Memo is at https://www.cdhowe.org/intelligence-memos/anna-stokke-reversing-decline-canadian-math-scores

    "Students must develop a firm foundation through a lot of practice before they can grapple with more complex math... Public funds should not be spent on math programs that fail to recognize the importance of explicit instruction and sufficient practice."

    Dempsey tried to rebut Stokke as "uninformed" "scary" and "harmful"- but as you'll hear, he falsely pinned statements on Stokke that her op-ed hadn't included, and soon apologized for misquoting a former NDP minister. In other words, he spread disinformation.

    He also wedged "climate change" into his narrative. Because it's not about math, it's about indoctrination.

    You'll hear her takedown of Dempsey and about how Manitoba reversed a plan to eliminate tests. If only 50% of Ontario Grade 6'ers met standards, how bad will our kids score?

    As Stokke said, "Maybe the cure to math anxiety is to teach kids math."

  • Episode 44 opens with listener comments about our tribute to Brian Smiley; an update on the Dan Rentz 911 suicide call from Episode 42; then lots more updates in the city hall and provincial round-ups!

    8:00 Part 2- Using the bully pulpit of the Free Press, Brent Bellamy is the mouthpiece of the elitist 'urban visionary' crowd in Winnipeg, aligned with the radical bike lobby. When Coun. Ross Eadie wrote to the newspaper disputing Bellamy's proposals that would make River and Osborne a nightmare for disabled and blind pedestrians, Bellamy mocked the concerns.

    You'll hear Eadie's detailed explanation and the crass, no class response from Bellamy, distorting the issues and dismissing the objections of the councilor who is himself blind. It's indicative of how actual public safety is an afterthought to the anti-car, anti-capitalist mob Bellamy fronts for.

    As Eadie put it: "This guy has an architecture stamp – wow... maybe architects should be penalized under the Accessibility For Manitobans Act."

    Comments, news tips, Interac donations- [email protected]

    19.40- That attitude against protecting genuine public safety is on display with the debate about closing Assiniboine Avenue at Main Street. Marty Gold provides the history of the idea, which was a favorite of the Manitoba Club front group, "Friends of Upper Fort Garry" in 2010.

    The flaws of the idea were put on the record by Kelly Ryback at the Public Works meeting - starting with a naval base down the block and the use of the road to get to St. Boniface Hospital.

    You'll hear audio clips from the subsequent discussion by councilors and the stunning deceptions that the bureaucrats were pulling to conceal their plans, dissuade public input, and cater to their allies in the bike lobby.

    26.45 - Janice Lukes and Russ Wyatt question the department heads. You'll hear how emergency services were not actually asked about ambulances getting delayed going to the hospital, the dirty trick of labeling the report as 'information' when they intended to "roll this out" anyways, and Wyatt challenging this "dangerous" idea. Lukes called it "a tricky recommendation" and "confusing."

    Another trick was revealed- summer repairs on Assiniboine will block eastbound lanes, which will lower the numbers of vehicles diverted northbound down Fort Street and make it seem less obstructive of traffic than it really is.

    34. 14- While the administration called it a "pilot", Wyatt rightly said, "It's a trojan horse, not a pilot".

    You'll hear the bureaucrats admit they didn't mention the word 'pilot' anywhere in the report or that the proposal to forbid right hand turns onto Main St. is for a YEAR. This is an example of the public service deliberately deceiving the public to tamp down their input.

    Not coincidentally- immediately after Wyatt identified the bike lobby as manipulating this initiative, the YouTube feed of the meeting was mysteriously cut off. He's taking his complaint about being censored to the Governance Committee.

    Marty recaps how stakeholders like small businesses and residents downtown are being shunted aside by high-paid liars on the public payroll who favor the bike lobby elitists.

    Lastly in the City Hall round-up, a Matt Allard sighting. Hear the questions he's going to be asked as we continue to seek an interview with him. It's not only about the Goulet bike lane, but that's a start.

    There's a Happyland Pool fundraising update to end the segment.

    48:47 - Part 3 - Provincial round-up

    Update on the Bell MTS layoffs in Brandon, as we again scoop MSM;

    More reasons why Wab Kinew's NDP shouldn't follow the BC model of hard drug decriminalization and 'safe supply';

    Four hopefuls- at least- are lining up to contest the PC nomination in Tuxedo to replace Heather Stefanson, one of whom is a strong voice for the Jewish community, Larry Pinsky.*******

    To support the Truth for Lily, Justice For Dan $25/ticket fundraiser raffle:[email protected]

  • This episode is dedicated to Brian Smiley, who passed away on May 4 from colon cancer at age 69. (It wasn't until after this was recorded that we finally learned his real, and not 'show-business' age.)

    Brian was a special guest on the debut episode of The Great Canadian Talk Show on Kick-FM in 2006 and made numerous appearances over the years. He was personable and witty and well-informed, and slid seamlessly from a career as a print reporter across to becoming the PR face of a not-always loved Crown corporation.

    Whether in-studio or on a call, he enjoyed the back and forth with Marty Gold and helping answer questions about Manitoba Public Insurance as Media Relations Coordinator. As you'll hear Marty explain, they became friends long before that, when Smiley was on the sports beat at the Winnipeg Sun. The fun really began when he soon moved to the news side.

    There's a lot of personal memories, a legendary tale of a Top 10 Most Wanted scoop, and emails from Smiley on various topics and people recounted in Episode 43.

    He was an unsung hero, going to bat for people wronged by adjusters or supervisors or just miscommunicated files. Raising money within MPI, he rallied the troops to support good causes, one women's shelter in particular.

    Brian and Marty shared a great love of sports, hockey and larger than life characters. You'll hear about a few of them, including the one that introduced them, and understand how quintessentially Canadian he was.

    Smiley had texted us an optimistic message after completing chemo, but sadly he lost his fight. You'll hear the story of what it was like to be his friend, and how he always had your back.

    Here is the obituary.

    A Celebration of Life will be held on Friday, May 24th at6:00 pm at Sturgeon Heights Community Centre, 210 Rita Street, Winnipeg.


    Here are some of the heartfelt tributes posted about Brian Smiley after this episode was recorded:

    Michelle Bailey

    My dear Brian. Winnipeg Sun days when you were a reporter and I was an intern. When I was in government and you harassed me for “news” days. When you were in PR at MPI and I was in PR at MTS…our daily “who will have the most headlines this week, Bailey?” Our beers at Elephant and Castle to discuss texting and driving initiatives. Those emails “Subject:Monday. Bailey…what’s our plan of action on the press conference for Thursday. Yours in PR hell…Smiley.” We just messaged three weeks ago, dude. You truly were one of the best people I ever met in my career. I will cherish our last email to each other. My heart goes out to your love, your kids, grandkids and skidoo. Thank you for being such an amazing friend and human being.

    Andy Kazina

    I grew up with Brian in Selkirk and we played sports together throughout the years. He was a great person to have as a friend. Although we haven't seen each for a few years I've thought of him often and thankful for his friendship. He never hesitated to help people. We have lost a good friend.

    Peter Dalla-Vicenza

    I worked with Brian when he was an MPI and I was presssecretary for Gord Mackintosh. A good guy and a straight shooter. My deep condolences.

    Geoff Currier

    Very sad news indeed. Brian was one of the truly good people in media and as a comms man.


    This is a commercial-free episode dedicated to our friend Brian Smiley. Please share it with all those who knew him in sports, the media and the community at large.


    Our reporting on ActionLIne.ca is never funded by government - listeners and people who believe in a strong alternative media do. We earn your support - ⁠donate at this link⁠, and check out the lists of top stories compiled on the page! Comments, news tips, Interac donations- [email protected]
  • Episode 42 is a special interview about the case of Winnipeg resident Dan Rentz, the tragedy of his passing in November 2022, and if the City 911 service failed to send help because of a systemic bias.

    Part 1- Sheena Paterson is the mother of Lily Rentz, who is the daughter of Dan Rentz. The parents were a pair for 27 years, and the family struggled with Dan's mental health and addiction issues. He had called 911 in the past. "What he went through (for a 5 day evaluation) was disturbing."

    Sheena believes with males more prone to committing suicide, "there's a real discrepancy as to how they deal with 911 calls" between male and female callers.

    8.00- You'll hear what a Police Detective told Sheena about the panicked 911 call and what Dan said- and that's led the family to wonder why a wellness check wasn't dispatched.

    When CTV asked, the City made a bold claim:

    “It has been determined that proper procedure was followed within the policy of the communication centre.

    "While this incident was tragic, no information was provided during the interaction with the call taker to indicate an emergency requiring a response from our units.“

    Without hearing the audio, there is no way to evaluate if the City is telling the truth, or if it is covering up.

    10.00 - City Holds Back 911 Audio From Suicide Victim’s Family

    "Not only have we been refused for the FIPPA requests, we've been refused on different reasons every single time."

    One of those reasons was "Disclosure harmful to a third party's privacy”,

    Lily has pushed back, writing: "In my dads case, how is a third party impacted by my dads call? He didn’t have any people around close to him when he ended his life; who is the third party? How much training in suicide prevention do the 911 operators have?"

    Hear Sheena explain, "he was by himself when he called 911 and he was by himself when he died... so who are they trying to protect?"

    While the family still fights for access to the tape, Lily is pleading for some common sense:

    "My dad was in serious mental distress and called 911 for help. I am not looking to lay blame on anyone for his actions but I am trying to understand what he communicated to the 911 operator and why he did not meet the criteria to warrant a health check by WPS."

    One of the reasons? PACT program wellness checks In Winnipeg were only available until 9:30 pm on a Saturday night. We hope no one ever gets suicidal after midnight.

    18:52 Part 2 - "My daughter deserves the truth."

    21.10- Sheena describes the doors that aren't open towards helping that cause, including the Medical Examiner's Office, Legal Help Centre, or- Wab Kinew.

    Sheena describes the end result of 4 conversations with his office- 'she pretended she never even received the email and then later accidentally quoted my email. Then she called (Coun.) Sherri Rollin's office- no help."

    23.20 - "If it was a white woman in St. Vital that car would be there in an instant."

    We discuss if there's an unconscious bias towards males or core-area addresses - people like Dan Rentz who lived on Logan - when they call 911 for help.

    The Lentz tragedy was made worse when Dan's house "was immediately looted". Police were more concerned about Sheena trying to protect the home from repeated break-ins than with the thieves.

    25.48 - "Dan had written notes that he left belongings for Lily... the clothes out of the dryer, food out of the fridge... people running out of the house with bags of stuff"

    Vagrants started fires inside the house, the pipes burst, then the City demolished it.

    "Never did we get access to that house to take belongings. All of my daughter's memories with her dad, gone."

    29.00- This boils down to how an emergency call was handled. Who takes a complaint about 911?

    Marty called the 311 service to ask- and got a surprising answer, as Sheena had never once been guided towards that venue.

    To support the Truth for Lily, Justice For Dan $25/ticket fundraiser draw: [email protected]

  • Late breaking news caused a shift in direction for Episode 41, but we make sure you get the analysis you need to know what’s going on with Wab Kinew’s crew!

    Part 1 – Our interview about the police shooting of Brad Singer in February opened a lot of eyes to the questions that deserve answers. Here’s the link:

    A listener sent a thoughtful response to the comments about residential schools made by Kelly Ryback andnoted a factor affecting Indigenous poverty and addiction rates he had not: the reserve system and isolation.

    9.40- An NDP MLA has gone against the 'devolution' script for child welfare, telling a Legislative Committee that “I’m worried about the nepotism that’s currently going on in every office.”

    Amanda Lathlin from The Pas is a foster parent and is getting the runaround from "unqualified workers that are currently there, such as the ones who’ve not returned my calls for two months asking for a visit.”

    The Children's Advocate shared her concerns that kids in care may be left voiceless, but Families Minister Nahanni Fontaine was all-in on handing First Nations control under Trudeau's Bill C-92.

    Fontaine and Housing Minister Bernadette Smith had to cancel a press conference Friday after a body was found at the derelict Manitoba Housing site at 575 Balmoral. Marty describes how he had been asking what was going on with an RFP that closed last fall to redevelop Centre Village - but he had been ignored. While the neighborhood suffers from the blight, the City looks the other way instead of ticketing Housing officials.

    18.00 - A leading doctor has quit the U of M and Shared Health and blasted the NDP government which "meddles relentlessly in our health system withoutempowering those with expertise to run it."

    Dr. Eberhard Renner said "recycling previous health system leaders who would elsewhere compost in retirement" was creating "the wild west... (in some) instances this government’s actions frankly hinder the ability of expert leaders to do their job."

    We deciphered which partisan codger he was referring to.

    Lastly, an announcement of a sexual assault strategy group proved the pattern of political nepotism as a crony of Nahanni Fontaine's got a post on the steering committee.

    Fontaine claimed, “There is so much more to do to protect women, girls and two-spirit peoples" but also seemed to have a blind spot - aren't men also victims of spousal abuse? What services do they get?

    26:16 Part 2- Crime Courts and Public Safety Update;

    - An accused triple murderer

    - Two fires on Thursday a half hour apart will result in two houses in Weston being demolished

    - A spat between parents in Elm Creek has flared, after a claim students visiting a northern school in a 'peace and reconciliation' exchange were sexually harassed and assaulted by some of their hosting peers.

    WFP on Thursday- "a parent said Elm Creek boys had been spanked, slapped, “dry-humped” and threatened by students from the Norway House school, and that a video of the harassment had circulated throughout the school community." RCMP are investigating.

    WFP on Friday - a mother whose kid was on the trip and had not seen the video insisted "I believe that thisis fuelled by racism... I think that the kids that didn’t want to go made the time that they spent there awful."

    'Believe all victims' - until you don't want to, it appears.


    Our reporting is never funded by government - listeners and people who believe in a strong alternative media do. We earn your support - donate at this link, and check out links to our top stories compiled on the refreshed Donate page!

  • The shooting of Brad Singer by Winnipeg police, and the effect of his death on his family, is the topic of Episode 40.

    The Singer family are trying to raise financial support for the sudden and significant costs they have had to bear, as you’ll hear in this podcast – the link to donate is https://www.givesendgo.com/bradsinger

    Part 1- Gerry Singer joins the podcast to discuss his brother Brad falling into mental illness, and the medical and prescription history that led to police trying to haul Bradley Singer into custody for a mental health examination.

    In particular Gerry notes the difference between how cops used to handle Brad in the past, and the fact he was never charged with a violent crime, with the SWAT-style raid on February 14.

    He explains how Brad, previously diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, started spiraling in October and became withdrawn. He was taken in by police for an examination in January, causing thousands of dollars in damage to the Magnus Avenue home. You'll hear how the medical system interacted with Brad after he departed the hospital.

    16.35- "Then about a week and a half later these IIU people come to my residence and tell me that Brad was involved in - they called it an altercation - with police officers and he's been shot several times."

    Supposedly Brad was taken into surgery - but what the family was told at HSC raised a red flag.

    "I couldn't believe they shot him dead executing a mental health warrant... it's so unnecessary for this to happen."

    If you have Story Tips, Comments, or want to financially support our reporting via Interac –Email: [email protected]

    21:12 Part 2 Hear us review the ⁠details of the shooting compiled by the Black Rod blog,⁠ which described other recent cases where gun-toting felons barricaded inside homes were not shot. Apprehending a 59 year old mental health patient needed lethal force?

    Gerry Singer took part in a press conference with their attorney, watch it at this link!

    Gerry says IIU told the family they could not see the body, or be told if police at the scene had tasers that could have been used instead of bullets, because it would somehow interfere with their investigation.

    He questions how the confrontation was handled, what ' a large edged weapon' meant - insisting his brother did not owned a machete or large knives - and why a crew of 9 Tactical unit cops wearing body armour thought Brad was a danger to them.

    As the Black Rod wrote: "The only legal reason for shooting him to death was if he was a threat to somebody. To whom?"

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    30:30 - "They left this huge puddle of his blood there... I'm not sure he made it to the hospital alive."

    The mystery of why non-lethal tactics like tasers, were seemingly not considered haunts the family. They're calling for an inquest.

    "The truth would be nice."

    You'll also hear how the entire Black Rod site was - without explanation - blocked from the Internet within days of their post stating a jury trial, and not the IIU, should determine if the police crossed the line into criminal conduct by shooting Brad Singer and killing him. Why were they censored?

    38.20 - Gerry Singer sums up the family's concerns, how their lawyer's inquiries have not been acknowledged, how they received an ambulance bill, and were tricked into footing the bill for boarding up the house damaged by cops.

    As Marty Gold points out, the police complain about derelict housing but then created a derelict house by bashing out the doors - and afterwards a grieving family was expected to clean up their brother's puddle of blood on the floor and seal the home from looters.

    For PayPal donations to defray costs for TGCTS, use our Donate Page
  • Episode 39 opens with Marty Gold telling his personal stories of 3 people who have recently passed away- Maggie Roulette of Amaranth, Dr. Monte Kowall, and former newsman and voice of Assiniboia Downs, Jim Farrell.

    15:30 Part 2- Guest Kelly Ryback has his own Jim Farrell story to tell before we pick up on ⁠his previous interview on Episode 37⁠.

    18.30 Ryback tells about the impact of bike lanes on parents and working families needing to use a car, but worse, how they also interfere with emergency vehicles. He says it's an example of "an ideology that doesn't work".

    Ryback springs the news that yet ANOTHER fire station- in the core area!- would be handcuffed by a marginal pet project of the bike lobby. More proof there's no consultation with EMS or hospital officials and "no consideration about the businesses in place, again eliminating parking. The idea everybody's going to take the bus or take their bike, it's not going to happen."

    A listener reminded us of one of the first bike lane inventions in 2010, in Lord Roberts, so stupidly planned the South Osborne Residents Group and the fire department forced the city to change it. Are one-sided plans being approved because councilors fear displeasing the small army of bike acolytes? Their own voters feel shunned.

    26.10- CBC had the nerve to claim a report enthusiastically endorsing safe injection sites and "safe supply" was independent. You'll hear the proof that was a lie.

    Ryback, who's a supporter of the Bruce Oake Recovery Centre, says politicians make big promises but cannot get a grip on hunger, addictions, and poverty.

    Despite the rah-rah in the report, he explains how safe injection sites have been closed because of the disorder and crime the locations can attract. The discussion turns to the need for rehab on one side, and effective crackdowns on criminal dealers and distributors.

    Although the NDP government says "safe supply" isn't on the table, the enabler faction in health care isn't going to take no for an answer - despite the failure in BC where ODs and crime have skyrocketed.

    We tell of a BC MLA that the RCMP tried to stifle, after she figured out that half of drug seizures were free drugs the government gave out- some with forged subscriptions. Then there's vending machines. Coming to Winnipeg?

    * Comments/ news tips/ Interac donations- Email [email protected]

    42:00 Part 3 - More about the quality of life in your community. Ryback insists all revenue from government pot should be going to treatment. Bottom-priced hard drugs created a flood of addicts with hazardous behavior that threatens cops, first responders, and innocent neighbours.

    He believes bail conditions and drug sentences are far too lenient but reducing addictions and crime won't go down without enforcement.

    48.30- The Jets owners are looking into transitional housing plans for downtown. Should it go near a safe injection site? How about the Market Lands across from City Hall? The discontinuance of Greyhound Bus services, CFT cutting kids loose when they turned 18, have placed vulnerable people in peril.

    Ryback goes through the city poverty rates- and children are double the national average. Aboriginal and First Nations communities needed special attention- But former Mayor Brian Bowman didn't want to hear of it.

    1:02:52 BONUS AUDIO- In Ryback's previous interview, he said the attitude problem of some councilors towards delegations presenting briefs contradicting their views was poisoning civic engagement.

    One of our listeners relayed that they had similar bad treatment from Councilor Rollins but was doing something about it- and had filed a formal complaint with the Integrity Commissioner.

    In this overtime segment, Ryback responds to hearing the news about the ruling being sought:

    Are delegations allowed to publicly inform councilors of proven methods to supervise contracts and monitor spending? Or, can they be silenced by councilors wielding their political sword?

  • The spotlight is on the Manitoba Legislature in Episode 38, and we report on what people are talking about, what we've heard, and what we're willing to guess.

    Part 1- The day Heather Stefanson walks out of 450 Broadway is coming up fast. We look at the jockeying for her Tuxedo seat, and for her former job as leader of the Progressive Conservative party.

    She faced an unprecedented campaign of intimidation during the election as we reported. The mainstream media didn't report the story for hours. And in the case of CJOB radio and the evening TV newscasts, NOT AT ALL.

    A new name has emerged from outside Winnipeg as a possible contender, while one caucus member is clearly going to take a run for the crown. Another may also be heading for the exit.

    The former Premier is giving up her constituency office space, which resulted in a humorous sidebar discussion among the Grant Ave. community.

    You can sponsor podcasts /donate by email/orsend along story tips -- Email ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠[email protected]⁠⁠⁠

    23:54 Part 2- Multiple sources from different directions have told TGCTS that there was a domestic incident in March involving a veteran Manitoba MLA.

    It started as a whisper, but now it's the talk of the town around politically-connected circles.

    And word is spreading, because it might be heading to court.

    And, we hear, the government is anxiously awaiting the fall-out.

    You'll hear enough in this podcast to wonder what other rumours circulating about public figures might be more than gossip or an urban myth.

    Upcoming episodes: Homelessness, housing and harm reduction in Winnipeg with Kelly Ryback; Questions about a bias in 911 responses; and City Councilor interviews!

  • Episode 37 combines a look at City Hall with a Crime and Public Safety update, including a clue why carjackers and criminals started targeting the South Kenaston malls.

    Part 1 - Which were our most popular podcasts during the funding campaign? Those episodes are how we earned your trust - and loyal listeners spurred a last-week surge to surpass the $3800 goal!

    We want to hear more of your ideas and suggestions how to grow the audience of ActionLine.ca public affairs coverage, and acquire ongoing financial support. Email - [email protected]

    7:09 Part 2 - We’ve reported, almost alone in the media locally, about how the City of Winnipeg continues to rig bike lane approvals – in violation of their own standards after the FIRST time they got caught cozying up to the bike lobby in 2010.

    City councilor Russ Wyatt continued his stand against the anti-car agenda of bike lobbyists but after his twist on an iconic TV character nickname, he was begging off from the braying mob.

    In his apology, Wyatt concurred with our decade+ of fact-finding:

    "the Bike lanes that has now taken parking away from residents and businesses along Assiniboine, Stradbrook and Goulet. Not to mention the lanes of parking lost in the downtown to bike lanes, that have negatively affected long time small businesses in the area..."

    "The city plans to take more lanes from vehicles, from more streets... we hear Bike Winnipeg calling for the closure of Assiniboine at Main Street, to vehicles, or removal of a well used Traffic Lane on Osborne at River... We can improve active transportation infrastructure in Winnipeg without causing further traffic congestion."

    - Unfortunately for Wyatt, he only articulated those points in his apology. If he had done so before, perhaps he wouldn't have had to explain the frustration behind his saying “a bicycle nazi wants to take away all the lanes for the cars."

    ("The Soup Nazi" is the 116th episode of Seinfeld; Will the 'cancel Russ' crowd will go after Jerry and then Hogan's Heroes?)

    - A frequent delegate at City Hall, Kelly Ryback explains the Wyatt controversy. Ryback finished 2nd in the St. James ward in the 2022 election and has continued to flag mismanagement, inefficiencies and wasteful spending at 510 Main Street.

    Listeners may be surprised at what Ryback contends is the underlying issue: the way some councilors treat delegates- and other councilors- during public meetings. Ryback recounts the intra-councilor battles that chew up time meant for public input. It's undermining productive policy dialogue at City Hall.

    Check out ⁠our Donate page!⁠

    24.40- Ryback exposes why the urban visionary dream of an Osborne and River pedestrian scramble is a potential nightmare- it's a block from a key fire station.

    This, Ryback says, is another example of how the City pushes thru the pet projects of bike lobbyists with no consultation with emergency services authorities.

    "On any kind of these infrastructure changes and ideas, police, fire and paramedics are not consulted."

    To boot, the bike lanes aren't getting used, harm neighborhood business viability, and has resulted in traffic snarls. And those snarls are one of many reasons why the City is finally- years after being told about it- going to try letting first responders switching traffic lights so they can clear intersections on their way to emergency calls.

    34:00 Part 3- The Crime report has more proof how public disorder is reflected in transit fare skippers and violent behavior. ATU drivers say it's way higher than the 4 million fares currently guesstimated, and behind 60% of assaults on drivers.

    Lastly, a double carjacking at Seasons of Tuxedo- with one accused a 15 year old girl - raised a lot of questions.

    A surprising answer, from a source in the know, explained the migration of dangerous criminals down Route 90 to shopping mall lots near Ikea.

    More to come with Kelly Ryback about homelessness, safe injection sites, and other civic topics later this week!

  • A tradition returns to TGCTS as we welcome the Canadian Taxpayers Federation for Episode 36!

    Part 1- Gage Haubrich, CTF Prairie Director, starts off by tackling the City of Winnipeg budget.

    We dig into the under-the-radar subject of the $200M civic 40-Year Bond, and the interest cost to taxpayers.

    Despite the city carrying a higher than Canadian average debt load, somehow $82,000 of support for residential services like Happyland Park pool just didn't fit council's "urban vision".

    Gaubrich urges all taxpayers to tell their councilor they "want the government to focus on basic priorities: recreational pools, roads, keeping the streets clean and safe" not spending on travel to conferences, adding bureaucrats, or exorbitant severance pay to outgoing ward assistants.

    It's an uphill fight since special interest lobby groups often get government funding to advance their narrow goals.

    You can support our interviews and analysis by contributing via PayPal or Interac, or arrange by emailing us! Email [email protected] us on Facebook⁠

    17:38 Part 2- Wab Kinew's new budget flaunted a huge $1.4B increase in spending and falling revenues, but WFP columnist Devryn Ross called out the Finance Minister for trying to cover it up.

    The Tories had set aside half a billion for new civil service contracts, and Adrian Sala lied to try and explain away the deficit. That's not the only lie connected to the NDP approach to the budget.

    While the 14 cent a litre tax break "helps a lot of people out", an $800M deficit and billions wasted on interest payments- $1520 per Manitoban - trends our province in a dangerous direction.

    Haubrich addresses the change in the education tax credit to a flat $1500, contrary to Kinew's election promise to keep the discount at 50% of the bill. We walk through the escalating net cost to homeowners as the NDP farm club on school boards ratchet up taxes.

    While Tom Brodbeck claimed "it's a good thing" for Kinew to break that election promise, Haubrich says "they shouldn't have promised it in the first place... that's a big problem that contributes to cynicism and hurts taxpayers' walletbooks."

    Marty Gold raises the way governments are chipping away at the intergenerational transfer of wealth within the working and middle class while delivering less value for dollar to taxpayers.

    Corporate welfare such as E-car rebates, millions allotted for a safe injection site that Kinew's crew won't be living anywhere near, Nahanni Fontaine jetting an entourage to the United Nations, are part of the expensive priority of the NDP- feeding their base, and claim the budget will be balanced in 4 years in time of the next election.

    In the meantime, Manitobans will be paying $9.6B in interest over that term.

    In the overall scheme of things, providing a paltry $300 credit for property security systems- which can save millions in losses, insurance hikes, and policing costs- shows it's difficult to get a caucus with no experience in making a payroll "to understand the plight of the everyday taxpayer, when your paycheque has been coming from the government," concludes Haubrich.

    40:00 Part 3- A fast wrap up, and pitch for last-minute support as the final contributions to the winter funding drive are being collected up this week. We earn your support!

    All our episodes with full descriptions and photos, are at ActionLine.ca Links to our best podcasts by category, are on the Donate page Important Columns and Articles on the Blog tab - Just added- https://actionline.ca/2024/04/a-quiz-about-israel-and-hamas-for-politicians-pundits-and-protesters/
  • After a brief recap of our winter funding campaign and a preview of a few upcoming items, we turn to the NDP government of Wab Kinew.

    What direction will his Health Minister Uzoma Asagwara try to steer addictions policy towards? If they intend to emulate British Columbia, that direction is- Scandal after Scandal after Cover-up.

    Comments, news tips, interview inquiries & Interac donations - Email— [email protected]

    9:43 Part 2- There's already signs that Kinew skirts accuracy when trumpeting 'improvements' to adding beds at HSC.

    He announced "50" but the media missed that 27 were already in "temporary" use- meaning the net gain was really 23 beds. How else will the NDP try to fool Manitobans? Well, they already won't discuss the actual number of new hires in health care.

    The radfem 'Squad' in his caucus are champions of decriminalization and a $2.5M legal injection site as a "harm reduction" strategy.

    We know none of them- especially Nahanni Fontaine- will have it built near their own homes and won't experience for themselves the associated decline in neighborhood safety. Their supporters want them to next rush into "safer supply".

    Kinew played coy, saying he's moving "one step at a time" and will follow where the evidence leads."

    We discuss the evidence he will no doubt ignore; how "Most studies which support the strategy use low-quality research methodologies that are considered unacceptable in most healthcare studies."

    Lessons from BC- the NDP government spent nearly a year dismissing safer supply diversion as an “urban myth,” Provincial Health Officer Bonnie Henry assured the public that diversion was being closely monitored- which was recently exposed as a lie.

    It took a challenge from the Alberta government, dealing with the impact of criminal gangs flooding 'safer supply' drugs into their communities, for the BC scam to be exposed.

    22.00- Nurses in BC got a memo ordering them to allow open drug use in maternity and other wards and not to call the RCMP. And reporting it to their bosses was futile.

    Premier Dave Eby and his Ministers denied fentanyl was being smoked inside hospitals, and also cited an RCMP press release claiming “there is currently no evidence to support a widespread diversion of safer supply drugs in the illicit market in BC or Canada.”

    Nurses called out the lies about their workplace safety. Then it was learned a gag order was placed on RCMP detachments about safe supply drugs seized in raids or any other aspect of the program, because Eby is facing an election. And the opposition uncovered that no data (evidence) was being collected to begin with.

    These were NDP deceptions to protect their policies on drug decriminalization and safer supply.

    32.00 - That isn't the only NDP cover-up in BC. You'll hear of a grant system (funded by Carbon Taxes) for electric truck manufacturers, where MNP pressured companies to pay them to write up their applications and kick back 20% if successful.

    Conveniently, MNP was empowered to decide on which applications to recommend for the grant awards.

    When one company raised an alarm about the racket, they were shunned by Eby's government, which coincidentally announced a review of the controversial grant program- to be conducted by MNP.

    An opposition motion to investigate was voted down by the NDP majority- but after the whistleblower exposed the kickback cover-up, Eby was forced to reintroduce the motion and vote for it after voting against it.

    We saw NDP operatives who ruined Alberta pack their bags and get handsome raises to take on roles in the Kinew government in Manitoba.

    Will he next absorb refugee hacks from BC, and import their advanced style of cover-up, corruption and kickbacks? Don't bet against it.

    37:17 Part 3 - Future episodes will include interviews with families questioning police and 911 dealings with their deceased relatives, city councilor interviews, and a Taxpayers Federation overview of the City and Provincial budgets.

  • A wisecrack from a listener has Marty Gold recounting the history of "Hail Aurtarlia" to open Episode 34. Another listener commented about a retirement at CBC-TV, who the new Winnipeg anchor might be, and what needs to be improved in local CBC coverage- but won't be.

    6.00 - Researching into the provincial budget, we flagged a few items for our upcoming interview with the CTF- including a meagre break for home security systems that the NDP refused to implement 15 years ago despite their own Speaker at the time, George Hickes, supporting our idea.

    We only need $405 to reach our funding goal - Donate here to help us succeed today!

    12:43 Part 2- The Wab Kinew government has alloted funding to "anti-racist" education and Holocaust curriculum. Marty Gold says it's giving false hope to the community.

    That's because, last year the Winnipeg media blackballed coverage of the incident involving an outburst by "Free Free Palestine" University of Winnipeg Collegiate athletes at the Gray Academy Jewish campus. The Free Press couldn't even bring itself to admit the chants and gestures were antisemitic. And the Department of Education and the schools involved did nothing to get to the bottom of it.

    In other words, the authorities are all talk and no action when it comes to harassment and intimidation of Jewish students - and the media sides with the "protesters".

    17.00 Three local newspapers have allowed bizarre, antisemitic narratives disguised as "pro Palestinian" activism to be published without balance or challenge to the inherent anti-Zionist messaging.

    - The Manitoban has ceaselessly promoted a concept put before the University of Manitoba Student's Union to adopt a definition of "Anti-Palestinianism' invented by an national Arab lawyers group. You'll hear how Rhonda Spivak dismantled the notion the proposal is any equivalent to the IHRA definition of antisemitism.

    "The proposed definition of anti-Palestinian racism will not allow for supporters of Israel to present their viewpoint on campus, or criticize Hamas or the Palestinian side in any way, without running afoul of the definition of "Nakba Denial" ... anyone speaking in favour of a two-state solution, Canada's stated policy, will run afoul of the definition of Nakba Denial in the proposed definition before UMSU."

    In other words, it's antisemitic.

    - The Winnipeg Sun without hesitation printed a letter to the editor that claimed the October 7 massacres was a "false flag" operation falsely blamed on Hamas - as rancid a conspiracy theory as can be imagined. Yet the newspaper published it.

    21.30 Meanwhile the Free Press, still reeling from the blowback to a Jen Zoratti column about October 7th, was embarrassed by an Honest Reporting Canada investigation into a column by far-left Faith reporter John Longhurst.

    Longhurst performed stenography duty for the antisemitic Mennonite Central Committee, which claimed Israel was withholding food aid from Gazans.

    "On the day Longhurst’s article was published, well over 200 trucks filled with humanitarian aid entered Gaza, in addition to 159 tonnes of additional aid airdropped over the coastal territory. The next day, 258 humanitarian aid trucks entered Gaza, 166 of which carried food, well overtwice the amount that was entering the enclave prior to the war."

    As we explain, when the media repeats misinformation and slanted reporting assailing Israel for carrying out a "genocide" and deliberate starvation, Marxist politicians like Nahanni Fontaine repeats the narrative of Jew-haters, citing the Fake News media reports.

    To the dismay of militant Palestinians, Mayor Gillingham has stood his ground and refused pressure to add a "ceasefire now" motion to a city council agenda, after Wab Kinew caved in to them.

    MSM won't ask, but we do- When the Iranian-funded "Al Quds Day" comes to Winnipeg, will the Mayor and Premier tolerate a thousand pro-terrorist marchers calling for "Intifada revolution" and the ethnic cleansing of Jews from Israel?

  • Despite the best attempts of city bureaucrats to thwart the Gem Equities development plan for Fulton Grove, two city councilors saw through the deception and gave a green light for the plan of Andrew Marquess to continue on to Council committees.

    In Episode 33, we bring you audio of the meeting, details about yesterday's violent assaults at a Burger King and on a transit bus, and more on the Happyland Pool campaign.

    We are within $560 of our $3800 winter funding goal. Please help us surpass it by April 7th - https://actionline.ca/2024/02/donate-2/

    8:30 Part 2 - Marty Gold sets the scene for audio from the City Centre Community Committee, which he previewed last week.

    14.18 - Developer Andrew Marquess explains to Councilors Rollins and Orlikow his view of the "fatally flawed" process, the effect of arbitrary rail line safety demands on the project's viability, and "what the heck are we doing here with this site?"

    24.35 - A bureaucrat wilts when Sherri Rollins asks him to justify why he proposed the Marquess project have a far more onerous rail line setback condition than the Forks residential project does.

    27.10 Hear how bureaucrats NEVER mentioned any change to the setback requirements from the previously approved planning document "so there was assumptions made and nobody clarified it." Marquess then questions 'the fundamental disconnect" in the process and that the FCM guidelines are not "a hard and fast" rule of how to measure the setback.

    Despite the dirty tricks of staff, Rollins and Orlikow imposed a couple of amendments and agreed to let the Fulton Grove application move through the City Council process.

    When outsiders see development projects sideswiped by planners imposing different rules for different people, no wonder they take their investment dollars elsewhere. The taxpayers of Winnipeg deserve better.

    Send story comments and tips, interview inquiries and Interac donations to — [email protected]

    38:06 Part 3- Crime and Public Safety Update

    - Panic set in among the public on Wednesday morning after a man was slashed and almost killed at the Burger King at Confusion Corner. In this case people learned from social media about the incident, because apparently none of the TV newscasts filed a report.

    You'll hear about the prior attacks on women, bystanders and other prisoners committed in the past 3 years by veteran violent criminal Ethan Muswagon, as we wonder what it says about our society when he keeps getting revived from drug overdoses and released by judges back into the public, only to try to kill again.

    The lectures from the bench aren't working, and neither are "failure to comply" charges. Did Wab Kinew's budget deal with this?

    - More panic on Wednesday night after a 27 year old minding his own business was punched, pulled out of his seat and dragged off of a bus near St. Anne's on St. Mary's Rd.

    The victim's father told the media they phoned the cops 3 times and found out, an attemted murder on a bus isn't a priority on Danny Smyth's watch. "It's insane the way this city is going."

    - Marty briefly discusses the path Premier Kinew is on to a legal injection site and "safe supply".

    The NDP thinks that'll help. As long as it isn't near their house.

    - Item last: Happyland Pool has already raised over $33,000 towards the 85k goal. We tell you about some of the big donors standing up for St. Boniface. Get more information from [email protected].

    Watch and share our video report about saving Happyland Pool: https://youtu.be/bl2ert2uCa4

    ALSO: let the City know what you think about them converting Wolseley Avenue into a full time 30km zone! Click here - https://engage.winnipeg.ca/wolseley-to-downtown-walk-bike-project/news_feed/we-want-to-hear-from-you

    Coming up: Taxpayers Federation on Manitoba and Winnipeg finances; Interview with Coun. Jason Schreyer; Math Is Hard - For Lefties; and listener feedback!

  • Feedback from listeners kicks off Episode 32, including about Nahanni Fontaine's MArch MAdness, already at #11 All-Time.

    - A Bell MTS employee caught our podcasts about layoff plans for Winnipeg and on Canada Day in Brandon and she's disgusted at how there's not been a peep from local MLA's or MP's about MTS favoring contracting out Call Centre jobs to cheap undertrained overseas labour.

    - Another comment came from a donor about MSM with 'perimeteritis' completely ignoring the legitimate values of Manitobans south of the city who have "a very real understanding of what government overreach is."

    Our funding campaign has an April 7 deadline- we're within $700 of our $3800 goal! Please help push us over the top by using the ActionLine.ca Donate Page

    15:21 Part 2 - City Hall Round-up

    - Is the new Director of Property and Development, Hazel Borys, behind the harsh demand to alter the Fulton Grove housing plan? Considering it would chop 485 units from the development and make it unfeasible, you'd think the rail setback requirements would have been settled a long time ago- like say, before the City lost the lawsuit to Andrew Marquess.

    23.30 - Transcona Councilor Russ Wyatt made a long Facebook post after the City budget was passed and he pulled no punches.

    Now council's official contrarian, you'll hear how he called "petty cuts" like closing neighborhood pools "mean-hearted" and the kind of idea bureaucrats used to be told to "stick in their ear!"

    Noting there are never suggestions to cut senior management expenses, Wyatt claimed "The City Hall system keeps councillors running from meeting to meeting, where they end up spending more time with unelected city staff," and his colleagues lose sight of their obligation to the voters that gave them their jobs, because of 'Stockholm Syndrome'.

    Wyatt also lauded the efforts of average residents from St. Boniface and Weston who spent countless hours trying to convince council to save their pools.

    30.00- Happyland Park pool users launched a fundraising drive and Marty tells the details of the Happy Sport Campaign... We also give a shout out to Will and Courtney Gault for the tremendous charitable causes they've raised money for through Willy Dogs this season.

    We work hard to tell the stories of neighborhood businesses and residents and be YOUR VOICE!

    36:37 Part 3- Crime And Public Safety Update

    - It's more than 3 inner-city convenience stores that have been torched in the last month, when Marty adds them all up- including one down the block from Dr. Joss Reimer's office.

    What's behind it, we wonder, a firebug? "competition"? or is it a protection racket?

    - Someone tell Nahanni Fontaine that late night shift workers on north Main Street face their own food desert- all the fast-food and convenience stores are closed overnight due to harassment and violence.

    - 44.00- According to a homeowner near Inkster and Main, a social services agency has abandoned proper supervision of a group home that "provides person-centered, crisis and treatment services to low and high-risk vulnerable and marginalized individuals living with mental illness and intellectual challenge in our community."

    The result? Seven visits by cops and 3 ambulances attended - IN A 24 HOUR Period. (This location is also, in Nahanni Fontaine's constituency. But since she sleeps at night in Lindenwoods, she doesn't care.)

    Other people with similar experiences chimed in with their own problem being labeled a 'NIMBY' for expecting a safe neighborhood where their girls aren't cat-called and exposed to degenerate behavior. "You're lucky you're still alive" wrote one woman - beaten in a home invasion - about Winnipeg, "the capital of CRISIS and CRIME."

    You can combine all 4 evening TV newscasts and you won't get as much important information and insight as we provided in this single episode. WE EARN YOUR SUPPORT! Send story comments and tips, interview inquiries and Interac donations to -- [email protected]