Welkom bij deze speciale aflevering over European Mental Health Week (13-19 mei 2024). In een klein kwartier vertelt Marlies Zegelaar over haar mentale worstelingen en hoe die haar hebben gevormd tot de persoon die ze nu is.
Na een loopbaan in onder andere de communicatiesector werkt Marlies sinds enkele jaren met veel plezier als taaldocent op het mbo. Door haar verhaal te delen, wil Marlies bijdragen aan de normalisering en de-stigmatisering van mentale kwetsbaarheden. Ook hoopt zij, en ik met haar, dat we anderen kunnen inspireren om hierover met elkaar in gesprek te gaan.
Note to English speaking listeners:
From now on, I will occasionally publish episodes in my mother tongue, Dutch. Today's conversation is a collaboration with my wife Marlies Zegelaar to raise awareness for European Mental Health Week (May 13-19, 2024). If you don’t speak Dutch and you find this topic interesting, please get in touch with me via LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/marcelvandehoef/) or email at marcel@beyondexpertise.nl. -
This is a quick update for listeners. In this short episode, I explain what I've been up to and why I chose to occasionally publish episodes in my mother tongue, Dutch.
Talking about episodes in Dutch, today I’m launching my first episode in a long time. It's a conversation to raise awareness for European Mental Health Week (May 13-19, 2024) and discuss the impact of mental health in our lives.
If you don’t speak Dutch and you find this topic interesting, please check out the shownotes at https://www.beyondexpertise.nl/en/the-happy-investor-podcast, get in touch with me via LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/marcelvandehoef/) or email me at marcel@thehappyinvestorpodcast.com. Please let me know what you are interested in and maybe we can also do something in English.
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Fellow executive coach Julia Hart and I discuss how to find a great coach, what to look out for, the value of accreditation and why Google might not be the best place to start.
This is the final episode in our mini-series which we created to help you understand what coaching is and what it can do for you. In the previous three episodes, we explored situations in which executive coaching can be effective, we discussed why it's not for everyone and we shared stories from our own lives to demonstrate how coaching can make a difference.
To go deeper, visit the shownotes, connect with Marcel on LinkedIn or check out the website of Beyond Expertise, his coaching practice for investment experts, senior professionals and executives in the financial sector.
Fellow executive coach Julia Hart and I explore the point of executive coaching: how does it even help? And what better way to do that than by tapping into our own personal experiences. In this short episode, Julia talks about how her first coach helped change her thinking about how she shows up at work and I share how coaching helped me get out of my head.
This is the third episode in our mini-series about coaching. The first episode ‘When to Seek Help From an Executive Coach’ was released on April 28 2023 and the second one ‘What is Executive Coaching?’ on May 12. The final episode in this series, ‘How to Find a Great Coach’, will go live on Friday June 23.
To go deeper, visit the shownotes, connect with Marcel on LinkedIn or check out the website of Beyond Expertise, his coaching practice for investment experts, senior professionals and executives in the financial sector.
Fellow coach Julia Hart and I explore a counterintuitive truth about coaching: if you are merely seeking advice or want to hear someone else’s opinion on how to tackle a problem, you're better off looking elsewhere. We also discuss the foundations of coaching and the differences between a professional coach and a manager with a coaching leadership style.
This is the second episode in our mini-series about coaching. The first episode ‘When to Seek Help From an Executive Coach’ was released on April 28 2023 and the third one 'How Coaching Makes a Difference' went live on June 2. The final episode in this mini-series, ‘How to Find a Great Coach’, will drop on Friday June 23.
To go deeper, visit the shownotes, connect with Marcel on LinkedIn or check out the website of Beyond Expertise, his coaching practice for investment experts, senior professionals and executives in the financial sector.
In the next four episodes, fellow executive coach Julia Hart and I try to be as open as we can about what goes on behind the walls of coaching. We share our personal experiences as coaches and coachees, we explain what coaching is, how it works and why it can be so incredibly powerful for those who commit to it. We kick off this series by exploring when it’s time to seek help from a coach.
To go deeper, go to the shownotes, connect with Marcel on LinkedIn or check out the website of Beyond Expertise, his coaching practice for investment experts, senior professionals and executives in the financial sector.
Joe Wiggins, the curator of the popular blog Behavioural Investment, talks about what it’s like to be an introvert in asset management. Is there an Extrovert Ideal in this industry? And if so, how did Joe find his way? We also look at this topic from a leadership perspective: what can managers do to create an environment in which both introverts and extroverts can thrive?
To go deeper, go to the shownotes, connect with Marcel on LinkedIn or check out the website of Beyond Expertise, his coaching practice for senior investment professionals.
Listening is arguably the most important communication skill for investors. In this episode, executive coach Oscar Trimboli breaks down the art of listening. You’ll learn about the importance of listening for (investment) professionals, where to start when you want to improve your skills, how to get into the right mindset to listen and why listening is so incredibly difficult to most of us.
To go deeper, go to the shownotes or connect with Marcel on LinkedIn.
Mick Dillon returns to the show to talk about what makes him a happy investor, why true productivity is not about face time and how he manages his time and energy throughout the day. You’ll learn about Circadian and seasonal rhythms, optimizing downtime, how to match your productivity with your energy levels and why it’s crucial to discuss these topics within your team.
To go deeper, go to the shownotes or connect with Marcel on LinkedIn.
Mick Dillon, a portfolio manager in the global equity team of Brown Advisory, talks about how to get the most out of your reading. You’ll learn about Mick’s reading habits, his ideas on expiring versus compounding knowledge, time management, the value of book clubs, the burden of experience and how reading helps you become a better investor.
To go deeper, go to the shownotes or connect with Marcel on LinkedIn.
Executive coach Tom Henschel shares his process for helping managers of overstretched investment teams get unstuck. You’ll learn how to share bad news with your team, how to ask for resources, what not to say when you are feeling hopeless and why it’s so incredibly important for managers to take care of themselves.
To go deeper, go to the shownotes or connect with Marcel on LinkedIn.
Jorik van den Bos, the former head of Kempen’s Dividend Team, opens up about something he struggled with during his last 10 years as an investor: applying environmental, social and governance criteria in the investment process. You’ll hear how ESG showed up in his work, how he struggled and what he did to deal with it. He also shares exciting news about the next phase of his professional life.
To go deeper, go to the shownotes or connect with Marcel on LinkedIn.
Ewout van Schaick is the head of Multi Asset at NN Investment Partners. In this episode, Ewout shares his ideas on how to manage yourself and your team through disruptive change. He also reflects on how his profession has changed throughout his 25 years in investing and what this means for him and the people he works with.
To go deeper, go to the shownotes, subscribe to the newsletter or connect with Marcel on LinkedIn.
This is the last episode before a short summer break. New episodes will drop in September 2022. Please hit follow in your podcast player to get notified as soon as new episodes go live.
Mamie Kanfer Stewart is an executive coach and the host of The Modern Manager podcast. In episode 7, we talk about the challenges for investment experts who are asked to lead their former peers.
One of the biggest challenges is the workload. Usually, you still have your own work, which requires concentration, and then you also have to manage people and perform admin tasks. In this short bonus episode, I ask Mamie how to combine those things.
To go deeper, go to the shownotes, subscribe to the newsletter or connect with Marcel on LinkedIn.
Mamie Kanfer Stewart is an executive coach and the host of The Modern Manager podcast. In this episode, she talks about the challenges investment experts face when taking on their first management role.
You’ll learn how to lead your former peers, how to delegate, how to combine friendship with your new role, and how to have tough conversations to keep your people accountable.To go deeper, go to the shownotes, subscribe to the newsletter or connect with Marcel on LinkedIn.
This is a short episode about interviewing. I will share one basic idea that you can immediately apply to get more out of your meetings with company management. And I think it’s equally relevant if you are selecting fund managers.
To go deeper, go to the shownotes, subscribe to the newsletter or connect with Marcel on LinkedIn.
Michael Bungay Stanier is the best-selling author of 'The Coaching Habit' and an expert in coach-like leadership. A bit of an ugly phrase, Michael is quick to admit. But it’s exactly what leaders in asset management and investing need.
To build a team culture that helps people grow and adapt to the fast-changing world around them, you have to listen and ask questions that help them think and come up with their own answers.
In other words, you have to be less like an expert, and more like a coach.
In this episode, Michael unpacks coach-like leadership: what is it, what is it not and why do you need it. You’ll learn practical tools, questions and mindsets that help you kickstart and guide 1-on-1 coaching conversations with your team that only take 10 minutes or less.
To go deeper, go to the shownotes, subscribe to the newsletter or connect with Marcel on LinkedIn.
In this short episode, you’ll learn three quick tips to break bad habits and build good ones. I also explain why this topic might be especially relevant for you in the current market environment.
To go deeper, go to the shownotes, subscribe to the newsletter or connect with Marcel on LinkedIn.
Clare Flynn Levy joins me to talk about intellectual curiosity. She explains why it makes sense for investors to look into the mirror and capture data about their own behavior.
Clare is a former fund manager and the founder and CEO of Essentia Analytics. In this episode, she explains the concept of feedback loops, how they work, why you need them and how they can help you become a better – but also a happier investor.
To go deeper, go to the shownotes, subscribe to the newsletter or connect with Marcel on LinkedIn
My very first guest on the show is Jorik van den Bos, the former head of Kempen’s successful Dividend Team. In 2013, his team became the first Dutch mutual fund to receive a Gold-rating from Morningstar. Jorik himself - who's known to many as 'Mr. Dividend' - was nominated twice as European Fund Manager of the Year.
But if you ask him, his biggest claim to fame is that he managed to keep a group of talented investment professionals together for more than 15 years. In this episode, Jorik looks back on his 28 years in investing. You’ll learn how he kept his team together through good and bad times, why understanding ego is critical when managing investment teams and why he recently decided to take the biggest leap of his professional life...To go deeper, go to the shownotes, subscribe to the newsletter or connect with Marcel on LinkedIn
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