Связанные с
¡Hola! Soy Isabel Viña Bas, Médico y divulgadora.
Además, desempeño el rol de cofundadora y mente creativa detrás de las cautivadoras fórmulas de los suplementos de IVB Wellness Lab. Mi reputación como una de las principales autoridades en el ámbito de la suplementación en España es sólida, habiendo dejado huella en numerosas charlas y brindando asesoramiento que están ayudando a miles de personas a través de mi plataforma en Instagram.
Cada sábado, en este podcast, despliego ante ti un enfoque único y claro sobre todo lo que siempre has anhelado conocer acerca de las hormonas y el intrincado mundo del metabolismo. Mi misión es iluminarte con conocimientos para que sepas más y por tanto puedas tomar decisiones informadas, permitiendo que tus hormonas se conviertan en tus aliadas inseparables de tu bienestar.
Los únicos requisitos previos para embarcarte en esta apasionante travesía son un corazón ávido de aprendizaje y un genuino interés en nutrir la salud hormonal. De todo lo demás, encárgate de despreocuparte, ya lo he gestionado por ti.
Sígueme en Instagram @isabelvina para mantenerte al tanto de las últimas novedades y no dudes en compartir tus valiosas sugerencias para futuros episodios.
Prepárate para sumergirte en una experiencia transformadora.
¡Estamos a punto de adentrarnos en un emocionante viaje de descubrimiento, asi que agarrate que vienen curvas! -
En este podcast aprenderemos acerca de los músculos
OrthoRADIO is a podcast from the Orthopaedic Community and for the Orthopaedic Community. Includes academic as well as non academic podcasts that are relevant to Orthopaedic Community and also Ortho Allied branches: It is the offical Podcast of OrthoTV Global
Hablamos sobre el autismo y sus dificultades
Manifestado tu bienestar. En este podcast encontraras temas de salud, crecimiento personal, nutrición, mindfulness, fitness y mucho más. Historias y conversaciones que te ayudarán a tomar control de tu bienestar y tu vida.
vamos a sumar la fecha de nuestro dìa , mes y año de nacimiento.
7+ 2 + 23=5 -
Hola. Mi nombre es Silvina y este podcast es un registro de mis repasos en la carrera de Medicina. Espero y me alegraría mucho que te sirvan.
Researchers would love if they can expand time to fit in that publication, article, or review of their topic of interest; if that were true, however, there is no end to bottomless scrolling and missing the important details. PubReading would read out the abstract, results, and discussions to allow hassle-free information and a chance to create connections with like-minded individuals.
AGRADECIDA PODCAST te regala MINI MEDITACIONES sencillas y profundas que puedes escuchar en cualquier momento, ayudándote a cultivar la presencia, la plenitud y la gratitud en tu vida cotidiana. Encuentra nuevos episodios cada lunes y jueves en todas las plataformas de podcast, completamente gratis.
Y si quieres conectar más allá del podcast nos encontramos en Instagram como @meditaconmigocast, @mardelcerro o puedes escribirnos a [email protected]
Esperamos de corazón que disfrutes de estos episodios, pues los hicimos pensando en ti, gracias hoy y gracias siempre por ser parte de esta comunidad.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Viva Tropical is a lifestyle 20 years in the making. It all started on a surf trip to Costa Rica in the mid 90's, where your host Josh Linnes fell in love with the tropical region. Since then he founded several companies including www. vivatropical.com, created real estate projects in Costa Rica and Panama, eventually buying his own island in Panama with his business partner Park Wilson.
As comfortable in a dug out canoe as as a yacht, his adventures take him and his business partner into uncharted regions.
Josh is a proponent of living simply while focusing on getting the most out of life. His love of exploring and experiencing everything the diverse region has to offer is obvious.
On its surface the show is about the Latin Tropics, but the hosts multitude of interests take the show much deeper. From strange local myths and unique plants, to how to retire to the region. From offshore investment strategy to how to build a sailboat.
You are welcome to enjoy an eclectic mix of interviews, how to's, local hacks, investment strategy, surfing stories, environmental coverage, off-grid information, coffee talk, and much more.
Having a radio show is an excuse for Josh to draw in interesting people that hopefully teach listeners something new.
Get to know a region better while discovering about all types of different subjects designed to help you break free and thrive. -
RDH Magazine Podcast is the community of voices you love from RDH Magazine, brought to your podcast feed every week. You can expect to gain education and have the RDH Magazine community in your ears to complement the content you enjoy online and in print each month.
Este es nuestro proyecto, somos estudiantes de fisioterapia que queremos brindar un poco de información por si quieres estudiar fisioterapia!!!
Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre la insuficiencia suprarrenal .
En este podcast hablaremos sobre el cáncer de mama para dar más información acerca de esta enfermedad.
¡Qué viva la ciencia, qué viva la poesía! ❤ platiquemos un ratillo de todo y nada.
Join Dr. Peter Grossman as he has conversations with leaders in the world of cosmetic medicine. Learn the benefits and hear cautionary stories regarding procedures and practices in the search for beauty.
Tudo de mais novo e interessante na endocrinologia, para deixar a sua vida mais saudável e interessante.
Acerca de la etapa de la andropausia y sus síntoma para poder identificarla.
Proceso de inspiración y espiración
Welcome to a podcast powered by the Double Doc, Richard Harris, MD, PharmD, MBA. Dr. Harris is a board-certified pharmacist and holistic internal medicine physician in Houston, Texas. Dr. Harris passion is to educate; his podcast focuses on research-based health and wellness information backed by the principles of functional medicine and the ancestral lifestyle. Dr. Harris motto is Strive for Great Health which sounds simple. However, there is a lot of conflicting information presented by so many so-called experts that people are confused about what is actually healthy. Pull up a chair, get comfy and listen to the Double Doc drop potent bits of information about what is actually in your best health interests and what you should be doing to achieve your health goals. Wellness to Dr. Harris is a holistic approach and as a partner in an education consulting firm that specializes in curricula for social-emotional learning and mental fortitude, and a consultant for several start-up companies, the nature of the podcast will reflect Dr. Harris' wide variety of interests and expertise. We aim to be your go-to health and wellness resource as you progress on your wellness journey!