Hey there. Welcome to episode 26 of the HoloGraham Media Club Podcast. In today's episode we discuss the Hackers delight "Snow Crash" by Neal Stephenson. You could be on the show too! Just email or get in touch, with or without a book suggestion, and be prepared to talk geek! The next episode will be - 'Ubik' by Philip K. Dick. Hope you'll join us as we discuss this special story! We're Will and Gavin Graham + Aaron + Andy, a couple of cousins and friends that enjoy speculative fiction, Sci-Fi movies, and all things geeky. We focus on books but we'll talk about movies, TV, and nerd culture in general. Get in touch. Email us ideas, thoughts, praise and complaints: [email protected] Follow us on Insta; HoloGrahamMC #BookClub #Sci-fiBooks #AudiobookClub #Sci-FiBookClub #SpeculativeFictionAudiobook #BookReview #Sci-FiBookReview #NealStephenson #SnowCrash #Ubik #Hackers
Hey there. Welcome to episode 24 of the HoloGraham Media Club Podcast. In today's episode we discuss everyone's High School English Class favorite "Flowers for Algernon" by Daniel Keyes. You could be on the show too! Just email or get in touch, with or without a book suggestion, and be prepared to talk geek! The next episode will be - 'Neuromancer' by William Gibson. Hope you'll join us as we discuss this special story! We're Will and Gavin Graham + Aaron, a couple of cousins that enjoy speculative fiction, Sci-Fi movies, and all things geeky. We focus on books but we'll talk about movies, TV, and nerd culture in general. Get in touch. Email us ideas, thoughts, praise and complaints: [email protected] Follow us on Insta; HoloGrahamMC #BookClub #Sci-fiBooks #AudiobookClub #Sci-FiBookClub #SpeculativeFictionAudiobook #BookReview #Sci-FiBookReview #FlowersforAlgernon #DanielKeyes #Algernon #HighSchoolEnglish
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Hey there. Welcome to episode 23 of the HoloGraham Media Club Podcast. In today's episode we discuss the Sci-Fi epic "Project Hail Mary" by Andy Weir. You could be on the show too! Just email or get in touch, with or without a book suggestion, and be prepared to talk geek! The next episode will be - 'Flowers For Algernon' by Daniel Keyes. Hope you'll join us as we discuss this special story! We're Will and Gavin Graham + Aaron, a couple of cousins that enjoy speculative fiction, Sci-Fi movies, and all things geeky. We focus on books but we'll talk about movies, TV, and nerd culture in general. Get in touch. Email us ideas, thoughts, praise and complaints: [email protected] Follow us on Insta; HoloGrahamMC #BookClub #Sci-fiBooks #AudiobookClub #Sci-FiBookClub #SpeculativeFictionAudiobook #BookReview #Sci-FiBookReview #ProjectHailMary #AndyWeir #Rocky #TheMartian
Hey there. Welcome to episode 22 of the HoloGraham Media Club Podcast. In today's episode we're joined by Mike, long time friend of Gavin and Aaron as well as Dungeon master for their current campaign! In today's special episode, we discuss the first season of "The Peripheral" which can be viewed on Amazon Prime. We discussed the book by William Gibson in episode 7 of this podcast. You could be on the show too! Just email or get in touch, with or without a book suggestion, and be prepared to talk geek! The next episode will be - 'Flowers For Algernon' by Daniel Keyes. Hope you'll join us for the discussion of this Classic! We're Will and Gavin Graham + Aaron + Andy, a couple of cousins and friends that enjoy speculative fiction, Sci-Fi movies, and all things geeky. We focus on books but we'll talk about movies, TV, and nerd culture in general. Get in touch. Email us ideas, thoughts, praise and complaints: [email protected] Follow us on Insta; HoloGrahamMC #BookClub #Sci-fiBooks #AudiobookClub #Sci-FiBookClub #SpeculativeFictionAudiobook #BookReview #Sci-FiBookReview #WilliamGibson #ThePeripheral #AmazonPrime #Mike #SciFi
Happy Halloween! Welcome to episode 21 of the HoloGraham Media Club Podcast. In today's frightening episode we have spooky guest Phillip, of the Dead Ringers Podcast, a twice monthly horror podcast covering double features with shared DNA (e.g. premise, structure, concept), but distinct personalities! Tonight, we discuss "The Dunwich Horror" one of H.P. Lovecrafts most beloved stories. You could be on the show too! Just email or get in touch, with or without a book suggestion, and be prepared to talk geek! The next episode will be - 'Project Hail Mary' by Andy Weir. Hope you'll join us as we discuss this epic space Sci-Fi thriller! We're Will and Gavin Graham + Aaron, a couple of cousins that enjoy speculative fiction, Sci-Fi movies, and all things geeky. We focus on books but we'll talk about movies, TV, and nerd culture in general. Get in touch. Email us ideas, thoughts, praise and complaints: [email protected] Follow us on Insta; HoloGrahamMC #BookClub #Sci-fiBooks #AudiobookClub #Sci-FiBookClub #SpeculativeFictionAudiobook #BookReview #Sci-FiBookReview #DunwichHorror #HPLovecraft #HoloGrahamMediaClub
Hey there. Welcome to episode 20 of the HoloGraham Media Club Podcast. In today's episode we have distinguished guests Alice and Andy on, as we discuss the first ever true Sci-Fi "Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus" by Mary Shelley. You could be on the show too! Just email or get in touch, with or without a book suggestion, and be prepared to talk geek! The next episode will be - 'The Andromeda Strain' by Michael Chrichton. Hope you'll join us as we discuss this scary Sci-Fi thriller! We're Will and Gavin Graham + Aaron, a couple of cousins that enjoy speculative fiction, Sci-Fi movies, and all things geeky. We focus on books but we'll talk about movies, TV, and nerd culture in general. Get in touch. Email us ideas, thoughts, praise and complaints: [email protected] Follow us on Insta; HoloGrahamMC #BookClub #Sci-fiBooks #AudiobookClub #Sci-FiBookClub #SpeculativeFictionAudiobook #BookReview #Sci-FiBookReview #Frankenstein #Mary Shelley #HoloGrahamMediaClub
Hey there. Welcome to episode 19 of the HoloGraham Media Club Podcast. In today's episode we discuss the Sci-Fi epic "Rendezvous With Rama" by Arthur C. Clarke, winner of the Nebula and Hugo Awards. You could be on the show too! Just email or get in touch, with or without a book suggestion, and be prepared to talk geek!
The next episode will be - 'Frankenstein' by Mary Shelley. Hope you'll join us as we discuss this special Sci-Fi all time first!
We're Will and Gavin Graham + Aaron, a couple of cousins that enjoy speculative fiction, Sci-Fi movies, and all things geeky. We focus on books but we'll talk about movies, TV, and nerd culture in general. Get in touch. Email us ideas, thoughts, praise and complaints: [email protected] Follow us on Insta; HoloGrahamMC
#BookClub #Sci-fiBooks #AudiobookClub #Sci-FiBookClub #SpeculativeFictionAudiobook #BookReview #Sci-FiBookReview #RendezvousWithRama #ArthurCClarke #Rama #HoloGrahamMediaClub -
Hey there. Welcome to episode 18 of the HoloGraham Media Club Podcast. In today's episode we're joined by Andrea Subissati, executive editor of Rue Morgue Magazine and Co-Host of the Faculty of Horror Podcast! We discuss the darkly satirical "Under the Skin," by Michel Faber! You could be on the show too! Just email or get in touch, with or without a book suggestion, and be prepared to talk geek! The next episode will be - 'Rendezvous With Rama' by Arthur C. Clarke. Hope you'll join us for the discussion of this Classic Sci-Fi! We're Will and Gavin Graham + Aaron, a couple of cousins that enjoy speculative fiction, Sci-Fi movies, and all things geeky. We focus on books but we'll talk about movies, TV, and nerd culture in general. Get in touch. Email us ideas, thoughts, praise and complaints: [email protected] Follow us on Insta; HoloGrahamMC #BookClub #Sci-fiBooks #AudiobookClub #Sci-FiBookClub #SpeculativeFictionAudiobook #BookReview #Sci-FiBookReview #UnderTheSkin #MichelFaber #RueMorgueMagazine #FacultyOfHorror #SciFi
Hey there. Welcome to episode 17 of the HoloGraham Media Club Podcast. In today's episode we're joined by Steve, Gavin's long time friend and Sci-Fi confidant. We discuss the epic Trilogy "Bobiverse," by Dennis E. Taylor! You could be on the show too! Just email or get in touch, with or without a book suggestion, and be prepared to talk geek!
The next episode will be - 'Under The Skin' by Michel Faber. Hope you'll join us for the discussion of this Horror Sci-Fi!
We're Will and Gavin Graham + Aaron, a couple of cousins that enjoy speculative fiction, Sci-Fi movies, and all things geeky. We focus on books but we'll talk about movies, TV, and nerd culture in general. Get in touch. Email us ideas, thoughts, praise and complaints: [email protected] Follow us on Insta; HoloGrahamMC
#BookClub #Sci-fiBooks #AudiobookClub #Sci-FiBookClub #SpeculativeFictionAudiobook #BookReview #Sci-FiBookReview #WeAreLegion #WeAreBob #Bobiverse #DennisETaylor #SciFi -
Hey there. Welcome to episode 16 of the HoloGraham Media Club Podcast. In today's episode we discuss the Sci-Fi classic "Dune" part two, by Frank Herbert, just in time for the release of the new film! You could be on the show too! Just email or get in touch, with or without a book suggestion, and be prepared to talk geek!
The next episode will be - 'Cloud Atlas' by David Mitchell. Hope you'll join us for the discussion of this peculiar Sci-Fi!
We're Will and Gavin Graham + Aaron, a couple of cousins that enjoy speculative fiction, Sci-Fi movies, and all things geeky. We focus on books but we'll talk about movies, TV, and nerd culture in general. Get in touch. Email us ideas, thoughts, praise and complaints: [email protected] Follow us on Insta; HoloGrahamMC
#BookClub #Sci-fiBooks #AudiobookClub #Sci-FiBookClub #SpeculativeFictionAudiobook #BookReview #Sci-FiBookReview #Dune #FrankHerbert #SciFi
Hey there. Welcome to episode 15 of the HoloGraham Media Club Podcast. In today's episode we discuss the Sci-Fi classic "Dune" part one, by Frank Herbert, just in time for the release of the new film! You could be on the show too! Just email or get in touch, with or without a book suggestion, and be prepared to talk geek!
The next episode will be - 'Dune' part two, by Frank Herbert. Hope you'll join us as we finish the discussion of this Sci-Fi great!
We're Will and Gavin Graham + Aaron, a couple of cousins that enjoy speculative fiction, Sci-Fi movies, and all things geeky. We focus on books but we'll talk about movies, TV, and nerd culture in general. Get in touch. Email us ideas, thoughts, praise and complaints: [email protected] Follow us on Insta; HoloGrahamMC
#BookClub #Sci-fiBooks #AudiobookClub #Sci-FiBookClub #SpeculativeFictionAudiobook #BookReview #Sci-FiBookReview #Dune #FrankHerbert #SciFi
Hey there. Welcome to episode 14 of the HoloGraham Media Club Podcast. In today's episode we discuss the Sci-Fi epic "Red Dwarf: Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers" by Grant Naylor, the collective name for Rob Grant and Doug Naylor, co-creators and writers of the television series, on which the novel is based. You could be on the show too! Just email or get in touch, with or without a book suggestion, and be prepared to talk geek!
The next episode will be - 'Dune' by Frank Herbert. Hope you'll join us as we discuss this Sci-Fi great!
We're Will and Gavin Graham + Aaron, a couple of cousins that enjoy speculative fiction, Sci-Fi movies, and all things geeky. We focus on books but we'll talk about movies, TV, and nerd culture in general. Get in touch. Email us ideas, thoughts, praise and complaints: [email protected] Follow us on Insta; HoloGrahamMC
#BookClub #Sci-fiBooks #AudiobookClub #Sci-FiBookClub #SpeculativeFictionAudiobook #BookReview #Sci-FiBookReview #RedDwarf #InfinityWelcomesCarefulDrivers
Hey there. Welcome to episode 13 of the HoloGraham Media Club Podcast. In today's episode we welcome Aaron as a full fledged member of the HoloGrahams MC and dub him an official Graham! We discuss the twisted tale "The Real Story: The Gap into Conflict" by Steven R. Donaldson. You could be on the show too! Just email or get in touch, with or without a book suggestion, and be prepared to talk geek!
The next episode will be - 'Red Dwarf' by Rob Grant & Doug Naylor. Hope you'll join us as we discuss this Sci-Fi great!
We're Will and Gavin Graham + Aaron, a couple of cousins that enjoy speculative fiction, Sci-Fi movies, and all things geeky. We focus on books but we'll talk about movies, TV, and nerd culture in general. Get in touch. Email us ideas, thoughts, praise and complaints: [email protected] Follow us on Insta; HoloGrahamMC
#BookClub #Sci-fiBooks #AudiobookClub #Sci-FiBookClub #SpeculativeFictionAudiobook #BookReview #Sci-FiBookReview #TheRealStory
Hey there. Welcome to episode 12 of the HoloGraham Media Club Podcast. In today's episode we discuss the twisted tale "Geek Love" by Katherine Dunn. You could be on the show too! Just email or get in touch, with or without a book suggestion, and be prepared to talk geek!
The next episode will be - 'The Real Story: The Gap Into Conflict' by Steven R. Donaldson. Hope you'll join us as we discuss this extra dark and twisted Sci-Fi.
We're Will and Gavin Graham, a couple of cousins that enjoy speculative fiction, Sci-Fi movies, and all things geeky. We focus on books but we'll talk about movies, TV, and nerd culture in general. Get in touch. Email us ideas, thoughts, praise and complaints: [email protected] Follow us on Insta; HoloGrahamMC
#BookClub #Sci-fiBooks #AudiobookClub #Sci-FiBookClub #SpeculativeFictionAudiobook #BookReview #Sci-FiBookReview #GeekLove
Hey there. Welcome to episode 11 of the HoloGraham Media Club Podcast. In today's episode we discuss some questions asked by our listeners. Whats the book that made you a Sci-Fi fan, and how old were you when you read it? Whats your favorite movie adaptation of a Sci-Fi novel or story? Best? Most faithful? You could be on the show too! Just email or get in touch, with or without a book suggestion, and be prepared to talk geek!
The next episode will be - 'Geek Love' by Katherine Dunn. Hope you'll join us as we discuss this dark and twisted family drama.
We're Will and Gavin Graham, a couple of cousins that enjoy speculative fiction, Sci-Fi movies, and all things geeky. We focus on books but we'll talk about movies, TV, and nerd culture in general. Get in touch. Email us ideas, thoughts, praise and complaints: [email protected] Follow us on Insta; HoloGrahamMC
#BookClub #Sci-fiBooks #AudiobookClub #Sci-FiBookClub #SpeculativeFictionAudiobook #BookReview #Sci-FiBookReview #TheMartianChronicles
Hey there. Welcome to episode 10 of the HoloGraham Media Club Podcast. In today's episode we discuss "The Shrinking Man" by Richard Matheson. You could be on the show too! Just email or get in touch, with or without a book suggestion, and be prepared to talk geek!
The next episode will be - 'Geek Love' by Katherine Dunn. Hope you'll join us as we discuss this dark and twisted family drama.
We're Will and Gavin Graham, a couple of cousins that enjoy speculative fiction, Sci-Fi movies, and all things geeky. We focus on books but we'll talk about movies, TV, and nerd culture in general. Get in touch. Email us ideas, thoughts, praise and complaints: [email protected] Follow us on Insta; HoloGrahamMC
#BookClub #Sci-fiBooks #AudiobookClub #Sci-FiBookClub #SpeculativeFictionAudiobook #BookReview #Sci-FiBookReview #TheMartianChronicles
Hey there. Welcome to episode 9 of the HoloGrahams Media Club Podcast. In today's episode we discuss books 1 & 2 of the Discworld Universe..."The Colour of Magic" and "The Light Fantastic" by Terry Pratchett. You could be on the show too! Just email or get in touch, with or without a book suggestion, and be prepared to talk geek!
The next episode will be - 'The Incredible Shrinking Man' by Richard Matheson. Hope you'll join us as we discuss this dark and twisted Sci-Fi Classic.
We're Will and Gavin Graham, a couple of cousins that enjoy speculative fiction, Sci-Fi movies, and all things geeky. We focus on books but we'll talk about movies, TV, and nerd culture in general. Get in touch. Email us ideas, thoughts, praise and complaints: [email protected] Follow us on Insta; HoloGrahamMC
#BookClub #Sci-fiBooks #AudiobookClub #Sci-FiBookClub #SpeculativeFictionAudiobook #BookReview #Sci-FiBookReview #TheMartianChronicles
Hey there. Welcome to episode 8 of the HoloGrahams Media Club Podcast. In today's episode we discuss "The Martian Chronicles" by Ray Bradbury. You could be on the show too! Just email or get in touch, with or without a book suggestion, and be prepared to talk geek!
The next episode will be - 'The Colour of Magic' and 'The Light Fantastic' by Terry Pratchett. Hope you'll join us as we discuss two amazing pieces of satire fantasy.
We're Will and Gavin Graham, a couple of cousins that enjoy speculative fiction, Sci-fi movies, and all things geeky. We focus on books but we'll talk about movies, TV, and nerd culture in general. Get in touch. Email us ideas, thoughts, praise and complaints: [email protected] Follow us on Insta; HoloGrahamMC
#BookClub #Sci-fiBooks #AudiobookClub #Sci-FiBookClub #SpeculativeFictionAudiobook #BookReview #Sci-FiBookReview #TheMartianChronicles
Hey there. Welcome to episode 7 of the HoloGrahams Media Club Podcast. In today's episode we are joined by Aaron, a Sci-Fi Guy with a God like voice, and discuss "The Peripheral" by William Gibson. Aaron brings a wealth of knowledge when it comes to William Gibson and is our first guest on the show. You could be on the show too! Just email or get in touch, with or without a book suggestion, and be prepared to talk geek!
The next episode will be- The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury. Hope you'll join us as we discuss an absolute classic piece of Sci-Fi.
We're Will and Gavin Graham, a couple of cousins that enjoy speculative fiction, Sci-fi movies, and all things geeky. We focus on books but we'll talk about movies, TV, and nerd culture in general. Get in touch. Email us ideas, thoughts, praise and complaints: [email protected] Follow us on Insta; HoloGrahamMC
#Book Club #Sci-fi Books #Audiobook Club #Sci-Fi Book Club #Speculative Fiction Audiobook #Book Review #Sci-Fi Book Review #
Hey there. Welcome to episode 6 of the HoloGrahams Media Club Podcast. We're Will and Gavin Graham, a couple of cousins that enjoy speculative fiction, sci-fi movies, and all things geeky. We focus on books but we'll talk about movies, TV, and nerd culture in general. In today's episode we discuss "Neverwhere" by Neil Gaiman. Get in touch. Email us ideas, thoughts, praise and complaints: [email protected] Follow us on Insta; HoloGrahamMC
#Book Club #Sci-fi Books #Audiobook Club #Sci-Fi Book Club #Speculative Fiction Audiobook #Book Review #Sci-Fi Book Review #
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