Still stuck on glue
We talk of chemical and other forces that make sticky things sticky.
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Only one link this time, a video on the invention of post-it notes.
Chance Discoveries: Post-it Notes -
Hooks and loops and stickiness
There isn’t just one way that glues work. This time, we look at mechanical forces that attach one thing to another.
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Here are a couple of videos on the invention of super blue.
The Story Behind Super Glue
How super glue was invented
Here's an article on super glue.
The Surprising Military History of Superglue
And here are two videos on Velcro.
A Brief History of: Velcro
History of Velcro -
Пропущенные эпизоды?
When did we find what glue?
We start a look at the science of stickiness with a quick historical overview, and a nifty trick with phonebooks.
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Here are a couple of videos from the MythBusters on intermeshed phonebooks. They’ve both got the same name, but are different videos.
MythBusters - Phone Book Friction
Mythbusters - Phone Book Friction
Here’s a video by someone other than the MythBusters, playing with the same thing.
Tearing two interlaced phone books apart using two 18 wheeler trucks
Here’s an article on how and why it is so difficult to separate intermeshed phonebooks.
Researchers explain why it's nearly impossible to separate two interleaved phonebooks
Here’s an article on the history of phonebooks, just for fun.
The end of an era: Whatever happened to the phone book?
And here are some articles on the history of glues and adhesives.
History of Glue
The History of Glue | Back Then History
The Sticky History of Adhesives -
Capitalism vs socialism vs communism vs robots!
We compare the three best known economic systems, and take a look at how AI is changing what jobs you can get.
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Here are some articles on the impact of AI on employment.
The Impact of AI on Job Roles, Workforce, and Employment: What You Need to Know
Machines Will Do More Tasks Than Humans by 2025 but Robot Revolution Will Still Create 58 Million Net New Jobs in Next Five Years
Jobs of the future: Jobs lost, jobs gained
The impact of artificial intelligence on employment: the role of virtual agglomeration
Here are some articles on what capitalism is.
What Is Capitalism? - Back to Basics
What Is Capitalism?
What is Capitalism? Capitalism Explained | Pros and Cons of Capitalism?
And here’s an article about socialism and communism, and what their differences are.
What is the difference between socialism and communism? -
What makes a nation wealthy?
Time for a look at Adam Smith and his extraordinary book, “The Wealth of Nations.”
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Here’s a video and an article about Adam’s Smith’s nifty book.
Adam Smith Tercentenary | The Wealth of Nations
The Wealth of Nations
And here’s a bit about the actual person, Adam Smith.
About Adam Smith -
What if wealth is more than gold and silver?
Let’s have a gander at the physiocrats, a French movement that considered farming to be more important than gold.
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Here’s an article about the Physiocrats.
The Physiocrats
Here’s something on hunter gather energy use and food intake.
Hunter-Gatherer Energetics and Human Obesity
Here’s a thumbnail sketch of the history of agriculture.
History of Agriculture
Here's an article about how hunter gatherers may actually have worked less than farmers, or even modern nine to five folks.
Farmers have less leisure time than hunter-gatherers
And in case you thought fake news was a new thing, here’s an article about an old conspiracy theory that helped fuel the French revolution.
Pacte de famine -
Folk tales and freaky finance
Let’s find out how Halloween makes money.
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Here are a couple of articles and a video on the economics of pumpkin farming.
The economics of pumpkin patches
The Economics of Pumpkin Patches | YouTube
Halloween Pumpkins: A Booming Farm Business
And here’s a short video on how much Americans are expected to spend on Halloween this year—2024.
How much money will Americans spend on Halloween this year? -
Economics, confusion, and the Dutch puzzle
We start our look at the theory of economics, even though, or perhaps because, we don’t get it.
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Here’s a link to the episode in which we take a closer look at how the Dutch became a world power.
Ep417: Tall ships and troubled trips
And here are a couple of articles on mercantilism.
Mercantilism - Econlib
Mercantilism -
420 for the money
A quick look at the business of marijuana.
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Here’s an article on the challenges marijuana businesses face.
Why weed companies can't make any money
Here’s a video about starting a marijuana business in Oregon state.
So you want to start a cannabis business—NOW WHAT?
Here’s a list from Washington state of banks and other businesses that will work with pot based companies.
Financial Services Options for Cannabis Retailers
Here’s an IRS article about the tax issues facing marijuana businesses.
Providing resources to help cannabis business owners successfully navigate unique tax responsibilities
And here’s an article about the trouble pot businesses have finding banking services.
The Big Problem for Marijuana Companies? What to Do With All That Cash -
Economics, and the start of World War II
The federal reserve had complicated reasons not to do their job. This caused a few miner issues, and a major war.
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Check out our latest attempt at Episode One.
Take 162 of Episode One: Don’t fear the reaper
Here’s an article about the federal reserve, and what they did and didn’t do during the great depression.
The Great Depression
And here’s a little something on the real bills doctrine.
Real bills and the Federal Reserve