Special Season 6 Finale: Laws and principles of emotional health to get you through the holidays. Some reminders, and some new information: The Law of Hate. The two types of allowing yourself to be wronged - the healthy one and the unhealthy one. More about inherent value and commercial value and their effects.
Join our online community at thelastsymptom.locals.com, or by downloading the Locals.com app from the App Store and searching for The Last Symptom by Brian Barnett within. Livestreams there on Mondays.
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Let's hear from the experts about what a cult is, and compare what they have to say with my approach with The Last Symptom. A discussion about why censorship is stupid. Another reminder to be careful with "Health Coaches". Always ask yourself, "Is there any substance here? Or is this just emotional gloopity glop?" An update on how The Last Symptom book is progressing.
Get your copy of The Apple Tower: Complete Collection on Amazon in either paperback or electronic format.
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Upcoming Last Symptom book announcement. What is true or not. Where value originates. The origin of all motive.
Get The Apple Tower book in the US here: The Apple Tower: Complete Collection
Join our online community at thelastsymptom.locals.com, or by downloading the Locals.com app from the App Store and searching for The Last Symptom by Brian Barnett within. Livestreams there on Mondays.
Am I 100% emotionally healthy? Is anybody? Can you be? Why or why not?
My new book - not directly related to my work with The Last Symptom - available for purchase in both paperback and Kindle: The Apple Tower: Complete Collection. I'll explain why I'm presenting it here and how this graphic comic strip work supports my work with The Last Symptom and how it is related to my emotional health history.
Modesty and what it means for you as a human being.
The reason specific diagnosis, and the specific names given to various emotional disorders are largely irrelevant. The only real thing that matters is knowing that any emotional disorder is an emotional disorder.
Paperback copy of The Apple Tower: Complete Collection can be purchased here now:
US: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DCT3P324
UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0DCT3P324
AU: https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B0DCT3P324
Kindle (eBook) version can be purchased here now:
US: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DCT9RF9K
UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0DCT9RF9K
AU: https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B0DCT9RF9K
IN: https://www.amazon.in/dp/B0DCT9RF9K
Join our online community at thelastsymptom.locals.com, or by downloading the Locals.com app from the App Store and searching for The Last Symptom by Brian Barnett within. Livestreams there on Mondays.
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A special episode for the kids, and also for parents who are interested in my parenting style. My 9-year-old daughter, Eloise, shares some of her insights about life, relationships, feelings, and other things.
Join our online community at thelastsymptom.locals.com, or by downloading the Locals.com app from the App Store and searching for The Last Symptom by Brian Barnett within. Livestreams there on Mondays.
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Taken from The Last Symptom podcast S5 Ep 7
Join our online community at thelastsymptom.locals.com, or by downloading the Locals.com app from the App Store and searching for The Last Symptom by Brian Barnett within. Livestreams there on Mondays.
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The Last Symptom website: https://www.thelastsymptom.com
The Last Symptom exclusive online community: https://thelastsymptom.locals.com
(Livestreams here on Mondays)
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAZlwS8utF296RgFcvgqQnA
Rumble Channel: https://rumble.com/c/TheLastSymptom
Taken from The Last Symptom podcast S5 Ep 7.
Join our online community at thelastsymptom.locals.com, or by downloading the Locals.com app from the App Store and searching for The Last Symptom by Brian Barnett within. Livestreams there on Mondays.
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One important way to maintain your inner peace and contentment is to not get pulled into conversations that are a big ol' pointless waste of time. Taken from The Last Symptom podcast S5 Ep 7.
Join our online community at thelastsymptom.locals.com, or by downloading the Locals.com app from the App Store and searching for The Last Symptom by Brian Barnett within. Livestreams there on Mondays.
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Taken from The Last Symptom podcast S5 Ep 7.
Orange Slices are condensed insights taken from The Last Symptom podcast that have until now only appeared on Locals, YouTube & Rumble. Starting with this episode, I will also begin publishing the audio here.
Join our online community at thelastsymptom.locals.com, or by downloading the Locals.com app from the App Store and searching for The Last Symptom by Brian Barnett within. Livestreams there on Mondays.
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Join our online community at thelastsymptom.locals.com, or by downloading the Locals.com app from the App Store and searching for The Last Symptom by Brian Barnett within. Livestreams there on Mondays.
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A life lesson learned from fishing. A parenting story about make-or-break moments in time. Parenting attitudes. Allowing yourself and others to be human, and some of what that means. Why judging others is a big mistake.
Join our online community at thelastsymptom.locals.com, or by downloading the Locals.com app from the App Store and searching for The Last Symptom by Brian Barnett within. Livestreams there on Mondays.
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Trying to figure out how to 'deal' with other people is a problem. There's no difference between total strangers and people we are in relationships with. Stop reveling in sadness. Do you view life as happening 'to' you? Or do you view the majority of things in your personal life as something you are responsible for? Power over how you think. Examples of Passive-Aggressive Communication-Behavior Style. The Last Symptom Fundamentals Course now available to purchase chapter by chapter.
Join our online community at thelastsymptom.locals.com, or by downloading the Locals.com app from the App Store and searching for The Last Symptom by Brian Barnett within.
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I interview special guest 'Ava' in this episode, who has really set an excellent example of what authentic recovery from emotional disorders looks like, the natural way people behave when they are truly motivated and invested in getting healthy. Here, she talks about her attitude, the specifics of her efforts, the challenges she faces, how she overcomes them, and her optimism. I think many of you will really enjoy this one.
Join our online community at thelastsymptom.locals.com, or by downloading the Locals.com app from the App Store and searching for The Last Symptom by Brian Barnett within. Exclusive livestreams there on Mondays.
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There's no such thing as healthy or unhealthy relationships, no such thing as healthy or unhealthy marriages, and marriage counseling is an inherent obstruction to authentic recovery that is built entirely on a lie. In this episode we talk in depth about Love, and we ask 'Why'? Why does Love behave as it does?
Join our online community at thelastsymptom.locals.com, or by downloading the Locals.com app from the App Store and search for The Last Symptom by Brian Barnett within. Exclusive livestreams there on Mondays.
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An exception to always siding with your spouse. How to know if something is abuse or not. Placing importance on feelings themselves, not on whether the feelings are "right" or not.
Join our online community at thelastsymptom.locals.com, or by downloading the Locals.com app from the App Store and searching for The Last Symptom by Brian Barnett within. Exclusive livestreams there on Mondays.
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John & Julian Lennon. Dancing along with the unhealthy crowd. Does the risk of making people angry control you? Who gets priority: Mother or Wife? Inner peace & good health are the same thing.
Join our online community at thelastsymptom.locals.com, or download the Locals.com app from the App Store and search for The Last Symptom by Brian Barnett within. Exclusive livestreams there on Mondays.
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An important discussion about what your inherent worth does not mean. What do healthy people use to make decisions in their lives if it's not their feelings? The really simple formula for determining if something is a fair and reasonable expectation to have for others, and for self.
Join our online community at thelastsymptom.locals.com, or by downloading the Locals.com app from the App Store and searching for The Last Symptom by Brian Barnett within. Exclusive livestreams there on Mondays.
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The qualification that must be met in order to view your failures positively. Every battle is won before it's fought. How to have a conversation with unhealthy people. "Nobody has a right to tell me what to do." Campfire stories.
Join our online community at thelastsymptom.locals.com, or by downloading the Locals.com app from the App Store and searching for The Last Symptom by Brian Barnett. Exclusive livestreams there every Monday.
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Expanding on the topic of there not being lots of different "types" of people. Actor Will Smith & family. More about how important it is to make distinctions. A review and summary of some of the primary Laws & Principles of Emotional Health. (This is not an exhaustive list here.) What to do when people continue to test boundaries: When consequences should simply happen without warning.
Join our online community at thelastsymptom.locals.com, or by downloading the Locals.com app from the App Store and searching for The Last Symptom by Brian Barnett within. Exclusive livestreams there on Mondays.
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