In this episode we will be discussing the very popular topic of twin flames and asking the question, do they really exist?--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/paul-james-caiden/support
Many people are expecting one cataclysmic event or another to break out across the Earth, any day now. Because of all of the unrest in the Middle East, many Christians, Jews and Muslims believe that the Messiah will be coming soon; but before that happens, there are likely to be catastrophic events on planet Earth, one of which will be the outbreak of a world war. But what is this war all about and is it God's plan that some last days, holy war must be waged by his people before Earth becomes a paradise for his chosen people?As global tensions mount, many are drawing lines in the sand and choosing sides. Some believe God is supporting their side, ready to obliterate others who oppose him. But is this a wise mindset to take? Should we be choosing sides and looking to obliterate others in the name of God? This will be the topic of today's show!THE SPIRITS CHANNEL on YouTube: https://youtube.com/@PaulJamesCaidenTHESPIRITSIDE?si=aSqvBPnFA25mk0vE--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/paul-james-caiden/support
Пропущенные эпизоды?
In an age where the concept of God is being pushed farther and farther away from the human experience; we are seeing a great number of people seeking solace in politics, pseudo-religion, self-proclaimed gurus and possessors of ancient wisdom and channelers. But is society any better, anymore enlightened and happier seeking out these sources of spiritual enlightenment? Are channelers like Darryl Anka and BASHAR truly helping people or just adding more emptiness to an already empty society? And even more importantly, are they for real?--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/paul-james-caiden/support
There are many people in the world today claiming to be prophets of the Most High God. They utter cryptic sayings and share mystical dreams and visions, that are filled with apocalyptic imagery. Do we need to be concerned about what these individuals are saying? Do we need to follow these voices and put stock in their dreams, visions and utterances? Are such people truly messengers of God or merely false prophets?--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/paul-james-caiden/support
In this episode, we will talk about the Sufi practice of ziker, what it is, its benefits and how to practice it in your personal life.We will also be talking about the oneness of God, which is an important subject to understand because it is the foundation of many things we will learn going forward!--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/paul-james-caiden/support
In this episode of Mystic Radio, we will be exploring the technique and practice of Muraqaba: a very powerful and mystical meditation!--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/paul-james-caiden/support
In this episode, we will be talking about the spiritual enemies of the human being. We will start with a short discourse on Universal Unity, God the Absolute and then progress into the spiritual enemies that hinder our oneness, peace and enlightenment within the absolute!--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/paul-james-caiden/support
In episode 2 of Mystic Radio, we will be discussing God; who and what is God in Sufi mysticism? The ego, is it your friend or foe? And how do we know when we are being influenced by the desires of the ego? Thirdly, we will be talking about discovering our true selves; what is the true self and how do we go about discovering who we really are?--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/paul-james-caiden/support
An introduction to Mystic Radio and what the show will be about!--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/paul-james-caiden/support
Updates, new projects, new directions!THE MYSTERIES OF THE PARANORMAL YOUTUBE CHANNEL: https://youtube.com/@PaulJamesCaidenTHESPIRITSIDE?si=Ewf1pqbzGNSzxUmB--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/paul-james-caiden/support
In this Christmas episode of the Spirit Side, I will tell the true story of my personal, paranormal, Claus encounter!--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/paul-james-caiden/support
Let's talk about the Star of Bethlehem, UFOs and strange lights in the winter sky during the holiday season!--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/paul-james-caiden/support
In This episode I will be discussing Chris Bledsoe, and his very popular book UFO of God! .. Paul James Caiden contact information: nocturnalmagic@gmail.com ___ YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/@PaulJamesCaidenTHESPIRITSIDE?si=q80zDnl-xfu-9FbA--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/paul-james-caiden/support
There are some strange and unusual things happening in the world of near-death experiences. Things we've never heard of or seen before are apparently being divulged to individuals during their short visit to the afterlife. Are these true N.D.E's or is something else going on during these experiences?PAUL JAMES CAIDEN YOUTUBE CHANNEL: https://youtube.com/@PaulJamesCaidenTHESPIRITSIDE?si=EzBI6kpmYJ-pd0nR--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/paul-james-caiden/support
Here is the link to my YouTube channel where you can listen to the Thanksgiving spirit session done with the GhostTube Vox spirit box - https://youtu.be/fmaAvix-Tj4?si=OlokFPnL3CBFwcSp--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/paul-james-caiden/support
After a break, I'm looking to broaden the scope of the show and move forward with work and research that I feel is incredibly important for all our lives! ... MORE SHOWS COMING SOON!--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/paul-james-caiden/support
Everywhere we look, there is war, hatred and destruction. Innocent people are suffering and dying; yet there are some who will say that all of this is God's will or God's plan. In many cases, we support the violence and chaos because we believe that God wants us to choose a side in the melee and murder! After all, those who look or believe differently than us must be the enemy. But is all this truly the work and the will of God... or is it part of the illusion, war and religion of the matrix?--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/paul-james-caiden/support
The Missing 411 cases have baffled people for years; who or what is taking people, causing them to vanish into thin air never to be seen again? Some say it is aliens, Bigfoot or some mysterious invisible predator that is whisking people away in the blink of an eye. All of this may be possible but what about those strange cases where individuals are seen to take off in a sprint towards whatever or whoever it is that's about to take them? In this episode of, The Spirit Side, we will discuss the possibility of shape shifters, appearing to certain people as something or someone that they recognize; causing them to rush into the arms of something dangerous or even heinous without warning or reservation.. And furthermore, we will discuss one possible way in which we might prevent these disappearances from happening!The Spirit Side YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/@PaulJamesCaidenTHESPIRITSIDE?si=BCViHKRRmAorTA-S--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/paul-james-caiden/support
In the 24th chapter of Matthew's gospel, we are told that in the last days many will come, claiming to be Christ and many false Messiahs will appear. This will be accompanied by an influx of false prophets that will indeed, deceive many. At the recording of this podcast, there is a record number of people claiming to be Jesus, the Messiah or claiming to be Christ; teaching that everyone is divine and that we are all Christ. It seems every day, there are more individuals on social media claiming to be Jesus. Things are getting very strange on planet Earth and prophecy seems to be being fulfilled at breakneck speed. Do you know what to look for, and will you know when we are entering, what the Bible calls, the last days?--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/paul-james-caiden/support
Quick announcement --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/paul-james-caiden/support
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