In this Episode, we feature Pastor Nold and his story related to becoming a Nomad, while still at work pastoring at Calvary Church in State College, PA. You will be touched deeply by Dan's heart for a new work of God. Don't miss!
In this Episode, we break from our normal format, and Terry shares both insights related to the writing of the book, and lessons he and others have learned along the way... as we together live out the nomads journey. Have a Listen!
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In Episode #8... we discuss issues of leadership, and how new expressions of church can stay on course, and be apart of the new work Jesus is doing.
Terry, Dan and Rob have a special conversation with Alan Hirsch, author, thinker and strategist... who has spend years out ahead, helping to shape the new expressions of the church that are beginning to emerge. Have a listen! -
Welcome Back to a series of conversations related to moving beyond the Sunday morning church, and how Jesus is taking his people back out into the neighborhoods of our lives. In this episode, Terry, Dan and Rob get a chance to interact with Jonathan Wiebel who is a conveners of relationships!
Have a listen. -
In Season 2 of the "Nomad Chronciples," we are looking at Guides who can help the Unlikely Nomads stay the course ahead.
In this Episode, Dan and Rob interview Terry, and talk about the need nomads have for coaching. But not just coaching tied to the challenges they face, but also those who have help them process how God is at work shaping their development.
Have a listen! -
In this episode of The Nomad Chronicles... we continue to highlight those that help guide Nomads on their journey beyond the local church, by exploring Architects of Community. This fast moving discussion features the 20 years of experience of Rob Yackley, and some of the new spaces nomads are gathering in and expressing community as apprentices of Jesus!
Have a listen! -
In this Episode, Terry, Dan and Rob Yackley welcome Jon Huckins to the discussion for a robust and insightful interaction around Nomads finding guides who can help mentor the engagement of the future in the days ahead. Don't miss this important dialogue!
Season Two explores those who can help guide the nomadic journey. The table has become a place to gather and share in a time of community. In Episode #3, Lauire Yackley joins Terry, Dan and Robin yo explore how guides that are "Curators of the Table" help create safe spaces for consversations and the chance to learn from one another. Have a listen.
Season 2 focus on how to live out the nomadic journey, in route to a new kind of church in America.
This episode focuses on Spiritual Entrepreneurs who often innovate and embody new expressions of the Kingdom. Join Terry, Rob and Dan for a conversation with Christiana Rice, and her journey into the new ways of church. -
Welcome to Season TWO of the Nomad Chronicles!
In this season, Terry Walling and Dan Nold welcome Rob Yackley as we launch into a practical series of podcasts related HOW to live out the Nomadic journey, in route to a different approach to local church in America. This first episode of Season 2 provides and overview of the season and in particular gives an overview of the SIX GUIDES that help to resource the journey.
Have a listen! -
In this final Episode of Season 1, Terry and Dan are joined by Rob Yackley for a dicussion of the 6th Nomad Posture... Interdepenence (community). In this conversation we discuss the role of community in the life of a nomad, and bring clarity to the difference between community and small group!
SEASON 2 will launch with 12 NEW episodes this Septemeber (2024), continuing the conversations around how to live as a nomad in the days ahead, and was to participate in the new work Jesus is already at work doing in his church. -
Don't miss this insightful interview with Reggie McNeal, as Dan and Terry discuss the outcome for Christ-followers who adopt the nomadic life, and the Posture of Integration. Reggie's unique journey, out ahead of most nomads, provides insights into how Jesus' passion and real desire went beyond just the church, to the ushering in of his Kingdom. Have a Listen!
In this 11th episode of Season 1 of "The Nomad Chronicles," we look at the need to often "unlearn" some of the beliefs and practices about the church, even since childhood. Terry and Robin, join with Dan and talk about what it meant to grow up attending church, and things they have needed to "unlearn."
In this Episode we continue on in our discussion on this all important approach to living out the nomadic life, and that being the Posture of Surrender. Listen in as we talk about the prize for those who chose to surrender with the work of Jesus is that of revelation... the ability to see and better recognize how Jesus is at work. We also hear again from Christ Brooks. Have a listen.
This episode is the first of two, that take an important look at the Posture of Surrender.
Of all the postures, Surrender is most important because it aligns us to the work Christ is already at work doing. Join Terry and Dan as they discuss what it means to surrender our personal "kingdoms" that hold us back, and listen in to the powerful Interview with Chris Brooks of "Local Church" in Nashville, TN. -
In this episode of the Nomad Chronciles, we pause our dicussions on the six postures, and talk about the role of leadership in the Nomadic journey. Many who listen have come from ministry or leadership responsibilities. But even if that is not you, or you have been wounded under leaders of today's church, our guest Lance Ford helps us cast a new approach yo leading in the days ahead. Have a listen.
In this episode, Lynn Nold joins Dan and Terry for a live interview around the topic of stillness. Each shares their journey, down through the years, to "be still and know he is God." LIsten in to how the need for greater voice recognition is key to the life of a nomad.
In this episode of the Nomad Chronicles, we discuss how those who head down the nomadic path will experience an interruption to their plans, paradigms and practices. Listen in to Bryan journey, and how God used a painful experience within today's local church, and the difficult time "interruption" that followed, to shape his future life direction, and his journey as a nomad. Listen in.
In this episode, we take a look at the journey ahead of each nomad, and provide an overview of the what will help to sustain the journey to something new. Hear from Cindy as she shares he transition into nomadic journey, and her hunger for something more. Listen in on the conversation, as this episode launches the six postures.
Listen in on a great conversation as Terry & Dan talk with Jim Herrington, and his journey in becoming an "unlikely" nomad. Jim has served churches and leaders in the greater Houston area for many years, only to discover the new work God wanted to do in his life! He is author and co-creator of the podcast, "The Leaders' Journey."
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