Katie Nelson is the Social Media & Public Relations Coordinator of the City of Mountain View Police Department.
The Mountain View Police Department is a leader in the social media space for law enforcement using a scientific approach to how they execute their digital communications.
Combining pop culture, analytical insights and listening to their audience has made them tuned into how to most effectively share their public safety messaging.
You can find Mountain View Police on most social media platforms where they provide individualized messaging that fits both the platform and the audience for a deep ability to be effective.
Katie is always willing to share her expertise and experience.
Here are a few of the Mountain View Police social channels.
Also in this episode, I open by sharing the Smart Squad App that has been created by Faction Four System Inc.
This platform and its technology adaptation for police is a game changer for any police department that is looking to manage resources more effectively with increased efficiency.The Lethbridge Police Department is one of the agencies using the Smart Squad App and you can see how they are using it and what their officers think about it in this video that was produced by the LPS.
To learn more about the Smart Squad App and how it can help your agency, visit their website here:
They can also be found on social media:
You can find the Lethbridge Police via their website and naturally social media:
Huge and special thanks to the "OKAYestCop" who pointed out the video and the Smart Squad App to me.
Note - Me talking about the Smart Squad App is not a paid endorsement... just me sharing a really great resource.
Chase Daniels is the Assistant Executive Director of the Pasco County Sheriff's Office working under the leadership of Sheriff Chris Nocco.
Chase's portfolio includes communications, social media and legislative affairs...and a few 'other things."
You may recognize the Pasco County Sheriff's Office for their work with the #9PMRoutine and the #LivePD broadcasts, but what you might not recognize is the excellent social media strategy that has positioned the Pasco County Sheriff's Office to be one of the best social media programs representing law enforcement.
Chase is quick to point out that while he plays a part in it, the greatness of the social media presence begins with Sheriff Nocco and spans to include a team of dedicated personnel that believes in being transparent, open and connected to their community.
You can connect with the Pasco County Sheriff's Office here:
Website - https://pascosheriff.com/
Twitter - https://twitter.com/pascosheriff
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/pascosheriff
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/pascosheriff
How would like to get your hands on one of the #9PMRoutine T-Shirts? Just visit http://www.pascosheriffcharities.org/store/ to support the Pasco County Sheriff's Charity and grab a great T. -
Пропущенные эпизоды?
Today I'm joined by my good friend, Chief Billy Grogan of the Dunwoody Police Department in Georgia.
Chief Grogan is talking leadership and how he is giving back to the future leaders of law enforcement with his new venture, "Top Cop Leadership".
Chief Grogan shares what it takes in the current day of policing what it takes to be a top cop and how he can help you get there with his view from a man that has risen to the top level of policing serving not only as a chief but every rank needed to get there including his time as the President of the Georgia Association of Chiefs of Police.
You can find more information about Top Cop Leadership at
http://billyjgrogan.com/ and on social at
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TopCopLeadership/Twitter: https://twitter.com/TopCopLeader
In other notes:
Ep 93 recap - To donate to Casie Shimanski's fundraising effort for children's cancer research via the St. Baldrick's Foundation go to:
https://www.stbaldricks.org/participants/getmarriedgobaldEp 96 recap - To get Melissa's book, "Crisis Ready", you can click this link to purchase at Amazon:
Keynote speaker, crisis communications strategist and soon to be best selling author Melissa Agnes talks about how to become Crisis Ready so that the issues you face don't become a crisis.
Get her new book, CRISIS READY by clicking here.
As a strategic advisor and keynote speaker, Melissa Agnes has worked with NATO, Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defense, financial firms, technology companies, healthcare organizations, cities and municipalities, law enforcement agencies, global non-profits, and many others, helping them understand risk and build invincible brands that can withstand even the most devastating of events. In 2015, she gave a TEDx talk in Los Angeles where she discussed the secret to successful crisis management in the 21st century.
Agnes is the editor of the Crisis Ready Blog, a contributor to Forbes, and a go-to source for the press, with recent coverage including the Wall Street Journal, VIBE Magazine, USA Today, and many others.
As a university guest lecturer, Agnes teaches crisis management in university courses around the world, including at NYU and McGill.
You can follow Melissa on most social media @Melissa_Agnes
Learn more about Melissa through her website,
https://melissaagnes.com/ -
Neil Dewson-Smyth is a police officer in the UK who has been in uniform operations for 26 years. In the first 7 years he covered all aspects of day to day policing. He then progressed to traffic operations for 7 years as a class 1 advanced driver dealing with all road traffic accidents and numerous fatal road traffic accident investigations.
On transfer to Cheshire he spent 12 months in the custody investigation team before promotion to Sgt, then spent 7 years as custody sergeant with compliance to PACE 1984 and the Safer Detention and Handling of Persons in Custody (SDHP) guidelines. Detainee risk assessment specialist and understanding of high risk medical issues relevant to custody. Intoximeter EC/IR specialist and trainer.
He is now a Force Incident Sgt in the force control room. His role requires oversight of the whole force, overseeing all emergency and priority incidents and matching resources to demand while maintaining officer safety and public confidence.
He is also the Social media advisor and engagement lead to Cheshire Constabulary but also nationally and internationally with other forces and police agencies. Helping officers, leaders and staff; remove barriers to effective use, maximize their potential to reach out to and build relationships with their communities digitally through varied media applications and platforms.
Neil has a strong passion for the dangers of distracted driving with particular emphasis on the use of mobile phones.He is the creator of the internationally recognized #DontStreamAndDrive campaign and continually campaigning to raise awareness of the dangers.
Neil was the International “Connected Cops” Social Media Leadership Award winner 2016 and was shortlisted as Best Tweeting Sgt in 2017 UK Police Twitter Awards.
You can find Neil online under the ID @SgtTCS. -
In this episode of The Police Podcast, Tamrin Olden and Mike Bires from The Law Enforcement dot Social Podcast joined in for a special crossover episode.
The three of us discussed what we see happening in the area of law enforcement and public safety social media use giving our own predictions / keys to success for 2018.
Tamrin and Mike's five predictions of success for the coming year are:
Study your analytics Focus on personal engagement Create organic engagement Invest in your presence Create professional contentMy five predictions for creating your best success possibilities in 2018 are...
Strategic Use of Social Media Personal Engagement and ROI Live Video- periscope, Facebook live, Instagram live. Invest in technology. Tools, technology, training, and resources. Professional ContentWhat was fascinating about doing this show is we didn't share what our ideas were prior to hitting record... we took turns sharing our thoughts only to see that we had lots of overlap and complimentary points.
I'm thankful to Mike and Tamrin for doing most of the heavy lifting on these show notes.
Facebook announced how the algorithm would be stifling to getting your posts circulated. Facebook is going to take priority away from pages and give it back to people who contribute to Facebook engagement. This Facebook strategy won't be entirely possible because they have a fiduciary responsibility to make money for their stakeholders. Pages on Facebook are going to have to rely on their engagement with their audience and followers. Pages are not going anywhere, but your profile will be critical. Pages and profiles will only see gain success by having fun while portraying your message with fantastic engagement. Agencies need to invest in technology and not rely on their officers to use personal equipment. You have to have professional quality images, graphics, and videos. The excuse of, "I'll just use what I have" is no longer a valid outlook if you want to succeed in the social media world. People want to see authenticity in your posts. You want to create content that is going to make people "stop the scroll." When going live focus on providing content that helps the department gain the interest of its followers and get the focus off of you. FAQ's, utility videos, how to's, and behind the scene live videos are what are going to grab the attention of your audience. If you are getting a frequently asked question, go to a live outlet and answer it in depth. Production videos are useful to post too, but the engagement from live videos with your viewers is where you're going to get the most feedback. The polished behind the podium is not relatable, and people are going to keep scrolling. Have organic engagement where you are not fishing for viewers. Two-way conversations with your residence are essential. Listen to your audience with question and answer sessions. What they want to learn about are the topics that should have precedence. Offline customer service can increase your online customer service and engagement. Invest in both. Don't let your obsession with online social currency take away from interpersonal interaction. Set the tone for your fans. Return on investment and social return on investment. If an agency isn't measuring what they are getting back, there is no need for pointless posts. The tool of social media needs is a serious factor in reaching out to the community and making the connection with the people. Study the ROI and see what happens. Look at the analytics and become familiar with what type of content people like. Stay on top of your app updates, solicit expertise, study analytics, read articles and take seminars to stay informed on how social media is changing and how to properly utilize it. Adjust the content and style of posts. What worked last week, may not work next month. Tim had to learn to be critical of silly posts and had a realization that the unprofessional content he was seeing from officers, wasn't 'humanizing the badge,' but making a mockery of it. Be aware of spikes in your followers. Check the analytics of who your audience is to determine whether or not they are quality followers in your community. Public perception needs consideration. When posting a dance, challenge or fun video; make sure that there is a purpose and a message conveyed. Take the time to write down your goals, objectives, and putting a strategy to the purpose and the use. Communicate to your community and internal audience. Explain your strategy, why you're doing it, how you're going to execute it and work with purpose and intent. Explore how you're going to reach specific groups and your local community. Make sure you are communicating a positive image. Not only for the police department but the city and the workers. Portray that you care about the town and are going to make it safe and fun for people to live, work and play in. Be transparent. Social media and PIO work can put your agency in a positive light and change the reputation of the department. Socia media is a multi-faceted outlet. You must implement all of these factors to reach a successful platform.
Be sure and follow the gang from The Law Enforcement dot Social Podcast... on Instagram and Facebook @lawenforcement.social and their personal accounts, @isocialcop, @idigitalcop, and @tamrinolden.
Anthony Rodriguez is the Social Media Manager for the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office in south Florida.
Anthony tells the story about their social media platforms being taken over by an 8 year old girl that had been dead for 30 years and how this girl brought her cold case back to life.This is a chilling and powerful use of social media in a case that was specifically chosen that had all the right ingredients to make it a viable case to profile.
Here is a Storify that chronicles the take over and case of Christy Lina.
https://storify.com/TimBurrows1266/justice4lunaPlus Anthony shares his marketing strategy to get over 600 new followers on the PBSO's Facebook Page in just a few hours, 100% organically.
You can find the PBSO at:
http://www.pbso.org/ -
Casie (pronounced KC) Shimanski and I met a couple of years at an event in Florida and have stayed in touch online since.
We've crossed paths in Florida many times missing each other by a few hours here and there or realizing after, "Hey, you were there?"
In December last year we actually came face to face at Social Fresh that was held at Full Sail University.
Casie is part of the Cisco Systems family working with the team dedicated to telling Cisco’s employees story through social media, specifically, Instagram, Twitter and
Casie comes from a family of police and has first responder blood also having ties to the fire department as well. Like anyone with that kind of bloodline, you know giving and caring are two traits that come naturally to her.Her Dad was with the Port Authority PD for NY/NJ for 21 years.
He worked the '93 WTC Bombing & lost many friends in 9/11 as well. He has been a "founding" member of Team Live Out Loud (dedicated to Casie’s sister, Kellie's Memory).
He’s gone bald for St. Baldricks’s many times and this year will be an extra special year as Casie is going bald for St. Baldrick’s as well…. And this is a great story.
Casie is getting married on March 22, 2018 and just two days later she is shaving her head for St. Baldrick’s! Now that’s commitment to a cause and you’ll understand that more when you listen to Casie tell the story how here involvement on a personal level came to be.
The St. Baldrick’s Foundation doesn't just look to help any cancer...it is targeting child cancer. Kids that get cancer aren't contracting lifestyle cancer...they are just getting a raw deal on life and could use research dollars and money to help fund treatments specific to their unique needs.
Every day 43 children will be diagnosed with cancer and 1 in 5 will not win the battle.
Please consider donating to Casie. Her direct link for her fundraising efforts is: https://www.stbaldricks.org/participants/getmarriedgobald
This is a great video on Children's Cancer and the hardcore mission of St Baldrick's http://youtu.be/oBMd_CKEyIY
Please reach out to Casie and say, “Hi” and wish her the best for her upcoming wedding and her efforts to help out the fight against childhood cancer.
Tweet or Instagram Casie at @TheNameIsCasie.
Give here:
https://www.stbaldricks.org/participants/getmarriedgobald -
This is a long episode coming in at 2 hours.
A couple of highlights...
41 minutes
I gave a list of successful black people: police officers, politicians, business, entertainers. According to Desmond, not one is successful based on merit, skills or abilities.62 minutes
The School Resource Officer ProgramOne of my favorite quotes of all time is from Benjamin Franklin…. “Love your enemies for they will tell you your faults.”
Prior to Franklin saying that, Antisthenes said, Pay attention to your enemies for they are the first to discover your mistakes.
And I’m sure he got that from Socrates who said every man needs a faithful friend and a butter enemy. One to advise and the other to make him look about him.
Today’s guest to many in the policing environment in Canada and certainly Toronto is viewed as the enemy. Challenging the norms, shaking up the status quo and forcing police and government to look at how things are done.
Many will question his motives and many more will refuse to listen to him at all but you can’t ignore what he has done.
In 2015 he penned an incredibly passionate article that allowed readers an insight into the perspective of a man that has been treated differently his whole life because of the colour of his skin.
He can be credited with not just changing how the Toronto Police conducted street checks or ‘carding’, but how the he got the Province of Ontario to change the practice for all police officers.
Was it a system that needed to be fixed?
Yes… did anyone expect the results that happened? Probably not.
But then when you don’t listen to your critics, and worse, you don’t raise a strong voice to offset what is being said… then you’ll lose every time.
The new target of the man…the Toronto Police Service School Resource Officer program.
The program that has proven to be incredibly valuable to all youth. But as you hear Demond Cole talk, you’ll soon notice that he has no interest in the positive outcomes and the positive influences that police officers play. He focuses on nothing but the negative… just a few negatives, which are almost completely anecdotal.He easily asserts that he can’t be questioned because these are his experiences but disregards the experiences of others.
Desmond represents his views through his lens and believes anyone that has success didn’t create their own path using merit and hard work, the likes of Oprah, Lincoln Alexander, Mark Saunders, Peter Sloly, Keith Forde or even President Obama… the got to their positions by other means.
I learned some things from listening to Desmond speak. I made notes of things I want to research further. He gave me food for thought a couple of times… but he refused to see any other point.
I shared knowledge from a perspective he doesn’t know. My perspective as a police officer, coming from a single parent home, lower socioeconomic background and yet, he had no interest in hearing the ‘other side.’
We agreed that this is a much bigger problem than he or I, the police or the SRO program. It’s a historical problem of underfunding, a lack of resources and a lack of commitment to fix problems.
You will notice, that while some people change, adapt and evolve with the times, learn from their mistakes and become better… others refuse to do so and therefore will continue to be bitter and combative about any possible better future.
Everyone in the Orlando area remembers vividly the events that happened in the early morning hours of June 12th, 2016.
At 2:02 am, The Pulse Nightclub Shooting began and over the next couple of days the reality of one of the worst shootings in the history of the United States took place.
But, for the Orlando Police Department Public Relations Office, June 10th and 11th were very busy days that prepared them for what was about to take the worlds attention.
Wanda Miglio and Michelle hold down those responsibilities in a truly team approach to keeping the public informed through the Orlando Police Social Media channels and the main-stream media.
The end of Operation Safe Streets took place on June 10th, the culmination of a month long project to help make Orlando safer removing crime guns and offenders from the streets.
Later that night, the murder of Christina Grimmie, an up and coming YouTube star who was performing at the Plaza Live Theater, took place. Due to her rising fame and recent success on The Voice the national media ascended on Orlando to cover the story.
June 11th, the team made sure that the information about Christina Grimmie went out throughout the day.
Add into the mix a couple of full SWAT callouts, they department and the PIOs were kept busy.And then… The Pulse Shooting took place.
Wanda and Michelle quickly went into action determining the priorities that had to be identified to effectively do their job.
Listen as they share the events from their perspective.You can follow OPD on social media:
Orlando Police Online: http://www.cityoforlando.net/police/Radio Traffic Audio Complied from City Of Orlando
MC - AKA Jason Hoschouer was the very first guest I ever had on The Police Podcast...
I knew at some point I would have him back on. We've kept in contact since that first episode and I've been an avid listener to his podcast, The Crossover Show that he co-hosts with Justin Bieber.
MC has been online talking about his duties since 2008 and letting the world know, "If got stopped, you deserved it." He talks about some of the current events that we've been seeing around North America, finances, quality of life and what he thinks are the most important things in life.Last time MC was on the show he talked about his interest in financial matters after going through debt struggles and finding his way out through training he received from Dave Ramsey.
Well, MC is now taken this to the next level developing the, "Motorcop Mindset" which is a system to help people improve their lives.
MC has always been an author focusing on blog writing, but now he has just published a new book on focusing on budgeting for the first responders, "Badges And Budgets - Personal Finances From A Law Enforcement Perspective".
Here is the link to his book on Amazon.
I bought MC's book and it is filled with actionable content and financially sound advice. If all you do is implement what MC talks about in this book, you'll be better of than you are right now...take it to the next level and...well, let's not get ahead of ourselves.
Jason is offering a free webinar for you on Saturday July, 2nd at 1:00pm ET / 10:00am PT, in which he will walk you through The Motorcop Mindset and Budgets & Badges.
Here is the link that will take you the registration page.
Follow MC:
Twitter https://twitter.com/motorcop1
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/motorcopblog
Blog www.motorcopblog.com
New Website - TheMotorCopMindset
MC is also a contributor to Uniform Stories. Check out his work there as well:
http://uniformstories.com/Make sure you get on the list for his upcoming book to subscribing to his blog.
Thanks to MC for taking the time to join us on The Police Podcast!I'd be honored it you would take the time to rate The Police Podcast and/or leave a review. It would help me be sure to focus on the content you want to hear.
Mike McCormack is the President of the Toronto Police Association, the largest of it's kind in Canada representing over 8,000 members both sworn and civilian.
Mike comes from a deep policing tradition and like he mentioned in the interview, his dad went up the management side to become Chief and Mike chose the other side to become president.
I'm not sure which title I would rather hold, Chief or president. What the two men have in common is an incredible duty of service to others and Mike has taken the police association in a direction that has increased awareness of the importance to tell the message of what it takes, "to protect those, who protect others."
During this episode, Mike talks about the Toronto Police Transformational Task Force*, public safety, "Carding" and offers advice to other associations.
I hope you enjoy this episode.
You can contact / follow Mike and the TPA at:
The Toronto Police Association Website
* When this episode was recorded, Mike had not seen the final report so any comments he made at the time were not based on the report itself.
Two incredible power houses in their own fields joined forces to help parents writing the book, "Outsmarting Your Kids Online - A Safety Handbook For Overwhelmed Parents".
I read this book in about two days. I know some of you could do it in about three hours. It's an easy read but more importantly it's got immediately actionable things you can do to help protect your family.
Amber and Michael talk about the must do's, the need to do's and the should do's that can make an immediate difference in your awareness and knowledge of not only what is happening in your children's life, but what they are doing in their online environment.
More importantly than that, you can recognize the hazards and dangers that might be knocking on their virtual door trying to get into their real world.
Amber and Michael have shared their expertise in the cyber world with you in this book in a way that even the most tech challenged individual can get what they are talking about, relate it to your life and show you just how important the information is.
Think you know everything there is to know? Think again. I've studied both Amber and Michael. I've listened to them teach, I've read their books, I've taken their courses and this book still taught me plenty.
Amber Mac(Arthur) started her career in San Francisco and Boston during the dot-com boom in the late 1990s. As a strategist for Razorfish and Director of Marketing for an e-procurement software company, she spent four years in the technology start-up trenches.
Amber left the start-up world to join Microsoft to build one of the first female-focused lifestyle portals. In 2006, with her brother, she started her own digital agency called Konnekt. The company’s first client was world-renowned business coach, Tony Robbins. Her company’s clients include Microsoft Xbox, Ford Motor Company, Tony Robbins, Canada Goose, Fast Company, PayPal, Canadian Blood Services, and many more leading organizations.
In 2010, she wrote the national bestselling business book Power Friending (Portfolio: New York). Amber has keynoted more than 250 events around the world, in which she addresses the topic of business innovation and what it takes for companies to adapt and grow.
Michael Bazzell spent 18 years as a government computer crime investigator. During the majority of that time, he was assigned to the FBI’s Cyber Crimes Task Force where he focused on "Hackers" and various computer crime investigations.
As an active investigator for multiple organizations, he has been involved in numerous high-tech criminal investigations including online child solicitation, child abduction, kidnapping, cold-case homicide, terrorist threats, and high level computer intrusions. He has trained thousands of individuals in the use of his investigative techniques.
Michael currently works and resides in Washington, D.C. He also serves as the technical advisor for the television hacker drama "Mr. Robot" on the USA network. His books "Open Source Intelligence Techniques" and "Hiding from the Internet" have been best sellers in both the United States and Europe. They are used by several government agencies as training manuals for intelligence gathering and securing personal information.You can find them online everywhere, but for simplicity sake, I'll share their websites and their Twitter links:
TwitterBONUS: For you Mr. Robot fans, off air I got Michael to open up about Season Two...OMG!!! You will love it...well, at least I think you will. He wouldn't say a word other than he's excited about it and look for it JULY 13!!!
If you're not one of the first five to email for your free copy, then click this link to buy the book from Amazon. -
Ben Gardner is probably better known as @TrooperBenKHP is one part of the Kansas Highway Patrol that has become infamous in law enforcement social media circles as, "The #TweetingTroopers".
Trooper Ben has been using Twitter as his primary tool for outreach to help educate, inform and entertain his community of followers talking traffic safety.
You can find him at crash scenes and community events, conferences and cruisers and you can always be sure that he will be talking about ways to stay out of jail, in your car and on the road safely.
While he is in uniform though, you won't find him in a donut shop but you will find him advising what the Chili Index for the day is.
You can follow Ben on Twitter as he tweets for C Troop of the KHP.
"Connecting great people with great people to do great things."
I could leave the show notes right there to tell you everything you need to know about Brian Fanzo.Brian has a deep, deep history with online activities, which began with cyber security in the Department of Defence. Brian has been on stages talking about the online world for many years but what he is currently in demand for is his thought leadership with building communities and audiences.
Brian is a social and digital strategist who works with many companies introducing them to the space and or making them better in it.
His motto is, "Think Like A Fan" which has led to a movement in personal branding and story telling based on delivering content to your audience that appeals to them because it speaks to them and it is what they want.
"Give people access to people, places or experiences that they can't get anywhere else", you build an awesome audience that gets to live through your world virtually.
I love relating what brands do in the social space to what police can do to mirror their success and Brian breaks it right down to show how to that.
One of Brian's big points in this episode is being relatable with your audience and that is one of the great benefits of livestream. Authenticity is so vital.
Showing how awesome he is, Brian also "recorded" this episode. He actually live streamed it on his Periscope Channel while we were recording. Here's a bit of technology for you...
Brian was in Virginia.
I was in Nevada.
I was recording via Skype.
Brian was broadcasting via Periscope.
His recording was published 13 days before mine. HmmmmYou can watch the scope here:
https://www.periscope.tv/iSocialFanz/1mnxePAERBEJXI hope you take the time to go and learn more about Brian and follow him in the social space.
http://www.isocialfanz.com/ http://www.brianfanzo.com/Twitter
Chris Lewis was the Commissioner of the Ontario Provincial Police before retiring in 2014 to start his consulting firm, Lighthouse Leadership Services.
Commissioner Lewis is also a special correspondent to Bell Media covering issues relating to policing.
He was very candid in this interview discussing his feeling on Street Checks (Carding) and that when he was the boss, he had no problem telling his boss the Premiere Of Ontario (respectfully) exactly what he thought.
Lewis’ leadership experience is wide and varied, including tenures as Deputy Commissioner of OPP Field Operations; Commander of the Investigations Bureau; the Information Technologies Bureau; and the Emergency Management Bureau; as well as the Director of the Criminal Intelligence Service Ontario at the then Ontario Ministry of Solicitor General. He was Regional Commander of the OPP’s East Region; served as Director of the Criminal Investigation Branch; and worked with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police to establish and lead the Cornwall Regional Task Force.
You can find him here:
Lighthouse Leadership Services
He's best known online as Mike_TheCop on all things social, but he also has a second persona as one of the contributors to, "Humanizing The Badge."
Mike is a Metro Detroit area police officer who infuses his wicked sense of humor within the day to day happenings of a police officer.
His antics on Vine, Instagram and Facebook are the stuff that legends are made of which has brought a global audience to the things he does in policing and offers a comedic, behind the scenes look at police life.
But, he has a serious side and that can be found at Humanizing The Badge, which is a website and blog dedicated that is described on their website as, "...a group of creatives seeking to participate in the growing voice of support for law enforcement officers around the world."
You can find Mike:
Don't forget when you follow Mike, also take the time to visit Humanizing The Badge on their social channels as well.
TwitterThanks Mike for taking part in the podcast.
From The Oakland Police Department via Nixle
The Oakland Police Department would like to apologize for the recent press release addressing traffic safety enforcement during the Cinco de Mayo holiday. We acknowledge that the language in the message sent was completely insensitive to the cultural holiday. We have worked extensively to build trust with all our communities and value the amazing cultures that make up the heart of our City. We are taking appropriate steps to insure that this does not happen again. Our intentions were to raise awareness about drunk driving and notify the community of traffic safety during the important holiday. As for every holiday and celebration, we want to remind everyone to celebrate responsibly and safely."We acknowledge that the language in the message sent was completely insensitive to the cultural holiday."...HUH??? What in the world did the OPD say?????
“Cinco de Mayo has become synonymous with festive fiestas and salty margaritas,..."
Well that's true.
I don't understand why police leaders feel the need to apologize because someone gets offended over something that is not offensive.
The statement, the press release, the stats.....everything was informational, not confrontational and didn't single out a class, culture or group.
A group on Facebook were the ones offended. Literally saying that the police were targeting LatinosWhat??? Oh come on.
Yes, someone put their own words into the release and that's what the police apologized for.
Then....I saw it. What led to the reversal and apology. A Facebook Group posted it and there were 14 comments and 51 reactions. Oh the horror!!! And not all the comments were against it!
Oakland City Councilman Noel Gallo says the police department’s warning about the dangers of drinking and driving during Cinco de Mayo twisted the holiday’s rich cultural history into a caricature.No it didn't!!
Taco Bell has done that along with every other marketing company that is trying to gain market share on social media for the 5th of May.
Leaders lead.
Officer Tommy Norman of the North Little Rock Arkansas PoliceDepartment is one of a kind! When I first began followingTommy, I believed that he must be a community relations officer orschool resource officer.
The guy is all over social media talking with the community,showing their good work, this guy interacts witheveryone!
I was surprised to learn that he is a front linepatrol officer that answers radio calls, arrests bad peopleand does his calling with incredible respect and integrity. I alsolearned that it isn't just his style of policing, but an aphilosophy that permeates the North Little Rock Police Departmentfrom Chief Mike Davis on down.
Tommy was quick to point out that the North Little RockPolice Department truly wants to embrace their community andknows the value of building relationships and trust go a long wayin building a better community for everyone!A couple of weeks ago Tommy went to Prom with a young lady, hedelivers toys and clothes out of the back of his patrol car andalways has time for a kind word.
If I had to pick three words to describe Tommy Norman from theshort time I spent with him and from the digital footprint he hascreated they would be:
ServantHumbleHonorableFollow Officer Norman of his social media channels:
Snapchat - Scan the Snap Code below.Follow the North Little Rock Arkansas Police:
Special thanks to Sgt. Brian Dedrick, the PublicInformation Officer for setting this interview up. -
Yael Bartur is the Digital Strategist for the NYPD and you canbet that with 116 Twitter Accounts and a massive community she hasher hands full but she takes it all in stride.
With a solid strategy and a plan for growth that includes propertraining, monitoring and management of the department's socialmedia accounts the task she has comes with a great potential formany agencies to follow.
Yael chats about the wins, challenges and who she looks to forinspiration as she looks for new and innovative ways to promote thedepartment and the men and women who serve and protect NorthAmerica's biggest city.
Yael even teases about a test Facebook account that thedepartment is using as the pioneer for growth on the world'sbiggest social network... and because you are reading this, you getto see it for yourself.
Like https://www.facebook.com/NYPD34pct/ and see howthe community of Washington Heights is being served on Facebook bytheir police.Follow Yael on Twitter https://twitter.com/yaelbt
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