Principles in Practice: Biblical Classical Homeschooling
.EP 144 | Oregon the Struggle for Possession | Chapter 19.⏰Takes about 25 minutes of your time. Oregon Not in the Treaty: Whitman made it to his destination. Oregon didn't end up in the treaty though. Was Oregon forgotten or was God at work in other unexpected ways? Find out in this episode....Oregon is struggling because she has forgotten her Providential history. Who are the primary source history fans here? Learn about Western Men on the Oregon Trail in this episode..This podcast series serves as a reminder to Oregon about God's hand in her story as Heather reads through the primary source, Oregon: The Struggle for Possession by historian William Barrows. My prayer is that as Oregon thoroughly learns her Providential history, she'll become more religious. Help others see this post by giving it a thumbs up, a heart, commenting, and/or sending it to your FB wall. Thank you!.Enjoy a cup of coffee, tea, or hot coco and enjoy listening with a friend. Maybe even enjoy listening as you go for a walk. .Your donations (non-tax deductible) play an integral part in keeping The Principles in Practice homeschool podcast running and supporting our ministry. We appreciate your support! Go here >>> www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=TV4W8MC585EXN.
Be mentored in The Principle Approach®(1) through the Biblical Classical Homeschool Experience™ membership and get equipped to disciple your children so they may be able to reason and think Biblically. .Use the Biblical Classical Community courses in your homeschool to help you along your Biblical Classical Approach Journey..What is your current worldview in the areas of P.E.E.R.S.--Politics (think Government), Economics, Education, Religion, and Social Issues? Go to www.worldviewcheckup.org for a stress-free online test with 100% private and immediate results. Use our Ambassador code WVC101 to save 20% off your purchase and support our ministry at the same time!...℗ & © 2020-2025 Principles in Practice...Footnote 1: The Principle Approach® is a registered trademark of The Foundation for American Christian Education. -
Principles in Practice: Biblical Classical Homeschooling
EP 143 | Christendom and Religion
⏰Takes about 15 minutes of your time..The working definition of Christendom is: "Christendom is the application of biblical principles to all of life and culture, including all spheres of authority in society, in order that God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven." -Dr. Kevin Clauson What is Christendom's view of religion? Young Christians (in the faith) need to be discipled in the Biblical worldview of the Christian faith. Find out some helpful talking points to go over with the Christians who are young in the faith. .Enjoy a cup of coffee, tea, or hot coco and enjoy listening with a friend. Maybe even enjoy listening as you go for a walk. .Be discipled and mentored in The Principle Approach®(1) through the Biblical Classical Homeschool Experience™ membership and get equipped to disciple your children so they may be able to reason and think Biblically. .Use the online Biblical Classical Community courses in your homeschool to help you along your Biblical Classical Approach Journey..Get PILLARS: A Study in Foundations of Civilizations here (<<< not an affiliate link)..Read the Christendom and Religion article here..What is your current worldview in the areas of P.E.E.R.S.--Politics (think Government), Economics, Education, Religion, and Social Issues? Go to www.worldviewcheckup.org for a stress-free online test with 100% private and immediate results. Use our Ambassador code WVC101 to save 20% off your purchase and support our ministry at the same time!...℗ & © 2020-2025 Principles in Practice...Footnote 1: The Principle Approach® is a registered trademark of The Foundation for American Christian Education. -
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Principles in Practice: Biblical Classical Homeschooling
EP 142 | Christendom and Education, Part 3
⏰Takes about 20 minutes of your time..The working definition of Christendom is: "Christendom is the application of biblical principles to all of life and culture, including all spheres of authority in society, in order that God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven." -Dr. Kevin Clauson What is the value of a Biblical worldview education? What does a passive learner and an active learner look like? How do we help our children become active learners? .Enjoy a cup of coffee, tea, or hot coco and enjoy listening with a friend. Maybe even enjoy listening as you go for a walk. .Be discipled and mentored in The Principle Approach®(1) through the Biblical Classical Homeschool Experience™ membership and get equipped to disciple your children so they may be able to reason and think Biblically. .Use the online Biblical Classical Community courses in your homeschool to help you along your Biblical Classical Approach Journey..What is your current worldview in the areas of P.E.E.R.S.--Politics (think Government), Economics, Education, Religion, and Social Issues? Go to www.worldviewcheckup.org for a stress-free online test with 100% private and immediate results. Use our Ambassador code WVC101 to save 20% off your purchase and support our ministry at the same time!...℗ & © 2020-2025 Principles in Practice...Footnote 1: The Principle Approach® is a registered trademark of The Foundation for American Christian Education. -
Principles in Practice: Biblical Classical Homeschooling
.EP 141 | Oregon the Struggle for Possession | Chapter 18.⏰Takes about 40 minutes of your time. Whitman's Ride: What was the news that missionary, Dr. Whitman, had to carry so urgently to Washington? What made bold, daring, courageous Dr. Whitman a hero in our young Republic's history? Learn about what gave him a sense of urgency, the obstacles he faced, and how God helped him overcome them....Oregon is struggling because she has forgotten her Providential history. Who are the primary source history fans here? Learn about Western Men on the Oregon Trail in this episode..This podcast series serves as a reminder to Oregon about God's hand in her story as Heather reads through the primary source, Oregon: The Struggle for Possession by historian William Barrows. My prayer is that as Oregon thoroughly learns her Providential history, she'll become more religious. Help others see this post by giving it a thumbs up, a heart, commenting, and/or sending it to your FB wall. Thank you!.Enjoy a cup of coffee, tea, or hot coco and enjoy listening with a friend. Maybe even enjoy listening as you go for a walk. .Your donations (non-tax deductible) play an integral part in keeping The Principles in Practice homeschool podcast running and supporting our ministry. We appreciate your support! Go here >>> www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=TV4W8MC585EXN.
Be mentored in The Principle Approach®(1) through the Biblical Classical Homeschool Experience™ membership and get equipped to disciple your children so they may be able to reason and think Biblically. .Use the Biblical Classical Community courses in your homeschool to help you along your Biblical Classical Approach Journey..What is your current worldview in the areas of P.E.E.R.S.--Politics (think Government), Economics, Education, Religion, and Social Issues? Go to www.worldviewcheckup.org for a stress-free online test with 100% private and immediate results. Use our Ambassador code WVC101 to save 20% off your purchase and support our ministry at the same time!...℗ & © 2020-2025 Principles in Practice...Footnote 1: The Principle Approach® is a registered trademark of The Foundation for American Christian Education. -
Principles in Practice: Biblical Classical Homeschooling
EP 140 | How Stimulus Response Impacts Education with Guest Ted Lamb, Part 2
⏰Takes about 35 minutes of your time..Join us as we continue our discussion on Pavlov's Stimulus Response theory as it is applied to educational philosophies and methodologies in curriculum. How is it counter to Christendom? What does that look like and what is the effect of that on us and our children? Be sure to catch Part 1 of this relevant conversation with the Halls and guest Ted Lamb..Enjoy a cup of coffee, tea, or hot coco and enjoy listening with a friend. Maybe even enjoy listening as you go for a walk. .Be discipled and mentored in The Principle Approach®(1) through the Biblical Classical Homeschool Experience™ membership and get equipped to disciple your children so they may be able to reason and think Biblically. .Use the online Biblical Classical Community courses in your homeschool to help you along your Biblical Classical Approach Journey..What is your current worldview in the areas of P.E.E.R.S.--Politics (think Government), Economics, Education, Religion, and Social Issues? Go to www.worldviewcheckup.org for a stress-free online test with 100% private and immediate results. Use our Ambassador code WVC101 to save 20% off your purchase and support our ministry at the same time!...℗ & © 2020-2024 Principles in Practice...Footnote 1: The Principle Approach® is a registered trademark of The Foundation for American Christian Education. -
Principles in Practice: Biblical Classical Homeschooling
EP 139 | How Stimulus Response Impacts Education with Guest Ted Lamb, Part 1
⏰Takes about 20 minutes of your time..Do you know that Pavlov's Stimulus Response theory is applied to both classrooms and educational philosophies and methodologies in curriculum? What does that look like and what is the effect of that on us and our children? How is it counter to Christendom? Be sure to catch this relevant conversation with the Halls and guest Ted Lamb..Enjoy a cup of coffee, tea, or hot coco and enjoy listening with a friend. Maybe even enjoy listening as you go for a walk. .Be discipled and mentored in The Principle Approach®(1) through the Biblical Classical Homeschool Experience™ membership and get equipped to disciple your children so they may be able to reason and think Biblically. .Use the online Biblical Classical Community courses in your homeschool to help you along your Biblical Classical Approach Journey..What is your current worldview in the areas of P.E.E.R.S.--Politics (think Government), Economics, Education, Religion, and Social Issues? Go to www.worldviewcheckup.org for a stress-free online test with 100% private and immediate results. Use our Ambassador code WVC101 to save 20% off your purchase and support our ministry at the same time!...℗ & © 2020-2024 Principles in Practice...Footnote 1: The Principle Approach® is a registered trademark of The Foundation for American Christian Education. -
Principles in Practice: Biblical Classical Homeschooling.EP 138 | Oregon the Struggle for Possession | Chapter 17.⏰Takes about 21 minutes of your time. Anxiety and Strategy of the Hudson Bay Company: What happened in the second year after the first party made it to Oregon? Take a listen and find out in this episode....Oregon is struggling because she has forgotten her Providential history. Who are the primary source history fans here? Learn about Western Men on the Oregon Trail in this episode..This podcast series serves as a reminder to Oregon about God's hand in her story as Heather reads through the primary source, Oregon: The Struggle for Possession by historian William Barrows. My prayer is that as Oregon thoroughly learns her Providential history, she'll become more religious. Help others see this post by giving it a thumbs up, a heart, commenting, and/or sending it to your FB wall. Thank you!.Enjoy a cup of coffee, tea, or hot coco and enjoy listening with a friend. Maybe even enjoy listening as you go for a walk. .Your donations (non-tax deductible) play an integral part in keeping The Principles in Practice homeschool podcast running and supporting our ministry. We appreciate your support! Go here >>> www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=TV4W8MC585EXN
Be mentored in The Principle Approach®(1) through the Biblical Classical Homeschool Experience™ membership and get equipped to disciple your children so they may be able to reason and think Biblically. .Use the Biblical Classical Community courses in your homeschool to help you along your Biblical Classical Approach Journey..What is your current worldview in the areas of P.E.E.R.S.--Politics (think Government), Economics, Education, Religion, and Social Issues? Go to www.worldviewcheckup.org for a stress-free online test with 100% private and immediate results. Use our Ambassador code WVC101 to save 20% off your purchase and support our ministry at the same time!...℗ & © 2020-2024 Principles in Practice...Footnote 1: The Principle Approach® is a registered trademark of The Foundation for American Christian Education. -
Principles in Practice: Biblical Classical Homeschooling
EP 137 | Christendom and Education, Part 2
⏰Takes about 40 minutes of your time..The working definition of Christendom is: "Christendom is the application of biblical principles to all of life and culture, including all spheres of authority in society, in order that God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven." -Dr. Kevin Clauson What is the history behind the worldview war in education in America? Whatever happened to Christendom and education that was established in the Founding Era? We take a brief look at that in this episode. .Enjoy a cup of coffee, tea, or hot coco and enjoy listening with a friend. Maybe even enjoy listening as you go for a walk. .Be discipled and mentored in The Principle Approach®(1) through the Biblical Classical Homeschool Experience™ membership and get equipped to disciple your children so they may be able to reason and think Biblically. .Use the online Biblical Classical Community courses in your homeschool to help you along your Biblical Classical Approach Journey..What is your current worldview in the areas of P.E.E.R.S.--Politics (think Government), Economics, Education, Religion, and Social Issues? Go to www.worldviewcheckup.org for a stress-free online test with 100% private and immediate results. Use our Ambassador code WVC101 to save 20% off your purchase and support our ministry at the same time!...℗ & © 2020-2024 Principles in Practice...Footnote 1: The Principle Approach® is a registered trademark of The Foundation for American Christian Education. -
Principles in Practice: Biblical Classical Homeschooling
EP 136 | Christendom and Education, Part 1
⏰Takes about 20 minutes of your time..The working definition of Christendom is: "Christendom is the application of biblical principles to all of life and culture, including all spheres of authority in society, in order that God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven." -Dr. Kevin Clauson What is the history of Christendom and education in the Founding Era? We take a brief look at that in this episode. .Enjoy a cup of coffee, tea, or hot coco and enjoy listening with a friend. Maybe even enjoy listening as you go for a walk. .Be discipled and mentored in The Principle Approach®(1) through the Biblical Classical Homeschool Experience™ membership and get equipped to disciple your children so they may be able to reason and think Biblically. .Use the online Biblical Classical Community courses in your homeschool to help you along your Biblical Classical Approach Journey..What is your current worldview in the areas of P.E.E.R.S.--Politics (think Government), Economics, Education, Religion, and Social Issues? Go to www.worldviewcheckup.org for a stress-free online test with 100% private and immediate results. Use our Ambassador code WVC101 to save 20% off your purchase and support our ministry at the same time!...℗ & © 2020-2024 Principles in Practice...Footnote 1: The Principle Approach® is a registered trademark of The Foundation for American Christian Education. -
Principles in Practice: Biblical Classical Homeschooling.EP 135 | Oregon: The Struggle for Possession | Chapter 16.⏰Takes about 16 minutes of your time. Whitman's Old Wagon: What snags did Whitman and his traveling team run into? Did Whitman's old wagon make it to Oregon, or was it abandoned like many other wagons along the Oregon Trail? Take a listen and find out how this ties in with the current theme of Christendom in our other podcast episodes. ...Oregon is struggling because she has forgotten her Providential history. Who are the primary source history fans here? Learn about Western Men on the Oregon Trail in this episode..This podcast series serves as a reminder to Oregon about God's hand in her story as Heather reads through the primary source, Oregon: The Struggle for Possession by historian William Barrows. My prayer is that as Oregon thoroughly learns her Providential history, she'll become more religious. Help others see this post by giving it a thumbs up, a heart, commenting, and/or sending it to your FB wall. Thank you!.Enjoy a cup of coffee, tea, or hot coco and enjoy listening with a friend. Maybe even enjoy listening as you go for a walk. .Your donations (non-tax deductible) play an integral part in keeping The Principles in Practice homeschool podcast running and supporting our ministry. We appreciate your support! Go here >>> www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=TV4W8MC585EXN
Be mentored in The Principle Approach®(1) through the Biblical Classical Homeschool Experience™ membership and get equipped to disciple your children so they may be able to reason and think Biblically. .Use the Biblical Classical Community courses in your homeschool to help you along your Biblical Classical Approach Journey..What is your current worldview in the areas of P.E.E.R.S.--Politics (think Government), Economics, Education, Religion, and Social Issues? Go to www.worldviewcheckup.org for a stress-free online test with 100% private and immediate results. Use our Ambassador code WVC101 to save 20% off your purchase and support our ministry at the same time!...℗ & © 2020-2024 Principles in Practice...Footnote 1: The Principle Approach® is a registered trademark of The Foundation for American Christian Education. -
Principles in Practice: Biblical Classical Homeschooling
EP 134 | Christendom and the Church
⏰Takes about 20 minutes of your time..This is the sixth episode in a series about Christendom. The working definition of Christendom is: "Christendom is the application of biblical principles to all of life and culture, including all spheres of authority in society, in order that God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven." -Dr. Kevin Clauson What does Christendom look like in regards to the Church? We take a look at that in this episode. .Do you currently have the Biblical worldview of providence? Take a listen and consider what is shared in this episode. .Enjoy a cup of coffee, tea, or hot coco and enjoy listening with a friend. Maybe even enjoy listening as you go for a walk. .Your donations (non-tax deductible) play an integral part in keeping The Principles in Practice homeschool podcast running and supporting our ministry. We appreciate your support! Go here >>> www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=TV4W8MC585EXN.Be discipled and mentored in The Principle Approach®(1) through the Biblical Classical Homeschool Experience™ membership and get equipped to disciple your children so they may be able to reason and think Biblically. .Use the Biblical Classical Community courses in your homeschool to help you along your Biblical Classical Approach Journey..What is your current worldview in the areas of P.E.E.R.S.--Politics (think Government), Economics, Education, Religion, and Social Issues? Go to www.worldviewcheckup.org for a stress-free online test with 100% private and immediate results. Use our Ambassador code WVC101 to save 20% off your purchase and support our ministry at the same time!...℗ & © 2020-2024 Principles in Practice...Footnote 1: The Principle Approach® is a registered trademark of The Foundation for American Christian Education. -
Principles in Practice: Biblical Classical Homeschooling
EP 133 | Christendom and the Family
⏰Takes about 17 minutes of your time..This is the fifth episode in a series about Christendom. The working definition of Christendom is: "Christendom is the application of biblical principles to all of life and culture, including all spheres of authority in society, in order that God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven." -Dr. Kevin Clauson What does Christendom look like in the family? We take a look at that in this episode. Also, find out about two resources that the Halls find valuable to aid in the understanding of the Biblical worldview of family..Do you currently have the Biblical worldview of providence? Take a listen and consider what is shared in this episode. .Enjoy a cup of coffee, tea, or hot coco and enjoy listening with a friend. Maybe even enjoy listening as you go for a walk. .Your donations (non-tax deductible) play an integral part in keeping The Principles in Practice homeschool podcast running and supporting our ministry. We appreciate your support! Go here >>> www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=TV4W8MC585EXN.Be discipled and mentored in The Principle Approach®(1) through the Biblical Classical Homeschool Experience™ membership and get equipped to disciple your children so they may be able to reason and think Biblically. .Use the Biblical Classical Community courses in your homeschool to help you along your Biblical Classical Approach Journey..What is your current worldview in the areas of P.E.E.R.S.--Politics (think Government), Economics, Education, Religion, and Social Issues? Go to www.worldviewcheckup.org for a stress-free online test with 100% private and immediate results. Use our Ambassador code WVC101 to save 20% off your purchase and support our ministry at the same time!...℗ & © 2020-2024 Principles in Practice...Footnote 1: The Principle Approach® is a registered trademark of The Foundation for American Christian Education. -
Principles in Practice: Biblical Classical Homeschooling.EP 132 | Oregon: The Struggle for Possession | Chapter 15.⏰Takes about 50 minutes of your time. (Yes, this is a longer chapter!).A Long Bridal Tour was ahead for the two first fair-skinned women who made it to Oregon territory. Who were these women? What was the impact of their arrival? Take a listen and find out how this ties in with the current theme of Christendom in our other podcast episodes. ...Oregon is struggling because she has forgotten her Providential history. Who are the primary source history fans here? Learn about Western Men on the Oregon Trail in this episode..This podcast series serves as a reminder to Oregon about God's hand in her story as Heather reads through the primary source, Oregon: The Struggle for Possession by historian William Barrows. My prayer is that as Oregon thoroughly learns her Providential history, she'll become more religious. Help others see this post by giving it a thumbs up, a heart, commenting, and/or sending it to your FB wall. Thank you!.Enjoy a cup of coffee, tea, or hot coco and enjoy listening with a friend. Maybe even enjoy listening as you go for a walk. .Your donations (non-tax deductible) play an integral part in keeping The Principles in Practice homeschool podcast running and supporting our ministry. We appreciate your support! Go here >>> www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=TV4W8MC585EXN
Be mentored in The Principle Approach®(1) through the Biblical Classical Homeschool Experience™ membership and get equipped to disciple your children so they may be able to reason and think Biblically. .Use the Biblical Classical Community courses in your homeschool to help you along your Biblical Classical Approach Journey..What is your current worldview in the areas of P.E.E.R.S.--Politics (think Government), Economics, Education, Religion, and Social Issues? Go to www.worldviewcheckup.org for a stress-free online test with 100% private and immediate results. Use our Ambassador code WVC101 to save 20% off your purchase and support our ministry at the same time!...℗ & © 2020-2024 Principles in Practice...Footnote 1: The Principle Approach® is a registered trademark of The Foundation for American Christian Education. -
Principles in Practice: Biblical Classical Homeschooling
EP 131 | Christendom: Providence Seen in Creation
⏰Takes about 15 minutes of your time..This is the fourth episode in a series about Christendom. The working definition of Christendom is: "Christendom is the application of biblical principles to all of life and culture, including all spheres of authority in society, in order that God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven." -Dr. Kevin Clauson As we build Christendom via our families—and others whom we disciple—in the Christian faith, it’s important to help them understand the Biblical worldview of providence. We learn of it both via Natural Law (aka General Revelation) and Revealed Law (aka God’s Word). In part, this helps individuals learn about and comprehend God’s sovereignty. Hopefully it will help them form Biblical convictions, and learn to trust Him and His ways in all things..Do you currently have the Biblical worldview of providence? Take a listen and consider what is shared in this episode. .Enjoy a cup of coffee, tea, or hot coco and enjoy listening with a friend. Maybe even enjoy listening as you go for a walk. .Your donations (non-tax deductible) play an integral part in keeping The Principles in Practice homeschool podcast running and supporting our ministry. We appreciate your support! Go here >>> www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=TV4W8MC585EXN.The interview with Dr. Marshall Foster that is referred to in this podcast episode. >>> Celebrating 400 Years of Freedom, the Landing of the Pilgrims! The Mayflower Compact- Nov 11, 1620..Be mentored in The Principle Approach®(1) through the Biblical Classical Homeschool Experience™ membership and get equipped to disciple your children so they may be able to reason and think Biblically. .Use the Biblical Classical Community courses in your homeschool to help you along your Biblical Classical Approach Journey..What is your current worldview in the areas of P.E.E.R.S.--Politics (think Government), Economics, Education, Religion, and Social Issues? Go to www.worldviewcheckup.org for a stress-free online test with 100% private and immediate results. Use our Ambassador code WVC101 to save 20% off your purchase and support our ministry at the same time!...℗ & © 2020-2024 Principles in Practice...Footnote 1: The Principle Approach® is a registered trademark of The Foundation for American Christian Education. -
Principles in Practice: Biblical Classical Homeschooling
EP 130 | Providence: The Christendom Worldview
⏰Takes about 15 minutes of your time..This is the third episode in a series about Christendom. The working definition of Christendom is: "Christendom is the application of biblical principles to all of life and culture, including all spheres of authority in society, in order that God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven." -Dr. Kevin Clauson.Do you currently have the Biblical worldview of providence? Take a listen and consider what is shared in this episode. .Enjoy a cup of coffee, tea, or hot coco and enjoy listening with a friend. Maybe even enjoy listening as you go for a walk. .Your donations (non-tax deductible) play an integral part in keeping The Principles in Practice homeschool podcast running and supporting our ministry. We appreciate your support! Go here >>> www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=TV4W8MC585EXN.The interview with Dr. Marshall Foster that is referred to in this podcast episode. >>> Celebrating 400 Years of Freedom, the Landing of the Pilgrims! The Mayflower Compact- Nov 11, 1620..Be mentored in The Principle Approach®(1) through the Biblical Classical Homeschool Experience™ membership and get equipped to disciple your children so they may be able to reason and think Biblically. .Use the Biblical Classical Community courses in your homeschool to help you along your Biblical Classical Approach Journey..What is your current worldview in the areas of P.E.E.R.S.--Politics (think Government), Economics, Education, Religion, and Social Issues? Go to www.worldviewcheckup.org for a stress-free online test with 100% private and immediate results. Use our Ambassador code WVC101 to save 20% off your purchase and support our ministry at the same time!...℗ & © 2020-2024 Principles in Practice...Footnote 1: The Principle Approach® is a registered trademark of The Foundation for American Christian Education. -
Principles in Practice: Biblical Classical Homeschooling.EP 129 | Oregon: The Struggle for Possession | Chapter 14.⏰Takes about 15 minutes of your time..What did a "quart of seed wheat" mean for America? Listen in and find out! ...Oregon is struggling because she has forgotten her Providential history. Who are the primary source history fans here? Learn about Western Men on the Oregon Trail in this episode..This podcast series serves as a reminder to Oregon about God's hand in her story as Heather reads through the primary source, Oregon: The Struggle for Possession by historian William Barrows. My prayer is that as Oregon thoroughly learns her Providential history, she'll become more religious. Help others see this post by giving it a thumbs up, a heart, commenting, and/or sending it to your FB wall. Thank you!.Enjoy a cup of coffee, tea, or hot coco and enjoy listening with a friend. Maybe even enjoy listening as you go for a walk. .Your donations (non-tax deductible) play an integral part in keeping The Principles in Practice homeschool podcast running and supporting our ministry. We appreciate your support! Go here >>> www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=TV4W8MC585EXN
Be mentored in The Principle Approach®(1) through the Biblical Classical Homeschool Experience™ membership and get equipped to disciple your children so they may be able to reason and think Biblically. .Use the Biblical Classical Community courses in your homeschool to help you along your Biblical Classical Approach Journey..What is your current worldview in the areas of P.E.E.R.S.--Politics (think Government), Economics, Education, Religion, and Social Issues? Go to www.worldviewcheckup.org for a stress-free online test with 100% private and immediate results. Use our Ambassador code WVC101 to save 20% off your purchase and support our ministry at the same time!...℗ & © 2020-2024 Principles in Practice...Footnote 1: The Principle Approach® is a registered trademark of The Foundation for American Christian Education. -
Principles in Practice: Biblical Classical Homeschooling
EP 128 | Christendom: Christians Turn the World Upside Down
⏰Takes about 15 minutes of your time..This is the second episode in a series about Christendom. The working definition of Christendom is: "Christendom is the application of biblical principles to all of life and culture, including all spheres of authority in society, in order that God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven." -Dr. Kevin Clauson.Enjoy a cup of coffee, tea, or hot coco and enjoy listening with a friend. Maybe even enjoy listening as you go for a walk. .Your donations (non-tax deductible) play an integral part in keeping The Principles in Practice homeschool podcast running and supporting our ministry. We appreciate your support! Go here >>> www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=TV4W8MC585EXN.The interview with Dr. Marshall Foster that is referred to in this podcast episode. >>> Celebrating 400 Years of Freedom, the Landing of the Pilgrims! The Mayflower Compact- Nov 11, 1620..Be mentored in The Principle Approach®(1) through the Biblical Classical Homeschool Experience™ membership and get equipped to disciple your children so they may be able to reason and think Biblically. .Use the Biblical Classical Community courses in your homeschool to help you along your Biblical Classical Approach Journey..What is your current worldview in the areas of P.E.E.R.S.--Politics (think Government), Economics, Education, Religion, and Social Issues? Go to www.worldviewcheckup.org for a stress-free online test with 100% private and immediate results. Use our Ambassador code WVC101 to save 20% off your purchase and support our ministry at the same time!...℗ & © 2020-2024 Principles in Practice...Footnote 1: The Principle Approach® is a registered trademark of The Foundation for American Christian Education. -
Principles in Practice: Biblical Classical Homeschooling
EP 127 | Christendom
⏰Takes about 8 minutes of your time..This is the first in a series about Christendom. Following this introduction will be a series on Christendom and influence within seven particular spheres of life. This is important to understand within the context of the forming of our nation, and her first two-hundred years. Additionally, this has to do with the effect Biblical Classical education has in relation to Liberty for the individual and nation today. But, before we can discuss this topic we need to first define Christendom..Enjoy a cup of coffee, tea, or hot coco and enjoy listening with a friend. Maybe even enjoy listening as you go for a walk. .Your donations (non-tax deductible) play an integral part in keeping The Principles in Practice homeschool podcast running and supporting our ministry. We appreciate your support! Go here >>> www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=TV4W8MC585EXN.
Be mentored in The Principle Approach®(1) through the Biblical Classical Homeschool Experience™ membership and get equipped to disciple your children so they may be able to reason and think Biblically. .Use the Biblical Classical Community courses in your homeschool to help you along your Biblical Classical Approach Journey..What is your current worldview in the areas of P.E.E.R.S.--Politics (think Government), Economics, Education, Religion, and Social Issues? Go to www.worldviewcheckup.org for a stress-free online test with 100% private and immediate results. Use our Ambassador code WVC101 to save 20% off your purchase and support our ministry at the same time!...℗ & © 2020-2024 Principles in Practice...Footnote 1: The Principle Approach® is a registered trademark of The Foundation for American Christian Education. -
Principles in Practice: Biblical Classical Homeschooling.EP 126 | Oregon: The Struggle for Possession | Chapter 13.⏰Takes about 35 minutes of your time..What was the sole mission of four Flat-Head Indians in St. Louis? Was it successful? Listen in and find out! ...Oregon is struggling because she has forgotten her Providential history. Who are the primary source history fans here? Learn about Western Men on the Oregon Trail in this episode..This podcast series serves as a reminder to Oregon about God's hand in her story as Heather reads through the primary source, Oregon: The Struggle for Possession by historian William Barrows. My prayer is that as Oregon thoroughly learns her Providential history, she'll become more religious. Help others see this post by giving it a thumbs up, a heart, commenting, and/or sending it to your FB wall. Thank you!.Enjoy a cup of coffee, tea, or hot coco and enjoy listening with a friend. Maybe even enjoy listening as you go for a walk. .Your donations (non-tax deductible) play an integral part in keeping The Principles in Practice homeschool podcast running and supporting our ministry. We appreciate your support! Go here >>> www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=TV4W8MC585EXN
Be mentored in The Principle Approach®(1) through the Biblical Classical Homeschool Experience™ membership and get equipped to disciple your children so they may be able to reason and think Biblically. .Use the Biblical Classical Community courses in your homeschool to help you along your Biblical Classical Approach Journey..What is your current worldview in the areas of P.E.E.R.S.--Politics (think Government), Economics, Education, Religion, and Social Issues? Go to www.worldviewcheckup.org for a stress-free online test with 100% private and immediate results. Use our Ambassador code WVC101 to save 20% off your purchase and support our ministry at the same time!...℗ & © 2020-2024 Principles in Practice...Footnote 1: The Principle Approach® is a registered trademark of The Foundation for American Christian Education. -
EP 125 | What to Know About Voting in a Federal Constitutional Representative Republic .⏰Takes less than 15 minutes of your time..America isn't a democracy, so you we're not looking for how to vote for a democracy ("a democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting what to have for lunch" = "mob rule"). Also, America isn't a monarchy or an aristocracy, so we're not aiming to vote for those either. When someone promises something that sounds so good, is it really the role of the government to fulfill that? It can be so hard to know, so how do we discern that? "Discernment is not knowing the difference between right and wrong. It is knowing the difference between right and almost right." -Charles Spurgeon.Enjoy a cup of coffee, tea, or hot coco and enjoy listening with a friend. Maybe even enjoy listening as you go for a walk. .Your donations (non-tax deductible) play an integral part in keeping The Principles in Practice homeschool podcast running and supporting our ministry. We appreciate your support! Go here >>> www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=TV4W8MC585EXN
Be mentored in The Principle Approach®(1) through the Biblical Classical Homeschool Experience™ membership and get equipped to disciple your children so they may be able to reason and think Biblically. .Use the Biblical Classical Community courses in your homeschool to help you along your Biblical Classical Approach Journey..What is your current worldview in the areas of P.E.E.R.S.--Politics (think Government), Economics, Education, Religion, and Social Issues? Go to www.worldviewcheckup.org for a stress-free online test with 100% private and immediate results. Use our Ambassador code WVC101 to save 20% off your purchase and support our ministry at the same time!...℗ & © 2020-2024 Principles in Practice...Footnote 1: The Principle Approach® is a registered trademark of The Foundation for American Christian Education. - Показать больше