
  • This week I have consciously chosen to recast one of my favourite and most popular episodes of 2022 all about Champagne and post-it notes.

    You’ve recently seen me launch the Champagne Lounge, which was born out of what I’ve been doing for the last decade around setting goals and celebrating my successes with post-it notes on bottles of champagne in the fridge.

    The joy of my success and the reason I’m where I am now is that I put my goals in front of me every single day. Every time I open the fridge, I’m reminded of what I want to achieve. And when I smash those goals, I get to drink champagne in celebration!

    As business owners and entrepreneurs, we are so busy constantly striving for our goals, we forget that we need to give ourselves permission to stop and celebrate.

    In this episode, I share the ritual that reminds me to stop and smell the roses when I achieve one of my goals. Every year I buy at least six bottles of champagne, stick my goals written on post-it notes onto each bottle, store them in the fridge and pop one whenever I reach that goal!

    My champagne of choice is Veuve Clicquot, and I share with you the history of this brand and why it gives me all the feels!

    My challenge to you is - how will you celebrate your successes? How will your goals and dreams be at the forefront of your mind so that you can make them a reality?

    From publishing books, gaining clients and hiring new staff to doubling profit and buying a country house, all of these amazing goals are absolutely achievable. So, stock up on some post-it notes and champagne bottles, and get ready to celebrate your success when those goals are smashed.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Asking for help, for a lot of people, is one of the most difficult things we can do. The last few years have been challenging for us all, and for many business owners, the stress and pressure have taken their toll.

    A lot of people are struggling right now so in today’s short and sweet episode, my encouragement to you all is to ask for help where you need it. You don’t have to struggle alone. There are people out there who will have your back, support you and encourage you through the tough times and celebrate the wins… all you need to do is ask.

    If you’re stuck in your own head and keeping your challenges and thought processes to yourself, you’re missing out on a wide variety of ideas and ways of doing things that might help your situation.

    We’re not meant to do life alone. There is a tribe out there just for you, which is exactly why I started The Champagne Lounge. Come join in and meet like minded people who are open to having those higher level conversations about life, business and everything in between.

    What area of your life or business are you struggling with right now?

    I encourage you to be bold today and ask for the help that you need.


    Get access to The Champagne Lounge

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    Connect with Rebecca:

    Website: https://www.rebeccasaunders.com/

    Instagram: @therebeccasaunders

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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  • In today’s conversation, I’m joined by Mrs Unstoppable herself, Em Gee. Em is a marketing and mindset coach for female entrepreneurs and bestselling author of her book Uncertain to Unstoppable. In her book, Em shares her life journey moving through uncertainty and trauma to becoming unstoppable. This transformation was made possible by letting go of what people thought of her, adopting forgiveness and embracing personal development.

    Often we all have trouble finding ways to stand out and face roadblocks when trying to step out of our comfort zone so I’ve brought Em here to help!

    Mrs. Unstoppable became an avatar of Em’s, a little superhero in a pink costume who embodies who she wants to be and allows her to show up at a certain level in her business. She encourages all of her Unstoppables to do the same and asks them three questions to get them to dive deeper into who they want to be:

    What does that version of me believe?What does that version of me think?How would that version of me like to feel?

    By working through these three questions, Em helps her clients lean into the wobbles along the way and start showing up differently in their businesses.

    In this episode Em talks about her own journey to becoming unstoppable, how to move through the valleys and peaks in business, setting boundaries and finding space, and the three biggest rules she has broken and the benefits that have resulted from them.

    Em encourages all entrepreneurs who are worried about what people are going to think to think about these four questions:

    What's the worst that can happen? What can you do to prevent the worst from happening?What you can do if the worst happens? What's the best that can happen?

    Tune in to hear all of Em’s unstoppable advice and experience to start breaking rules in your own business journey and become the version of you that you’ve always wanted.


    Get access to The Champagne Lounge

    Join Business Uncorked - Exclusive Mudgee Dinner Series

    Book a Power Hour Session

    Invite me to Speak

    Connect with Em Gee:

    Website: https://www.bethinkdocoaching.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thereal_emgee/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bethinkdocoaching

    Book: https://www.amazon.com.au/Uncertain-Unstoppable-re-writing-yourself-possible/dp/0646852280

    Connect with Rebecca:

    Website: https://www.rebeccasaunders.com/

    Instagram: @therebeccasaunders

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Even with access to the world at our fingertips, getting your voice heard as a business owner, a creative or an entrepreneur can be tough going. Algorithms don’t always work in our favour and are ads really worth it?

    If you’ve got a message that you want to get out there but you’re afraid of what people might think, worried about not being seen or just don’t know where to get started, I’ve got PR expert, Jaimie Abbott here to help.

    Jaimie is an award-winning media professional and international keynote speaker and has spent two decades in the industry working as a Radio and TV Journalist, Political Media Adviser, Managing Director of her own public speaking and media training company and a Communications Adviser for the Royal Australian Air Force. Needless to say, she has loads of experience when it comes to media, public speaking and presenting a message to the world.

    In this conversation, Jaimie and I discuss some of the common areas people fall short when it comes to presenting, from speaking on a stage to Instagram lives. Jaimie talks about rehearsing, and how even the most experienced public speakers still do this. We talk about how to conquer your fears by being really solid on a few key points and why we shouldn’t ever be worried about putting the same message out there over and over again.

    We’re all human, and we’re all going to make mistakes. But that can be part of the experience for whoever’s listening. We talk about embracing the human element and not giving air time to the negative comments that might come when you put yourself out there.


    Connect with Jaimie Abbott:

    Website: https://www.jaimieabbott.com.au/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jaimieabbott/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/jaimieabbottcomms/

    Podcast: Perfect Public Speaking with Jaimie Abbott

    Get access to The Champagne Lounge

    Join Business Uncorked - Exclusive Mudgee Dinner Series

    Book a Power Hour Session

    Invite me to Speak

    Connect with Rebecca:

    Website: https://www.rebeccasaunders.com/

    Instagram: @therebeccasaunders

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • I have a meaty one for you today as I dive into my view on the culture of customer service today. Quite frankly, in the majority of businesses that I have interactions with, customer service as far as I'm concerned, is dead. So I’m broaching the topic today to talk about what we as business owners and consumers can do to create the VIP experience and change the culture of customer service.

    In recent years, I believe that we have all become extremely complacent with the way we are treated, particularly by big business. Yes, covid made an impact. But that’s no excuse to not smile at your customers when they walk in the door, respond in a timely manner to queries or ensure that customers are getting the services that they paid good money for.

    We can do better. You, your customers and your community deserve better.

    In this episode, without going on too much of a rant, I share a few examples of customer service experiences that I’ve had recently that have left me cancelling subscriptions left, right and centre.

    For me and my business, the VIP experience is a huge focus. I am consciously putting measures in place to create the VIP experience for myself and my clients every single day.

    I also share some examples of businesses that are doing an incredible job at treating their customers with the genuine care and service they deserve. I talk about how we can begin looking at our own lives and businesses to stand out in our industries, all the way down to the micro decisions.

    As small business owners, we want to create raving fans, not resentful customers. I hope this episode inspires you to ponder on the level of customer service that you’ve been accepting as the norm and where, as a business owner, you can start leveling up to create an incredible VIP experience for your customers.


    Get access to The Champagne Lounge

    Join Business Uncorked - Exclusive Mudgee Dinner Series

    Book a Power Hour Session

    Invite me to Speak

    Connect with Rebecca:

    Website: https://www.rebeccasaunders.com/

    Instagram: @therebeccasaunders

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • I love community. I love bringing people together and seeing other business owners collaborate, connect and support each other. It’s what I’m all about, but I know that some people still struggle with the idea of competition. So today I’m talking about community over competition and why this mindset is an absolute superpower.

    I live in a small rural town and the joy of the community feel is a truly wonderful thing. In this episode, I’m having a conversation around building community and how it’s become somewhat of a lost art. I talk about why we need to be intentional about looking outward and supporting each other, not driven by a fear of lack. There are always more than enough projects and money to go around!

    When I first started my business, I said yes to everything. After a while, I realised that there were certain projects I didn’t want to do so I niched down to focus on what truly lights me up. Now, I am continually referring business to other people, never in fear that I’ll run out of projects. It’s this mindset of collaboration, connection and support that we as business owners need to have.

    Ponder on how you are showing up in your community. How are you supporting others around you and building up a network of likeminded people? Do you promote other businesses and help them thrive? Or do you say yes to every project, fearing that clients may not come back to you?

    Whatever industry you’re in, I know that when you hold a mindset of community over competition, good things will flow back to you tenfold. So today, think about how you can be more intentional about building community. When you do business this way, there is no end to the joy, connection and support you will attract.


    Get access to The Champagne Lounge

    Join Business Uncorked - Exclusive Mudgee Dinner Series

    Book a Power Hour Session

    Invite me to Speak

    Connect with Rebecca:

    Website: https://www.rebeccasaunders.com/

    Instagram: @therebeccasaunders

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Today's episode is for everyone who can get stuck feeling discombobulated and it then derails their entire day, week or year. Now, I absolutely love the word discombobulated. I try to work it into so many conversations because I just love the way it sounds but what does it mean? Discombobulated is when you’re a little bit confused, a little bit disconcerted, don’t know whether you're coming or going, and are generally feeling like a little bit of a mess.

    Right now, I’m recording this in the midst of our renovation on our beautiful heritage listed house where I don’t currently have a dedicated workspace so I’m shifting around the space each day to get all of my work done. So I don’t have my amazing camera set up with my bright background or my professional podcast microphone or headphones and everything feels like a bit of a mess. It would be so easy to let it utterly derail me and not record content until everything has settled down and I’m perfectly organised again but I’m not going to let that happen.

    It’s all about mindset and this year is all about doing everything with ease and grace. So I’m going to plan for the things I have control over and schedule everything when I have the space to do it. I try not to worry or stress about the things that I can’t do anything about.

    There is always a way of working it around and take a moment to consider, “How can I solve it?” or rejigging your work week to fit around what’s throwing it out of whack.

    I know we don’t have the time or energy to feel discombobulated in our lives or businesses so in this episode I’m sharing with you my strategy to refocus, restructure and get back on track to get everything done and find joy every day.


    Get access to The Champagne Lounge

    Join Business Uncorked - Exclusive Mudgee Dinner Series

    Book a Power Hour Session

    Invite me to Speak

    Connect with Rebecca:

    Website: https://www.rebeccasaunders.com/

    Instagram: @therebeccasaunders

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Today I’m excited to dive into an amazing topic with an amazing guest - J.Go (Jordan Gomez), a Body Positive Life Coach who helps women lose weight, gain muscle and feel confident in their skin!

    J.Go takes us through her fitness background and how she quickly realised that the focus and pressure on always trying to get smaller and punishing yourself was not the way she wanted to approach exercise. There had to be another way. J.Go explains how a focus on getting stronger and what food made her feel good, helped break the connection between her self-worth and size.

    Gym-timidation is real. J.Go explains how walking into a gym can often feel like a big step out of people’s comfort zone. She gives us some tips on how to start out on a fitness journey, and how to give yourself some grace on the journey.

    J.Go doesn’t just do exercise, she helps with food as well. How to eat your ice cream with no side of guilt. She explains how to navigate food when approaches to cooking and mindset are so entrenched in our upbringing. J.Go helps her clients break up with the ‘shoulds’. She takes them through an audit of how they speak around their bodies to release the guilt around food.

    We discuss the difference between saying ‘should’ and ‘could’ and how a shift in language can be really powerful. She helps her clients learn the power of words and the power of mindset.

    Conversations with ourselves are hugely important. J.Go gives us some habits and rituals that will help on your journey towards confidence and feeling happy in your own skin.

    I know you’re going to love J.Go’s focus on self-love and body positivity as the ideal way to create long-term lifestyle change!


    Get access to The Champagne Lounge

    Join Business Uncorked - Exclusive Mudgee Dinner Series

    Book a Power Hour Session

    Invite me to Speak

    Connect with J.Go:

    Website: https://www.jgofitlife.com/about

    Podcast: Confidently Uncomfortable with J.Go

    Connect with Rebecca:

    Website: https://www.rebeccasaunders.com/

    Instagram: @therebeccasaunders

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Welcome back to the first official episode of 2023 with what I think is one of the most important topics for the new year - boundaries.

    I made a conscious decision to take the last three months off. That’s right, three months! Following an absolutely crazy three years in my video production business, I was ready to hit pause. And it has been absolutely blissful.

    But how did I get to this point?

    In this episode, I take you through what my life has been like over the last three years, and how I’m planning for it to look in 2023.

    I’ve been able to sit down, look at my business and be really international in working out what I want to bring into 2023. My video production company is happily serving some amazing clients, and that will continue. But personally, I want to do something different this year.

    I share my plans for 2023 and explain how I’ve planned my time to ensure that I have space for production, family and friends, events and space for doing the next big thing.

    I also let you in on the two big projects launching this year and how you can be involved.

    Start thinking differently, practice self-care and and put those boundaries in place to keep out the burnout and overwhelm.

    This is all about making 2023 the best year yet. I know you’re going to make it an amazing one!


    Get access to The Champagne Lounge

    Join Business Uncorked - Exclusive Mudgee Dinner Series

    Book a Power Hour Session

    Invite me to Speak

    Previously mentioned episode:

    How I avoid overgiving and burnout

    Connect with Rebecca:

    Website: https://www.rebeccasaunders.com/

    Instagram: @therebeccasaunders

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • On today’s episode, I’m joined today by the wonderful Tory Archibold, global connector, entrepreneur and champion of women. As CEO of Powerful Steps, Tory’s mission is to share her toolkit with high-octane businesswomen and plot their personal roadmap to success

    In this wide-ranging conversation, Tory shares with us the ways to avoid imposter syndrome and comparinitis in order to build a powerful community, a powerful business and a powerful brand.

    We discuss the things you can do to ensure that you always show up being your best self, in order to have that maximum impact. Tory also reveals her one non-negotiable ritual that helps her level up in business and in life.

    We all know that self-care is key, and Tory shares with us how she schedules her time and holidays to ensure she creates space in her life for the things that light her up.

    This conversation with Tory absolutely filled my cup and I have no doubt it will do the same for you. There are just so many golden nuggets that will set you up for success in 2023 so dive in!


    Book a Power Hour Session

    Invite me to Speak

    Connect with Tory:

    Website: https://powerful-steps.com/

    Instagram: @powerfulsteps

    Podcast: Powerful Stories Podcast

    Book: Self-Belief Is Your Superpower

    Masterclass: Network Like a Pro Masterclass

    Connect with Rebecca:

    Website: https://www.rebeccasaunders.com/

    Instagram: @therebeccasaunders

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • I am taking a quick break for a couple of weeks and I wanted to share with you some of the listener favourites from the back catalogue.

    If you haven't had a chance to listen to this one previously, or you're new here, I hope you enjoy this one!

    I will be back with fresh new episodes in a couple of weeks!


    How are you showing up in your life and business today?

    I’m chatting with life enthusiast, entrepreneur, and most consistent ‘shower upper’ Anna Richards. Anna coaches women to show up, speak up and stand up. Even on the days when she doesn’t feel like it, Anna shows up online unapologetically and with authenticity.

    In this episode, Anna is giving you your daily reminder to show up just as you are. You don’t need to fake it and put on a smile, just show up and be honest about what you’re going through and how you’re feeling and your audience will be magnetised to you.

    When you can bring all of yourself to the table in a bold way, success and sales will follow. People buy who you are and not what you do.

    Anna started blogging in 2011 and found a love of storytelling. From there she has connected with people all around the world and grown her business. We talk about Anna’s boundaries, how to handle negativity online, and embracing every single day.

    Amazingly, Anna registered for a triathlon that was in 33 days before she even knew how to swim! The next day, she jumped in a pool and started practising. Not only did she complete the triathlon, but she has also gone on to compete in 8 triathlons and 2 half iron man competitions! She’s passionate about pushing herself further and she’ll inspire you to look at your own comfort zone today.

    Anna reminds us that life is not a dress rehearsal. We’re here to live boldly, unapologetically, enthusiastically, beautifully and abundantly. Stop waiting for ‘one day’ and embrace your life today.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • I am taking a quick break for a couple of weeks and I wanted to share with you some of the listener favourites from the back catalogue.

    If you haven't had a chance to listen to this one previously, or you're new here, I hope you enjoy this one!

    I will be back with fresh new episodes in a couple of weeks!


    I’m chatting with Jenny Hardman today about embracing tree change and how she and her husband, James, moved from corporate Sydney to country NSW to pursue their vineyard dreams.

    We talk about the ins and outs of what the tree change has looked like, the highs and lows of taking on a 1868 heritage listed property and the huge amount of work required to turn the property into an airbnb.

    Jenny and James still have big dreams for the future. They plan to open a cellar door alongside their newly planted vineyard and we talk about how they are navigating the path toward their goals.

    Many people dream of living that country life but actually taking the plunge is a whole other story. Jenny says that her biggest lesson has been finding the right people to help them on their journey. Running both a wine business and airbnb cottage, Jenny also talks about the importance of doing your research, solid marketing and building a strong network.


    Where to find Jennifer:





    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • I am taking a quick break for a couple of weeks and I wanted to share with you some of the listener favourites from the back catalogue.

    If you haven't had a chance to listen to this one previously, or you're new here, I hope you enjoy this one!

    I will be back with fresh new episodes in a couple of weeks!


    Today’s guest is Erika Cramer (Erika from America!), aka the Confidence Queen talking about all things confidence.

    Erika is a full-flavoured, spicy inspirational speaker and mentor to thousands of women across the globe. She connects with an engaged global community and shares with tens of thousands of women on a daily basis to help empower, encourage and inspire them to step into their confidence.

    In this episode, I chat with Erika about how the Queen of Confidence started as her alter shego and her business journey from the Queen of Curves to the Queen of Confidence. Erika is radically honest about her life and shares how a decent dose of trauma, combined with a ‘shower wisdom’ moment in December 2018 launched her into unbelievable business success.

    Erika shares her wisdom about how she stepped into her greatness, the tactics she uses to deal with her inner critic and the power of journaling.

    Erika played a big role in my courage to be openly public about alopecia both professionally and personally, and I have no doubt her energy, beaming vibes and laughter will help shake up your fear and get you inspired to start stepping into your confident alter shego.

    Erika fills up my cup and I know this conversation will do the same for you.

    Connect with Erika Cramer:

    Website: https://thequeenofconfidence.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thequeenofconfidence/?hl=en

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Theconfidencequeen

    Podcast: https://thequeenofconfidence.com/podcasts/

    Connect with Rebecca:

    Website: https://www.rebeccasaunders.com/

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Going into the holiday season, there’s a tendency for our calendars to be completely filled up with events - work parties, family gatherings, social events… it can be a lot to keep up with! I’ve decided that I’m doing Christmas a little differently this year and I’m talking today about how I’m being intentional to avoid overgiving and burnout this festive season.

    Often we push ourselves to the absolute max to get everything done and be everything for everyone. After a huge year in business, it can feel like we fall into a heap on holidays. And what should be time for rest and recuperation becomes a season of even more busyness, stress and obligation.

    So today I want to encourage you to take the pressure off. Look realistically at what needs to get done and take the time to think about how you want to enjoy your holidays. I share the plans I’ve made for Christmas this year and how I’ve been very intentional about who I’m seeing and what I’m saying yes to.

    You don’t have to do everything and setting boundaries is a big part of making sure that you’re able to show up with the right energy. Think about what’s important to you, how you want to spend your time and be intentional about doing it. And most importantly, enjoy your holiday season!


    Book a Power Hour Session

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    Connect with Rebecca:

    Website: https://www.rebeccasaunders.com/

    Instagram: @therebeccasaunders

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • We are coming up very fast to the last few weeks of 2022 so today I want to explore how I go about preparing for the year ahead. 2023 is set to be a really big year for me but also one filled with loads of creative space. In this episode, I’m sharing how to make 2023 your best year yet in a very intentional way.

    To start preparing for 2023, I sat down to think about what I want to be doing more of and what I want to be doing less of. It’s such a simple exercise, yet so powerful to discover the tasks that are really pushing the needle forward in my business, and which tasks aren’t. I do this on the business front but also for my personal life to be really intentional about creating my absolute best life.

    I talk about crafting time in my calendar for the things that are important to me. From dinner parties to travel, time with family and prioritizing self-care, I share some of the different ways I’m structuring my weeks in 2023 to show up as my best both for my business, myself and for the people around me.

    If you’re a traveler, you might be intrigued, maybe shocked, by my new rule of travelling without my laptop charger. When the battery runs out, work is done! I share how this has been going and how it creates intentionality to give my all during work time and recharge my own batteries.

    I also talk about my digital vision board and why I love setting big goals, thinking about the life I want to live and seeing those dreams become a reality. I encourage you to explore intentionality in your own life and think about You can make 2023 your best year yet.


    Book a Power Hour Session

    Invite me to Speak

    Connect with Rebecca:

    Website: https://www.rebeccasaunders.com/

    Instagram: @therebeccasaunders

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • This year I’ve placed a huge focus on taking time to have bigger conversations, meet new people, and experience new things. I’ve travelled, I’ve been on retreats, I’ve taken time out to ask myself deeper questions and be present. For me, it’s been about giving myself the space to really unpack and discover how I can make this life the best it can possibly be.

    So today I’m talking about the magic of space and giving yourself permission to have more space in your life and business. I’ve recently relocated from the city to a regional town, which feels so spacious but today I’m not just talking about creating a physical space for yourself. I’m talking about the bigger picture where we’re able to choose how we want to design our lives and businesses.

    In this episode, I share some of the thoughts I’ve been having about designing the life I want and some of the ways I’m creating space to show up as the best version of myself on a personal and professional level. To me, that means removing some things that aren’t serving a purpose for me anymore and being in that uncomfortable space of percolation.

    As business owners and business leaders, we have the opportunity to take stock of how we're doing things and evaluate whether we need to subtract things in order to move forward. Removing things that no longer serve you creates the space to let new things in, and to grow bigger and get better. I talk about what this looks like in my business at the moment in terms of my schedule, my workflow and the tasks that will really be pushing the needle forward.

    While you’re listening, think about what are the things that you can let go of that are no longer serving you. And where can you give yourself the time and the space to be creative?


    Book a Power Hour Session

    Invite me to Speak

    Connect with Rebecca:

    Website: https://www.rebeccasaunders.com/

    Instagram: @therebeccasaunders

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Today’s episode is all about self-doubt. I’m not talking about those little niggly voices we normally associate with self-doubt. I’m talking about looking to the future and wondering if you can make your dreams a reality.

    I share how the time I spent overseas over the past six weeks has given me the space to think about my business and where I want to go next. I was invited to speak at a retreat in Spain and it was both wonderful and discombobulating. Talking about my alopecia journey, how I’ve built my seven-figure business and how I’ve leaned into self-love rather than self-loathing was incredible but it was the impact on the audience that made me rethink absolutely everything.

    I reveal how since that event, I’ve started offering coaching sessions and speaking gigs and the response has been incredible! However, the idea of being more visible fills me with dread - I’m sure it does for you too. But truth be told, it’s actually a little bit exciting to be super visible and to get those dreams made into reality.

    So in the episode today I discuss how I confront and wrestle with self-doubt and what this has looked like for me.

    If you’ve got the negative voice that is yelling “why would anyone listen to me”, I’m here to tell you that that voice is not going away, it’s just a matter of seeing it for what it is - a load of junk.

    I’m pushing through the self-doubt and sharing my story so that you can grow your business, your life and your self-love.

    What is that one thing you can do between now and the new year that pushes you out of your comfort zone and brings you one step closer to living your dream life?


    Book a Power Hour Session

    Invite me to Speak

    Connect with Rebecca:

    Website: https://www.rebeccasaunders.com/

    Instagram: @therebeccasaunders

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • I’m joined today by the fabulous Donna Hann, who runs a business coaching business and is host of the inspiring podcast She’s in Business. Donna’s work empowers and supports women, primarily Mums, who either want to reshape their existing business or start a business from scratch without burnout. Essentially, she helps female entrepreneurs from burnout to thriving through private and group coaching, speaking and workshops. What a superwoman!

    Given the last two years, burnout is really front of mind and Donna shares her journey into and through burnout. This is Donna’s fourth business - she has such a wealth of knowledge to draw on. We discuss the challenges when your family doesn’t quite get your business and the ways she navigated her marriage when her third business led to burnout.

    Donna also shares with us the beauty and upsides of working in a regional town, and how she serves her client remotely, which allows her to work with women as far away as Scandinavia!

    In our conversation, Donna shares that it’s really about finding what lights you up, and then putting the business skills around that. We also discuss intentionality and the value of personal and professional development.

    The juggle of parenting is real, and Donna shares such a grounded, realistic and inspiring perspective on how you can run a business, support your family and find pockets of time for yourself.

    Whether you’re a mum in business, thinking about children one day or just finding the juggle of small business all too real, this conversation will provide you with some inspiring gold nuggets to charge your superpower!


    Donna’s online Workshop 10th November - Reflect, Reimagine & Plan for 2023

    Donna’s 8 step guide: Optimise your time and accelerate your business goals

    Sign up to Lights.Camera. PROFIT! the 6 week business accelerator for videographers here

    Sign up to my FREE Lights. Camera. Profit! Webinar here

    Sign up to the waitlist for my signature program The Video Accelerator here.

    Connect with Donna Hann:

    Website: https://www.donnahann.com/

    Podcast: https://www.donnahann.com/podcasts/she-s-in-business

    Instagram: @donna_hann_sib

    LinkedIn: https://au.linkedin.com/in/donna-hann-au

    Connect with Rebecca:

    Website: https://www.rebeccasaunders.com/

    Instagram: @therebeccasaunders

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • My guest on today’s show is Melissa Browne - she is an ex-accountant, an ex-financial advisor and an ex-working till I drop businesswoman! She’s my kind of lady and had the privilege of talking to her about finance.

    I know - we all hate talking about money, but it’s so important! As creatives, putting our creative and business minds in unison to build something that’s thriving, profitable and sustainable not only builds wealth for our future selves but it creates opportunities to be even more creative.

    And if there’s anyone to help us, it’s Mel. Mel shares the story behind the impetus she had for selling her accounting business, and how she came to launch a business that helps women become financially empowered and financially well in both their finances and in their businesses.

    Creatives often think of themselves as bad with money, but Mel encourages us to see how that is BS. Mel shares her observations that creatives are often incredible with money and business because they bring their innate creativity to cashflow, profit and finding innate solutions. She encourages us to break the money story that if you’re creative you’re not good with numbers.

    We also talk to Mel about how she came out of her introverted shell to be her unique self in front of the camera to grow her business. Mel is now a video powerhouse, and she shares her tips around batching, and how she makes it an enjoyable and productive experience.

    Mel also reiterates that is so important to get your business foundations right. If you’re relentless in getting the basics right, then you get the freedom to play and be super creative off that foundation.

    I know you’re going to love this episode - dive in!


    Mel’s free resources and waitlist for the My Financial Adulting Plan course.

    Sign up to Lights.Camera. PROFIT! the 6 week business accelerator for videographers here

    Sign up to my FREE Lights. Camera. Profit! Webinar here

    Sign up to the waitlist for my signature program The Video Accelerator here.

    Connect with Melissa Browne:

    Website: https://www.melissabrowne.com.au/

    Instagram: @moremoneyforshoes

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/melissa-browne-5262b020/

    Connect with Rebecca:

    Website: https://www.rebeccasaunders.com/

    Instagram: @therebeccasaunders

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • This is a very special episode - it marks a whole year of podcasting. And so, it is the perfect episode to share with you how I celebrate success, and how post-it notes are key to this!

    As business owners and entrepreneurs we are so busy constantly striving for our goals, we forget that we need to give ourselves permission to stop and celebrate.

    In this episode, I share the ritual that reminds me to stop and smell the roses when I achieve one of my goals. Every year I buy at least six bottles of champagne, stick my goals written on post-it notes onto each bottle, store them in the fridge and pop one whenever I reach that goal! It means that every time I open the fridge, I am reminded of my goals.

    My champagne of choice is Veuve Clicquot, and I share with you the history of this brand and why it gives me all the feels!

    This is an exciting time to start planning for 2023. I share the four things I’ll do in November to set me up for success in 2023.

    My challenge to you is - how will you celebrate your successes? How will your goals and dreams be at the forefront of your mind, so that you make them a reality?


    Sign up to Lights.Camera. PROFIT! the 6 week business accelerator for videographers here

    Sign up to my FREE Lights. Camera. Profit! Webinar here

    Sign up to the waitlist for my signature program The Video Accelerator here.

    Connect with Rebecca:

    Website: https://www.rebeccasaunders.com/

    Instagram: @therebeccasaunders

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.