
  • Mandie and Danae are back with another episode of The Refined and Rowdy Show! After last week's episode where Mandie interrogated Danae with some very tough questions, Danae gets to return the favor this week! This episode opens up with Danae stating that she would get rid of "homeroom" if she were to become President due to it being a waste of time and cuts into the learning process. This leads the two of them talking about the differences they had back in their school days (Mandie being from California didn't have homeroom like Danae did). As this topic conversation progresses, they discuss their favorite cereals growing up, the different color tops and much more. Before Danae gets side tracked with more milk, she dives in the main topic of today's episode and begins the interrogation of Mandie! Much like last week's episode, Mandie is to answer these tough questions with completely honesty. Danae starts of the interrogation and immediately goes to a tough question, when she asks Mandie how old she was when she first tried marijuana? Mandie answers and goes into detail about the first time she tried it which leads the two of them to go back and forth on the topic before moving to the next question. Danae's next question is a light hearted one to an extent, when she asks Mandie if she would be okay with breast feeding in public? Mandie answers and explains her reasoning to her answer before they continue the interrogation. Danae continues the light hearted questions when she asks Mandie would she grow her "bush" out and where a bathing suit to the public pool for $200,000? Mandie decides she would definitely take the money and would not be embarrassed either. Next, Danae gives Mandie a hypothetical question to answer: Mandie driving at night on a dark country road comes across an old woman with a million dollars in the back seat of her broken down car, what would Mandie do in that situation? Mandie immediately tells Danae what she would do in that situation which leads to them going back and forth with more hypotheticals and explanations involving the whole ordeal before going to the next question Danae has for Mandie. The next question Danae asks Mandie also involves money. Would Mandie feed 20 people who are in desperate need or take a million dollars? Mandie initially decides to take the money and feed the people but Danae suddenly changes the stipulations and says Mandie cannot use any money to feed those people. This still does not change Mandie's answer. Mandie explains what she would do with the money and how she could help other people as well as animals that are less fortunate. Danae goes back to the funny questions by asking Mandie what she thinks of elderly sex? Mandie does not dodge this question and gives her opinion on the hilarious question before being asked a couple of rapid fire questions including: what shoe size is Danae?, who's the better driver, most attractive and who's best at keeping secrets? Mandie does not miss a beat and answers each question and includes reasons on choosing what she did. Danae continues the interrogation and asks Mandie a plethora of more questions ranging from personal ones to serious ones and even some more funny ones. Mandie answers everything she is asked and goes into detail to explain why she chose those answers before Danae suddenly runs out of questions to ask which leads the two of them to wrap another episode of The Refined and Rowdy Show!

  • Mandie and Danae are back with another episode of The Refined and Rowdy Show and this one is going to be fun! For this episode, they've decided to do an interrogation of Danae. Mandie has decided to spill the tea and get personal with Danae. She's come up with a series of questions for her and Danae has to answer them honestly and give reasons why she chooses what she does. They open the podcast talking about last week's episode being a little all over the place due to the high amount of house projects they were working on which caused them to be extremely tired. They discuss how Danae was almost over it before Mandie calls a house meeting to get the jobs and tasks in order. They talk about what jobs they can handle, what jobs can wait and what jobs they should hire out for. This discussion seemingly helps Danae's mood and mindset out tremendously. Before moving on to the next topic, the amount of work being done recently has given Danae the idea that she should be able to say she has "big balls." This leads them to short discussions about Nascar, Jeff Gordon and Mandie recalling a story about her 6th grade teacher before getting into the main topic of the episode, which is the interrogation of Danae. Mandie starts off the interrogation with an opening question about Danae staying with her if she had developed a cocaine and heroin addiction. Danae answers the question and gives her reason why she decided what she did which leads to some back and forth on the topic of cocaine and heroin before Mandie gets into her next question. For question number two,Danae is asked if she would allow Mandie to display her recently obtained collection of weird and creepy 1920's style stuffed animals and dolls on the mantle while the two of them slept each night? Danae taken back by what was asked, gives her honest opinion on the collection and why she would allow it before moving on. Mandie then asks Danae what would her reaction be to finding out Mandie spent $10,000 without being told? Danae answers this question and goes into detail about what her feelings would be about this taking place which leads to the two having a couple of side conversations before getting back into the interrogation. The next question for Danae is: what is one thing about Mandie's personality that surprised Danae when she first met Mandie? Danae goes into detail about how it was Mandie's maturity level and well she was put together in a classy sense. They talk about this question a little more before going into what is the most important question of the interrogation, which is: If Danae were to plan out the perfect day for Mandie what would she do? Danae thinks for a second before laying out her idea of the perfect day. They decide to go into detail and discuss different aspects that Danae has come up with and if Mandie agrees or not. They go back and forth some more on this question and Danae comes up with a different option that she believes Mandie will love before going into a few side topics before wrapping up another episode of The Refined and Rowdy Show!

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  • Mandie and Danae are back with another episode of The Refined and Rowdy Show! They open this episode playing a game of finish the lyrics. They go back in forth before letting their listeners know that they are so tired from doing a bunch of work on the house recently. This leads them to telling story about how they were sleeping so good the other morning when all of a sudden, they here a loud squeal and they realized Conway had fallen off the chair he was sleeping on and got so scared that he peed himself. This leads the two to wonder what accents their pets would have if they could talk? Danae gives her best impression of what she thinks they would sound like before moving on to the next topic. The next topic they touch on is how they've been doing a ton of projects on the house causing them to walk over 30k steps a day as well as losing some weight. From there, they go into a discussion about health and wellness. Danae then gets back on the topic of how they decided to paint their master bedroom at 10:30pm one night. She goes into the story of how they ended up at Lowe's purchasing paint (the cheaper option might we add). Next, they touch on how Danae went to the Co-Op and bought a manure shovel which leads them to going back and forth wondering who's pronouncing the word manure right. This leads Danae talking about the time she was riding in a car and passed a GMC Rendezvous and totally thought it pronounced a different way. After this, they decide it's time to apologize to the listeners for being all over the place and how thankfully this podcast is free to listen! Getting back to the stories, Danae recalls talking to her dad recently where he was asking her if Conway was potty trained yet and if not, she should take the approach he did where he stuck a match in his butt and would keep it there until the dog was outside. Her next story is about finding ticks on body parts from working in the yard so much recently. Her next story is about going hunting with her Uncle Dick who admitted to her dad that he hadn't paid taxes in 50 years! Lastly, they tell a story about how a raccoon died underneath their porch after getting away from being mauled during the day last week. Danae mentions that it was so sad to have to bury it by the oak tree and wonders what Mandie did to honor the coon before closing another episode of The Refined and Rowdy Show!

  • Mandie and Danae are back with another episode of The Refined and Rowdy Show! They open the episode giving a life update about working outdoors on the property so much that Danae ended up getting a severe rash of poison ivy to which she is still currently dealing with. After some back and forth on working outdoors, Danae announces her upcoming comedy tour dates which leads Mandie to ask her to reenact her sports broadcasting days where she commentates on a softball game hypothetical. Danae obliges and does a stellar job of giving play by play insight except she's losing her accent! This leads to Danae mentioning her how she used to commentate games every weekend in silk shirts which would leave her so sweaty especially because she would arrive 4 hours before the game (which ended up being 3+ hours itself) to prepare. She then goes into talking about the Milos restaurants that are located in Alabama and how they are so good and even gives a rendition of their old jingle featuring the slogan. This leads her to a small discussion about her Richmond comedy show this past weekend where she channeled her inner Oliver Anthony and opened by singing his hit "Rich Men North of Richmond." They talk about how getting to Richmond was super tough due to the airports shutting down from the Microsoft operating shutdown that took place which delayed Danae's flight 7 different times. This leads the two of them to touch on the topic of Southwest changing their seating policy after 50 years! Mandie talks about how she is all for it and Danae talks about how she doesn't really care for it; which leads to another story from her. Danae tells a story about boarding a Southwest flight where she sat next to a random lady and during this trip the two began chatting and getting to know one another. This woman lived one of the coolest lives according to Danae; she was the babysitter for John F. Kennedy and his wife Jackie. She told Danae stories about her time working for them, things the media got right as well as wrong and how she was with Jackie after the assassination on John. This leads to Danae stating that the older generation is the best companions to talk with because they did not grow up being distracted by cell phones. After a brief discussion about this topic, they talk about how cell phones came about and their earliest recollections of them. Danae mentions her grandfather having a 1990s Chevy truck with a phone in the floorboard. She then mentions how her dad used to have what was called a "party line" where so many people could be on the same line, so if someone called for one person, the call could be answered by anyone with access. She tells a story her dad told her about his time with the "party lines." Next, they decide to tell a story about how Hanes recently encountered a 40 pound raccoon on the property and Danae was not prepared to break up the fight so she had Mandie handle this. After this story, Danae talks about having more truck issues and tells listeners what recently happened with hers while driving on Interstate 65. She then goes into detail about how the guy at the dealership was giving her the runaround basically because she was a women and he figured she would just believe everything he was saying. This leads Danae to recalling a couple of times where she has had issues when purchasing cars and how if listeners need help with bad luck relating to vehicles, definitely reach out to her. She tells a story about buying a car on Facebook marketplace but never receiving the title for it. She goes into detail on how she hounded him for months until he finally gave her the money back due to him not having the car title. Next, they go into a stories about hearing footsteps, recalling paranormal issues at their old house and having a friend over to lift spirts and much more before wrapping this episode of The Refined and Rowdy Show!

  • Mandie and Danae are back with another episode of The Refined and Rowdy Show! Keeping up with the recent episodes of the show where the two have involved their fans input, this episode is all about questions different followers have for them! They've decided to take the next 50 plus minutes and answer as many questions from their fans as possible, give their thoughts and opinions on the topics presented and of course share some never before heard stories! They jump into the episode talking about music they listened to growing up and how it was so bad but back then they never really put what was being sung and the meanings together like they do nowadays. After a short discussion on the different eras of music as well as the vulgarity of certain songs, they jump into the main topic of today's episode which is answering questions from followers. The questions from listeners range in topics with some including, "What are your bucket list vacation locations outside of the US?", "What was the story behind yall deciding to move?", Advice for someone moving from Colorado to Alabama, as well as advice for people in their 20s? and several others. Listen in as they both respond to a handful of questions while sharing their thoughts and knowledge on each topic while even sharing stories of life experiences that have happened to them in certain situations. Along with answering the questions, they share stories about life such as Mandie dealing with a culture shock coming from California to live in Alabama, Danae's run-in with a crazy guy at Whole Foods, their process of IBF when they were thinking of having children and much more. We hope you enjoy this episode and were able to answer your question(s)!

  • Mandie and Danae are back with another episode of The Refined and Rowdy Show! After last week's episode about their listener's most unpopular opinions, the two decided they should do an episode about some of their regrets. Listen in as they go back and forth with sharing some of their biggest regrets; the list includes: getting a belly button pierced, not playing golf in high school, tattoos, sucking an air duster due to a dare, not backing up sentimental voice recordings as well as some very personal regrets. They also touch on some non-regrets such as moving to Austin and starting the podcast. Listen in as Mandie and Danae share some of their regrets (both lighthearted and personal), several hilarious stories throughout the episode in regards to regrets and thoughts that come up as well as a good amount of "Big" Jim Folsom facts for the many fans of his who tune in weekly!

  • Mandie and Danae are back with another episode of The Refined and Rowdy Show! For this episode, they decided to to base this episode on the unpopular opinions of their listeners. Listen in as they each read their listener's most unpopular opinions while giving their thoughts and opinions on each. The topics range from: Fruity Pebbles tasting better with orange juice instead of milk, someone having zero regrets taking adult vacations while leaving the kids at home, blood donations being scams, women should be a part of the military draft, married people should have to wear rings, hard boiled eggs belong on spaghetti, Hey Dudes shoes are ugly, Taylor Swift is awkward/overrated, Sharon Jean needs a donkey, snail mail invitations are better than Facebook invites, divorce should be illegal, Taco Bell is trash, dinosaurs aren't real and many more. They also touch on several other topics as well as share personal news and stories including how Danae would choose to die, Mandie's unpopular opinion that fried chicken is gross, Danae talking about trauma and religion, her thoughts on the dinosaur answer and much more!

  • Mandie and Danae are back with another episode of The Refined and Rowdy Show! They open up the episode with some recent updates in their lives (Danae played in a celebrity golf tournament while Mandie talks about a recent encounter with an elderly lady working at Target who needed a friend to talk to). This leads them to go into a story about going to a cafe recently and Danae coming with her new most disliked aspect which is people talking on speaker phone while in public. They tell a story about witnessing this at the cafe and how it was so bad especially because the people tend to talk extremely loud to match the speaker volume. They go into another hilarious story about a coffee shop worker recognizing Danae in the drive-thru and how she proceeded to show her excitement in the most random way before deciding to spill the tea on everything going on her in personal life. Next, they give insight on what's been happening recently at the house as they've been doing construction work; Danae accidentally ran over the water spigot after telling everyone who was at the house not to do so. They go into what all happened leading up to this as well as the current state of spigot. This leads them to talk about the main aspect of the episode which is the story of "The Dye Boys." After telling her dad about hitting the water spigot and needing something to change the mood, Danae talks with him for over two hours about the story of the Dye Boys; so it's only fitting Danae shares everything she knows with their audience. She jumps right into the story about the Dye boys and their cousin (last name Brasher) who went missing in Alabama sometime around 1956 and have never been found. Danae recalls how the Dye Boys and their cousin's disappearance could possibly be tied to government corruption. When they went missing, the governor of Alabama was "Big" Jim Folsom and although he was loved by many (he even earned the nickname "kissing Jim") he quite possibly was doing shady things not known to the majority of the state. Listen in as Danae tells one of her favorite stories she's known since childhood. The Dye boys story leads Danae to tell a few more "southern stories" to which Mandie questions the authenticity due to many people telling a different version of a story numerous times. They go back and forth with their conversation and insight on the different stories that were told before wrapping up another episode of The Refined and Rowdy Show!

  • Mandie and Danae are back with another episode of The Refined and Rowdy Show! They open up this episode with words they have trouble saying. For Danae, it's Charles and for Mandie it's specific. They also touch on words that irk them when people say them wrong (especially and espresso to name a few). This leads them to talking about words they used to call people in order to make fun (fart blossom, butthead, lumix etc). This leads Danae to tell a story about a friend who one day came up behind her (while she was laying on the ground with her legs in the v shape) and kicked her between the legs with shoes on. This leads her to go into another story about a girl who was upset that Danae was a freshman getting to play shortstop in softball when that position is usually designed for seniors. The girl would come up and hit Danae between the legs and yell "clam stamp." Danae was getting irritated by this constantly happening that after awhile she told her dad about it and his advice to stop it was for Danae to let her do it again but this time once she's done, look at her and start licking her lips while saying "I'll give you 30 more minutes to stop" meaning she was acting like she enjoyed it. Although embarrassing, this actually worked and the girl never did such a thing again. As the episode progresses, they start talking about construction they've been doing to the new house and finding a huge den of snakes after demolishing unwanted parts of property! They also talk about how they've questioned the move with everything that's been going on and also now living further out from the city. Before, they were only 15 minutes from downtown Nashville and 6 minutes from the closest Target but now they are 30 minutes from downtown. They also worried about if living so far way would be the ending of their careers. After a short discussion about all of this, they decide to tell a story about the first night at the new house. Mandie mentions how they believe strongly in heavenly energy. She states that after everything had been moved over to the house, she decided to clear out the old energy by burning sage to fulfill the entire space. They also prayed over the house to show their respect of it and the land. At the end of the prayer, Mandie tells the spirits, that if they want to show themselves, to do so to Danae and not her. This leads to Danae taking over the story and details what she experienced after the sage took place. She had to make a call to her producer before bed and as she is standing outside on the phone with Alex, she notices a bright flashing light from the front yard so she decides to go check it out. She notices one of the solar lights they had installed was going crazy and flashing rapidly. As she's turning it off, she hears rustling in the woods to her left. She looks over and immediately notices a white illuminating figure standing in front of the trees. The figure starts moving rapidly with waving gestures, and Danae starts to walk to it. As she's getting closer, she blinks and it disappears. After telling Mandie what happens they talk to Mandie's mom and a friend who is knowledgeable in the realm of spirits. They both tell her a dark spirit would not want her to walk near it whereas an angelic spirt would want her to seek it. This leads Mandie and Danae to go into the topic of spirits and feeling certain energy. They go on to tell more stories involving spiritual interactions between each of them and family members as well as the power of manifestation before a few stories about school days, Danae only learning how to moonwalk in Chemistry class, Mandie wanting to learn how to as well after Danae sent her a video, Danae not wanting to be cremated when she dies, Mandie asking what would be the worst way to go out and a much more before closing out another episode The Refined and Rowdy Show!

  • Mandie and Dane are back with another episode of The Refined and Rowdy Show! Fresh off CMA Fest week (where Danae actually hosted one event on Wednesday at Ole Red and one of Friday night's shows at Ascend Amphitheater) the two sit down to give a recap of everything that went down at the festival, how Danae forgets to introduce herself and more. Danae also talks more about hosting the Brett Young and friends concert and how she fan-girled over Colbie Caillat when she saw her perform. Mandie has to quickly remind her that she didn't know who Colbie was at first when she was sitting right next to her and Danae. They go into talking about Colbie's smash hit "Bubbly" to which Mnadie thinks it's about an orgasm but after some quick research that's not the case; especially since she wrote the song with her brother. Next, they go into talking about cults and the documentary on 7M entitled "Dancing With The Devil." They give their insight on how much a management team should make as well as the breakdown in the documentary of how the church handled things. This leads them to talking more about cults and "drinking the kool-aid" which is a term used to label people who are part of a certain cult. This leads them to also discuss the documentary on Ashley Madison which was a site created for married people to cheat on their spouses secretly. They give a breakdown of the show and Danae's blood pressure rises because she doesn't like cheaters and adulterers. They transition the episode to talk about the recent move and how they are adapting to living on land in the country. They tell a story about how they talked to the guy who sold the house and asked if he ever came across any snakes, to which he states he may have seen 1 total. Danae ended up tying the amount he saw on day 2 when she saw one not too far from her feet. This leads Mandie to mention that her mom is getting knowledge on snakes after joining a snake Facebook group. Danae has to throw in some jokes about that before moving on to letting listeners know that they got a great deal on a John Deere tractor from Facebook marketplace. Danae then starts to ask Mandie questions about the move and if she is liking the country living, Mandie gives her thoughts on the move and how it's so peaceful to sit on the porch each morning but she also states that she saw a pack of coyotes recently. After a brief discussion about the pack of coyotes they inform everyone that the new dog became best friends with Hanes but is currently in training for a few weeks. They go back to talking about the move and how Danae orchestrated it all and had to walk 17 miles a day last week as the move was happening. Danae then asks Mandie what the plan is for their horses, more animals and growing a garden to which Mandie gives everyone her plan for each aspect before they close out another episode of The Refined and Rowdy Show!

  • Mandie and Danae are back with another episode of The Refined and Rowdy Show! This episode is all about storytelling. Being from the south, storytelling is a way of life for Danae! Danae states she got her amazing storytelling skills from her dad and it's how they communicate with one another. Danae goes straight into a story about her dad, grandfather and other old guys in town meeting at the market and chop it up with different stories about whatever they could come up with. A lot of the times the stories were very fabricated but the others go along with it knowing its an exaggeration but this is where she took interest in storytelling. Danae gives Mandie a couple of key points about a story from her childhood and wants her to switch roles and tell what happened. Mandie obliges and does the best she can before Danae takes over to tell the rest of the story. The story being told is about the time Danae got her first dirt bike at 7 years old. She goes into great detail about getting it, what happened with her sister and the bike and then the outcome after what took place before they transition to Mandie talking about her experience with dirt bikes. This leads Danae to tell another story about learning to drive a stick shift in a 1985 cherry red Porsche. This leads her to tell another story about her dad selling the Porsche at a used car lot and an encounter with a potential customer lead to him believing the car was stolen when come to find out the gentlemen took it for a test drive 1.5 hours to show his friends in Birmingham, AL! She then goes into another car story about her scary incident with a Mustang that caused her to do a 360 spin after it had been rainy for awhile. To continue with car stories, Danae tells one about the time she was driving a 3 series BMW while her friend and cousin rode with her during college. They cross paths with some guys in a jacked up truck and what starts as playful joking turns to the guys getting heated and following Danae and the other girls through town causing them to go 80mph while being tailgated. The girls call the cops and finally get everything situated before heading back into town. Danae's next story is about how she received a Facebook message from a friend who ask her to go visit "Uncle Skip" because his health was declining and he had always been an Alabama softball fan. Danae shares the story about what all took place when she went to meet Skip, what they did during their time hanging out and how she wasn't scared at all going over to a strange man's house. This leads her to tell a couple more southern stories involving her grandfather and a cop car. She goes into vivid detail about this story before wrapping up another episode of The Refined and Rowdy Show!

  • Mandie and Danae are back with a bang on this episode of The Refined and Rowdy Show! The duo drops some major news—they're moving! After teasing the announcement on social media, they finally reveal the details behind their decision to leave their newly renovated home. Tune in as they share their personal reasons for the move and their exciting plans for the future. The conversation dives deep into their journey in real estate, a passion that began in 2018-2019 and played a crucial role in their current success. Learn how they smartly bought, upgraded, and profited from their Nashville home. They also offer valuable advice for anyone looking to navigate the real estate market, especially in today's tough economic climate. Danae and Mandie reflect on their upbringing and the financial lessons that shaped them. Mandie dispels myths about her California roots and shares her family's budget-friendly strategies, while Danae recounts a thrifty horse trailer purchase adventure in South Alabama. The episode takes a fun turn as they discuss Mandie's hypothetical dream of living in England, their opinions on fashion changes over the years, and a hilarious musing on what if humans buzzed like cicadas when... feeling a certain way. Danae shares a light-hearted story about being baptized twice, wrapping up the episode with laughs and wisdom. Join Mandie and Danae for a rollercoaster of stories, tips, and laughs in this not-to-be-missed episode of The Refined and Rowdy Show!

  • Join Danae and Mandie in this episode of The Refined and Rowdy Show! From their romantic engagement at sunset with a drone surprise to navigating the chaos of the pandemic, this episode is packed with laughter, love, and a few mishaps along the way. The Proposal: Danae's meticulously planned proposal involves a special evening out, drone photos, and an unexpected wardrobe disaster. Despite the challenges, the proposal turns out magical. Pandemic Panic: Shortly after getting engaged, the world shuts down. The couple moves in with Mandie's parents in California, but the close quarters lead Danae to seek refuge in their bedroom. Tensions rise, culminating in a dramatic escape to an Airbnb with their two cats. Airbnb Adventures: A mix-up with checkout times results in an awkward encounter with the host and a frantic effort to hide their pets. Cleaning up litter with toilet paper and sneaking out the cats add to the hilarity. Flying Fiasco: Mandie's story of a sick cat on a plane, a bathroom mishap, and a misunderstanding with a mom highlights their travel woes. Elope and Party: Fast forward to their life in Austin where they decide to elope but still plan a wedding celebration. Danae's drunken antics with a private chef and Mandie's pink dress drama the day before the wedding keep the stories rolling. Wedding Woes: The wedding day brings more unexpected events, including a friend spilling Jack and Coke all over Danae just before the reception photos. Tune in to hear Danae and Mandie recount these unforgettable moments with their signature blend of refined elegance and rowdy humor. Don't miss this episode filled with love, laughter, and life lessons!

  • Mandie and Danae are back with another episode of The Refined and Rowdy Show! This episode is all about Identity Crisis! They dive deep into personal experiences with identity and self-expression, exploring the journey of navigating societal norms and familial expectations. Through candid conversations, Mandie and Danae reminisce about childhood memories, sharing anecdotes about fashion choices and gendered stereotypes. From wearing hoop earrings and cargo pants to discussing the pressure of conforming to traditional standards of femininity, each story offers insights into the complexities of individuality and the quest for authenticity. With humor and vulnerability, this episode invites listeners to reflect on their own relationship with identity and encourages embracing the freedom to express oneself authentically. From shopping at Limited Too to navigating the intimidating darkness of Hollister, they share humorous anecdotes about their attempts to fit in with the trends of the early 2000s. The conversation delves into the discomfort of feeling out of place in certain clothing stores and the struggles of finding clothing that fits both their bodies and their identities. As they reflect on their high school and college fashion choices, from Abercrombie t-shirts to Lululemon leggings, they ponder the cultural significance of brands and the evolving landscape of social media. With candid humor and self-awareness, this episode offers a nostalgic exploration of youth culture and the quest for self-expression in the face of societal expectations. They ontinue their discussion on identity crises, sharing stories submitted by their audience. From experimenting with fashion to exploring unconventional hobbies, each anecdote highlights the diverse ways individuals navigate self-discovery. They laugh about childhood phases, like a fascination with skateboarding or a brief stint as a country redneck, and reflect on the cultural and familial influences that shape personal identity. As they delve into more serious topics, such as leaving behind religious upbringing or grappling with societal expectations, they maintain their signature blend of humor and introspection. Through these shared experiences, they foster a sense of camaraderie with their listeners, celebrating the complexities of individuality and the universal quest for self-understanding.continue their candid conversation, sharing personal experiences and reflecting on their own identity journeys. From discussing family history to exploring feelings of inferiority and superiority in different social settings, they delve into the complexities of self-perception. They share anecdotes about feeling out of place in upscale environments and overcoming childhood insecurities. As they recount past incidents and humorous memories, they acknowledge the ongoing process of self-discovery and self-acceptance. Through their open and honest dialogue, they create a space for listeners to reflect on their own experiences and embrace their authentic selves.

  • Mandie and Danae are back with another episode of The Refined and Rowdy Show! They've decided to make this episode half prank phone calls and half podcast! After going viral for one of their most hilarious calls, they've decided to dedicate a podcast episode every now and then to what got them famous. So if you are a huge fan of their prank phone calls, you are definitely in for a treat! Listen in as Danae makes calls to various different businesses with some of the most outrageous stories she can think of! The first business she calls is a thrift store in Alabama. For this business she acts as Sharon Jean who is calling to report finding an item in her daughter's store bag that she doesn't think is suitable for the store to be selling. After giving her story to one of the employees, she proceeds to inform the store manager of what was accidentally purchased and asked to make a private exchange due to the embarrassing nature of the item. The next call has Danae calling a furniture warehouse also as Sharon Jean but this time she includes her husband Terrance. She asks the salesperson if it would be alright if they come test out positions on a couple of love seats in order to see which would meet their needs the best. The salesperson is likely eager to make a sale decides that it would be alright for them to come in and try out love seats as long as it is on Monday before they close. Next, before Danae can attempt her next prank, she receives a call from someone asking about her provocative item's extended warranty. The lady is looking for a "Kelly Thompson" but she reaches Sharon Jean. They have a back and forth conversation about the item bore Sharon has to go because she's tired of being asked if she's Kelly Thompson. Danae and Mandie talk about the weird encounter and believe the lady was trying to get the real identity of who was calling to play a prank. After this discussion they decide it's time to get into the podcast portion of today's episode. Before they do though, Danae has to check her oura ring to see how her activity is going after laughing so hard at Mandie's blunder. They then talk about how Danae's activity was crazy during her recent comedy shows because she was so excited to be back out on stage; ultimately she ended up walking over 12,000 steps while on stage for a little over an hour. This leads them to announcing the next few dates of the tour that are coming up (Raleigh, NC- Richmond, VA- Charles Town, WV). Mandie then asks Danae if she has ever been to West Virginia to which she responds that she has for a church ski trip in middle school. They talk about what happened on that trip involving holding hands with boys! This leads her to tell a couple of more stories about the ski trip and what she saw a man do at the emergency room that was extremely gross. They continue their conversation with more stories and side topics before announcing that they are in search of a companion for Hanes! They each give their preferences on the breed and why before going into a random topic about gerbils being put up people's butts which leads to Danae informing the audience about how she found out about the phrase "tea bagging." They have a discussion about straight men doing gay tendencies to make jokes in certain situations which leads to them talking about things athletes do that could be seen as gay such as butt slaps.After a minimal back and forth on this topic they conclude another episode of The Refined and Rowdy Show!

  • Mandie and Danae are back with another episode of The Refined and Rowdy Show! They open this episode up by giving a recap of a recent event where Mandie found a baby mouse outside and decided to pick it up with a spatula and brings it inside to show Danae before going to put it in the neighbors yard! This conversation leads to Danae telling the story about the time that she tried giving a bird CPR with a basketball pump; to which it actually did more harm than good to the bird. As this conversation shifts, Danae asks Mandie what she thinks of the new Taylor Swift album and the new Billie Eilish lesbian themed song? Mandie doesn't really have an opinion for the Taylor Swift album but she does think the song is "poetic" lol. Danae goes into the lyrics and breaks down the meaning of them as well as a few of her thoughts. This leads the two of them to discuss if it's easier being gay in pop music or ... bluegrass? Definitely pop according to Mandie. Danae then says she can name 10 gay bluegrass musicians before drawing a blank. Next, they discuss the recent news of the upcoming Tiktok ban and how they feel about it and what they expect to hopefully happen. This leads them to talk about how they hope an American company will purchase the app because it is one of the better apps that dedicates the "For You" page to things you actually enjoy. This leads them to talk about how Pinterest is such a good search engine for people to find ideas and inspiration. Next, they touch on the subject of trends they are done with. Initially Danae says dancing before changing her first answer to women crush Wednesday. She also hates how men confuse woman/women when talking. Her next trend that she is done with is: people posting before/after pics but having the after pic first even though we are taught to read left to right so it makes things confusing. Mandie's trend she is done with is "x gives the ick" Everyone always has an "ick." Danae comes back with another one of hers which is "it's giving" to which Mandie says she does that. Next, they talk about listening to Tony Robbins and how he gives insight on how to live your own life. They have an deep discussion on this matter which leads to them talking about sexuality and how they have lived with it and didn't know how they could enjoy a normal life. Danae then talks about how going to therapy and being told once she came out she was automatically going to hell. They also talk about how they decided to stop repeating the story of not being happy and going through hardships to become the couple that is just happy and what they want to be.

  • Back with another episode of the Refined and Rowdy Show, Mandie and Danae sit down to discuss the topic of friends. They open this episode with the sad news of letting the listeners know that Sharon Jean will not be making an appearance at Nascar's Talladega weekend but will Danae and Mandie will be taking a girl's trip to Birmingham instead. They go into a discussion about the upcoming trip and how they really love Fairhope Alabama which is a small little quaint southern town. They also talk about who's joining their girl's trip and how they were in Dover Saddlery which is a horse shopping location. After a brief discussion about meeting their friend Paige there, her and Mandie became really good friends since they're both in the horse community. This discussion leads them to go into the main topic of today's episodes which is friends. They talk about how in certain places they've lived they didn't really make friends because they never put themselves into social situations because they weren't drinking but once they moved to Austin that changed. Their neighborhood there felt like college dorms and they easily made close to 14 friends. This leads them to talking about how tough it is to make friends as adults because there are so many moving parts and people are at different stages of life. They also go into different stories and discussions about encounters with people who they tried to be friends with before things got awkward in different ways, how they love having friends of all different walks of life because it's fulfilling to have those relationships where people think differently and much more. They also talk about how they want to see themselves as friends. Before Mandie was a surface level friend but now her relationships are so deep. They also talk about how they are so deeply connected with one friend that they can call her out of the blue and she immediately opens up about how during a workout she felt like she was talking to Danae. Next they talk about how they have so much intuition and how it helps to listen to yourself because things such as friendships become easier. They also go into how it is very tough in your 30's to truly make connections and form friendships instead of just being acquaintances. They also talk about how it is so important for partners to be best friends before being lovers because it makes things so tough. They say you should get to know a person with intimate conversations and spending time with them before going straight to the physical realm because that tends to keep a connection between two people. Next, they touch on Millionaire Match Maker on Netflix where they aren't allowed to have sex. After a brief discussion about binging such a fascinating, uncut, non politically correct show was. This leads to Mandie spilling the tea on who Danae wrote a second song with recently, which was non other than Terri Clark! Danae then opens up about the experience and how they've become really good friends and had such a good time! They have a little more of discussion on Terri, Danae's favorite song of hers before the two wrap up another episode of The Refined and Rowdy show by both giving renditions of country classics!

  • Mandie and Danae are back with another episode of The Refined and Rowdy Show! They open up this episode with a brief discussion about the recent news surrounding Morgan Wallen. For those who haven't heard, Morgan was arrested last week for throwing a chair off the newly opened bar Chiefs. Chiefs is a downtown bar inspired by Eric Church. During their brief discussion about Morgan, Danae mentions how they spent $800 to see him in concert awhile back which Mandie has to correct her and makes it known they actually spent the money to see Celine Deion but due to Covid she canceled the show in back to back years. This leads them to talking about how it's so cool to be witnessing icons doing amazing things in music during their lifetime. A few artists mentioned include Beyonce, Elton John and to Mandie's surprise Lil' Boosie. They also touch on the topic of the conjoined twins which has been making headlines recently before diving into the main topic of the episode which is softball. They recently had a softball post go viral which prompted the two of them to dedicate this episode to the sport they both grew up loving and playing. They talk about when they first started playing, what it was like playing in high school and college and much more. Danae shares her story of how she was destined to go to Auburn but as she heard the school maybe facing some penalties and her grandfather being sick, she decided to tell the coach she couldn't fullfil those obligations and needed to be released. With just a little time remaining to be eligible to play that season she was granted her release and decided to go play at the University of Alabama where she would win a National Championship as a freshman. Mandie talks about her time being recruited by South Carolina but ultimately decided to play for a private school (Seattle University) instead. They share stories of some of their favorite memories, embarrassing stories, the reasons they each played college softball, Mandie getting to play softball in Switzerland and much more! Hope yall enjoy!

  • Mandie and Danae are back with another episode of The Refined and Rowdy Show! After last week's hilarious episode involving prank phone calls, they decide to keep the fun rolling with laughter and lightness to go along with honest reactions. This episode is all about "Would You Rather" scenarios; where they each ask the other what they would rather in certain situations. Before getting into the fun portion of the episode Mandie lets Danae know that Katy Perry, Orlando Bloom and Bill Gates have partnered up by to purchase Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar where they plan to use Apeel apples in the product. Appel, which is a food-science program that has developed a coating to preserve produce like avocados well beyond normal shelf life . Immediately, Danae gives her honest opinion on the topic and lets the listeners know she is not thrilled with this decision to see Bill Gates having control over the apple cider. Next, they dive right into the main topic of today's episode which is playing a game of "would you rather." Listen in as they come up with some hilarious options to choose from in order to reveal honest reactions from the other. A couple of the situations include: choosing between Hardees or Long John Silvers for a food choice, have sex with a homeless man or do an entire theater tour in see through clothing and deciding to spoon Shaq while it's 105 degrees or eat a bowl of maggots. They go back in forth with the most random would you rather questions and explanations before going into a story about how Danae promised she would clean up the dead mouse they found. She ended up not cleaning it up, that was done by Mandie. This leads Danae to go into how she would always fantasize about doing what men did (ex: being the husband and doing stuff like grilling). She also talks about how she should be the one to clean up the dead mouse but instead decide to go in and make some banana nut bread, to which Mandie lets her know that she also did that task! They talk about this topic for a few moments before going into the topic of grass cutting and how tough it is due to the shape of their yard. Next, they go back to their would you rather questions and give reasons why they chose what they did before Danae starts talking about what the Bible says when it comes to a man shooting his seed. After this topic's discussion, they begin talking about how they should do an episode based on the unhinged deep dive into their brains where they talk topics such as religion, how they view kids, how they view certain aspects of society and anything else their listeners may want to hear. They tell the listeners to reach out on social media with what they would like them to do an episode on before wrapping up another installment of The Refined and Rowdy Show!

  • Mandie and Danae are back with another episode of The Refined and Rowdy Show! For this episode they decide to make a couple of prank phone calls. Instead of asking their listeners who they should call, they decide to come up with a list on the spot! Listen in as Danae makes several calls to different businesses including a funeral home, a few pawn shops, an antique store and a car dealership with hilarious stories and claims that leave the callers very confused about what is actually happening. Her first call is to a funeral home to see if they could stuff her cousins in the same casket with their dog because she hasn't found anyone that can do such a thing. Next she decides to call a couple of pawn shops to see if they'll take knives on trade even if they are from the Mafia or have been smuggled inside a butthole. Her third call is to an antique shop where she witnessed such an outrageous naked occurrence that it had her scurry out of the store immediately! She then decides to call another pawn shop where she asks if she could bring in her grandmother to see if they can get an estimate on some jewelry she has. She needs the owner the shop to give an eyeball estimate due to the fact her grandmother is still alive and Danae doesn't want her to know the plan she has in place once she dies. She then decides to call another pawn shop to ask if they would take some personal items of different celebrities that she has possession of. The lady that answers is very confused and lets Danae know it maybe best to put such items on Ebay and let people bid on them because the pawn shop won't really pay much. Next, Danae decides to call a Kia dealership where she lets the lady there know about her recent incident with someone who she assumed work on the car lot. Her incident involves test driving a car, being told to pull over in an empty lot so the guy could make some mashed potatoes, green beans and other sides before smearing the potatoes on her face like war paint. The lady is very astonished by what she is hearing and immediately lets Danae know that she and the general manager will get to the bottom of what occurred.