Meredith Hackman (@MeredithHackmanComedy) and Kristina Grosspietsch (@whatagrosspeach) join Rob Stern (@TheRobStern).to talk about moods, play hip to the sound clip, play break check, listen to other podcasts, talk about art supply store people and more!
John Gemberling (@gembersucking) and Andy Rocco (@theandyrocco) join Rob Stern (@TheRobStern) to talk about embarrassing moments, be the opposite of business mascots, discover dream roles, get in the hot seat, read Andy's book and more!
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Brian Frange (@brianfrange) and Aalap Patel (@AalapInYourFace) join Rob Stern (@TheRobStern) to battle negative self talk, Scat some words, talk about unforgettable people, guess the made up political book, list to Brian's Golden Globe jokes, and much more!
Kimani Callender (@kimani_callender) joins Rob Stern (@TheRobStern) to fight comedians, test crowdwork, guess the fake martial arts movie, make threatening statements, dissect cryptic instagram posts and more!
Erick Hellwig (@erickhellwig) and Mike Lane (@mikelanemikelane) join Rob Stern (@TheRobStern) to warm up an audience, play who's asking!, visit Mike's younger self, motivate themselves, avoid being political, and more!
Becky Yamamoto (@BecksYams) and Aalap Patel (@AalapInYourFace) join Rob Stern (@TheRobStern) to guess the made up restaurant, do the acting challenge, listen to award shows, name the top five people at a pharmacy, and more!
Jon Pack (@jonpack) Meredith Hackman (@MeredithHackmanComedy) join Rob Stern (@TheRobStern) to to give a commencement speech, guess the made up cologne, listen to other podcasts, analyze Rob's Horoscope, talk about party rejection, and much more!
Brad Stoll (@itsbradstoll) joins Rob Stern (@TheRobStern) to talk about making small problems worse, play Hit on This!, discuss art, give financial advice, play You Know Something I don't, get motivated and more!
Nate Williams (@natewilliams99) and Rob Hugel (@robmichaelhugel) join Rob Stern (@TheRobStern) to pitch movies, talk about dream roles, play You know something I don't, discuss our personalities, start some beef and more!
Joe Cabello (@joe_cabello) and Sasha Feiler (@shutupiloveit1) from the Shut Up I Love it Podcast, join Rob Stern (@TheRobStern) to play Hip to the Sound Clip, Chillify, 1 right 2 wrong, name the top five people at a farmers market and much more!
Curtis Retherford (@actuallycurtis) and Jeremy Bent (@jeremymbent) join Rob Stern (@TheRobStern) to play Is it a Movie?, talk about connection, deal with negative self talk, play Historical Change, drop some names and much more!
Nick Mandernach (@nickmandernach) and Ashley Ward (@AshleyJeanWard) join Rob Stern (@TheRobStern) to play Design by Committee, talk about growth, list top five, listen to obscure award ceremonies, read Rob's horoscope, and more!
Benjamin Apple (@benjamincanfly) joins Rob Stern (@TheRobStern) to play "Barely Described," talk about workplace motivation, play "No Opinions," discuss adventures, practice pushing back on a doctor's diagnosis and much more!
Aalap Patel (@AalapInYourFace) and Mike Perkins (@MikePerkins_) join Rob Stern (@TheRobStern) to cheer each other up, play "Historical Change," play "Name Dropper," motivate each other, and much more!
Erick Hellwig (@erickhellwig) and Ross Copeland (@rosscopeland11) join Rob Stern (@TheRobStern) to play "Don't Be Political!," talk about the next hottest trend, read Rob's Horoscope, and much more!
Chris Grace (@ChrisGraceComedy) and Becky Yamamoto (@BecksYams) join Rob Stern (@TheRobStern) to play "Ur! Oo! Ay!," listen to other podcasts, analyze lyrics, talk about rude strangers, pitch movies without nouns, and more!
On a very special 100th episode, Meredith Hackman (@MeredithHackmanComedy), Brad Stoll (@damnitbrad), Dylan Fisher (@dyliciousfisher), Aalap Patel (@AalapInYourFace) and some surprise call-in guests join Rob Stern (@TheRobStern) to warm up audiences, discuss weird interactions with relatives, praise each other, play "Hip to the Sound Clip," play "Break Check," and much more!
Lorraine Degraffenreidt (@lorrankydank) and Mike Lane (@mikelanemikelane) join Rob Stern (@TheRobStern) to play "You Know Something I Don't," read the pilot of "Succession," play "1 Right 2 Wrong," motivate each other, and much more!
Julia Johns (@heyjuliajohns) joins Rob Stern (@TheRobStern) along with Nate Fernald (@NateFernald) who’s only here to promote his book “Scary Stories to Make you Scared of Stories” They also warm-up an audience, talk about dream roles, explore Rob's horoscope, play social sleuth, fish for compliments, and more!
George Basil and Ashley Ward (@AshleyJeanWard) join Rob Stern (@TheRobStern) to talk about goat crimes, play "Intimidating Figure," discuss bad influences, play "Historical Change!," find some beef, analyze lyrics and much more!
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