
  • Hi Perfectionist Friend,
    I SEE you. I know you. Sometimes, I am you.
    You likely find yourself often feeling stuck. You’re tightly holding onto dreams, but unable to take steps toward them. You feel the weight of chronic decision fatigue as you try to determine what the next “best” or “right” step is. So you find yourself waiting. Waiting until the time and conditions are juuuust right. Yet, somehow that time never comes.
    I know you want more - but with less worry, nervousness, and anxiety.  
    I see you worrying about what others might think if you flop.
    I see you anxiously stuffing your dreams into deep hiding places because you think you might fail.
    Perhaps you desire perfection so deeply you cannot make a decision or take any action because… FEAR.
    Perhaps you spend inordinate amounts of mental energy on a decision because you think making the wrong decision could ruin everything.
    One of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned in motherhood and entrepreneurship is that perfect sucks. In fact, perfect stops me in my tracks and keeps me stuck for far too long. And, imperfect action is ridiculously liberating.
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  • Melissa Bond is a narrative journalist, poet, and matriarch of Salt Lake City’s Slam Scene. The Salt Lake Tribune and the New York Post have both done features on Bond's book Blood Orange Night, her memoir about becoming dependent upon and then withdrawing from Benzodiazepines. Blood Orange Night was published by Simon & Schuster in June 2022 and was selected by the New York Times as one of the best audiobooks of 2022. Bond has been featured on PBS Story in the Public Square, Radio West, the podcasts Risk!, Endeavors, Psychology Unplugged, The New York Times 
    Podcasts, RadioWest and Moms Don’t Have Time to Read Books.

    Listen in to hear Melissa share:

    How a very common medical prescription for insomnia led to full physical dependence on benzodiazepines that led to her rapid physical and mental downward spiral

    How she was able to begin to put together the pieces around her unforeseen medication dependence after narrowly escaping harming herself and her daughter in a fall

    Her discovery that her myriad of strange physical and mental health symptoms were actually her going through medication withdrawal every single day

    Her decision to confront the doctor who massively overprescribed benzodiazepines to her

    How the Benzo Harmed Community relates differently to common terminology around addiction 

    How the “shadow of shame” impacts people’s recoveries from substance use, substance dependence, and substance abuse

    Her advice to moms who are mentally or physically suffering with the demands of motherhood and how they can get help from medical professionals in the most safe and trusting way

    Links mentioned:

    Connect with Melissa: www.melissaabond.com

    Melissa’s Book: Blood Orange Night

    Melissa on Instagram

    Melissa on Facebook

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  • Mom guilt is one of my favorite topics. Mom guilt is familiar to most if not all moms. However, very few moms consider where this constant guilt and the accompanying feelings of inadequacy come from.  
    In this Greatest Hits episode, I talk about mom guilt as a social construct in which women are indoctrinated to think they should feel bad for ever prioritizing themselves, their identity, their careers, or their happiness over their kids.
    You know how I know this is true?? Because I know the following:
    Dads are not asked, “How do you do it all? How do you juggle your career with your family?
    Dads are not asked, “Don’t you feel bad when you have to travel for work and you don’t get to see your kids for 3 days?”
    Dads don’t have to internalize messages like, “I don’t know how you work so much. I would feel so bad not being at my kid’s games/practices/plays/recitals.”
    When dads consider taking up new hobbies/activities they don’t automatically think, “That would be awesome, but I would feel so bad taking that time away from my family.”
    Women are indoctrinated to feel like subpar moms if they prioritize their careers, self-care, or their sanity over their family's needs. Men are encouraged to prioritize their careers and hobbies over their family's needs - “Climb that corporate ladder!” “You gotta start golfing with us, man!” “Meet us every Saturday for pick-up basketball!”
    I am inviting you to take a look at the guilt you carry. Guilt of any kind is not productive. It keeps us stuck. It holds us back. It does not serve any positive purpose. So, if you’re spending time stuck in mom guilt, you’re wasting time and energy that could be used for so many other positive things in your life.  
    In this episode, I talk about how we can flip this social construct on its head to protect our energy, gifts, and rights to rest (yes, you will rest more when you stop feeling so damn guilty.) If you’re ready to reject mom guilt, this episode is for you! 

    Links mentioned:
    Book: Drop The Ball by Tiffany Dufu

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  • Alyson Baber is a mom, wife, and tenured sales leader with experience in both startups and major public enterprises. Her background spans chemical engineering, medical device and capital equipment field sales, tech sales, and advisory roles. Currently, Alyson serves as the VP of Commercial Sales at Outreach. Previously, she held roles as the Head of Sales at Melio and helped Zoom scale from $50M to $4B in revenue. Prior to that, she led new business and expansion sales at SendGrid (now Twilio) and various startup teams within Intuit.
    Alyson has a passion for leadership, problem-solving, data analytics, and creating clarity and process from chaos. Because she can't say no to a good challenge, she's been an advisor for multiple startups and is an LP at Stage2 Capital.
    Alyson lives in Colorado with her husband, two children, and a puppy named Baxter (yes, from Anchorman). In her free time, she enjoys taking advantage of all things Colorado, traveling, having a creative outlet through multiple art mediums, and attempting to learn to ski well past the level of her comfort.

    Listen in to hear Alyson share:

    How healing her eating disorder in her teens and twenties shaped who she is today as a woman and leader

    How her eating disorder was a coping mechanism for stress, anxiety, uncertainty, and ambiguity 

    How she got affordable and effective eating disorder help in a surprising place - ultimately allowing her to be in recovery for 15 years now

    How her recovery impacts how she shows up in personal relationships and leads in professional spaces

    Her and her husband’s winning decision for him to stay home as their kids’ primary caregiver while she pursues executive leadership roles

    How she is consciously building her own leadership brand

    What a leadership brand can look like for highly effective leaders

    How she navigates her desire to be respected vs being liked

    Link mentioned:
    Connect with Alyson on LinkedIn

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  • How are you at holding space for tension? The discomfort of tension in our lives can make us rush through a trying moment to get out of discomfort as quickly as possible.  
    What would change for you if you could embrace discomfort and sit in it for a minute?
    In this Greatest Hits episode, I talk about an interview with Oprah and Steven Pressfield for SuperSoul Sunday. They were talking about resistance - and that resistance MUST exist in all opportunities that provide growth, evolution, and magic.  
    Steven said, “Most of us have two lives. The life we live, and the life unlived within us. Between the two stands Resistance.” 
    Wow, if that doesn’t speak to my soul.
    I see so many Shameless Moms working to hold space for tension and practicing embracing the resistance. It is in these spaces that some of life’s most powerful lessons and moments come to exist. It is profound and life-altering.  
    And I see Shameless Moms who feel the resistance and take it as a sign that something is not meant to be. 
    Mama…. NO.  
    I want you to lean into the resistance. See it. Embrace it. Own it. Walk through it. It will change you - in all the BEST ways.  
    Listen in to hear me share the 3 phases of holding tension that will allow you to walk through resistance, find your power, and declare a magical VICTORY on the other side. 

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  • The day you became a mom you were catapulted into a new leadership role with no training and dire consequences if you couldn’t rise to the occasion. For months, you stumbled, fumbled, and slowly figured this new leadership role out. You learned new skills, you learned how to take care of those you were leading, and you advocated for those in your care at every turn. You felt protective in a way you have never felt protective before. You knew it was on you to figure this out quickly. And, you did it.  
    Over the last couple of years, as I’ve had conversations with women in new leadership roles, I‘ve heard over and over about how hard it is to step into a new leadership role with little or no training. It’s overwhelming, disorienting, and exhausting. There are so many things to figure out - some inconsequential and some largely consequential. In many instances, folks who were once your peers are now the people you have to give hard feedback to. You have this sense that all eyes are on you - and maybe, just maybe, some folks would be happy to see you fail. So, there is no room for mistakes. And, it seems, no room to give yourself grace.  
    As I stepped into community leadership roles over the last few years, I was excited to give back, make a difference, and have a voice. But having a voice feels scary AF when you go to open your mouth for the first time in front of a new audience. How can you instill quickly build trust and demonstrate integrity? How can you solicit support while sharing new ideas and opinions?  
    Most opportunities to lead come too fast. You feel ill-prepared. You question if you are the right person or the right “fit” for the job. You are. You’ve been here before. You’ve figured it out. And, you’re sure as hell going to figure it out this time too. 
    In this episode, I talk through why owning the title of leader might feel conflicting to you, 3 key responsibilities in any leadership role, and what to do when you find yourself in a leadership role that you don’t feel totally prepared for.  

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  • The mental load of motherhood is the invisible yet relentless responsibilities, from managing household chores to coordinating family schedules, which often fall disproportionately on mothers. This burden not only involves physical tasks but also includes the (often more exhausting) emotional and cognitive labor of anticipating and attending to the needs of their children and family members.
    The Motherload (aka the mental load of motherhood) includes the 175 running lists you keep in your head in every single moment of #everydamnday.
    It includes:

    every school form you need to sign tonight

    how much creamer you have left in the fridge

    how many rolls of TP you have in the house

    when you need to call your mom

    what bills you need to pay by next Wednesday

    when the kids have their next day off school

    every single email you need to reply to today and which ones can wait until tomorrow

    what time the babysitter is coming on Friday

    which hotel you need to book for spring break

    which of your kid’s friends can’t have peanuts

    which of your kid’s friends you need to buy bday gifts for

    which socks your kid will NOT wear

    how many pairs of clean undies every single person in the household has left before you have to do laundry again

    what you’re having for dinner tonight and tomorrow and the next night and the next night and the next night and the next night

    which kid will eat crusts

    which kid will eat carrots

    Have any of the children had any water today?

    You are a living, breathing library of information. You are basically hosting an entire internet system right inside your head.
    It’s a lot. Too much. So overwhelming and often maddening.
    And sometimes downright unfair.
    The Motherload is exhausting on so many levels.
    I want to give you some hope. But I’m going to warn you that this will require some work (I promise to keep it simple!) on your part. But the work will be REWARDING. The work will lessen the load!
    When it comes to The Motherload, we tend to make it really hard on ourselves. We get in our own way over and over. We get stuck in perfectionism and martyrdom, making ourselves completely miserable.
    Listen in as I give you 4 methods to manage the madness. These simple methods are going to dramatically improve your life and create space in your head (who doesn’t need more space in their head?!)

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  • Julie Neale is a life and leadership coach, mom to two neurodivergent boys, and creator of Mother’s Quest, the Mother’s Quest Podcast, and the Live Your EPIC Year Planner. Started in 2016, Mother’s Quest provides inspiration, coaching, and community for mothers who want to live their version of an E.P.I.C. life while raising their children. At the age of 50, Julie received a diagnosis of ADHD, realizing that she is also neurodivergent. The diagnosis explained a lot and has provided a window for her to understand better what it’s like for her children to embrace their differences while finding strategies to address the challenges. This year, Julie is serving on the UCLA Parents' Council. She looks forward to working alongside her son Ryan, from a parent perspective, to support neurodivergent students and their families at UCLA.
    Ryan Neale is a neurodivergent sophomore at UCLA, planning to double major in Communication and Disability Studies with a minor in Film Studies. He is part of the College Scholars Program at UCLA and recently was selected as part of the 2023 Chancellor's Leadership Program cohort. He is passionate about neurodiversity advocacy and sharing his own experiences to pave the way for others. He is currently a staff member at the Bruin Resource Center, where he is a student lead on a new campus-wide neurodiversity initiative to make UCLA more inclusive for students like him. This summer, he served on staff for the Stanford Neurodiversity Project - Research, Education, and Advocacy Camp for high schoolers wanting to create neurodiversity advocacy projects. He was also a speaker at the 2021 Stanford Neurodiversity Summit and has been a guest host on the Mother’s Quest Podcast. Ryan was diagnosed with autism at the age of 18 months old and also identifies with ADHD and anxiety.
    April is Autism Awareness Month. April 2nd is Autism Awareness Day. I was so honored to have Ryan and Julie here to talk about neurodiversity, including autism, and all that Ryan is doing to build inclusive spaces for kids like him on college campuses.  
    Listen in to hear Ryan and Julie share:

    Ryan’s optimism around the neurodiversity movement, esp in collegiate environments

    Ryan’s autism diagnosis at 18 months and his experience of learning of his diagnosis at age 13

    Ryan’s disconnection from his diagnosis given his propensity for rich connections

    How Julie was diagnosed with ADHD when going through menopause 

    The difference in the ways Ryan and Julie accepted and integrated their respective diagnoses

    What Ryan’s transition into college life has been like

    How Ryan has leaped into neurodivergence advocacy at UCLA

    Links mentioned:

    Connect with Julie: https://mothersquest.com

    Connect with Ryan: www.ryanjneale.com 

    Mother’s Quest on IG: www.instagram.com/mothersquestpod

    Ryan on IG: www.instagram.com/ryan.neale04

    Ryan on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ryan-neale-031112176/

    Autism Story Telling Project in San Fransisco: https://www.autismstorytellingproject.com/ 

    Spark Course about Ryan’s college experience 

    Mother's Quest Podcasts with Ryan related to neurodiversity:




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  • A few weeks ago, my dear friend Dana shared a post to her IG stories that said, “A year from now nothing will be the same.”
    I immediately took a pause. Dang. What a true statement that I hadn’t previously considered. When I think about where I was this time last year, there are so many things I couldn’t have predicted happening over the last year. My husband’s layoff, a layoff that is still enduring 10 months later. Going to grad school. A number of professional opportunities. A handful of personal breakthroughs, as well as some losses.
    When I think about what life could hold a year from now, I realize that there is so much coming that I don’t know about. Yikes! Or… Yay??? I’m not sure which. Maybe a bit of both. 
    Wherever you are today, the moment you are in will pass. The things that are hard today will be different a year from now. The things that are great right now will have shifted and evolved - maybe gotten even better, maybe disappeared. And, there are a whole bunch of things coming your way that you don’t know about yet. Big things. Great things. Hard things. 
    So, how can you hold space for what’s to come so you’re not devastated by the hard things or unable to engage in the great things? In this episode, I will walk you through 3 ways you can stay open to possibility as life gets ready to life all over you over the next year. 

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  • Tressa Beheim is an online business manager and strategic partner who supports women entrepreneurs in all that they do. She’s a project manager, back-office coordinator, and a people wrangler who knows product development and online marketing. She goes beyond the typical Online Business Manager with nearly 15 years of experience and knowledge plus the ability to help her clients execute their big (and small!) visions in the real world.
    Tressa is one of those extremely organized, type-A people and it aligns perfectly with her role as a strategic partner. Running a micro agency allows her to utilize everything in her toolbox, knowledge and business acumen attained through an MBA, skills mastered through years in a corporate position, and managing businesses since 2009 to help her clients thrive. She is from the United States and has lived abroad in Leipzig, Germany since 2016 with her husband and two daughters.

    Listen in to hear Tressa share:

    What it’s like being an expat in Germany

    What it’s like raising 12 and 14-year-olds in a country different from what she grew up in?

    The difference in kids’ independence in Germany and the US

    How she started her business as a virtual assistant when her daughters were very young

    The cost of carrying tons of 5-minute tasks on your To-Do List

    The unexpected gifts of having someone else as a decision-maker and action-taker in your business

    How to know when you need more strategic help in your business

    Links mentioned:

    Connect with Tressa: tressabeheim.com

    Tressa on LinkedIn 

    Tressa on IG

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  • When given the opportunity to try something new, unfamiliar, or uncomfortable, it’s often easier to say NO than YES. It’s typically pretty easy to justify your NO, too.  
    Nope, I’m too busy right now. 
    Nope, that sounds terrifying. 
    Nope, I’m just not ready yet.
    For some, NO is a default that prevents critical growth. But, every NO has a cost. When you say NO are you considering all that you’re saying NO to? Often your NO to an opportunity is also a NO to growth, excitement, validation, affirmation, a new level of success, a new skill, new relationships, and an enhanced sense of self.  
    When you look at what’s stopping you from saying YES, it is likely self-limiting thoughts, uncomfortable emotions or feelings, and/or limited resources. These can all be very valid objections to missing out on an opportunity. But, sometimes it is well worth pushing back on your thoughts, feelings, emotions, and even resource limitations to consider the value of saying YES while recognizing all the possibilities and potential that this YES could carry.
    In this episode, you will have a chance to take a close look at what’s stopping you from saying YES and how you can get out of your own way to make choices that invite growth, advance success, and amplify your sense of self in significant ways.  

    We love the sponsors that make this show possible! You can always find all the special deals and codes for all our current sponsors on our website: https://shamelessmom.com/sponsor
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  • Dr. Amy Porto is an anti-diet registered dietitian, nutrition professor, and certified intuitive eating counselor. As an expert in her field with over 20 years of experience, Dr. Porto speaks the truth about nutrition. Her purpose is to disrupt mainstream diet culture with real science, a dash of humor, and a little bit of common sense. And while she holds a BS in Biochemistry and a PhD in Nutrition Science, she believes you shouldn’t need a PhD to decode food labels at the grocery store. Breaking down complex information about food and nutrition into digestible bite-sized pieces of information is her passion — plus, she loves a good pun. Amy’s ultimate goal is to help you trust your body and reclaim your relationship with food.
    This is Amy’s second time on the show and I couldn’t be more thrilled to have her back. Every once in a while I have a guest who makes me think, “Maybe we should start a podcast together or take our show on the road”... Amy is one of those guests. I could talk to her and learn from her all day every day.  

    Listen in to Amy share:

    What food elitism is and how it shows up in society

    The dangers of putting food in a hierarchy

    Why the “Dirty Dozen” food list is not worth your worry

    Why language matters so much when we speak about food and the dangers of labeling foods as bad, trash, fake food, junk food, clean food, etc

    How food elitism contributes to discrimination toward people who are food insecure

    Her thoughts on healthism and the morality of health

    How our judgments around food are whitewashed and part of the Supremacy culture we live in

    How you can start to unfold your own biases around food, nutrition, and health

    Why you should avoid health & wellness practitioners who weaponize fear to sell to you

    Links mentioned:

    Connect with Amy: Amyporto.com

    Learn about Amy’s Eat Better Club: Amyporto.com/links

    Amy on IG and threads: @dr.amyporto

    Amy on FB

    Pesticide Counter: https://www.safefruitsandveggies.com/ 

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  • This will not shock you. 
    I am a talker.  
    As an extrovert with ADHD who has 1 million opinions and a good story to go with any situation, I’m never at a loss for words. Perhaps this is how we arrived at 858 podcast episodes!  
    I’m also aware that if I want to show up as the best version of myself I have to really practice being a good listener. Given my propensity toward nosiness, sometimes listening comes easy. However, in a heated discussion or a lively room, I want to say all the things. And, I’m aware that sometimes this can leave others feeling unseen or unheard.  
    As my child has developed my propensity for words (all the words, all the time), I have become increasingly aware that listening is something that must be practiced. For us talkers, listening doesn’t come naturally - or easily! 
    Being a great listener shows consideration, care, kindness, and empathy. These are all very important to me. So, I’m invested in doing a better joy to listen to understand versus listening to reply. There is a big difference.  
    Over the last few years, I’ve been paying attention to how some of the best communicators around me listen. I’ve been taking notes. In this episode, I’ll share the listening skills I have observed and am working on developing. If you’re a better talker than a listener, this one’s for you! 

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  • Sivan Hong is both the author and illustrator of the top-selling children's series, The Super Fun Day Books. Her acclaimed titles, including Benny J. and the Horrible Halloween, George J. and the Miserable Monday, Emily D. and the Fearful First Day, Avery G. and the Scary End of School, and Joey T. and the Winter Holiday Worries, depict the victories of neurodiverse children as they tackle difficulties with perseverance and bravery. Furthermore, The Super Fun Day Books are available in Spanish and as audiobooks, ensuring they resonate with all kinds of learners. Her influential work has garnered attention from multiple news outlets.
    In addition to her literary pursuits, Sivan actively serves as a Trustee on the Board of the Rita Allen Foundation, using her vast expertise and passion to effect positive change. Away from her professional endeavors, Sivan cherishes her roles as a wife and mother to two delightful children. The family, which includes their beloved dog and cat, lives in Connecticut.

    Listen in to hear Sivan share:

    What her life as a neurodivergent woman and mother to two neurodivergent children looks like

    A comparison of the academic structures of traditional classroom settings and classrooms specifically for neurodivergent kids

    How the term neurodiverse came into common use, what it means, and what it doesn’t mean

    Why it’s so important for “neuro-typical” people to understand neurodiversity

    The tremendous losses that occur societally when we aren’t open to creating accommodations for neurodiversity

    The importance of being a proud self-advocate as a neurodivergent person

    The role of “neuro-typical” people in advocating for neurodivergent people 

    The problem with framing diagnoses from a position of deficits rather than strengths or uniqueness

    Links mentioned:

    Get Sivan’s Books: The Super Fun Day Books

    Connect with Sivan: sivanhong.com

    Sivan on IG

    Sivan on FB

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  • Happy 8th Birthday to the SMA! The show turns 8 on March 15th. To celebrate I created an episode about one of my favorite topics this year: advancing women's and mom’s thought leadership.  
    What does it mean to be a thought leader? You might think it requires a bunch of degrees or building a cult-like following online. Neither of these are necessary. A thought leader is someone who shares their expertise and passion with the world in a way that calls people in and inspires people to see things in a new way. Thought leaders often challenge assumptions and disrupt the status quo. While we often see thought leaders do this in highly visible ways, you can also be a thought leader in a way that is authentic to who you are. You don’t have to stand on the world’s largest stage, with the world’s largest microphone.  
    Women don’t tend to position themselves as thought leaders because we haven’t been socialized to believe we have a unique POV, special talents to build community around an idea, or the skills to guide people to see things from a different perspective. However, the truth is we do this #everydamnday in various capacities as moms. Moms are perfectly poised for thought leadership because we see the world in ways that others don’t - because we have had to break through barriers and smash glass ceilings to be seen, heard, held, and valued. As a result, we are smart, scrappy, creative, innovative, resilient, tenacious, efficient, and productive in ways that others are not.  
    So, the truth is either you already are a thought leader OR you are poised to become one starting right now.  
    If you choose to advance your thought leadership new and unexpected doors will open for you. Opportunities that you didn’t even know you wanted will start presenting themselves - this is literally how the Shameless Mom Academy was born 8 years ago this week! 
    Thank you for being part of the Shameless Mom Academy whether you have listened to one episode or all 856 over the last 8 years. I appreciate you.

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    Interested in becoming a sponsor of the Shameless Mom Academy? Email our sales team at [email protected]
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  • Heidi Carlson is a Certified Master Life, Relationship, and Self-Empowerment Coach who helps women navigate complex mother-daughter dynamics.  
    Raised as the youngest of five children to young immigrant parents in an arranged marriage, Heidi faced unique challenges stemming from her parents’ limited life and relationship experience. Growing up in a culture that prioritized people-pleasing over self-prioritization left her without essential life skills, compounded by her parents’ struggling marriage, further complicating her understanding of a healthy relationship.  
    At 19, Heidi's transformative journey began with deep self-discovery and personal growth. Heidi now embodies self-compassion, prioritizes herself, communicates effectively, and maintains boundaries. Her journey also transformed her relationship with her mother. 
    Over the years, Heidi has guided countless women on similar personal growth and healing paths. She is a respected guiding force, inspiring women to take control of their lives and mend their mother-daughter relationships.

    Listen in to hear Heidi share:

    Her experience being the youngest of 5 kids, born to immigrant parents who were married at a very young by way of an arranged marriage

    How her family’s circumstances suppressed her identity

    How her family dynamics and her trying relationship with her mom led her down a path of personal discovery 

    The impact of her being labeled her mom’s “Mini Me” and how that contributed to her struggles with her identity

    The significance of healing mother-daughter relationships to show up differently in all areas of your life

    How consistency played a big role in healing herself and her relationship with her mom

    What it feels like to shift from someone who was chronically self-sacrificial in relationships to someone who uses her voice, sets boundaries, asks for what she needs in relationships, and goes after what she wants despite other’s opinions

    Links mentioned:

    Connect with Heidi: heidicarlsoncoaching.com

    Email Heidi: [email protected]

    Heidi on LinkedIn

    Heidi on FB

    Heidi on IG

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  • This feels very surreal. But, yes, I’m going to grad school! This is a decision that seemed to come quickly out of nowhere, but it was also always right there. It feels fast, but right on time. I feel unprepared yet 100% ready. I’m so excited but also nervous. At the end of the day, it feels RIGHT. And, that feels GOOD. 
    A big part of this decision came as I was considering that I have another 20 years (at least) to invest in my career path. I have no desire to change what I’m doing today, but I also feel like I want some grounding and intentionality as I make decisions around what I’m delightedly calling My Next 20.  
    As I started thinking about My Next 20, I asked myself:

    Where do you want to be at the end of your career?

    How do you want to use all the work you’ve done for the last 25 years to inform your work for the next 20 years?

    What decisions can you make now that will give you options and flexibility over time?

    How can you continue to create work opportunities for yourself that bring you purpose, meaning, and joy?

    In what directions are you most excited to learn and grow?

    Navigating these questions gave me a fairly quick and clear sense of the direction I wanted to head and helped me see that a master's degree would support this direction. 
    In this episode, I talk more about why I’m going back to school, why I chose the program I chose, what I want to do with the degree, and how I’m combatting my inner critic as I return to studying, writing papers, and being in new and uncomfortable territory.  

    I hope this episode will help you also consider what you want to create for yourself over your Next 20!

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  • Nadia Davis is a mom, attorney, victims’ rights advocate, kundalini yoga instructor, and author of Home Is Within You: A Memoir of Recovery and Redemption and has a podcast of the same name. She is a survivor of trauma and abuse, a near-fatal car accident, addiction, and public shaming. Nadia has a lifetime record of passionate work and dedication to improving the lives of others. She has received numerous awards for her work, including the John F. Kennedy Jr. Service Award. Nadia works for justice in keeping moms with their kids while seeking treatment, and for more compassionate methods of treatment and restorative justice. She has a BA from UCLA and a JD from Loyola Law School. 
    Listen in to hear Nadia share:

    Her young life of seeking acceptance and assurance as the youngest of 7 children

    How her lack of safety as a child led to her narrow zone of tolerance as an adult

    How she was forced to face her childhood trauma after enduring public shaming, blackmail, and addiction 

    The steps she took to start healing

    Simple steps anyone can incorporate to start a healing practice

    How to build a home within that gives us the personal autonomy that is often (almost always) missing from our lives

    Links mentioned:

    Connect with Nadia: www.nadia-davis.com

    Nadia’s Book: Home is Within You: Transforming Shame into Power

    Nadia’s Podcast: Home is Within You: Transforming Shame into Power

    Nadia on FB

    Nadia on IG

    Nadia on TT

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    Interested in becoming a sponsor of the Shameless Mom Academy? Email our sales team at [email protected]
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  • This is one of those episodes where once I started down the rabbit hole, I couldn’t find my way back out. I was digging through research and information on motherhood, burnout and exhaustion and every piece of information led me to more info that I didn’t know I needed. At a certain point, I realized I was building list upon list for you all. This onslaught of information helped me see the pervasiveness and insidiousness of burnout and exhaustion that profoundly impact mothers.  
    The truth is we are all tired. Beyond tired. Most of us don’t even know it. We are walking around in a state of malaise that we see as normal. We don’t recognize who we are anymore, and we don’t have a clue how to find ourselves again. Plus, who even has time to find themselves given all the immediate and urgent tasks that fill our days, nights, and dreams (or nightmares??)
    In this episode, we will dig into the symptoms and causes of motherhood exhaustion and burnout. Then, we dig into solutions. What are the simple things you can do to bring you back to yourself and step away from the habits and mindsets that are creating a state of perpetual exhaustion and burnout in your life?

    We love the sponsors that make this show possible! You can always find all the special deals and codes for all our current sponsors on our website: https://shamelessmom.com/sponsor

    Interested in becoming a sponsor of the Shameless Mom Academy? Email our sales team at [email protected]

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  • Priya Krishnan, Chief Digital, and Transformation Officer at Bright Horizons, is an entrepreneur who founded India’s leading child care and schooling service provider with more than 150 company-owned, company-operated centers across the country. At Bright Horizons, she leads client relationships for the US, International M&A, and innovation projects. Priya joined Bright Horizons after founding and running KLAY, a high-quality childcare organization, which has grown to become India’s largest child care. She initially started the business to enable women to return to work after childbirth. She won numerous entrepreneurship recognition awards, as her startup venture expanded to 180 company-owned, company-operated centers across the country, staffed with empowered employees taking care of more than 16,000 children. Priya’s company went on to provide high-quality child care services onsite, and worked with varying workplace models to help companies create employee solutions.
    Priya also founded a not-for-profit school for marginalized children which has been recognized worldwide for its pedagogy and approach to blended learning. Priya has had a global career in IT consulting across Singapore, New York, and London, working with companies including Accenture, PwC, EDS, and HP. She holds a bachelor’s degree in computer engineering and has an MBA from London Business School.

    Listen in to hear Priya share:

    Her life mantra: Failing fast, failing cheap, and learning fast

    What inspired her work to build a childcare system in India - leading her to become a sought-after visionary and national leader in childcare

    Her contribution to set a national standard of 6 months maternity leave in India and a national mandate for companies to provide childcare

    How alignment in values has impacted her career trajectory and called her to build a career around intergenerational family systems 

    Why childcare is a critical component of cultural infrastructure - and how childcare is a triple bottom line impact in terms of how it positively or negatively impacts the entire society

    Her invitation to design work around life vs life around work

    Links mentioned:

    Listen to Priya’s Podcast: The Work-Life Equation

    Connect with Bright Horizons: https://www.brighthorizons.com/

    Bright Horizons on IG

    Bright Horizons on FB

    Bright Horizons on LinkedIn

    Priya on LinkedIn

    Priya on Twitter/X

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    Interested in becoming a sponsor of the Shameless Mom Academy? Email our sales team at [email protected]
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