Welcome to the Simulation hosted by Synthetic Esports. For our fourth episode we have two guests on. Rainbow Six Siege Challenger League Analyst for APE Smitty (@SmiTaSous), and Challenger League and T3 Stat guy Justin "Purp" (@justinpdl0). We talked with them about their intro to siege, careers in competitive siege, what they are currently doing, their future plans, and a bit on their opinions on siege at this time. Make sure to tune in and find out more about these intelligent individuals!
Smitty Twitter
Justin (Purp) Twitter
Welcome to The Simulation by Synthetic Esports. For our third episode we have a very special guest. The Rainbow Six Siege Pro League caster Parker "@INTERRO" Mackay. Tune in to learn about his gaming career, transition and introduction to casting, tips for new casters, media training for Esports individuals, his opinions on the current state of Rainbow Six Siege, and a bit about his org @powerhausgg. Along with a few stories from his adventures at Rainbow Six Siege LAN events!
Interro Twitter
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Welcome to The Simulation by Synthetic Esports. For our second episode we have @imfermay and @R6Rigel from @SCS_esports. They are ex-competitive Rainbow Six Siege players turned league directors at one of the most prestige T3 competitive Siege leagues: Storm Competitive Series (SCS). Listen in and find out their journey through their early gaming lives to innovating the amateur Siege scene!
SCS Twitter
Fermay Twitter
Rigel Twitter
Welcome to The Simulation by Synthetic Esports. For our first episode we have @ChiefCasts (on twitter). He is a Rainbow Six Siege caster, ex-player, and racing fanatic. Come take a listen and find out about his experience as a young gamer, transition into Siege, and growing career in casting!
Chief's Twitter
Aj's Twitter
Tilday's Twitter
Synthetic Twitter