In this landmark Dictation, Sanat Kumara and Lady Master Venus stand with you so you might tangibly and consciously receive the Light from the Great Central Sun as it infuses and purges each of your vehicles, making room for your true attainment of God Consciousness. Instructing you on what is required for the Victory of your Ascension — the final steps of understanding how to move within the Light; how to be that Light; and how to allow that Light to bless all on Earth — they encourage you to unfurl your Threefold Flame and have the Courage to step within the Heart of God. You are to bring forth the artesian well of Life, for it is within your grasp. Sanat Kumara and Lady Master Venus, with the Holy Kumaras, Gautama, and the Nameless One, stand within the Great Central Sun and release to you the magnificent River of Love from the Secret Love Star, so you might never lose awareness of God’s Love. And they shower you with the Light from the Great Central Sun, so you might continually remember your own calling to the Light to come Home.
Lovers of Life
Harvest Conclave 2004
Carolyn Louise Shearer, Anointed Representative
The Temple of The Presence
The Consciousness of the Abundant Life is the Consciousness of your own God Presence. Your Presence has no sense of limitation, but only the limitless ability to pour forth Life, Love and Light to all creation. Once you, like the Ascended Masters, attune to your Presence and its connection to the Great Central Sun as your Source, you will be able to self-sufficiently draw on that Source, that great wellspring issuing from the Heart of God in the Great Central Sun, and command it to come forth. Then all of creation marches into manifestation in answer to your Decrees. You will be able to draw forth from within yourself all that you require and never again be subject to outer conditions. You can access and share with all of life the largesse of God’s limitless Heart.
Discourse - 10/3/04
Lovers of Life
Harvest Conclave 2004
Monroe Julius Shearer, Anointed Representative
The Temple of The Presence
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Feel Saint Germain’s great Love in this momentous Dictation! Announcing that it is his great Joy to give and continue to give the Violet Flame, Saint Germain grants you this Dispensation — that he might once more take ten years of your karma into his Heart and consume it by that Violet Transmuting Flame! And when anyone in the future hears this Dictation, they, too, will receive this Dispensation! Saturating you with Violet Flame, Saint Germain imparts to you his Heart so you might grasp the great Love he has for you and for all of Life, so that you might internalize that Love, and when you emerge from his Heart, stand as the God you are and extend that same Love to all of Life. Instructing that the elementals need your Love and the Violet Flame, and that mankind needs more Violet Flame, Saint Germain affirms that you have great Power at your disposal to change so much in God’s Kingdom if you will but integrate your four lower bodies with your God Presence, become the Christ you are intended to become, and then be that lover of Life!
Lovers of Life
Harvest Conclave 2004
Carolyn Louise Shearer, Anointed Representative
The Temple of The Presence
This Discourse will grant you a greater understanding of the Consciousness of the Ascended Masters and the Wholesomeness and Naturalness of the Ascended Master Octaves of Light. The Ascended Masters have no sense of self-consciousness or self-importance. This gives them the Freedom to create and to enjoy Life in all its magnificence at inner levels. Childlike Spontaneity, Innocence, Humility and Charity are the nature of every Ascended Master and of your own God Presence. Although the Ascended Masters are exalted Beings who have mastered all of the Christ Virtues of Responsibility, Authority, Sacrifice, Necessity, and Constancy and Practicality, these Masters are always the servant of the God Presence within your very own Heart. You will find that as you internalize the Golden Precepts and enter into closer communion with your own God Presence, you will want for no good thing, for within your own Presence is every joy, fulfillment and satisfaction. And when the Consciousness of your Causal Body is restored to you, stepping up into the Ascended Masters Octaves of Light will be as natural as a homecoming!
Discourse - 9/26/04
Lovers of Life
Harvest Conclave 2004
Monroe Julius Shearer, Anointed Representative
The Temple of The Presence
Mother Mary imparts to you her Blessings and her Love as she accomplishes two very memorable actions: she speaks quite directly to those caught up in the thralldom of the psychic world, telling them to awaken to the Christ Consciousness and to the true reality of their Divine Self; and she introduces the new “Healing Rosary”, asking you to establish a rhythmic pattern for your daily devotions to her Heart. Mother Mary declares that for you to Love Life as she does, it requires that the life you live be filled with Light. Build your momentum through the Constancy of your devotion to the Flame of God and the Mother Light. Inviting you into her Heart, she introduces a new rosary to carry you into the Golden Age and into your own Victory of the Ascension. All who give this rosary will not only be blessing their own path toward the Ascension, but this momentum will connect with those of other faiths giving their rosaries, and entwine with her Heart to build an antakarana of Light throughout the world, blessing all on Earth.
Lovers of Life
Harvest Conclave 2004
Carolyn Louise Shearer, Anointed Representative
The Temple of The Presence
Bathe in waves of Violet Flame as Victoria comes with Arcturus at the call of the Karmic Board to help you put on the garment of your Christhood. By Dispensation, they anchor greater magnitudes of Violet Flame into the Earth so you might have a shower of Blessing that washes away all that would keep you from knowing Victory and Freedom and from fulfilling your Divine Plan. Victoria declares that the good life is the Freedom to express God where you are. Life is not meant to be filled with duality and depression. She discloses that the Violet Flame is your key, for it is impossible to achieve your Ascension in this lifetime without it. Command the Violet Flame to purify your memory body so your Causal Body momentum will be released. Once you have cleared enough of your karma and your memory body can send forth the momentum of your Causal Body, you will be Victorious. Victoria brings you her message that Victory is assured when you determine it — and Victory must be proclaimed on every level of your being!
Lovers of Life
Harvest Conclave 2004
Carolyn Louise Shearer, Anointed Representative
The Temple of The Presence
Declaring that it is her great Joy to be of Service to your Flame and to extend the Love of God through Mercy’s Flame to you, Kwan Yin comes to lift the burden from your brow. She instructs that for Mercy to be extended to you, you must extend Mercy to others. It is the giving of the Mercy Flame from your Heart and the invoking of the Violet Flame that allow you to be Free — the total Freedom you require from any mayic involvement. Stating that each day is a new opportunity for your God Presence to instruct and teach you, Kwan Yin reveals that you are drawn into the Great River of Life so you might gain Mastery and have the tools to traverse worlds. She assures you that you are precious to God’s Heart and to hers, and when you call to her Flame, your call will be answered. She will send sufficient Mercy Flame to transmute any circumstance and to hold the balance with you. Join Kwan Yin in holding to the Vision of the Pure Land, where Great Rivers of Violet Flame move throughout the Earth!
Lovers of Life
Harvest Conclave 2004
Carolyn Louise Shearer, Anointed Representative
The Temple of The Presence
You and your Holy Christ Self are in the business of this life together. The mature approach is to keep yourself tethered at all times to the realm of your Christ Self, so that all your activities contain a degree of interaction with this Higher Self. It is up to you to open the doorway between worlds, and to keep that doorway constantly open — that flow of Love and Light going back and forth between your consciousness and your Christ Self. If a part of you is in Listening Grace to your Christ Self, then you build upon that momentum. But if you are not listening, then that realm is sealed off to you for hours or days in between your Decree sessions. As you build upon that attunement, you experience the Joy of Life that your Christ Self experiences as part of yourself spans that higher realm even before your Ascension. This is the wonderful life that awaits you! The Golden Age will emerge as more people place their Holy Christ Selves at the helm of their lives.
Discourse - 9/24/04
Lovers of Life
Harvest Conclave 2004
Monroe Julius Shearer, Anointed Representative
The Temple of The Presence
Chamuel and Charity shower you with God’s Love and grant you insight into their angelic Hearts, sharing what it means to be in Divine Service to the Flame of God Love. The Archangel and Archeia of the Third Ray stand before you in the Twin Flame Action of Love, holding the Vision that you might charitably extend to all Life the Perfect Love from your Heart. They come with their Angels to educate you on God Love in its many aspects — how God Love may flow into your vehicles ― as well as what may prevent you from experiencing it. Pointing out that you are surrounded by God Love, they request that you look for its signs throughout your day. Call to Chamuel and Charity, and they will come to nourish and expand the Flame of God upon the Altar of your Heart. They stand to the right and left of your Heart Flame as its protectors. Their desire is that you be filled with God Love, have the Comfort of God Love, and be God Love in Action.
Lovers of Life
Harvest Conclave 2004
Carolyn Louise Shearer, Anointed Representative
The Temple of The Presence
Proclaiming that you cannot approach the Path that leads to your Ascension with anything less than a sense of undaunted Victory coursing through every aspect of your being, Mighty Victory imparts to you his momentum of the God Quality of Victory. Encouraging you to live life with this victorious consciousness, he declares that now is the time to grab the brass ring of those momentums of the Victories of your own God Presence that are stored within your Causal Body as the victory wreaths of the God Qualities you know intimately. Stating that there is no such thing as failure, Mighty Victory instructs you not to limit your ideas and not to shackle your Heart. Do not forsake your God Presence by placing your attention on all outer circumstances. Keep your focus upon the Presence as your Source of Life. Allow your Presence to be where you are, and do not embrace any sense of limitation, for this automatically sets up a sense of duality. Mighty Victory reveals that when there is a Victory for your Presence, there is a Victory for all of Life. Each Victory is helping mankind, and each Victory begets Victory!
Lovers of Life
Harvest Conclave 2004
Carolyn Louise Shearer, Anointed Representative
The Temple of The Presence
Your own God Presence, Holy Christ Self, and Threefold Flame are living the life of God Consciousness, and it is possible for you to enter into and live that same life here and now. There is so much more for you to become, and it is all there within your own Heart Flame. The Will of God is calling you into greater expression. The most complete reflection of the infinite is the God-Realized Being that an Ascended Master is. The Ascended Masters are truly the Lovers of Life. And each Ascended Master has God Attributes that they would love to share with you. Just give them the call and the open invitation, and they will be right there at the door of your Heart. The question is: Are you, too, ready to go up the Crystal Ray of the Ascension Current and live?
Discourse - 9/23/04
Lovers of Life
Harvest Conclave 2004
Monroe Julius Shearer, Anointed Representative
The Temple of The Presence
Lord Lanto, Chohan of the Second Ray, helps you understand Illumination’s Flame, for once you understand the vibration of Illumination, it can be the testing barometer for all things presented to you throughout your life. Reminding you that the Heart is your key to Victory, Lanto instructs that you can open the door to your Heart by allowing the Mind of God to show you the way. Your Threefold Flame knows at once what is right, and when you begin to enter into and trust your Heart, exercising Illumination with the discriminating faculties of the Christ Mind, you can send your thoughts of goodness and creativity to all Life, extending your Heart’s Love and having the Will of God charting your course. Lanto explains that it is Illumination’s Flame that allows you the Peace to seal every aspect of your emotional body in God Control. When your emotions are controlled, when Illumination guides the choices you make, your Heart can then perform its perfect work, extending unconditional Love from your God Presence to all of Life.
Lovers of Life
Harvest Conclave 2004
Carolyn Louise Shearer, Anointed Representative
The Temple of The Presence
There is an intimate connection between your own Heart Flame and the Allness of the Godhead, producing for you a natural kinship with all of God’s Life. The tight circle of individuality that you have mentally formed of your “self” can melt and blend with the great ocean of God’s Life and Presence to accomplish the complete “at-onement” with God that the Ascended Masters experience. First, it is necessary for you to realize that you are truly the Son or Daughter of God, the only begotten of your own God Presence, and when you trigger the action of God, as do the Ascended Masters, the gigantic forces of nature swing into action to produce miracles. The key is completely accepting this Truth of your being. Your Heart Flame, by blending with the I AM THAT I AM at the root of all creation, can allow you to have an all-embracing consciousness, for your Heart Chakra is the central point where all dimensions and worlds come together. Enter your Heart, and you can enter into the Great Sea of Universal Life.
Discourse - 9/23/04
Lovers of Life
Harvest Conclave 2004
Monroe Julius Shearer, Anointed Representative
The Temple of The Presence
Lanello, with his magnanimous Heart, was the first Ascended Master to give a Dictation during this Conclave, transmitting to you his vast Love for Life and his great Love for you! Stating how he embraced all of Life in his final embodiment as Mark L. Prophet, Lanello dares you to embrace Life, and to make your Ascension in this very lifetime! He instructs that it is a desecration of God to deny that you can become your God Presence, and for you to think less of yourself or any other lifestream. Adopt the unconditional Love that allows for the Love of your God Presence to bless all and hold fast to Perfection for all. Lanello declares his greatest wish for you would be the understanding of your Heart Flame, for you must enter into your Heart, open the door and traverse worlds. The Constancy with which you enter into your Devotions and into living Life will determine the acceleration of your vibration and the fullness of your opportunity. Lanello proclaims that you should live Life in the fullness of the “I AM”!
Lovers of Life
Harvest Conclave 2004
Carolyn Louise Shearer, Anointed Representative
The Temple of The Presence
The goals of this Conclave, “Lovers of Life” are twofold. First, for you to have a foretaste of the great radiating and ecstatic Bliss that is the first nature of the Ascended Masters, and sense the co-measurement of what is possible for you along those lines here and now and throughout the balance of your embodiment. Second, it is to redefine the meaning of the “good life” here on Earth as “God Life,” the true and everlasting good life of God Consciousness that is indeed possible and should be sought after instead of the quest for impermanent creature comforts. Mentioned in this Discourse are many of the wonderful aspects of this good life of the Ascended Master Way of Life, which are truly the highest and best that life has to offer — Peace, Harmony, Freedom, Fellowship, Chelaship, Love, Wholeness, Perfection, the Twin Flame Relationship, the Pranic Breaths, the Restoration of Memory and Immortality. And your attainment of everything belonging to this true good life begins with the Flame within your Heart, referred to as the Flame of Life, that Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame.
Discourse - 9/22/04
Lovers of Life
Harvest Conclave 2004
Monroe Julius Shearer, Anointed Representative
The Temple of The Presence
Standing in the Great Central Sun, Sanat Kumara and his brother Kumaras release the Light so you might have the opportunity to return Home. He instructs that if you will go into your Heart and elevate your gaze to God, you will gain understanding in the Great Silence and be equipped with the Mother Light, so you may travel more easily to the Great Central Sun. Sanat Kumara calls you to awaken and become who you are, stating that you are not limited to your I AM Presence, but you can partake of the Entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood — for this is your true family — the family that calls you Home!
January 4, 2004
Carolyn Louise Shearer, Anointed Representative
Ecce Deus – Behold The God Realized Man
The Temple of The Presence
Humanity has separated itself from its source, the Mighty I AM Presence. Your Electronic Body is a sun and you are a crystallized Ray of Light from your Presence. You stepped forth from this Presence to learn how to control the forces of the Earth plane. All you have to do now is to go back into that sun. Nirvana, the Land of the White Fire Sun, is not a foreign land. You are returning to where you have already been. When you re-enter Nirvana, it will be a true homecoming
Discourse - January 4, 2004
Monroe Julius Shearer, Anointed Representative
Ecce Deus – Behold The God Realized Man
The Temple of The Presence
Join the Messengers and their students as they celebrate the Christmas season in a cozy cabin in the White Mountains in northeastern Arizona. Sit back, enjoy the Christmas carols, be reminded of your divine origin in God, and the higher sense of selfhood and greater destiny you are called to aspire to. You already possess a Divine Blueprint of your own Divine Identity, for every line of character, every attribute, is sketched in Perfection in your own Electronic Body. The same worth that Jesus had as the Son of God is already there on the Altar of your Heart! Look at the grand glory that you are in your God Presence, and realize the angels are celebrating the birth of your own Holy Christ Self in your very own Heart Flame. Open the eyes of your Holy Christ Self in this world, look out through those eyes, and behold ECCE DEUS, the God Realized Man or God Realized Woman! Questions and answers follow this inspiring Discourse.
Greer Fireside Chat 2003
Monroe and Carolyn Shearer, Anointed Representatives
Ecce Deus – Behold The God Realized Man
The Temple of The Presence
In the concluding Dictation of the “Ecce Deus” seminar, this magnificent Manu of the Seventh Root Race, who holds the Golden Age within his Divine Vision, shares what will transpire when this wonderful cycle in Earth’s evolution manifests. With the great Love of his Heart, he instructs that each one fulfilling their Divine Destiny allows for another part of the Golden Age to be drawn together. If you have ever contemplated what wonderful things are destined for this planet, this Dictation is not to be missed!
August 3, 2003
Carolyn Louise Shearer, Anointed Representative
Ecce Deus – Behold The God Realized Man
The Temple of The Presence
Right here and now, the Blueprint of you as an Ascended Being exists in the Mind of your God Presence as a Fiery Engram of Perfection! Let down your burdens and enter into this Perfection, attuning yourself to the Will and Mind of God. The Great Manus, Mother Mary and all of the Ascended Masters, as well as your own Holy Christ Self, continue to hold the Vision of you as the Ascended Being you are to become, rising up beyond the travails of the human condition. Instead of accepting the crown of thorns, accept your Divine Perfection!
Discourse - August 3, 2003
Monroe Julius Shearer, Anointed Representative
Ecce Deus – Behold The God Realized Man
The Temple of The Presence
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