This podcast is the greatest invention since sliced cheese! You know them, you’ve heard them, hell, you’ve even had them: Million Dollar Ideas. Ideas that are so dynamic that they completely change the game for better or worse. But what are the best ones? And are there any great hypotheticals left? Today we will be discussing our Top 5 Million Dollar Ideas. To enhance this discussion we haven’t shared our lists with each other, and by no means are we experts in this or any other category. We are just a few dudes who like to discuss nonsense.
The Top 5 Podcast is hosted by Zach Rancourt, Eric Schoen, and Thomas Lockhart. It is available on Apple, Pandora, Spotify, Amazon, TuneIn, and Podbean. We appreciate your fandom! If you like what you hear, don't forget to rate and subscribe. Your participation helps us immensely! You can also find us on Bluesky and Twitter @podcaststop5. Enjoy!
Create your podcast today! #madeonzencastr
Nobody has actually seen all of the movies that they’ve said they were going to get around to. You’ve heard of all kinds of movies that are apparently great and you’re like, yeah, I’ll get to it (probably). But sometimes these movies come with a cast that when you hear the names you’re like holy shit I can’t believe I haven’t seen that yet. Those are some of the movies we’re going to talk about today. The MCU gets all the love when it comes to the cast lists but there are some certified bangers out there you all need to go back and scope out. To enhance this discussion we haven’t shared our lists with each other, and by no means are we experts in this or any other category. We are just a few dudes who like to discuss nonsense.
The Top 5 Podcast is hosted by Zach Rancourt, Eric Schoen, and Thomas Lockhart. It is available on Apple, Pandora, Spotify, Amazon, TuneIn, and Podbean. We appreciate your fandom! If you like what you hear, don't forget to rate and subscribe. Your participation helps us immensely! You can also find us on Bluesky and Twitter @podcaststop5. Enjoy!
Create your podcast today! #madeonzencastr
Пропущенные эпизоды?
Well guys we have finally phoned it in. We have outsourced our work and didn't even make our lists this week. We all paid a company to write our lists because we are just lazy assholes. I don't know if anyone has heard of this brand new company but they make top five lists for you. The only drawback is it's only for your most listened to songs and artists. That's right we are discussing our Top 5 Spotify Wrapped. To enhance discussion, we did not share our lists with each other nor are we experts in said category. We are just a few dudes who like to talk nonsense.
The Top 5 Podcast is hosted by Zach Rancourt, Eric Schoen, and Thomas Lockhart. It is available on Apple, Pandora, Spotify, Amazon, TuneIn, and Podbean. We appreciate your fandom! If you like what you hear, don't forget to rate and subscribe. Your participation helps us immensely! You can also find us on Bluesky and Twitter @podcaststop5. Enjoy!
Create your podcast today! #madeonzencastr
Sometimes, I am not a smart man. I may not know the proper way to cook a hard boiled egg or even how to sew anything. But that doesn't make me a complete dumbass, right? Throughout our lives we can wholeheartedly say that we have all done some stupid shit. As smart as we think we are, we are still, at the core, dumbasses. So today we are gonna talk about those moments. We are discussing our Top 5 Dumbass Moments. To enhance discussion, we did not share our lists with each other nor are we experts in said category. We are just a few dudes who like to talk nonsense.
The Top 5 Podcast is hosted by Zach Rancourt, Eric Schoen, and Thomas Lockhart. It is available on Apple, Pandora, Spotify, Amazon, TuneIn, and Podbean. We appreciate your fandom! If you like what you hear, don't forget to rate and subscribe. Your participation helps us immensely! You can also find us on Bluesky and Twitter @podcaststop5. Enjoy!
Create your podcast today! #madeonzencastr
That’s okay, I have no questions. That's right; I'm about to monologue, son.
We hate those long-winded bastards who never know when to shut up, but in the proper context - such as our favorite movies, plays, and games - monologues are iconic. A lot of times you’ll even forget the entire rest of the story except that one all-important string of lines. Maybe you’ve never seen the movie, but you’ve definitely heard the monologue. Today we will be discussing our Top 5 Monologues. To enhance discussion we did not share our lists with each other nor are we experts in said category but we have done our own research.
The Top 5 Podcast is hosted by Zach Rancourt, Eric Schoen, and Thomas Lockhart. It is available on Apple, Pandora, Spotify, Amazon, TuneIn, and Podbean. We appreciate your fandom! If you like what you hear, don't forget to rate and subscribe. Your participation helps us immensely! You can also find us on Twitter @podcaststop5. Enjoy!
Create your podcast today! #madeonzencastr
Well guys *Cracks open beer* we all enjoy a nice cold adult beverage, our three episodes of ”Top 5 Beers” point that out quite well. Don't worry we aren't quite ready to do a fourth episode just yet, we haven't run out of ideas already. Instead we are going to talk about those times you go to the new hip brewery, you sit down and pick the beer with the funniest name or type of beer you have never tried (Thats my process). You sit down and take that first drink and instantly want to spit it out (cue slipknot’s Spit it out) Today we will be discussing our Top 5 Worst Beers. To enhance discussion we did not share our lists with each other nor are we experts in said category but we have done our own research.
The Top 5 Podcast is hosted by Zach Rancourt, Eric Schoen, and Thomas Lockhart. It is available on Apple, Pandora, Spotify, Amazon, TuneIn, and Podbean. We appreciate your fandom! If you like what you hear, don't forget to rate and subscribe. Your participation helps us immensely! You can also find us on Twitter @podcaststop5. Enjoy!
Create your podcast today! #madeonzencastr
The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. Courage is fear holding on a minute longer. He who has overcome his fears will truly be free. I can keep going if you want….Happy Halloween, everyone. Who doesn’t love this magical holiday? Tons of candy, costumes, and plenty of scares. Fear is an emotional reaction to something in our lives that we deem as unsavory or scary. This is basically why I love horror films. But not all fears are as simple as a vampire or giant spider. Some fears run existentially deeper. So, how can we quantify the things that actually scare us? Today we will be discussing our Top 5 Fears. To enhance discussion we did not share our lists with each other nor are we experts in said category.
The Top 5 Podcast is hosted by Zach Rancourt, Eric Schoen, and Thomas Lockhart. It is available on Apple, Pandora, Spotify, Amazon, TuneIn, and Podbean. We appreciate your fandom! If you like what you hear, don't forget to rate and subscribe. Your participation helps us immensely! You can also find us on Twitter @podcaststop5. Enjoy!
Create your podcast today! #madeonzencastr
Well gents, this year has been a bloodbath on our childhood. Legends like James Earl Jones, Maggie Smith, Donald Sutherland, & Carl Weathers have all gone on to that sweet by and by, and next year will be the same, and so on and so on. Time will do its thing, but rather than let it get us down, I thought we could turn our eyes to the would-be legends of the future. Whose bound for greatness? Who are these youngsters, what have they done and what is it that sets them apart in a saturated market of young talent? Today we discuss our Top 5 Actors Under 40. Tohe enhance discussion we didn’t share our lists, and by no means are we experts in this or any other category. We are just a few dudes who like to discuss nonsense.
The Top 5 Podcast is hosted by Zach Rancourt, Eric Schoen, and Thomas Lockhart. It is available on Apple, Pandora, Spotify, Amazon, TuneIn, and Podbean. We appreciate your fandom! If you like what you hear, don't forget to rate and subscribe. Your participation helps us immensely! You can also find us on Twitter @podcaststop5. Enjoy!
Create your podcast today! #madeonzencastr
We all love movies, Who doesn't love going on a cinematic adventure. One of the things i'm most excited about when it comes to becoming a dad is getting to experience all of my favorite movies with my daughter. The question is what movies will we be watching once she starts seeing more than just little color blobs on a screen. You can't just start out on Mad Max Fury Road and Human centipede, She has to be at least 10 for that, and you don't want them to only watch cartoons all day. So today we are discussing our Top 5 Non-animated Family movies. We did not share our lists beforehand and we are not experts in said category. We are just a few dudes that love talking about nonsense.
The Top 5 Podcast is hosted by Zach Rancourt, Eric Schoen, and Thomas Lockhart. It is available on Apple, Pandora, Spotify, Amazon, TuneIn, and Podbean. We appreciate your fandom! If you like what you hear, don't forget to rate and subscribe. Your participation helps us immensely! You can also find us on Twitter @podcaststop5. Enjoy!
Create your podcast today! #madeonzencastr
Who doesn’t love to sing? In the car, in the shower, with friends. But never, never in public. (Actually, I love public singing as much as I love public nudity.) Karaoke is an ancient Japanese pastime that unites friends and enemies and even has the power to move the earth itself. While everyone is allowed to karaoke, some may need to think carefully about what they are trying to sing. I mean, nothing is worse than someone who grabs the mic only to belt out a true dud of a song, one that is so bad your very own ears decide to bleed. So today we are discussing our Top 5 Worst Karaoke Songs. We did not share our lists beforehand and we are not experts in said category. We are just a few dudes that love talking about nonsense.
The Top 5 Podcast is hosted by Zach Rancourt, Eric Schoen, and Thomas Lockhart. It is available on Apple, Pandora, Spotify, Amazon, TuneIn, and Podbean. We appreciate your fandom! If you like what you hear, don't forget to rate and subscribe. Your participation helps us immensely! You can also find us on Twitter @podcaststop5. Enjoy!
Create your podcast today! #madeonzencastr
You know that one thing you always wanted to do if money were no object and you had all the time in the world to do it? That thing you feel like you just have to find a way to do before you kick the bucket so you can die with no regrets? That’s a bucket list item, and if you’re like me, you probably have a list of things you’ve always wanted to do, see, explore, learn, or otherwise obtain the experience. We talk about those things so often on this podcast that we swear up and down that we’ve done this topic before, but I can’t find any evidence of that episode. So we’re doing it now! From thrilling escapades to serene getaways, from desired skills to tasty thrills, we’re breaking down our Top 5 Bucket List items. To enhance our discussion, we didn’t share our lists, and by no means are we experts in this or any other category. We are just a few dudes who like to discuss nonsense.
The Top 5 Podcast is hosted by Zach Rancourt, Eric Schoen, and Thomas Lockhart. It is available on Apple, Pandora, Spotify, Amazon, TuneIn, and Podbean. We appreciate your fandom! If you like what you hear, don't forget to rate and subscribe. Your participation helps us immensely! You can also find us on Twitter @podcaststop5. Enjoy!
Create your podcast today! #madeonzencastr
Let's talk about famous people. Hollywood is full of self-important actors spouting off their out of touch opinions. Sports league of full on players all saying the same boring after game speech. Influencers are acting like they are living dream lives when they are really just as sad as the rest of us. And politicians just suck. But Let's get positive. There are diamonds in those piles of coal. Those stars that you would love to get a beer with. Today we will be doing our Top 5 Celebrity Personalities. To enhance discussion, we did not share our lists beforehand nor are we experts in said category. We are just a bunch of wild dudes who like stuff.
The Top 5 Podcast is hosted by Zach Rancourt, Eric Schoen, and Thomas Lockhart. It is available on Apple, Pandora, Spotify, Amazon, TuneIn, and Podbean. We appreciate your fandom! If you like what you hear, don't forget to rate and subscribe. Your participation helps us immensely! You can also find us on Twitter @podcaststop5. Enjoy!
We talk about food a lot. We have given you our top 5 ice creams, beers, fast food, candy bars, and snacks. All of them, in their own right, were fantastic. But even though you may want to always trust us with food choices, you probably should never. Now, have you ever heard of a food that sounded so appalling, so vile, so offensive that you felt like calling the police? Well, despite what I just said 5 seconds ago, you most definitely should always trust us when it comes to food choices. That is why we will be discussing our Top 5 ”Trust me, it’s delicious” Foods. To enhance discussion, we did not share our lists beforehand nor are we experts in said category. We are just a bunch of wild dudes who like stuff.
The Top 5 Podcast is hosted by Zach Rancourt, Eric Schoen, and Thomas Lockhart. It is available on Apple, Pandora, Spotify, Amazon, TuneIn, and Podbean. We appreciate your fandom! If you like what you hear, don't forget to rate and subscribe. Your participation helps us immensely! You can also find us on Twitter @podcaststop5. Enjoy!
Get off your phone! Says the idiot boomers who are triggered by a future they have no role in. Our phones have become an indelible part of our lives not only because they’re a source of endless entertainment and information, but because they’re our connection to the rest of the world. We can tell what’s going on in an instant around the world or in our own personal business with a few taps on our phones. Today we will be discussing our Top 5 Phone Apps. To enhance discussion, we did not share our lists beforehand nor are we experts in said category. We are just a bunch of wild dudes who like stuff.
The Top 5 Podcast is hosted by Zach Rancourt, Eric Schoen, and Thomas Lockhart. It is available on Apple, Pandora, Spotify, Amazon, TuneIn, and Podbean. We appreciate your fandom! If you like what you hear, don't forget to rate and subscribe. Your participation helps us immensely! You can also find us on Twitter @podcaststop5. Enjoy!
I don't know about you guys but I’ve watched thousands if not ten’s of thousands of hours of Youtube. Endless rabbit holes of react videos and serial killer videos…is that just my algorithm? At this point most youtube videos are just my white noise to get through my work day. The question is what are the youtube videos that break through that white noise and you love every time it comes on. I say that as if you didn’t search specifically for that video for the 100th time. Today we will be discussing our Top 5 YouTube Videos. To enhance discussion, we did not share our lists beforehand nor are we experts in said category. We are just a bunch of wild dudes who like stuff.
The Top 5 Podcast is hosted by Zach Rancourt, Eric Schoen, and Thomas Lockhart. It is available on Apple, Pandora, Spotify, Amazon, TuneIn, and Podbean. We appreciate your fandom! If you like what you hear, don't forget to rate and subscribe. Your participation helps us immensely! You can also find us on Twitter @podcaststop5. Enjoy!
Who doesn't love a good souvenir?
The Top 5 Podcast is hosted by Zach Rancourt, Eric Schoen, and Thomas Lockhart. It is available on Apple, Pandora, Spotify, Amazon, TuneIn, and Podbean. We appreciate your fandom! If you like what you hear, don't forget to rate and subscribe. Your participation helps us immensely! You can also find us on Twitter @podcaststop5. Enjoy!
We’ve done our Top 5 Pet Peeves a couple of times, and this topic is somewhat adjacent to that. But specifically I wanted to hone in on things that aren’t quite pet peeves, they’re just things that happen to be true that annoy us. So today we will be discussing our Top 5 Annoyingly True Facts. To enhance discussion, we did not share our lists with each other and we are by no means experts.
The Top 5 Podcast is hosted by Zach Rancourt, Eric Schoen, and Thomas Lockhart. It is available on Apple, Pandora, Spotify, Amazon, TuneIn, and Podbean. We appreciate your fandom! If you like what you hear, don't forget to rate and subscribe. Your participation helps us immensely! You can also find us on Twitter @podcaststop5. Enjoy!
You know what guys I'm going to go off script today and just get real with you. You just can't predict where things are going to go when you just let people be themselves. Are we going to get into a big fight about the tiniest of misunderstanding? Are we going to try and make a perfect meal so we don't get screamed at? How about trying to bang each other's moms? I doubt that one but I’ve got a plot twist. It turns out this was all scripted! You couldn't tell could you? I'm such a great actor. All those things are included in our topic for today because today we will be discussing our Top 10 Reality TV shows. To enhance discussion, we did not share our lists with each other and we are by no means experts.
The Top 5 Podcast is hosted by Zach Rancourt, Eric Schoen, and Thomas Lockhart. It is available on Apple, Pandora, Spotify, Amazon, TuneIn, and Podbean. We appreciate your fandom! If you like what you hear, don't forget to rate and subscribe. Your participation helps us immensely! You can also find us on Twitter @podcaststop5. Enjoy!
Who loves to laugh more than us? As extreme fans of jokes, we find ourselves partial to a well timed, well executed, Dad Joke. What’s a Dad Joke? It’s a wholesome joke of the type said to be told by fathers with a punchline that is often an obvious or predictable pun or play on words and usually judged to be endearingly corny or unfunny. From the classics that never fail to get an eye-roll to the hidden gems that might just make you chuckle, today we will be discussing our Top 10 Dad Jokes. That's right, we are expanding our lists today because there are way too many great Dad Jokes out there. To enhance discussion, we did not share our lists with each other and we are by no means experts.
The Top 5 Podcast is hosted by Zach Rancourt, Eric Schoen, and Thomas Lockhart. It is available on Apple, Pandora, Spotify, Amazon, TuneIn, and Podbean. We appreciate your fandom! If you like what you hear, don't forget to rate and subscribe. Your participation helps us immensely! You can also find us on Twitter @podcaststop5. Enjoy!
Do you work in an office? Are you at a desk or maybe standing at a kiosk waiting to park someone’s car? Are you a trucker, a doctor, a factory worker? Or maybe you work from home? Whether they’re for the job or just for your comfort, you have certain necessities that you rely on to get you through the day. Today we’re discussing our Top 5 Workplace Necessities.To enhance discussion, we did not share our lists with each other and we are by no means experts.
The Top 5 Podcast is hosted by Zach Rancourt, Eric Schoen, and Thomas Lockhart. It is available on Apple, Pandora, Spotify, Amazon, TuneIn, and Podbean. We appreciate your fandom! If you like what you hear, don't forget to rate and subscribe. Your participation helps us immensely! You can also find us on Twitter @podcaststop5. Enjoy!
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