Welcome back to the show! Today, we pick up where we left off talking about Hannah's experience of her first job. What she learned, our experience of working together, and call center coworker horror stories. As well as the future. And once again we give you a treat at the end. Another cold opening from the payback machine, from episode "Lost on a familiar road". So, are you ready? Then jump in the backseat and take a ride with us.
#firstjob #goodbye #thelastpodcast -
On this week's show, our final podcast, we discuss Hannah's first job at a call center. In fact we worked together at the same company. Listen as Gen Z talks about her experience with corporate culture, coworkers, and a bit more. Are you ready? Jump in the backseat and take a ride with us. As a special treat, Part 1 ends with a cold opening from our 2020 show "Honey" #firstjob
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A Rant. Well, not my usual rant I used to do on "The Crazy Train" episodes. No, this is, I should be asleep rant lol. Folks, the media has been going bonkers over this upcoming presidential election. And the wars... Ben Shapiro vs Candace Owens... and the celebrities and their emotion filled endorsements. So, since I was laying here looking at "shorts" I decided to on the mic. Buckle up, get comfy and let's talk.
Welcome back to the show. Have you seen those videos of people who parked their cars and suddenly they start rolling downhill? The ones that leave you in tears and your stomach hurting from laughing. Well... it's not so funny in real life. That's right, it happened to me this week. Thanks to God, I'm able to sit here and tell you about it...
In today's show, I'll share the many times I've had close calls, including this week. What makes this time different? I have something to live for, and had it not been for quick thinking I would not have made it home. Are you ready to hear about it? Well, get comfortable and let's talk. And feel free to leave a comment.
#Ialmostdied -
Hi! Welcome back to the show. I'm T. Anthony Bland also known as Whitebeard and yes, I am flying solo again which is actually a good thing. This weeks thoughts came out of necessity. I had been driving everyday without a break. Anyone who drives for a living or takes long road trips or adventure travels, understands how draining the road can be. Fatigue becomes very familiar and the lack of routine becomes a thing of the past. Without proper sleep and the absence of my daily exercise, I started to crash. So I planned a weekend getaway to simply rest... yeah, it didn't go as planned.
I planned the weekend because I recognized the signs. Our current culture pushes us all to work more, longer hours, everyday, multitask, fill empty space and time with something. It calls us to drown the silence with noise and activities. Then we wonder why we're constantly "on edge". This cycle causes health, married and even financial issues. There was study conducted and the results were... people would rather have electric over sitting quietly with their own thoughts. There is a reason why God rested from his work, called for and ordained a "day of rest" for our frail human minds and bodies. And that, dear listener, is the focus of today's thought. Get comfortable and let's talk.
Welcome back. This week's thoughts focus on our collective mental and emotional state. And perhaps a call for us all to shift our gaze. This past week, I heard some troubling news about men committing suicide. As well as a popular offgrid homesteader, who was attacked in her comment section because she chose to focus on her family and life here, instead of the war in the Middle East. She was responding to the many comments of people telling her she needed to be an activist. Her response drew ugly rebuttals. I completely understand her point and it caused these thoughts, "Is all this information good for us and our family?'... After you've listened, tell me what you think about all the chatter in the world. Tell how you deal with it all and how you have been feeling emotionally. So, are you ready? Come on, let's talk about it.
Welcome back. In this week's episode Whitebeard takes to the mic solo once again. His topics are a long time coming. We have talked about many of today's thoughts over the past few weeks. As he was working on today's show Israel was attacked by Hamas and Israel returned fire. However today's show is about a growing concern over the decline of morals and decency in our elected officials. As well as the decline and current direction of western Christianity. An online debate between Christian rappers, Lecrae and Dee-1 over the possibly of being both "righteous and ratchet", push dad over the edge. It's a long one, so feel free to pause if needed. We hope you enjoy today's thoughts and leave a comment or questions we'd love to hear your thoughts as well. So, are you ready? Then let's talk...
Welcome back! Well a lot has happened since I last spoke to you in December of 2022. Because we never really ended the show or the season officially, we'll just called this Season 3 instead of starting Season 4...for now. Soooo this week, Monday, I quit my job. At 60 years old in a new state it might not have been the smartest thing but It needed to happen. I also took a month off from social media as always and came back to a geriatric poop show in the world of politics. Are you ready for the return? Get your coffee, tea, wine, beer or lemonade and let's talk. It's been a while, I've forgotten how to do this...
Welcome back everyone. We have been having a hard time filling a prescription for my (WB) diabetes. It's been back ordered for months in some cases. Which makes life extremely difficult. Because of the difficulty finding it, we looked online to see what's going on. We were shocked at the findings! The FDA approved Trulicity and Ozempic to be used as a "weight management" drug, which puts lives at risk. Not only do we discuss that, but we have finally moved out of NYC. Are you ready...? Let's talk.
Welcome back. The title as silly as it sounds, is not funny at all. I believe that current pop and social culture has lost its way and commonsense with it. For some reason the older generations, like a parent frustrated with a child and decided to let them go there own way; stop talking and giving wisdom to the younger generations. Yes, the younger generations usually don't want to hear anything but they used to sit and listen anyway, before going off on their own. This dear listener, is how this crazy train arrived at this point in history. A two time first lady saying she couldn't wear braids, "straight men" kissing each other and lawyers focused on a killer's pronouns. Get your tickets and let at a short ride...on the crazy train.
When was the 1st time you heard that Christianity was the white man's religion and who told you that?... Hello and welcome back to the Whitebeard and TK Podcast, The Crazy Train edition. Today, we review the documentary Uncle Tom 2, talk about the revelations in the film and some misconceptions we've all believed for many years, discuss Queen Elizabeth II death and "camping while black". We can safely tell you this, like the first Uncle Tom movie, you're left thinking... "What else was I wrong about? Are you ready for this? Let's take a ride on the crazy train... #uncletom2film
**Caution: "N" will be said during this episode. Welcome back to the Crazy Train. No doubt we've all that heard that the 49 year ruling of Roe vs Wade has been overturned and returned back to States. Which if you didn't know, was where it all was in the beginning. However if you listen to most people today, you'd think the sky was falling. Abortion has been around for a few centuries in the United States, it had tight restrictions from the start and along the way became the monster it is in modern times. The biggest problem with this outcome, for the uninformed and general public, is what has happened to us. Americans returning and hating each other. **After recording this show, I found a video of Ireland Baldwin, Alex baldwin's daughter, talking about her abortion and how "I chose me and I would choose me again". This is the problem with "abortion on demand", this is the typical everyday abortion... Let's go, get your tickets and take a ride with me on the Crazy Train. #roevwade #roevswade #abortion
Welcome back to The Crazy Train and happy humpday! if you managed to make it this far... the week is nearly over. In the past month our fickled media outlets have been all over the place. Likewise too many Americans have followed suit. From screaming in the streets allegiance to satan for abortion rights. To hating on a billionaire for buying Twitter, although a billionaire owned it before. Even without the more recent events, It has been a wild news cycle. Get your tickets and take a seat. All aboard! the crazy train in leaving the station.
Oh, hello. It's a great day to chat about mental health especially since we're coming to the close of mental health awareness month. Did you know that according to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), that in "1946—P.L. 79-487, the National Mental Health Act, authorized the Surgeon General to improve the mental health of U.S. citizens through research into the causes, diagnosis, and treatment of psychiatric disorders." and Mental Health Awareness Month started in 1949? Neither did we. Today we discuss our journey through anxiety attacks, depression, dealing with loss and grief. And how we found healing in hiking and traveling. Also some encouraging words from the hiking community after reading an article about our journey in the @52Hikechallenge newsletter this month. https://www.52hikechallenge.com/blogs/blog/finisher-feature-t-anthony-bland-finding-healing-from-loss-in-the-wild So... let's talk. #WeHikeToHeal #Findinghealingforlossinthewild #mentalhealthawarenessmonth #52hikechallenge
Hello! Welcome back to the show! We know it's Wednesday and not Tuesday our usual start day. But life happens to us all. Since it's been a while we decided to come back with a fun show. Today we review HALO the TV Series on Paramount+. A brief history, synopsis, our history with the game and Master Chief's loss of virginity. That's right the stoic hero of the game we all know and love, had a one night stand. And the fans are livid! We'll give you our response to it and a little more. Are you ready? Let's talk about it. #TheWhitebeardandTKPodcast #mastercheeks #halotvseries #halo #masterchief
I was sitting down in pain recovery from a 4 mile hike earlier in the day. Jumped IG for a minute to see Chris Rock getting slap by Will. I immediately searched the internet for more information. Some said it was a hoax... But Rock's reaction proved otherwise. This was in absolute display of insanity on Smith's part. His actions claiming it was for his wife's honor "keep my wife's name out your f**king month" he repeated. A woman we all know hasn't honored their marriage or Smith... Get your tickets and take your seat because the crazy train is leaving the station.
Welcome back to the Crazy Train. This episode I return with an absolute insane week in the news. One of the most troubling things for me is, I've spent the last nearly 6 years raising my daughter as a single parent since my wife died. Countless hours retelling stories of her mother to help her grow from teenager to young adult women. Fighting against pop culture. Reminding her how her mom never said she was a "strong black woman". Never said her "pronouns are.." never raised her fist against " Patriarchy" nor referred to herself as a mythical creature like the unicorn with the hashtag "black girl magic. Now!... After all that, culture is erasing what a woman is. In this podcast I talk about Lia Thomas,(**I may have said Olympics I meant College) and more. You ready for this? Well, your ticket the crazy train is leaving the station.
Hello and welcome back to The Crazy Train 2022! If you thought last year was a doozy, well hold on because this one has already started out crazy. From a pastor rubbing a handful of spit in someone face to famous Christian hip hop artist denouncing his Christian faith. How can any of this be... how could it happen? Well, get your tickets hop on train and lets find out. All aboard!
Welcome to the crazy train! Nearly a year has gone by and the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse has started and ended. The verdict...? Not guilty. It didn't take long before Americans turned on each other and for the case to be labeled "racist". To one side he's a "hero" and a "patriot", to the other he's a murder. Kyle has also been compared with Sandmann because both are young. Well... I have my take on it too. Get your tickets and hop on the crazy train.
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