This is the final episode of season 3. I explain the reasons behind that decision as well as share what I am continuing to offer. Questions? Please reach out: info@towardlight.net
Some brief thoughts on this huge topic
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In this episode I explore all the factors that can get in the way of us seeing the truths of anicca, dukkha, and anatta.
Letting go of our conditioning and getting in touch with our inner wisdom can at times be a painful process. In this episode I attempt to normalize that process so that, as it happens to you, you can continue to stay with the process.
Following up on the episode on honesty I explore how we can discover the presence and absence of clarity.
Khanti, patience, is one of the 10 paramis, one of the qualities the Buddha is said to have perfected before his awakening.
This episode I explore the idea of energy drains, and why looking at this is so important on the Buddhist path.
The five spiritual faculties of faith, effort, mindfulness, collectedness and wisdom are the foundation of the spiritual path,. Here is an article from The Barre Center for Buddhist Studies if you want to learn more.
In this episode I look at the benefits of working with a Dharma teacher, how to find one, and when additional support is needed.
In this episode I offer a 12 minute guided mindfulness practice that I recommend you practice in a still posture, either sitting, standing, or lying down.
In this episode I explore what it means to be human, and how fighting with reality can create more suffering for us.
So many of our thoughts are automatic, habitual patterns, that often don't serve us, but we base our actions on them anyway. In this episode I look at common stories and what tools can serve us as we work with them.
In this episode I explore barriers to compassionate action and some guidelines to help us when we do take compassionate action.
Continuing the theme of compassion I share reflections on the importance of cultivating the felt sense of compassion for others.
A ten minute guided meditation, cultivating compassion for self
This episode I look at the bhramavihara of compassion, karuna, and how we can cultivate compassion toward ourselves and why that is important.
Finalizing the series on the Noble Eightfold Path with the eighth path factor of Wise Concentration.
Wise Mindfulness is the 7th path factor, and it's also a study to itself. Some resources if you're interested in exploring mindfulness: Mindfulness in Plain English by Bhante Gunaratana. Satipatthana Meditation: A Practice Guide by Bhikkhu Analayo Mindfulness by Joseph Goldstein. Some talks: Perspective of Right Mindfulness by Andrea Fella What Do We Really Mean By Mindfulness by Jenny Wilks
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