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Are you looking to stay up to date with Yaqeen's latest research but don't have the time to sit down and read? Research Made Audible is a new podcast that makes Yaqeen's papers available in audio format. Subscribe and never miss our papers released weekly!
Please note, these audiofiles have been generated using AI technology. As such, the intonations and pronunciation of certain words may not reflect human speech patterns. For the original written research paper check out the paper at yaqeeninstitute.org
The mission of the UHMSA podcast is to discuss contemporary issues, raise social awareness, and encourage Muslim students to become contributing members of our Ummah.
My name’s Matthew Drake (Matt for short). I’m from Wokingham, Berkshire in England and I embraced Islam in 2005 when I was 19 years old.
When I look back to when I first became muslim nearly two decades ago, I realize that I made a lot of mistakes along the way.
And more often than not, these incidents were a direct result of a lack of Islamic knowledge or a lack of knowing how to apply Islam correctly in my life, either because of my own ignorance of the religion or because of the bad advice I received from other muslims who, despite the good intentions they may have had, were ill-informed themselves or had a lack of understanding.
This, in addition to the excessive zeal I had as a new muslim, as well as immaturity and a lack of life experience, all contributed to me going to extremes in aspects of the religion, obligating or prohibiting things in my life that I didn’t have to, getting into arguments and debates with other people, ruining friendships and upsetting family members.
Mistakes were made, damage was caused and people were hurt unnecessarily.
But as time went on and the more I learned about Islam and lived my life as a muslim and the general life experience I gained, I began to understand the mistakes I made and where and how I went wrong.
After graduating from the Islamic University of Madinah back in 2014, I felt a need to give back to muslim communities and contribute to the Islamic call but wasn’t sure what to do. I would often think back to the early days of my Islam, the mistakes I made and how I would have done things differently had I had known then what I know now.
So the idea came about for ‘Revert Podcast’ a project aimed at helping new muslims and muslim reverts in general, by educating them more about Islam and how to practice it. By returning back to the Quran, authentic Hadith and works of the great scholars of Islam, I hope to shed some light on key issues that affect reverts, clarify any misunderstandings they may have and teach some of the basics of Islam.
I don’t claim to be a scholar or ‘sheikh’ and I don’t give religious verdicts. My goal is simply to convey Islamic knowledge that is most relevant to muslim reverts – within my capacity – and to help them on their journey.
I hope this initiative can help serve as a guide to reverts and new muslims, and that by way of it, I can rectify some of the wrongs and help to prevent others from making the mistakes I made.
Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/revert-podcast--4998688/support. -
In diesem Podcast werden Auszüge aus dem Werk "Risale-i Nur- Die Botschaft Des Lichtes" von Said Nursi in deutscher Sprache veröffentlicht. Said Nursi war einer der bedeutendsten islamischen Gelehrten und Denker des 20. Jahrhunderts. In seinem Werk beantwortet er die Fragen einer vom Materialsimus geprägten Gesellschaft. Er zeigt, dass die Wissenschaft ein wichtiger Schlüssel ist um Gott zu finden. In seinen anschaulich formulierten und auf Logik basierten Erklärungen führt er den Leser durch die wichtigsten Themen und Fragestellungen.
Gürkan Engin YouTube kanalındaki içerikler.
The Holy Qur'an recited by Sheiks from all over Austria.
Willkommen zu meinem Podcast „Hearts Alike.“ Ich bin euer Host Rozi und freue mich sehr, dass ihr mich in diesem neuen Abschnitt in meinem Leben begleiten möchtet. „Hearts Alike“ verdeutlicht, dass ganz egal welche Herausforderungen und Erfahrungen wir im Leben haben und trotz der unterschiedlichen Lebenswege, die wir gehen, unsere Herzen doch sehr ähnlich schlagen. Dieser islamische Selbstentwicklungspodcast dient nur zur Selbstreflexion und Verbesserung. Für ausführlichen Islam Wissen und größeren Fragen bitte immer an einen Gelehrten/ Sheikh wenden!
IG: HeartsAlikePodcast -
Speaker: Mufti Taufeeq Mansoor Mazahiri
Student of Shaikh Yunus Jaunpuri (Rh)
Director #MadrasatusSuffa
G. Secretary #JamiatUlama Ratnagiri
Member @Rehbar_Fin Shariah Board
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/taufeeqmansoor/
Facebook 1: https://www.facebook.com/MuftiTaufeeqMansoorMazahiri/
Facebook 2: https://www.facebook.com/Madrasa-tus-Suffa-639783493022878/
Telegram: https://t.me/MuftiTaufeeqMansoorMazahiri
Twitter: https://twitter.com/taufeeqmansoor1
YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClebx3tDMSqbIH41qpXDVMg/featured?view_as=subscriber -
🌹"Hayra vesile olan Hayrı yapan gibidir." (Tirmizî, İlm, 14.)
Ebu Mes'ûd el-Bedrî -radıyallahu anh-'dan merfû olarak rivâyet edildiğine göre Rasûlullah -sallallahu aleyhi ve sellem- şöyle buyurmuştur: «Kim bir hayra (iyiliğe) vesile olursa o kimseye hayrı yapan kimsenin ecri gibi ecir vardır.»
[Sahih Hadis] - [Müslimde rivayet edilmiştir]
Bu hadis; başkasını bir hayra yönlendiren kimsenin, hayrı yapanın aldığı sevap gibi sevap alacağına delalet eder.
https://spotify.link/64AxMXZxyDb -
In this podcast, I'll be recording various duas along with its word-by-word meaning in Hindi/Urdu. Insha'Allah.
hammadnasir.substack.com -
El verdadero y único Dios (Al•lâh) envió a muchos profetas y mensajeros, incluyendo a Âdam (Adán), Nûh (Noé), Ibrâhîm (Abraham), Mûsa (Moisés), ‘Isa (Jesús), y Muhammad que la Paz de Al•lâh sea sobre todos ellos.
El propio verdadero y único Dios nos informó de que Muhammad es Su último Profeta enviado a la Humanidad (Musulmanes, judíos, cristianos, hindús, budistas, ateos, agnósticos, etc.). El Islam nos enseña a ser justos, sensatos, sinceros, honestos, objetivos y a tener una mente abierta para buscar la verdad, y para tratar a los demás o juzgarles.
La búsqueda de la verdad debe estar basada en fuentes fiables y verdades auténticas. Tratar a los demás y juzgarlos debe ser hecho con justicia, actitud positiva, diálogo, respeto recíproco, y claro entendimiento. -
In dieser Aufnahme spricht Pierre Vogel ( Abu Hamza) über seinen Weg zum Islam.
Dieser Podcast geht an alle Muslime und Nichtmuslime die nach Spiritualität und Inspiration suchen und dabei noch etwas über den Islam lernen möchten. Ich bin gespannt wohin uns die Reise führen wird:)
Mensyukuri Nikmat Allah
Hər şənbə günü, saat 21:00-da Hacı Ramil Bədəlov canlı yayımda suallarınızı cavablandırır.
Welche Weisheiten verbergen sich hinter dem Befehls Allah, dass Frauen sich bedecken sollen? Hier einige Weisheiten selbst eingestehend, dass der Mensch niemals in der Lage sein wird alle Weisheiten zu erkennen und zu begreifen.