
  • #1: Welcome to the first Episode!!! 

    If you ever felt confused or doubtful about your ability to receive guidance from your intuition - this episode is for you.

    Akashic record reader Marissa Moon talks about courageously following that inner calling away from the mainstream idea on what you should do. She followed hers all the way to Bali and is talking to us about the magic has unfolded through that journey of trust and surrender. She shares what it is like to leave your comfort zone and the things you know in favor of your own inner voice. And guess what, a few months later I did the same and here I am in the warmth of Western Australia more in tune with myself than I have felt for a while.

    This magical first interview is truly authentic with Bali background noises - which I absolutely loved and  emphasised for me even more the importance of allowing things to unfold in whichever way they do instead of thriving for „perfection“ - which you can also here more about in my intro :D

    We also focus on:

    -your biggest fears as your superpower

    -what it is like to receive messages from your soul and the distinction between receiving guidance from the mind vs from that deeper part of yourself

    -sharing my misconceptions on what I thought it should be like to talk to your intuition

    -why I belief we are all psychic and can sense more than we learn in school

    -the different senses and ways of communication with the inner voice

    -What I learned about my empathic abilities and how to handle feeling „others“ in a less overwhelming way

    -why releasing judgement means aligning yourself with love and light and the flow of the universe…

    -the benefits of releasing pain and just observing it

    -embracing our fears instead of running from them

    -being open for the possibility of things working even when the mind if full of doubt

    -what I learned about patience

    Marissa on Instagram:@marissaamoon

    Marissa's Soulguided Podcast: https://www.soulguidedpodcast.com

    The beautiful outro is by Michelle Clever:

    Instagram: @daughter_of_the_woods

    And if you want to learn more about me:

    Instagram: @trulyhappyandfree

    To book Theta Healing sessions: trulyhappyandfree.com

    Thank you so much new friend for joining me on this journey and sharing your light with the world :)

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