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Film trailers don’t tell you everything, so we do. We try to grow faith one movie at a time. Long gone are the days of movies edited for television, but we try to prevent gotcha moments, so you don’t get surprised by language, sex or violence without understanding more about the movie.
We don’t give the whole movie away but point out some concerns or surprises to help you make informed choices when you watch a movie.
Movies are rated by the MPA or Motion Picture Association. This really is a group of moms and dads from all over the nation who come together in California in a somewhat secret process of rating movies. They rate them G, PG, PG-13, R or NC-17. If it seems like the rating system has changed over the years it is because board members only serve for a max of seven years and then are replaced. The board members from 1980 would have different ideas from those serving in 2000, and still different beliefs from this year. Three of the board leaders are known but the other eight to ten on the team are not named and we don't know if any of them attend church or have a personal walk with the Lord. So let us ask you: "Do you want 8 to 13 random people from your town selecting the movies for you? Wouldn't you rather have the information to decide for yourself?"
To find out about sponsorship opportunities, write to us at the email address below.
To order popcorn, go to islandpopper.com
If you want to receive the monthly “Sharing Movies Worthy” newsletter, send an email with “MOVIE” in the subject line to the email address below.
If you have movie questions or need prayer, you can also write us at the email address below.
Blessings, David Knight
Contact Information: [email protected]
YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/@sharingmoviesworthy
To make a donation in support of Sharing Movies Worthy:
Go JARON.org
Click the orange button in the top right corner
Next click “Missionary” for the type
Finally, look up “David Knight”
#Filmcrew #Popcorn #Faithmovies #Sharingmoviesworthy
Welcome to City Harvest! Here you will find the audio version of the messages from the weekend services at CHC. We hope you will be blessed and encouraged by the message from God’s Word. If you have a testimony to share, write to us at [email protected].
Jennifer Eivaz takes ten minutes each week to teach and exhort you on how to step into God's supernatural lifestyle.
Vatican News là cổng thông tin chính thức của Toà Thánh. Cổng thông tin Vatican News bắt đầu vào ngày 27 tháng 6 năm 2015, với Tự sắc của Đức Thánh Cha Phanxicô. Ngài thành lập Bộ Truyền thông, ngày nay là một Bộ thuộc Giáo triều Roma. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/vaticannews-vi/support
If you lay in bed at night with a world of worry or concerns on your mind — if you're dreading the days or weeks to come and can't turn your mind off at the end of the day, the At Night podcast is for you.
Each short recording set to music is meant to be played as you're getting ready for bed or as you're lying down ready for sleep. May these brief episodes filled with Scripture, thoughts to calm your heart, and prayer bless you and keep you, my friend.
Welcome to At Night. -
Co-hosted by Adam Blai and Debbie Georgianni, The Spirit World airs weekly on The Station of the Cross Catholic Media Network. We answer your questions about angels, demons, and how the spiritual and the physical worlds interact.
Podcast of the Karen & Kids children's radio ministry
自由が丘acid panda cafeのポッドキャスト放送「アシッドたんぱ放送」のblogです。
Weekly Celebration with Anointed Worship songs and Inspiring Bible Messages by Dr.Luke Karasawa
神戸でのインターナショナルバイリンガル教会international bilingual church in Kobe
池田市にある教会 Church of Praise International は日曜日に神の今語っている声を聞くために集まってきます。
そこで語られるメッセージは力強く、私たちの人生に活力を与えてくれます。その言葉は、私たちの直面する問題に答えを与えてくれます。神の言葉は力強く語られています。あなたをこのポッドキャストに心より歓迎いたします。 -
Grace Community Church meets on Sundays at 9:30am and 11am in Arlington, VA and online at live.trygrace.org.
Host, Cindy Koch explores theological topics through family conversation. Joined by her children, this show aims to explore essential questions in a way that is not only theologically satisfying but accessible to the whole family.
मुक्तिको मार्ग कार्यक्रम विश्वब्यापी बाइबल अध्यापन सेवकाई Thru the
Bible को एक भाग हो | यो अनुक्रम मूल रुपमा Dr. J. Vernon McGee द्वारा
तयार भएको हो र यो १०० भन्दा बढी भाषाहरुमा अनुवाद गरिएको छ | यो रेडियो
कार्यक्रम श्रोताले ३० मिनेटसम्म बाइबलबाट क्रमबद्ध रुपमा सुन्ने
अभिप्रायले बनाईएको हो | यहाँ केहि कार्यक्रमहरु अनलाईनमा उपलब्ध छन् |
हामीहरू तपाईप्रति आभारी छौं कि परमेश्वरको वचन अझ बढी जान्नको लागि यो
कार्यक्रम सुनिरहनु भएको छ | तपाई हरेक दिन सोमबारदेखि शुक्रबारसम्म
कम्तिमा पनि एउटा कार्यक्रम सुन्न सक्नुहुन्छ | यदि तपाई निरन्तर
प्रत्येक हप्ता सुन्नुहुन्छ भने ५ बर्षसम्म क्रमिक रुपमा बाइबल अध्ययन
गर्नुहुनेछ | -
The Creation Podcast is a ministry of the Institute for Creation Research. Find answers to some of the most pressing questions of faith and science, and listen to science and Bible experts examine the latest discoveries from a biblical worldview.