Happy Birthday, Mona!! This week, our friend India joins us on the pod to discuss the mega slay that is camp Mona, grand larcenist Ashley Marin, and why Ian is the oldest 22-year-old in the world.
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It's the bottle episode full of milfs! We talk about an adult finally putting Wilden in his place and our alternate universe plotline for Ella and Ezra... hope you enjoy!
follow us on instagram @uglybigtrutherspod
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Пропущенные эпизоды?
We finally meet JAYSOONNN DILAURENTIS!! (ahhh) and finally have an Alison focused episode after too long of a wait. Hope you enjoy!
follow us on instagram @uglybigtrutherspod
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We examine the fallout of Homecoming and whether the writers really expect us to believe that Toby is dead???? Who ever even thought that!
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It's homecoming babbbyyy!!! We get into what the hell is going on with Emily and Toby, the Liar's horrible dated outfits and what kind of school offers a car for a prize in a raffle??!
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We're back from a brief hiatus to discuss Byron and Ella's marriage troubles, Toby and Emily's confusing relationship and disgusting Ezra taking Aria to a BARRRRR. (Also stick around for a 2 minute ramble about kpop at the end of the podcast hehe)
follow us on instagram @uglybigtrutherspod
email us at [email protected]
Hope the new year is treating you well friends! We'll be taking a very short break till the end of January, just to catch up with recording after taking a break for the holidays. Hope you enjoy this episode!
follow on instagram @uglybigtrutherspod
happy new year!! men of rosewood we are TIRED OF YOUUUUUUU. hope you enjoy episode 3! follow us on instagram @uglybigtrutherspod or email [email protected]
Episode 2!!!! Welcome back! We learn what the Jenna thing is and start to get to know these characters more. Hope you enjoy!
Hey and welcome to the first episode of Ugly Big Truthers! We truly didn't know what we were doing going into this so it is a little rough at parts but we promise the second episode is MILESSSSS better so please stick around! Hope you enjoy and thanks for listening