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When four University of Idaho students were stabbed to death in their off-campus house on King Road, the media descended on the tiny town of Moscow, Idaho. ABC News Correspondent Kayna Whitworth brings listeners behind the scenes as she investigates the savage murders that captivated and horrified the nation in the winter of 2022. The King Road Killings, an immersive, reported series from ABC Audio, follows the case against Bryan Kohberger, the criminology PhD student charged with the murders. In the series, Whitworth takes a close look at why these students might have been targeted, how fear can grip a town when little information comes from law enforcement, and what happens when your community becomes the latest “true crime” storyline. A five-part narrative series, plus special update episodes as new information comes to light. Look for Season 2 at the start of the trial.
TSK is the podcast dedicated to exploring the serial killer phenomenon. Who the killers were, what they did and how. The show makes a significant effort into exploring the serial killers' background, especially their childhood and youth. It goes into detail in the killers' development, and describes the murders in graphic detail to give the listener a truthful understanding of who these killers really were and the extent of their criminal behavior. The show is produced and hosted by Thomas Wiborg-Thune. He is a 37 year old Norwegian living in the Norwegian capital city of Oslo. The show airs every week and currently has in excess of 17 million downloads.
Support this show http://supporter.acast.com/the-serial-killer-podcast.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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為你挖掘社會新聞內幕,用法律的不同角度探究新聞議題,歡迎收聽施連記錄 !!
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每個社會事件的背後,總蘊含許多錯綜複雜的病態細節,在這個資訊轟炸的時代,由《股怪教授-謝晨彥》透過「WooBang 有病(台語發音)!」帶大家七嘴八舌挖真相!
合作邀約:[email protected]
股怪教授粉專: https://www.facebook.com/InvestU.MSFG
播出平台:Apple Podcast、SoundOn、Spotify、KKBox、Mixerbox、Android Podcast、Youtube
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下嚇波波 ✌🏻
熱愛真實犯罪故事的兩位旅澳老少女Tanya & Zoe 🇦🇺 🇹🇼 決定一起斜槓,開啟我們的播客人生~
➡️每個月第二/四個週二 上重大案件 🔪
➡️每個月第一/三個週日發布 波新聞 📰
可以在這裡找到我們唷 ➡️ https://linktr.ee/double_trouble_bobo
Courts and crime reporter Elizabeth Zavala breaks down the most gripping trials in the Bexar County courthouse. With her decades of experience, Zavala expertly balances crime stories with the intricacies of the law and details from the scene in the courtroom. This podcast will resume in January 2021; until then, look for her insights on EN-Depth.
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Kylie跟Ken 用雙語的對話包裝知識,用輕鬆的口吻胡說八道。
我們閒聊也談正經事,讓生硬的國際大事變得鬆軟好入口;歡迎你加入這外表看似嘴砲,內容卻異於常人的有料聊天 Bailingguo News。 -
每星期一次病友"聚會" 🩺
IG: wardunitzero
Background Music: AHOAMI - Underground Vibe, Music provided by Tunetank.
Illustration: Open Peep by Pablo Stanley.
#犯罪#獵奇#都市傳說#廣東話 #香港podcast -
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Podcast by 轉角國際主編/林齊晧編輯/賴昀、李牧宜、王穎芝網站:https://global.udn.com主編信箱:[email protected] provided by SoundOn
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/waterblowingmysteries
|| IG: waterblowingmysteries || FB: waterbl0wingmysteries || MeWe: 吹水奇懸 ||
主題音樂:Curiosity by Hye In Jeong (https://youtu.be/mv4Sw9B7kPQ) -
分享靈異經歷, UFO, 都市傳說, 陰謀論, 邪教組織, 神秘學, 奇案
Instagram: @clubhse_tscf
Youtube Channel: 👽靈異事件簿
Email: [email protected] -
Podcast by 轉角國際主編/林齊晧編輯/賴昀、李牧宜、王穎芝網站:https://global.udn.com主編信箱:[email protected] provided by SoundOn
Podcast by Dr.Liu國際新聞摘要分析--Hosting provided by SoundOn
Hiho~大家好,我是志祺!你現在收聽的是「強者我朋友 by 志祺七七」!
各種人們熱切關注的新聞時事議題,以及社會文化、心理健康、人際關係、環境、科學與科技、政治與法律、兩岸與國際關係等多樣化的主題與觀點 ✨✨
📅 週一~週五: 07:00 PM
🌞 週六~週日:不定期更新「特別企劃」!
🌍 探索世界・現在就訂閱志祺七七吧 🌍
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🤝 如果你想與志祺七七合作,歡迎寫信到:[email protected] 與我們聯繫
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