
  • Stephan Roche is a CEO, investor, strategic advisor, and venture capital and family office executive.

    Holder of a Bachelor’s degree from Princeton and an MBA from Harvard, Stephan served as the CEO of a family office for one of the wealthiest American families. By the end of his tenure as CEO, he had grown the family office from 50 to 500; helped steer the organization through turbulent social and economic circumstances; and built relationships with best-selling authors, world-renown scientists, athletes, and billionaires.

    Simultaneously, Stephan also confronted the dark, shadow side of wealth – the impropriety, abuses of power, degradation of ethics and over-importance of wealth as a defining part of one’s identity.

    Today, Stephan is the CEO of SemperVirens, a venture capital firm within the Sequoia group. SemperVirens provides advisory, mentorship, and capital to startups poised to make a positive impact in the world, fostering an asymmetric portfolio of investments in women, BIPOC, and diverse founders with grand visions for company growth and outsized impact.

    Key Takeaways
    - Imposter syndrome can manifest in different ways, including feeling like an imposter due to lack of expertise, feeling out of alignment with external validation, and feeling qualified but not fulfilled in a role.
    - Success is multi-dimensional and goes beyond traditional metrics of achievement, encompassing personal relationships, values, and alignment with oneself.
    - Parental influence on career choices can impact an individual's sense of fulfillment and alignment with their chosen path.
    - Procter & Gamble's approach to feedback and leadership training emphasizes the value of junior team members' input and the importance of learning from others in a collaborative environment.
    - In the business world, collaboration and benchmarking are essential for success, while academia often emphasizes individual achievement and originality. Formal education often leaves individuals unprepared for the real-world skills needed for success in business.
    - The power of integrity lies in doing the right thing, always, and building trusted relationships.
    - Wealth reveals and amplifies a person's values and does not fundamentally change who they are.

    Introduction, Childhood and Career Journey
    Discussion on Imposter Syndrome and Success
    Navigating the Gaps in Formal Education
    The Multifaceted Nature of Wealth
    Creating Positive Impact: Personal Experiences and Perspectives

  • Krista Bourne is a global keynote speaker, advisor, and former Fortune 20 executive.

    After an unstable childhood and leaving college after only one semester, her journey took a remarkable turn when she found an opportunity that became a 25-year career at Verizon. Starting in the mailroom in upstate New York, Krista progressed through key roles in Service, Sales, and Operations. In time, she became the Chief Operating Officer for the Verizon Consumer Group, the first Black woman to hold the position. Leading a distributed team of 30,000 employees, she served over 110 million customers, delivered more than $500M in cost optimization and contributed to an annual revenue exceeding $100 billion.

    Join us as Krista shares with Lanisa D. Farnsworth how she overcame impostor syndrome, unlocked her leadership potential, and learned to embrace the power of simple choices to achieve the extraordinary.

    Key Takeaways
    - Imposter syndrome is situational and can be managed by compartmentalizing it as a specific challenge rather than allowing it to define one's entire identity.
    - Continuous learning and a learner's mindset are essential for personal and professional growth, especially in the face of emerging trends like AI and entrepreneurship.
    - Chasing impact, not titles, is a key to success in one's career, as it allows for a focus on meaningful contributions rather than superficial achievements. Imposter syndrome is situational and can be managed through disciplined approaches.
    - Balancing career and family requires effective calendar management, prioritization, and communication.
    - Finding purpose in a career involves being part of something bigger than oneself and making positive change.
    - Personal and professional branding are both important for career advancement and thought leadership.
    - Being authentic and making intentional choices are key to building the life you want.
    - Introverts can navigate professional settings by approaching it like a workout, pushing themselves to engage and interact.
    - The bravest thing Krista did was taking on a profit and loss role without a financial or business background, demonstrating the power of learning and adaptability.

    00:00 The Importance of Continuous Learning
    36:40 Navigating Imposter Syndrome and Career-Family Balance
    40:55 Purpose, Branding, and Authenticity in Career Development
    45:19 The Power of Choices and Intentional Living
    53:53 Challenges and Triumphs of an Introverted Professional

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  • Marina Byezhanova is an entrepreneur, global speaker, and co-founder of Brand of a Leader, the world’s leading personal branding agency for GenX CEOs.

    In this inaugural episode, Marina shares the founding history of Brand of a Leader, the company’s true mission, and the impact she aspires to make on the entrepreneurial world through personal branding. The episode explores the essence of impostor syndrome, starting a business during a global pandemic, and how personal branding and being authentic can be a powerful tool to overcoming imposter syndrome.

    Sound Bites
    "When you have a personal brand, you have an opportunity to inspire people and make an impact at scale."
    "When you have a strong recognizability of your name and people are following you for you, they follow along with pivots."
    "Being radically authentic is what breeds connection and formulates trust."
    "Their positive spin on imposter syndrome."
    "Stand out, speak up and be radically authentic."
    "You go first, the universe follows."

    00:00 Introduction and Mission of Brand of a Leader
    03:20 The Importance of Personal Branding
    08:53 Working with Gen X CEOs and Navigating Self-Marketing
    25:15 Imposter Syndrome and the Power of Belief
    29:16 Introduction to Imposter Syndrome
    38:25 The Role of Personal Branding
    45:13 The Power of Visualization and the Universe