
  • Topics: Faith Without Works Is Dead, Book of James, Letter of James, James 2, James Chapter 1-5, Written to 12 Tribes, Covenant Mixture Theology, Did James Fully Understand New Covenant, Someone Else’s Mail, Relief Not Addressed to You, Most Likely First Epistle Written, Acts 15, Council of Jerusalem, Apostles Met to Determine Gentiles Believing, Determine Whether or Not Gentiles Under the Law of Moses, Everyone Agreed Except for James, James Said They Must Follow Parts of the Law, Peter Opposed James, Paul Previously Opposed Peter in Antioch, Confrontation Written About in Galatians 2, Old Wine in New Wineskins, New Patch of Clothing on Old Garment, Acts 15:11 Gentiles Saved by Grace Alone, Two Issues About James Based on the Two Facts, Jews Which Practices Jesus Plus the Law are Practicing Lawlessness, Paul told Timothy They Want to Teach the Law But Don’t Know What They’re Talking About, 1 Timothy 1:7, The Law is Good, 1 Timothy 1:8, The Law Not For the Righteous but Lawless, 1 Timothy 1:9, Addressing Jews at Synagogue in Ephesus, Should We Read This Letter, Read the Same as All Law-Based Scripture, How Do You Read Sermon on the Mount and Lord’s Prayer, True Lord’s Prayer for Believers is John 17 Not Matthew 6, Overview of James, Box Churches Teach it Vehemently, Covenant Mixture, Double-Talk, Religious Hierarchies, False Humility, Comparing Your Works to a Demon as If a Demon Has More Works Than You, Religious Boundary Crossing, If You Don’t Do This You’re Not Really Saved, Grace Is Only for the Really Bad Stuff, No Information About New Covenant, Nothing About Being Reconciled With God, Passive Aggressiveness Such as You Do Well, Nothing About Complete Forgiveness, Nothing About Everyone’s Righteousness, Nothing About You Being a Saint, Shut Yourself off From World, Cleanse Yourself, Judged With Greater Strictness, You Have Evil Desires, Just a whole Lot of Leaven, Who Is James, Half-Brother of Jesus, Wasn’t Believer Until After Resurrection, Possibly the Thorn in Paul’s Side, 2 Corinthians, Super Apostles Appearing as Angels of Light, Party of Circumcision in Galatians, Came in Behind Paul Pushing Law, Possibly the Lawless One in 2 Thessalonians, Don’t Take Out the Letter, Read It Same as Law Letters, Works Are Good If Done in Faith, Dead Works, Created For Good Works, God’s Masterpiece, Summary of Faith Without Works Is Dead, Paul Wrote the Opposite in Romans Ephesians and Galatians, Paul is Stitching James in His Letters, Both Were There in Acts 15, It Is By Grace You’ve Been Saved, Ephesians 2:8-9, The One Who Does Not Work Believes Is Righteous, Romans 4:5, The Work of God is To Believe in the One He Has Sent, John 6:29

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  • Topics: Philippians 2:12, Work Out Your Salvation, Fear and Trembling, Philippians 2:13, Philippians 2:1-18, Work for Your Salvation, God Who Works In You, To Will and To Act to Fulfill His Good Purpose, Encouraging Philippians to Love One Another, Philippians Written Approx AD 60, Paul Was Imprisoned by Rome, Express Christ Amongst Themselves in Greek Community, Work God Out Through Your Hands Feet and Mouth, Bear Fruit of the Spirit, Faith Without Works Is Dead, James 2:26, It Is By Grace Through Faith You’re Saved Not Of Yourself, Ephesians 2:8-9, Made Alive In Christ, It Is By Grace You Were Saved, Ephesians 2:5, Because of God’s Great Love for Us, If It’s Based on Grace it Cannot Be Based on Works, Romans 11:6, To the One Who Does Not Work But Believes, Romans 4:5, Working to Stay Saved Means You’re Working For Something You Didn’t Work for to Begin With, When Did James Write His Letter?, Who Did James Write His Letter to?, One of First Epistles Written, To the 12 Tribes, Council of Jerusalem, Acts 15, “Decision” to Allow Gentiles to Believe, James Pushing in Parts of the Law, Peter Opposed James, James Is “Someone Else’s Mail”, Leave In Bible But Read the Same as Sermon on the Mount, Belief is Good but You Need Works to Complete It is Anti-Christ, Paul Wrote Ephesians, Romans, and Galatians to Combat What James Wrote, James Listed as Part of the Party of Circumcision in Galatians, James Called Believing Pharisee in Acts, Appeared as Angel of Light to Corinthians, Lawless One Might be James, Law Not For the Righteous, Early Church Had to Mature Out of Law Observance Just Like Us, Hebrews 8:13, Changed Behavior Does Not Work Out Salvation, Unbelievers Change Their Behavior All the Time, Unbelievers Go to Church Believing They Are Working Out Salvation, Jesus Said Carry Your Cross, Nobody Carried a Cross, Simon of Cyrene, Only Jesus Carried Cross, Impossible Statements Meant to get Listener to Trust Him Instead, With Man This is Impossible but All Things Are possible With God, Some Apostles Died on Cross by Man, Not By God, Jesus Said He Came to Give Life Not Death, Cost of Being a Disciple, Luke 14, Count the Cost, You Can’t Afford It, Trust The Delegation Party Instead, Jesus is the Delegation Party, Living In Sin, Sinning Doesn’t Cause You to Live in Sin, You Live in Sin if you Live in Adam, You Live in Righteousness if You Live in Christ, Living In Christ and Sinning, Living in Adam and Sinning, Romans 6:2, How Can We Who’ve Died to Sin Live in It?, Rhetorical Question, How Can We Who’ve Trusted in Jesus Go to Hell?, Not a Possibility, Sinning Less is Not the Goal, One Sin Would Require Death, Romans 6:23, Jesus Won’t Die Again, “How Can We?”, We Can’t, We’ve Died to Sin and Been Set Free From It, Romans 6:6-7, Old Self Was Crucified, You’re Sinning While You Live In Christ Not Living in Sin, Context of Philippians 2, In Your Relationships With One Another Have Same Mindset as Jesus Christ, Philippians 2:5, Fear and Trembling is Reverence and Awe, You Have the God of the Universe in You, Not Fear and Trembling Based on Punishment Because Jesus Was Already Punished

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  • Topics: OSAS, Once Saved Always Saved, Stop Sinning, Only Saved Until Sinning Again, Nobody Would Be Saved, Romans 6:23, Wages of Sin is Death, Free Gift of Eternal Life In Christ Jesus Our Lord, Paul Explains Death and Eternal Life, Both Opposites, Goal Isn’t To Stop Sinning But To Enjoy Free Gift of Eternal Life, Downplaying Free Gift and Ignoring Wages of Sin, Stop Ignoring the Wages, They Think They Are Preaching Sin But They Aren’t, If They Preached Sin They’d Preach Death, Stop Comparing Sins And Realize They’re Hopeless, Stopping Sinning Doesn’t Keep You Saved, Go to Church, Read Your Bible, Have Quiet Time, Jews Went to Temple Read Scriptures and Meditated on Them, Still Would Hear Depart From Me Apart From Faith in Christ, Early Church Didn’t Have Buildings Bibles or Quiet Time, Lukewarm Christians, Spit You Out, I Know Your Deeds, Neither Hot or Cold Revelation 3:15-16, On Fire For the Lord, Hot Serves Purpose, Cold Serves a Purpose, Lukewarm Serves No Purpose, People Who Sin Less or Not as Bad, If Gospel Weren’t True One Sin Would Mean They Aren’t Saved Any Longer, Rewards In Heaven, Reward of the Inheritance, Colossians 3:24, Parable of Vineyard Workers, Matthew 20:1-16, Parable of the Talents, Matthew 25:14-30, Wicked and Lazy Servant, No Longer Servants, John 15:15, Blot Out of Book of Life, Revelation 3:5, It Says Never Blot You Out, Comforting Passage Not Scary Passage, If He Blot You Out He’d Have to Remember Your Sins, Hebrews 8:12, Remembers Your Sins No More, He’d Have To Hold Your Sins Against You, 2 Corinthians 5:19, 2 Peter 2:21, Better to Not Know the Way Than to Know It And Turn Back, Dog Returns to Vomit, Pig to the Mud, False Teachers, 2 Peter 3 Say Scoffers, Mark Baker Quote, Once Alive Always Alive, Life Lost In the Garden, I Have Come So You May Have Life, John 10:19, You Were Saved By the Life of Christ, Christ Will Never Die Again, Hebrews 7:25, John 14:19, Romans 5:10, Romans 8:1, Since Christ Raised From the Dead Cannot Die Again, Death No Longer Has Mastery, Romans 6:9

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  • Topics: 1 Corinthians 9:14, 1 Timothy 5:17-18, Tradition of Men, 2 Thessalonians 2:15, Good Traditions vs. Bad Traditions, History of the Tithe, Cyprian of Carthage, Tithing the Clergy, Constantine Put Bishops on Government Payroll, Levites Shadow of Christ not Pastors, New Testament Church Never Tithed Ministers or Pastors, Reformers Adopted Tradition of Men, Paul Did Not Tell Corinthians to Tithe in 1 Corinthians 9, Same Apostle Said All Who Rely on The Law Is Relying on Curse In Galatians 3, Paul Is Referring to Food, 1 Corinthian 9:13 Says Food, Refers to Food at Altar of Levites, Levites Ate the Sacrifices After They Killed Animal, Altar Not Referring to Altar at Box Church, The Word Tithe Not in Either Letter to Corinthians, Giving Was Meant to Support Apostolic Workers, Those Traveling to Preach the Gospel and Establish Groups of Ecclesia, Paul Defending His Right to Travel as Apostle, Refers to Peter Having Right to Wife, Apostolic Workers Only Received Support from Voluntary Giving Not Tithing, Paul Said He Preached Voluntarily, Did Not Ask For Support but Worked, Levitical Priests Did Not Get Money but Food, 1 Corinthians 9 Not About Paying Ministers but Feeding Traveling Apostles, 1 Timothy 5:17-18 Not About Pastors, Pastor Not in the Letter to Timothy, Elders Were Not Pastors, Pastor Is Spiritual Gift, Elder Is Older Person Who Understands Any Particular Faith, Pastor Is Not Position or Occupation, Don’t Superimpose Protestantism Onto 1 Timothy 5, Elders Gave to Flock and Didn’t Take From Flock, Cared For People Didn’t Force Them to Pay Them, The Word Tithe Is Not In Either Letter to Timothy, Double Honor Not Double Pay, Compares Laborer Deserving Wages and Ox Not Being Muzzled to Double Honor, In the Same Way Give Elders Double Honor, Grandma Perfect Example of Elder, Grandma Gets Double Honor From Me, The Bible Says Nothing About Pastors Being Paid, Tradition of Men Makes You Think Otherwise, 2 Corinthians 2:17 Paul Said He Did Not Preach for Profit, When Pastors Preach For Profit They Become Aggressive or Passive-Aggressive or Gaslight, Preaching for Profit Prevents Pastors From Speaking Freely, Preach Was People Want to Hear So Coffers Overflowing, Legalists Pay Preachers Hard on Sin, Entertainment Seekers Pay for Entertainment, Rarely Hear About Jesus or the Gospel, The Early Church Worked, Apostolic Workers Also Worked, They Did Not Rely on Voluntary Giving, In Acts Paul Made Tents, 1 Thessalonians 2:9 Paul Worked So He Wasn’t a Burden as He Preached, 2 Corinthians 11:9 Paul Worked So He Wasn’t a Burden, Pastor Never Career Path in Bible Nor Was Elder, There Are No Occupations in Body of Christ, 3 John Female Elder Advised Not to Support Those Claiming to Preach Gospel but Are Not, Do NOT Support Them, 3 John 1:8 be Hospitable to Those Who Are, It’s Good to Sow Freely to Those Spreading the Good News

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  • Topics: Tithe, Tithing, What Is the Tithe, Tithing History, 10% or 23.3%, Nobody Is a Faithful Tither, Multiple Tithing Commandments in 613 Commandments, Part of Book of the Law, Law of Moses Only for Jewish Race, God Made Covenant With Israel Not Gentiles, Canaanite Woman Turned Away, Matthew 15, Gentiles Not Included in Old Covenant, Ephesians 2:12, If You Want to Tithe You Must Be Jewish, Tithe Is Food, Seeds Produce and Cattle, It Was Not Their Income or Money, They Had Money, If Unable to Carry Tithe It Could Be Sold, Money Used On Whatever They Wanted Including Alcohol, Deuteronomy 14, Jews Only Gave It to Levites, Levites Had No Inheritance and Couldn’t Work, Levites Did Nothing of What a Box Church Pastor Does, Widows Orphans Travelers Jewish Festivals, Tithed Shoved Into Ecclesia Through Cyprian of Carthage Third Century, Christians Tithing Picked Up Speed by Constantine, Tithing Law of Land by 8th Century, Reformers Continued With it, “Don’t You Dare Rob God!”, Most-Used Passages About Tithing, Malachi 3:10, Have You Ever Been Taught Malachi 3 Is About Israel Stealing Food from Levites Widows Orphans Travelers and from Jewish Festivals, Who Was Malachi, Hebrews 1 In the Past God Spoke Through the Prophets, Malachi Chapters 1-3, Food Stored in Temple Chambers, Not a Pastor Receiving It, Not a Church, Floodgates of Heaven is Clouds for Rain, Not a Tithing Principle, We Don’t Live By Principles But by a Person, Will a Man Rob God Said by a Man Who’s Not God, Only Part of Bible Which Says Test God, On This Side of Cross Acts 15 Says Don’t Test God by Putting Law On People, Acts 17 Says God Needs Nothing, Abraham Tithed Melchizedek, Genesis 14, Abraham Didn’t Tithe From His Income but Spoils of War, Abraham’s Tithe Was Voluntary, Tithe Honored Others, Foreshadowing of Jesus Being Greater than Levites, Mel Wasn’t a Pastor, Mel Didn’t Have a Church, Abraham Only Tithed Once, Jacob’s Tithe, Genesis 28, Symbolic Location Called Bethel, Means “House of God,” Where Future Temple Would Be, Not From His Income, Only Tithed Once, Levites Were In Jacob, Matthew 23:23 and Luke 11:42, Jesus Commanded the Tithe, Law Was Still in Effect, Neglecting Weightier Matters of Law, Love Your Neighbor as Yourself, Law Abolished According to Colossians and Ephesians, Law Not Destroyed, Still Available for Unbelievers, It Is Finished, John 19:30, Give to Caesar What’s Caesar’s and God What’s God, Yes It’s Tithe Because Law Still In Effect, Stay at Peace With Government, Now Abolished, Slavery in 18th and 19th Century, Law Now Obsolete, Hebrews 8:13, Cell Phone or Pay-Phone, Widow’s Mite, Luke 21 and Mark 12, Two Copper Coins, A Few Cents, Gave All She Had Didn’t Tithe, Rich People Gave Out Of Abundance and Didn’t Impact Them, Tithe Meant to Support the Widow, Tithe Not Burden On Financially Comfortable People But Very Hard on Lower Income, Pressure or Enticement, Hebrews 7, Abraham Tithed Melchizedek Picture of Levites Honoring Jesus, Levites Kept Dying, Mel and Jesus Never Died, Jesus Compared to Melchizedek, Levites Used Animal Blood and Jesus Used His Own, Levites Used Temple on Earth Jesus Went Directly to Heaven, Tithing Testimonials, Negative Ones Not Shown, You Can’t Buy God’s Blessings, Churches Would Be Overflowing, Good Father’s Can’t be Bought, Give Your First-Fruits, Christ Is Our First Fruits, 1 Corinthians 15, Give More On This Side of The Cross, Grace More Stringent Than Law, Are You Saying Churches Should Shut Down and Nobody Tithe, Continue in Man-Made Tradition and Overlook Scripture, Gaslight and Guilt, Entice With ROI, Rely On a Curse, Galatians 3, Let Your Requests Be Made Known, Give Freely From the Heart, 2 Corinthians 9

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  • Topics: Sermons, Preaching, Romans 10:14-15, How Will They Call on Him In Whom They’ve Not Believed, In Whom They’ve Never Heard About, How Will they Hear Without Preaching, How Beautiful Are the Feet of Those Who Preach the Gospel, Pastor Preaching Sermon, Pastor Isn’t in Romans, Gatherings Isn’t in Romans, Preach Means to Speak, Romans 10 Is About Unbelieving Jews, Needed to Hear About Jesus, Someone Giving Sermons Because It Says Preach, What Does Preach Mean If Not Sermon, To Speak, Not One Time Do We See Pastors Preach in the Bible Nor Give a Sermon, The Word Sermon Not in the Bible, Sermon on the Mount, Sermons Common Because of Tsunami-Like Force of Man-Made Tradition, Jesus and Paul Warned Against Tradition of Men, Only Follow Traditions From Us, 2 Thessalonians 2:15, Following Tradition of Church Fathers and Reformers, Can’t Know Anything About God Without Sermon, Remove Sermons and Church Is a Bunch Singing and Money Collecting, Even All the Chairs are Pointed Toward the Man Giving Oration, Error Practiced for Half a Millennium, “Best Part” of Church Service, Subjective Monologue Which Inspires or Scares, Sermons Why Most Christians Go to Church, People Think Sermons Are What The Sinners Need to Hear to Get Straightened Out, What If Sermons Never Mentions the Gospel, Judge Church Service by How Sermon Went, Sermon Was Great, Sermon Convicted Me Of My Sin, Sermon Wasn’t For Me, Didn’t Get Anything Out of the Sermon, Can’t Know Anything About God Without Hearing Weekly Monologue, Preaching and Teaching in Bible but Not Sermons, Preaching and Teaching Always About Jesus and the Gospel, Women and Donkeys Speak More than Pastors in Scripture, Men and Women Preach, Early Church Fathers and Reformers Said Women Must Shut Up and are not Valuable, Preaching in Bible Always Addressing Circumstances, Interjection Was Always Involved, Jesus Never Gave Sermons but Preached Informally, Apostles Preached in Acts but Was Sporadic and Never Called Sermon, They Didn’t Preach Sermons at the Temple but Evangelized the Unbelieving Jews, Apostles Invited to Speak but Interjection Happened not a Sermon, Interactions Responses and Dialogue, Dialogical not Monological, 2 Timothy 4:2, Preach the Word, Timothy Not Pastor Preaching Sermons From His Bible at Church, Everyday Life Not Gatherings, Timothy Not Pastor but Evangelist, 2 Timothy 4:5, Imma Preach the Word While Holding Bible, The Word Wasn’t the Bible, Logon, That Which is Said, What Was Said was the Gospel, Always Be Ready to Speak about Jesus to Jews and Greeks, In Season and Out of Season, Preach the Word as a Sermon Began With Reformers, Sermons Have No Biblical Foundation, Began Hundred of Years Before Jesus, Became Common in 2nd Century, Solidified by the Fourth With Constantine, Greek Thing Not Christian Thing, Greek Philosophers Named Sophists, Orations for Pay and Prestige, Eloquent Monologues, Sophists Were Seen the same as Movie Stars Entertainers and Athletes, Sermons Gave Them Fame and Fortune, They’d Wear Special Clothing to Stand Out, Sophists Had Celebrity Status, Give Sermons and Certain Time and Place for Pay, Sermons About Emotionalism and Eloquence, Sophists Immortalized Through Statues, Applauding Began With Sophists, This Style Known as Homiletics, Where We Get the Homily From, Many Early Church Fathers Were Sophists, Cyprian of Carthage Augustine and Chrysostom, Sermon Means Deceitful Argument, Sophist Where We Get the Word Sophisticated, The Early Church Never Gave Sermons, Speaking Was Always Conversational, 1 Corinthians 11-14 Explains Our Gatherings, Sermon Set Aside for Eucharist, Martin Luther Brought Sermons Back

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  • Topics: Church, Church, Service, Tradition of Men, Colossians 2:8, Mark 7:9, Old Doesn’t Mean Good or True, Traditions Die Hard, Catholics Have 2,000 Years of Man-Made Tradition, Protestants Have 500 Years of Man-Made Tradition, Good Traditions Come From Apostles, What They Say and Write, From “Us,” 2 Thessalonians 2:15, Church System Today Is Nowhere to be Found in the Bible, All Built on Tradition of Men Which Overlooks Scripture, How to Do Church, Pagan Christianity, A Church Building Every Half Mile, What’s With Paul and Women, When You Gather, 1 Corinthians 11-14, No Other Part of Bible Has Connotation of Gathering But Everyday Life, Even Pastoral Letters Are Not Pastoral Letters Nor Describe Gatherings, John Calvin Superimposed Errors, Calvinism, Places of Study of Calvin, Puritans Studied Calvinism, Puritans Can Be Blamed For Not-Attending-Church Guilt, Publicly Punished For Skipping Church, Do Not Forsake the Assembly, Before Calvin Was Martin Luther, Said He Was Reforming Catholic Church, Luther Just Put a Different Hat On Liturgy, Replaced Eucharist with Sermon, Priest With Pastor, Altar Table with Pulpit, Still A Top-Down Authority System, Still Clergy and Laity Distinction, History of Catholic Liturgy, Mostly Established by Church Fathers, Solidified by Constantine, Set in Stone By Gregory the Great, Mass Is Not Biblical But Based On Magic Paganism and Judaism, Gregory the Great in 6th Century Was Former Monk Turned Pope, What We See Today on Both Sides Have No Biblical Foundation, Peel Layer of Tradition of Men Off Scripture, Some Churches Require Signed Contracts, Sit Down Shut Up Or Leave, Brother Bob and Jim Will See You to the Door, Man of God Preaches Here, Go Down the Road to Get Your Ears Tickled, Open Sharing is Scriptural, It Would Be Outrageous If You Attempted to Share in the Middle of Service, Box Church Reflects Cult-Gathering, One-Man Dominance, One-Made Subjective Monologue, Congregation Attempts to Impress Leader, Body of Christ is Atrophied Because of One Member Usage, Box Church Has Choke Hold On Jesus Expressing Himself, No Room For Anyone to Share Unless It’s a Special Day, “We Have a Special Speaker/Song!”, You’re Forced to be Muted, You Can’t Enrich Others Nor Be Enriched, Certain Gifts Have Been Twisted and Other Gifts Ignored, The Love of Each Member Is Snuffed Out, Only Open Your Mouth During Worship, Entire Time of Gathering Is Supposed to Be Worshiping by Expressing Christ, The Meeting Is Not Open, Everyone Isn’t Encouraged to Share, Spontaneity Is Not Encouraged, Boring Liturgy, Entertainment Liturgy, Watch People Sing and Preach, Body of Christ Is Crippled, Every Member Functioning Ignored, Entire Gathering Directed by One Person Or Handful of People, Limited by One Person’s Guidance, Passive Spectators, Where the Spirit of the Lord Is There Should Be Freedom, Christ Has No Freedom to Express Himself Through You, We Need to Repent Toward Scripture, What Do We See In First Corinthians 11-14, Paul Writing to Worst-Behaved Group of Ecclesia, He Doesn’t Shut Gatherings Down Assign Top-Down Authority System and Hand Out Bulletins, Nor Does He Say Get the Elders to Get Things In Line, Work It Out Amongst Yourself, Examine Yourselves, Have a Meal and Remember What Jesus Has Done, Be Spontaneous, Everyone Should Participate, You’re A Body With Many Members, All Members Are Vital, All Members Need the Other Members, Everything Shouldn’t Be Put on One Body Part, God Has Put Together the Body, Everyone Has the Right to Share, Others Allowed to Interject While Sharing, No Pastors Elders Deacons Sermons or Tithing, Express Gifts Decently and In Order, Visitors Will Think You’re Mad, Love Is the Greatest Gift

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  • Topics: Pastor, Bishop, Elder, Deacon, Church Leader, Biblical Authority, Cult-Like System, Top-Down Authority, Hierarchy System, Chain-of-Command, Mathew 20:25-26, Man-Made Tradition, In Charge at Church, There Is No “at church”, Church Not a Place But Living Organism, Ecclesia, Called Out Ones, Church Never a Building But Ecclesia in Different Regions, Clement of Alexandria Said You Cannot Go to What You Are, Woman Should Be Filled With Shame She Was Created as a Woman, Ephesians 2:22, You Are Dwelling in Which God Lives, Acts 7:48, Acts17:24, God Does Not Dwell in Buildings Built By Human Hands, Poimenas, Shepherd, Pastor in Old Testament, Pastor in New Testament, Pastor Should Be Riddled Through the New Testament, Listed Only Once, Some Translations Don’t Use Pastor at All, Old Testament Pastor Not in Charge of Church or Even Temple, Shepherded According to the Law, Pastor Never Gives Sermons nor Collects Tithes nor on Payroll, Laborer Deserves Wages, Don’t Muzzle the Ox, Pastor Not There, Paul Is Describing Being Paid According the Law, Did Not Use That Right But Instead He Worked, Double Honor Is Not Double Pay but Honor, Pastors Never Lead Church Services, Pastors Not Closer to God, Ephesians 4:11, No Qualifications or Authority, Pastors Is Plural, Not a Title But a Spiritual Gift of Overseeing, Shepherds Care For Sheep, Someone Like My Grandma, John Calvin Created a Position, Taught Puritans, Puritans Established American Churches With Pastors in Charge, Calvin Gave Power to Give Sermons and Administer Communion and Have Authority Not the Bible, Pastors Not in Charge at Church, History of Bishop, Ignatius of Antioch, The Word Bishop Not in the Bible, First Timothy 3:1, Desires Office of Bishop, Episcopon, Overseer, There Are No Offices in Body of Christ, Oversees Others With Truth of the Gospel, Surround Yourself With Honorable People, Overseer Has No Authority, Like a Sponsor in AA, Authority Means They Can Punish You, Bishops Not in Charge at Church, Greek Word for Elder is Presbuteros or Presbyters, Elder Board Created by Constantine and Not in Scripture, Qualifications but No Authority, Household in Order and One Spouse, If No Control Over Wife and Kids Can’t Be On Elder Board, Elder Is Mature Person in Any Faith, Unbelieving Elders According to the Law and Paganism, Elder Does Not Mean Christian, Older and Wise Person Who Loves Others with the Gospel, Women Can’t Be Elder Because of Husband of one Wife, Women Can’t Be Elder at Church, Paul Referring to Female Dominated Culture Due to Temple of Artemis, Entire Letter Address to Female Elder is 2 John, Female Who Understands Gospel Is Elder Above Male Who Doesn’t, Diakonos is Deacon, One Who Meets the Needs of Others, One Who Ministers to, Deacon Is Younger Elder, Deacons Meet Needs By Pointing to Jesus and Who You Are as a Saint, Deacons Not Lower in Totem Pole of Hierarchy, Church Leader, Leader, Hebrews 13:17, Romans 12:8, Leader Is Not Pastor Bishop Elder or Deacon, Both Times Leader is Used It’s Describing a Jew Leading Other Jews Away from the Law and Temple Work, Obey Your Leader Would Be Obey the Gospel, Obedience of Faith, No Authority to Punish, Not a Church Setting but Temple Setting, The Authority Was the Message About Jesus, Only Obedience In Hebrews is Obedience of Faith in Jesus as the Final Sacrifice for Sins, Enemies of God, Leaders have No Authority Besides the Gospel, No Way to Punish Unbelievers, 1 Peter 5, Acts 20, Shepherding the Flock, Pastor Is Not There, Doesn’t Say Leader, Being Assigned a Flock Began with the Early Church Fathers, Assigning Groups to Leaders, No Authority But Someone Protecting and Guiding Other Believers, Who’s In Charge at Church, Who Leads at Church

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  • Topics: Forgiveness, God, Blood of Jesus, Matthew 6:15, Forgive Others, Conditional Forgiveness, Old Testament Forgiveness, New Testament Forgiveness, Matthew 5-7, Sermon on the Mount, Subheading Added by Publisher, The Word Sermon Isn’t in the Bible, Greek Rhetoric, Deceitful Argument, Sophists and Philosophers Gave Sermons, Augustine and Chrystostom, Sermons interwoven into Liturgy by Constantine, Sermons Set Aside for Eucharist, Sermons Put Back in Place as Best Part of Service by Reformers, Martin Luther Said you Can’t Know God Unless You Hear Sermons, Faith Comes by Hearing Is Not a Sermon, Many Sermons Don’t Mention Jesus or the Gospel, Cut Off Your Hand, Pluck Out Your Eye, Sell Everything, Don’t Ask For Returns On Your Loans, Don’t Pray in Public, Anger the Same as Murder, Call Someone a Fool and Go to Hell, Leave Your Sacrifice at the Altar, Go Be Reconciled, If They Have Something Against You, Annual Forgiveness at Temple, Day of Atonement, Never Forgave Others to be Forgiven, Obey Commandments in Law to be Blessed, Deuteronomy 8, Health and Wealth, Without Shedding of Blood There Is No Forgiveness, Hebrews 9:22, Christ Would Have to Be Sacrificed Repeatedly, Hebrews 9:26, He Appeared Once For All to Put Away Sin Through Sacrifice of Himself, The Blood of Bulls and Goats Could Never Take Away Sin, Hebrews 10:4, Propitiation of Sin Rather Than Atonement, Satisfying Sacrifice, 1 John 2:2, 1 John 4:10, We Don’t Forgive to Be Forgiven But Because We Have Been Forgiven Past Tense, Ephesians 4:32, Colossians 3:13, Repent of Your sins, Acts 2:39, Acts 3:19, Two Different Greek Words of Repent With Only One English Translation, “Repent!”, Metanoeo and Metanoia, Change of Belief and Change of Behaviors, Unbelievers Committing Repentance According to the Law in the Gospels, Frontier Revivalists, 18th 19th and Early 20th Century, Traveling Superstar Salesman, No Body Life, Just Save the Souls of the Lost, One-Night Stands of Salvation and Then Gone to Next City, Tay Up Numbers of How Many Came Forward and Were Saved, Altar Call Which Showed Repentance Not Biblical, Lorenzo Dow Created Altar Call, So Popular It Was Interwoven Into the Church Services, Only Forgiven Until You Sin Again, Jews Never Repented of Sins to Be Forgiven, Only Blood Forgives, NLT Not Accurate about Repenting “of” sins, Jews Went to the Temple for Forgiveness, They Repented of Sins to Be Blessed With Health and Wealth Not to be Forgiven, Trade of System, Easier For a Camel to Go Through Eye of Needle than for a Rich Man to Enter the Kingdom of God, Jesus Blew Their Minds about Wealth and Health According to the Law, Confess Sins to Be Forgiven, 1 John 1:9, Proof-Texting From the Devil, Matthew 4, Jump From the Temple and Angels Will Catch You, Jesus Corrected Devil’s Proof-Texting With Proper Context and We Can Too, 1 John 1:9 Is About Sin Deniers Not Christians Repeatedly Confessing for Forgiveness, John Was a Jew Who Received Forgiveness Annually, Before the Cross The Jews Didn’t Confess to be Forgiven, The Agreed they Broke the Commandment and then Recommitted to Not Do it Again, If You Forget One Sin You’d Go to Hell, What If you Tongue Gets Cut Out, Voice-box No Longer Works, James 5:16, Confess to be Healed In Your Mind, Not About Confessing Secret Sins to Receive Physical Healing, Children’s Hospitals, Bonus Lie is God Will Forgive You If You Ask, Ask For Forgiveness Not in the Bible, The Truth About God’s Forgiveness Is He Doesn’t Forgive Like People Forgive, People Forgive Through Changes Behavior and Apologies, God Only Forgives By Blood, It’s Good to Mature and Even Say Sorry But He’s Not Repeatedly Forgiving You, Jesus Would Have to Die Repeatedly Each Time, By One Offering th

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  • Topics: Catholic, Catholicism, Catholic Church, Roman Catholic, Pray to Saints, Constantine, Mother Mary, 1 Kings 2, Access Through King Through Mother, Asking Mary to Ask Jesus, Asking Dead Saints to Pray for Them, Closer to God than Humans, We Are Just as Close, One With God, 1 Corinthians 6:17, No Difference in Asking the Dead for Prayer, Necromancy, Galatians 5:20, Not a Deed of the Spirit, 1 Timothy 2:1 is About People Who Are Alive, Pagan Tribes Pray to Dead Ancestors, Hebrews 11 Isn’t People Who Pray for Us, Obsessing over the Saints Doesn’t Make Much of Jesus, Nobody Comes to the Father Except Through Me, John 14:6, Categorizing Sins, Venial and Mortal, Every Sin is Mortal, Romans 6:23, Romans 1 Gossip to Murder, Romans 14:23 Anything That’s Not of Faith is Sin, Every Sin Equals Death, Jesus Died, Romans 6:9-10, Jesus Died Once, Christ Suffered Once for Sins to Make Your Righteous and Bring You to God, 1 Peter 3:18, Top-Down Authority System, After John Died Authority System Established Through Ignatius of Antioch, Matthew 20:25-26, You Will Not Lord Over One Another With Authority, It Will Not Be Like This Among you, If you Want to be Great You Must Serve, Even Christ Did Not Come to Be Served but to Serve, The Word Bishop Established with Power, Don’t Do Anything Without Bishop Present, Regard the Bishop the Same as the Lord, It is UnLawful to Perform Baptisms Without the Bishop Present, John Calvin Echoed Ignatius of Antioch with the Word Pastor, Bishop Not in the Bible, 1 Timothy 3:1, Episcopon, Overseer, If Anyone Aspires to be and Overseer it is a Noble Task, This is Not an Office, Office is Not in Original Text of 1 Timothy 3:1, No Offices in the Body of Christ, Roman Imperialism Superimposed onto the Body of Christ, Hebrews 7:23 is Office of the Levites for Temple Work, Death Prevented Them From Continuing, Mature Christians, Honorable to Oversee Christians but No Authority, Similar to Sponsor in AA, No Authority or Control, Christian Classes, Clergy and Laity Distinction, One Body With Many Members and Only Christ is the Head, 1 Corinthians 11-14, Nobody is in Charge, Gave Priests Their Own Church, Priests not In Charge of Anything on This Side of The Cross, 1 Peter 2:9, Members of a Royal Priesthood, Before the Cross Priests Didn’t Have any Power or their Own Church, Covenant-Mixture Theologian Cyprian of Carthage, Christian Temples, You Cannot Go to What You Are, Nothing in the Bible Describes Church Today, Mass Created by Gregory the Great in 6th Century, Constantine Erected Countless Church Buildings to Make Christians Valid, Cathedra is Bishop’s Throne, Cathedral is House of the Bishop’s Throne, Modeled After Romand Basilicas, Official if Built On Top of Saints or Body Part of Saint in the Altar Table, Cologne Took Over 600 Years to Build and God Still Doesn’t Live there, Acts 7:48, Acts 17:24, You Are the Temple of God, 1 Corinthians 3:16, 1 Corinthians 6:19, If You Leave Catholic Church You Won’t be Saved, Original Church, How Cults Work, Unbiblical Because of Hebrews 7:25, He is Able to Save Completely Because He Always Lives, Catholic is Not in the Bible, Roman Catholic, Romans Didn’t Start Jesus’ Church they Killed Him, The Original Church is the Ecclesia, The Living Organism, The Called Out Ones, Those Who House God Almighty in their Very Being And Express Him, The Body of Christ

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  • Topics: Catholic, Catholicism, Eucharist, Communion, Trapped in Catholicism, Pagan Christianity, A Church Building Every Half Mile, Bitter and Angry Apologists, Are Catholics Christians, Denominations Don’t Determine Salvation, Neither Catholic Nor Protestant, The New Creation in Christ, Literally Consume Jesus, Body and Blood, Paganism and Magic, Originated in Rome Influenced By Many Greek Gods, The Word Catholic Means Universal, John 6, Eat My Flesh Drink My Blood, Comparing Himself to Manna, Manna Sent From Heaven for Life and So Was Jesus, The Flesh Counts For Nothing, Life is In His Words, Acts 1, He Literally Ascended, Ritual of Man Officiating Began with Church Fathers, Flour and Water From Factory, Wine From Factory, Eucharist Not in the Bible, Repeatedly Crucifying Jesus, Romans 6, Death No Longer Has Mastery Over Him, The Life He Lives He Lives Forever, Sacrificed Once For Sins, Hebrews 10:10, Hebrews 1:3, Eucharist Ignored Finality of the Cross, It Is Finished, John 19:30, Communion Not a Sacrament but a Full Meal, The Love Feast, The Agape, 1 Corinthians 11, Feast to Love Others and Remember What Jesus Has Done, Not Remember Our Sins, Hebrews 7:25, He Always Lives, Authority to Forgive Sins, John 20, If You Forgive Anyone’s Sins, Disciples Were Not Priests, Fishermen Tax Collector and Treasurer, Disciples Were Jewish and Went to the Temple for Forgiveness Where the Priests Were, They Knew Blood Forgives, They Weren’t Forgiving and Shedding Animal Blood at That Same Time, Hebrews 9:22, Without Shedding of Blood No Forgiveness, Old Covenant Still in Effect, Same Message I Tell People, Your Sins Have Been Forgiven For His Name’s Sake, Forgiveness Through Confession, 1 John 1:9, Surrounding Context of 1 John, Jesus Didn’t Come in the Flesh, Sin Not a Real Thing, We Touched Him, If We Say We Have No Sin, Confess Means to Agree With, All Means All, John was a Jew Who Received Forgiveness Only by Blood, Jesus Isn’t repeatedly Dying Each Confession, What About Sins You Forget About, Peter Was Original Pope, Apostolic Succession, Cyprian of Carthage, Pope Means Father, Call No Man Father, Matthew 23, Pontifex Maximus, Peter Was a Fisherman, We Are All Members of a Royal Priesthood, Matthew 16, Peter is the Rock, The Gospel is the Rock, Peter Denied Jesus, Jesus Called Peter Satan, Peter Cursed the Girl Out, Peter Tried to Stop the Crucifixion, Peter Wouldn’t Eat with the Gentiles, Galatians 2, Acts 5, Ananias and Sapphire, Lying About Money Is Sin, Peter Not the Original Pope or Rock, Church Fathers, Tradition of Men, Jesus and Paul Warned Against Tradition, Call No Man Father, Paul Referred to As Father in Philippians 2 and 1 Corinthians 4, Disciples and Apostles Were Not Church Fathers, No Such Thing as Church Fathers, Old Doesn’t Equal Truth, Judaism is 3500 Years Old, Islam is 1400 Years Old, Church Father’s Struggled With Error, All Scripture is God-Breathed, Letters Left Out of Canon for a Reason

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  • Topics: Mark of the Beast, MOB, Revelation 13:16-17, History of Being Wrong About the Mark, Marked on Hand or Forehead, Palm Payment Program, Bitcoin, Barcode, Credit Cards, Social Security Numbers, Papal Insignia, Hobby Lobby Founder, Fear Sells, Bondage to Man-Made Church System, Try Harder, Do More, Obey Pastor, Be Careful, Don’t Rob God, Fear Sells Religion, Perfect Love Casts Out All Fear, What Makes Us Believe We’ve Figured it Out, How to Read Revelation, Not Like Other Biblical Letters, This Is a Vision, Don’t Be Afraid, Fear Is Red Flag Being Taught in Error, God Doesn’t Want Us To Figure Out Revelation, Beginning and End Bookends, Middle is Overt Symbolism, Rest and Don’t Live Neurotic Lives, Revelation 13, Chapters Not Added Until 13th Century, Read it Fearlessly as a Vision, What the Mark Is Not, Overview of What it Hasn’t Been, Not Administered by Antichrist or Lawless One, 1 John, 2 John, 2 Thessalonians 2, Anyone Antichrist is Anti-Christ, Anti-Gospel, Lawless One Was Individual Teaching the Law of Moses Causing Believers to Fall Away in Their Belief, 1 John 2 John 2 Thess Say Nothing About Mark of the Beast, Who Gives It to You Is a Horned Dragon, What Gives Us the Right to Say What Is and Isn’t Literal, Remember to Read Fearless and Symbolically, Revelation 14, 144,000 Marked by God, Only 144,000 Will Be Saved, Being Marked Traced Back to the Old Testament, Deuteronomy 6:8, Ezekiel 9:4, Marked by Law of Moses, Symbolically and Literally, John Was Jew Aware of Deuteronomy 6 and Ezekiel 9, Old Covenant Still in Effect, Old Testament Mark of the Beast Proof-Texting Is a Red Flag, Ignoring What Christ Accomplished at the Cross and Resurrection, Can’t Buy or Sell Without the Mark, Fire Fall in Front of You, What Bible do You Have, Revelation 12, Woman Clothed in the Sun and Standing on the Moon, But that Part Isn’t Literal, Mark Is Literal but Horned Dragon and 144,000 Isn’t, Can’t Buy or Sell is Literal but Fire Falling in Front of You and Woman Clothed in Sun Standing on Moon Isn’t, Fear Based Teaching Charts and Graphs, Fund Religious Fear-Based System, Blood of Jesus, Teaching Built on Error Which Ignores Jesus, Marked by the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ, Ephesians 1:13, Stamped, Sealed Up Forever With Him, You’re Safe, Don’t be Afraid

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  • Topics: Rapture, Revelation, Not All Christians Are Raptured, Put in Work, Repented of Sins, Endured to the End, What Happens When Christ Returns, End of Time, Best Works Like Filthy Rags, Isaiah 64:6, Depart From Me Workers, Matthew 7, If It’s Based on Grace Cannot Be Based on Works, No Longer Grace, Romans 11:6, Gospel of Grace, Acts 20:24, One Unrepentant Sin Would Separate You From God, Everyone Will Die With at Least One Unrepentant Sin, Enduring to the End to Be Raptured is Proof-texting, 1 Thessalonians 4, Matthew 24, Luke 21, Sinning Less and Doing More Good Things Isn’t Good Enough, Be Perfect Like God, Matthew 5:48, Christ Who Endured to the End, Hebrews 12, Cut Short for the Sake of the Elect, The Elect is Believers, Two Judgments, Bema Seat, Great White Throne, Revelation 20, Eyes Have Not Seen Ears Have Not Heard, 1 Corinthians 2:9, Those Who Love Him, Poured His Love into Us, Romans 5:5, Incorruptible Love, Ephesians 6:24, Grace Explodes in Heaven, No Rewards Ceremony, Gold Silver and Bronze Metals, Parable of the Talents, Matthew 25, Parable of the Vineyard Workers, Matthew 20, I No Longer Call You Servants but Friends, John 15:15, Seated in Christ, Ephesians 2, Looking for Signs of His Return, Saved From the Wrath of God, 1 Thessalonians 5:1, Romans 5:9, Two Separate Wraths, Wrath Over Sin is Satisfied, Coming Wrath for This Planet, New Neighborhood, God Lavished His Love on Us, Children of God, 1 John 3:1, Two-Faced Father, Revelation Easy to Decipher, Prophecies Easy to Figure Out, No Part of Revelation Speaks of a Rapture, Revelation 7, Great Tribulation, Revelation 13, 42 Months, Mark of the Beast, Buy and Sell, Horned Dragon, Revelation 20, Thousand Year Reign, Revelation 22, Charts and Graphs, Coming soon, Reward is With Me, Repay Each Person According to What They’ve Done, Reward of Inheritance, Colossians 3, Read Revelation Fearlessly, New Covenant Prophecy Written Symbolically, Don’t Try to Predict the Return of Jesus, Everyone Is Not Saved, Coast Guard Offers Saving, Inclusionism, Universalism, Ministry of Reconciliation, 2 Corinthians 5, Be Reconciled, We Plead with You, Not Holding Sins Against You, Competent Ministers of the New Covenant, 2 Corinthians 3, When He Comes Back it Will Be Awesome

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  • Topics: Rapture, Caught up, Harpazo, Matthew 24, Luke 21, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, Destruction of the Temple, AD70, Signs to Lookout For, One Taken One Left, Sun Moon Stars Darkened, Abomination of Desolation, Isaiah 13, Ezekiel 32, Downfall of Babylon, Downfall of Pharaoh, Downfall of Overseeing System, The Sky is Falling, Left on Earth, Years of Tribulation, Post Mid Pre, Dates and Times You Don’t Need to Know, 1 Thessalonians 5:1, Like a Thief in the Night, Great Trouble and Suffering, Tribulation Never Event or Time Period, Obsessed With End of Time, Daniel’s Prophecy, Jacob’s Trouble, Jeremiah 30, Old Testament Prophets Not Speaking About Eschatology, Jacob Renamed Israel, Wrestled With God in Genesis 32, 1 Corinthians 15, If Christ Did Not Raise From The Dead, Those Who Have Fallen Asleep, Resurrected Like Jesus, New Physical Body, Not All Will Fall Asleep, Not All Will Die if Alive When Christ Returns, Same Reference of 1 Corinthians 15 and 1 Thessalonians 4

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  • Topics: Rapture, Matthew 24, Luke 21, Mark 13, Luke 17, End Times, Dead in Christ Rise First, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, Caught Up, Harpazo, Random Letters Pieced Together, Proof-Texting, Matthew 4, Devil Proof-Texted the Torah, Fear-Based Eschatology, Those Who Have Fallen Asleep, They Will Return With Jesus, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-15, Dead Will Come From Their Graves, Those Who Have Believed Will Come Back to Life, Idleness, Live Quietly, Work With Your Hands, Return of Jesus, 1 Thessalonians 5, Dates and Times You Don’t Need to Know, Thief in the Night, But You are Children of the Light You are Not in Darkness, Destruction of Temple, Jerusalem Surrounded by Armies, Flee for the Mountains, Head for the Hills, Don’t go to the City, This Generation Will Not Pass Away, Lawlessness Will Increase, Abomination of Desolation, Pregnant and Nursing Women, Sun Moon and Stars Darkened, Two Men in the Field, Two Women at the Mill, Son of Man Coming in the Clouds, Acts 1, AD70, Over a Million Jews Were Killed, Proof-texting Antichrist and Lawless One, Final Judgment, Sheep From Goats, Christians Judged According to What Christ Has Done, Unbelievers Judged According to What They Have Done, Cremation, Left Behind

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  • Topics: Antichrist, Lawless One, End of Time, Eschatology, Colossians 2:8, Tradition of men, Political Figure, Nero, AD70, 2 Thessalonians, 1 John, 2 John, Proof-texting, Protestant Scholastics, John Darby, Anyone Against Jesus, Establish Himself in Temple, Man Riding on Horseback Added Verses to Bible, Temple is Gone, Return of Jesus, Lawless one Taught the Law, Delighted in Unrighteousness, 1 Timothy 1:7, 1 Timothy 1:9, Delighted in the Law, Psalm 1:2-3, Romans 7:22, Nobody Declared Righteous Through the Law, Romans, 3:20, Be Perfect Like God, Matthew 5:48, Matthew 5-7, In Accordance With How Satan Works, False Signs and Wonders, Children of the Devil, John 8, If God Were Your Father You Would Love Me, Lawless One Did Not Love Jesus, Did Not Obey the Gospel, Workers of Lawlessness, Depart From Me I Never Knew You, Matthew 7:21-23, Appear as Angels of Light, Masquerading Like Satan, Thorn in Paul’s Flesh, Lawless One is Specific Individual, Every Letter Paul Lamented About Judaizers Except Philemon, Left Behind Books Series

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  • Topics: 2 Thessalonians, Return of Jesus, Lawless One, Strong Delusion, the Rapture, Matthew 24, Luke 17, Luke 21, Mark 13, Eschatology, Proof-Texting, Protestant Scholastics, John Darby, Plymouth Brethren, Repent the End is Near, Harpazo, Caught Up, 1 Thessalonians 4, The Dead Who Rise First, Cremation, Anti-Christs, 2 Thessalonians 2:3, the Rebellion or Apostasy or Falling Away, Nero, Hebrews 6, Galatians 5, John 16, I’ve Told You These Things So you Do Not Fall Away, Turn Away, 1 Timothy 4:1, In the Last Days, In Accordance With Satan, All Signs and Wonders, Refused to Love the Truth and be Saved, Strong Delusion, Do Not Believe Truth, Pleasure in Unrighteousness, Law Not for the Righteous, 1 Timothy 1:9, Stand Firm in the Truth of the Gospel, Pray for Us to be Delivered from Wicked and Evil Men, The Lord is Faithful He Will Strengthen and Protect You From the Evil One, 2 Thessalonians 3, Idleness and People Not Working

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  • Topics: Pastors, Preaching and Teaching, Traditional Teaching, Jesus and Paul’s Warning, Mark 7:9, Colossians 2:8, Lies About the Word Pastor, Complete Forgiveness, Complete Righteousness, We Want What God Wants, Only Blood Forgives, Hebrews 9:22, Hebrews 10:10, Once for All Holiness and Sanctification, Christ has Made You Righteous, 1 Peter 3:18, 2 Corinthians 5:21, Colossians 1:22, Colossians 2:9-10, Partaker in Divine Nature, 2 Peter 1:4, Sinning More Not Less, Titus 2:11-12, Romans 5:20, Romans 6:14, Galatians 5:18, Error of Churches Not Being Able to Pay Bills Without Tithing, 2 Corinthians 9:7, Give Freely From the Heart, Tithing is a Curse, Nobody Has Power Over You, You Will Not Lord Over One Another, Matthew 20:25, Christ is Head of the Body and Holds Supremacy, Colossians 1:18, All Members are Vital, Necessary to Function and Express Christ, Body Not Made Up of One Part but Many, 1 Corinthians 12:14, Gatherings Were Open and Participatory, 1 Corinthians 14:26

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  • Topics: Willful Sins, Deliberate Sins, Non-Willing Sins, Hebrews 10:26, Hebrews 10:26-29, No Sacrifice is Left, Enemies of God, Romans 5:1, Peace With God Because of Jesus, Trampled on Son of God, Treated New Covenant as Unholy, Insulted the Spirit of Grace, Trusted Son of God, Believed in New Covenant, Spirit of Grace Lives Within Us, Unwillful Sins, Accidental Sins, Non-Deliberate Sins, Sinning According to the Law, Sinning on This Side of the Cross, 613 Different Ways to Sin, Romans 14:23, All Sins Are Willful, We Aren’t Robots, Willful Sins and Sinning Every Once in a While, Every Sin Deserves Death and Jesus Died, Romans 6:23, Every Sin is Forgiven, 1 John 2:12, Your Sins Have Been Forgiven For His Name’s Sake, Your Sins have Been Forgiven Through His Name, John 8, Woman Caught in Adultery, God Sent His Son to Be a Propitiation for Sins, 1 John 4:10, He is the Propitiation for our sins and for the Sins of the Whole World, 1 John 2:2, Satisfying Sacrifice, Did not Atone but Propitiated

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  • Topics: Church, Pastors, Sermons, Body of Christ, Body Life, Matthew 20, Lord Over One Another, 1 Corinthians 11-14, 1 Corinthians 14:34-36, 1 Timothy 2:11-12, Grooming, Narcissism, Temple of Diana, Ephesus, Subjugation, Women Should Prophesy, Acts 19, Jesus Means Nothing, Galatians 5, Christ is of No Value

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