In this episode of Waterfall, Mike is joined by Andy, CCW's expert in social policy, to discuss ways to save on your water bill and access support for affordability. They explore the advantages of switching to a water meter, offer practical tips to reduce water usage, and explain social tariffs that can lower your bill. They also discuss the range of assistance provided by water companies, including payment plans, payment breaks, and hardship funds. Listeners are encouraged to check out CCW's online resources like the water meter calculator and benefits calculator, and to reach out for help if needed.
Get in touch with the show with any of your questions or comments: [email protected].uk
00:00:00: Introduction 00:01:32: Saving money on your water bill - metering and reducing water use 00:08:08: Help for those struggling to afford their water bill - payment plans, social tariffs etc. 00:17:03: Help for high water users with medical conditions (WaterSure scheme) 00:19:03: Dealing with water debt 00:23:53: Other CCW resources: benefits calculator and grant search tool 00:26:08: Closing thoughtsShow Notes
Water Meter Calculator
Help with Bills
Breathing Space
Benefits Calculator
Grants Search Tool
Our Affordability Research
In this episode, Mike and Karen are joined by Steve Grebby, Policy Manager at CCW and Jacob Larkin, who is the Campaign Coordinator Unblocktober to talk about the issue of FOGs – Fats, Oils and Greases and the consequences for households and the environment if not disposed of correctly. The team also shares the simple things we can all do to keep are FOGs at bay and our drains clear.
Get in touch with the show with any of your questions or comments: [email protected].uk
01:00: Introductions and welcomes
01:38: What are FOGs?
05:32: What should we put in the dishwasher?
06:58: What are the consequences of not disposing FOGs correctly?
10:47:Unblocktober campaign
15:43: Environmental impact of FOGs
21:03: CCW’s Sink Sense research
Show notes
CCW Sink Sense Research
Пропущенные эпизоды?
Elise Melville, an energy expert from uSwitch, joins presenters Cath and Karen to discuss uSwitch’s research titled "Pulling the Plug," which examines how rising energy prices are changing people's behaviour. The study reveals that one-third of people in the UK have stopped having baths entirely due to increased energy costs, while two-fifths have reduced their shower time. Elise also shares uSwitch’s tips for showering more efficiently.
In this episode, Mike and Karen are joined by Rachel Coyle MBE, the Global Managing Director of the Behavioural Insights Team, to discuss the Cape Town drought and the successful "Day Zero" campaign that helped avert the crisis. They delve into how Cape Town faced a severe drought with dangerously low dam levels. In 2018, a team of behavioural scientists launched the "Day Zero" behaviour change campaign, which focused on simple, practical actions like using grey water and providing clear guidance on water-saving measures. This campaign not only successfully averted the crisis but also left a lasting impact on the community. Rachel also shares insights on the enduring effects of the campaign and how its strategies could be applied in other parts of the world.
In this episode, Mike and Karen recently are joined by John Lillistone, the Director of Water at Arqiva, to explore the benefits of smart metering. They discussed how smart meters are a significant advancement over traditional meters, as they provide critical data points that help both consumers and water companies. For consumers, smart meters can identify leaks and help manage water usage more efficiently. For water companies, these meters are invaluable in identifying and isolating leaks, which can lead to significant water savings and improved service.
In this episode, Cath & Karen dive into Project Zero, an innovative collaboration between Ofwat and Nesta focused on achieving water neutrality at new development sites. They explore how this initiative is creating water-efficient homes, promoting water-saving habits, and cutting waste in local communities. Joining the conversation are Gareth Barker from Affinity Water and Jane Bellard from Weir The Agency, to discuss Affinity Water's Bidwell site in Houghton Regis, a standout example of water neutrality in action.
Get in touch with the show with any of your questions or comments: [email protected].uk
0:01 - Introductions and hellos 2:36 - Explaining what the Bidwell project is4:58 - The wider environmental pressures that we need to be worried about when considering water resources7:06 - Water neutrality as a concept - how do we explain it to residents?8:56 - How were residents helped to make savings? 11:31 - What were the water-saving activities residents were encouraged to do?14:07 - The importance of focusing on one change at a time to influence behaviour19:26 - How were results measured?22:10 - Engaging people as a water company - how to influence customers 29:15 - Moments of change32:10 - Final thoughtsShownotes
Affinity Water's neutrality trial slashes consumption levels - Utility Week
Our water neutrality project - Affinity Water
Affinity Water's water neutrality project achieves milestone
In this week's episode, we explore Waterwise's 'Water Night,' an annual event aimed at raising awareness about the importance of water conservation. On Friday, 24th October 2024, households are encouraged to switch off all non-essential taps from 5-10 pm to help people better understand the value of water and inspire long-term changes in water use. You can sign up here: Sign Up For Water Night – Waterwise
First, Cath speaks with Chloe and Steph of Waterwise to explain the initiative and how you can get involved. Later, our own Mike shares live updates from his 'Water Night' experience with his daughters at home.
Get in touch with the show with any of your questions or comments: [email protected].uk
0:01 - Introduction and hellos2:06 - Chloe & Steph join the show and explain the concept of 'Water Night'5:44 - What was learnt from last year's initiative? 7:20 - The impact a single household can have in terms of water conservation10:36 - Public misconceptions over water use15:30 - Chloe & Steph's personal water use18:00 - Mike's own 'Water Night'25:15 - Final thoughts and farewellShow notes
Water Night UK – Waterwise
Water Night FAQ – Waterwise
Water Night Featured Products – Waterwise
No one likes having to complain to their water company, but when it’s necessary, how can you do it in the most effective way and get the results you need? In this week's episode, Cath and Karen speak to CCW's consumer relations experts, Lacey Carlyle and Rhys Brooks, about what steps to take when you have an issue with your water company and the best strategies to achieve a successful outcome.
Get in touch with the show with any of your questions or comments: [email protected].uk
0:00 - Introduction and hellos2:20 - 'Waterfall' now available on Alexa?5:50 - The water company complaints process and what CCW can do7:30 - Contacting CCW for advice on how to make the best complaint9:07 - What are the most common types of complaints that CCW deal with?10:40 - Common mistakes that people make when providing a complaint13:52 - The evolution of CCW's approach to dealing with complaints15:53 - Rhys' favourite CCW complaint story18:28 - The challenges CCW face in terms of making complaints21:30 - CCW's resources to help customers making complaints23:10 - The importance of complaining to help the industry make changes25:05 - Final thoughts and farewellShow notes
Make a complaint - CCW
It's an international special this week as Mike heads to California to speak with Chris Garrett, CEO of Devil's Canyon Brewery Company, all about a groundbreaking innovation in sustainable brewing: a beer made from recycled wastewater!
Crafted in collaboration with Epic Cleantec, the Epic OneWater Brew - a crisp Kölsch style ale—uses grey water recycled from Fifteen Fifty, a 40-story luxury high-rise in San Francisco.
Tune in as we explore the brewery’s origins, the cutting-edge process behind this bold brew, and what it could mean for the future of water sustainability.
Get in touch with the show with any of your questions or comments: [email protected].uk
0:01 - Introductions and hello2:05 - Chris Garrett discusses the origins of Devil's Canyon Brewing Company7:33 - The story of how the beer was created from recycled wastewater10:40 - The taste of the beer12:49 - The challenges of putting the product out14:23 - What needs to change for the product to be commercialised?16:34 - If the product isn't being sold, how is it being used?17:45 - Mike's taste reaction to the beer + has there been any naysayers?20:49 - Future plans for the brand24:20 - Finding ways to do it the right way on every level25:20 - Chris' Garrett's personal water use30:00 - Final thoughts and farewellShow notes
Devil's Canyon Brewing Co. & Eventhouse (devilscanyon.com)
Water Recycling Technology | Onsite Water Reuse | Epic Cleantec
Karen and Cath are joined by three water-saving experts to discuss their fascinating research on water usage during showers. Their guests being: Dr James Daly, Sustainability Manager at the University of Bristol; Ian Walker, Professor of Environmental Psychology at Bristol; and Dr Pablo Pereia Doel, Water Literacy and Sustainable Water Programme Lead at the University of Surrey. Together, they discuss the findings from their study that monitored over 86,000 individual showering events and which suggests that higher water pressure can significantly reduce water usage.
Get in touch with the show with any of your questions or comments: [email protected].uk
0:00 - Introductions + an everything shower?!5:05 - What is the research and what inspired it?7:00 - How was the research conducted?10:20 - The experiment in the halls of residence and the data recorded + how the sensors work12:45 - The behavioural disconnect that happens whilst showering15:52 - The advantage of using a timer when measuring20:05 - How can the results from the research be used?21:15 - The impact of having low flow pressure22:40 - The level of pressure that impacts shower length24:50 - Future plans and implementations for the research27:10 - Being able to tease out social influences within the shower use31:10 - Personal water use of the guests32:08 - Final thoughts and farewellShow notes
High shower pressure can help people save water, study suggests | Water | The Guardian
OSF Preprints | Beyond the water flow rate: Water pressure and smart timers impact shower efficiency
Mike and Karen are joined by Dr. Alison Browne and Dr. Claire Hoolohan of The Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research to discuss the Ofwat-funded innovation project, 'Enabling Smart Water Communities.' A forward-thinking initiative focusing on developing the links between integrated water management, community involvement, and household water usage.
Get in touch with the show with any of your questions or comments: [email protected].uk
0:00 - Introduction and hellos 0:51 - Tony V's update on his water habits and how he's utilised tips from 'Waterfall' 3:46 - Dr. Alison Browne and Dr. Claire Hoolohan join the podcast and explain the work of the Tyndall Centre 5:39 - So, what is a water smart community? 9:10 - Do any WSCs exist yet?11:32 - What are some of the new innovations within WSC communities? 14:40 - The impact of social norms17:15 - Are we asking the wrong questions about water use?20:03 - Big learning points of the project so far 22:23 - The lack of research on this topic in some areas23:00 - The personal water use of the guests24:46 - Querying the value of measuring water practices - personal use vs. population level 32:11 - Final thoughts and farewellsShow notes
Enabling Water Smart Communities
Mike and Karen are joined by Lisa Craven, MD of Stormsaver, for an in-depth discussion about rainwater harvesting and its wide-ranging applications both commercially and in the home.
Get in touch with the show with any of your questions or comments: [email protected].uk
0:00 - Introduction and hellos1:07 - Running the length of the Seine?!2:41 - Lisa Craven of Stormsaver joins the show and explains what rainwater harvesting consists of 5:41 - General misconceptions of rainwater8:30 - What the industry is moving towards in terms of house building 10:15 - What savings can rainwater harvesting offer a home owner?14:30 - Should rainwater harvesting be mandatory? 17:45 - The potential applications for commercial systems 19:45 - How many households are using rainwater harvesting?21:00 - What happens if it doesn't rain?24:01 - The benefits of working with the water cycle 27:11 - The issues of water reduction 29:14 - Recommendations for those looking to get a rain harvesting system 33:36 - Lisa's household use 37:22 - Final thoughts and farewell
Show notes
River Seine run highlights challenges for the Olympics
It's a very special edition of the show this week as Karen and Producer Tom venture out of the studio and off to 'Gardeners' World Live' to chat to two remarkable gardeners. First up is Malcolm Moodie, chairman and vice president of the Solihull and District Orchid Society, who discusses why orchids are unique in their water needs and also shares tips on conserving this precious resource in the garden. And then we chat with Josh Fenton, who gives 'Waterfall' a personal tour of his wildly inventive and inspiringly water-efficient garden, Lunatica.
Get in touch with the show with any of your questions or comments: [email protected].uk
0:00 - Introductions and hellos 2:35 - Malcolm joins the show 2:50 - Are orchids one of the most water efficient flowers? 4:57 - What type of water does Orchids prefer?6:00 - Malcolm has eight water butts!?9:15 - Key tips for saving water in the garden11:35 - Malcolm's daily water use 13:00 - Reflecting on Malcolm's wisdom15:01 - Josh Fenton joins the show15:55 - What was the thoughts behind his garden 'Lunatica' and what challenges is it responding to?16:40 - How does the garden help with managing extreme weather events? 17:36 - How has environmental impact been minimised in construction? 20:55 - The cuddy: a radical reinvention of water and waste 23:50 - Josh's general water-saving tips 26:26 - Josh's daily water 29:07 - What would Josh like people to take away from Lunatica?
Show notes
Gardeners' World Live
Solihull and District Orchid Society
Fenton Gardens
Joshua Fenton Transforms BBC Gardeners World
Dan Angelescu, CEO of Fluidion, joins Mike and Karen to discuss how the water-intelligence company is monitoring river pollution in the Seine to ensure it’s safe for swimming at the Paris Olympics and beyond.
Get in touch with the show with any of your questions or comments: [email protected].uk
0:00 - Introductions and hellos 1:26 - The weird and wacky things found in sewers3:42- Dan Angelescu joins the show and discusses the work of Fluidion5:53 - Measuring water quality from a human point of view. 6:54 - Swimming being banned in the Seine for 100 years8:54 - The history of Fluidion's monitoring of the Seine 12:02 - The application of Fluidion's systems worldwide 13:47 - Fluidion's ALERT system and how it works 16:52 - Paris' attempted solutions so far22:21 - Is there a possibility of the Seine not being used for the Olympics?26:12 - The global problems of water pollution28:13 - Monitoring water pollution in the UK32:20 - Dan's personal water use34:56 - Final thoughts and farewell
Show notes
Severn Trent reveals the Top Ten weird and wacky things that have been incorrectly put into the sewers
Dan Angelescu *03 Is Making the Seine Swimmable for the Paris Olympics | Princeton Alumni Weekly
Interim Charity Director at The Royal Life Saving Society, Matt Croxall, joins Karen & Mike to discuss RLSS' 'Drowning Prevention Week' campaign and how the initiative has grown over time.
Get in touch with the show with any of your questions or comments: [email protected].uk
0:00 - Introduction & hellos1:16 - Tony V's Peecycling podcast recomendation3:24 - Matt Croxall joins the podcast and explains what RLSS does5:54 - How has the campaign of Drowning Prevention Week and the organisation evolved over time?7:10 - Is there a link between climate change and the increase in child drownings?8:40 - The importance of enjoying water safely10:35 - The four key elements of the water safety code14:50 - RLSS' collaborations with influencers as a messaging strategy17:15 - Is the RLSS seeing a knock on impact on water safety due to the impact of Covid on swimming lessons?23:45 - Being responsible and respectful with water24:40 - How do listeners find out more about RLSS and engage with their work?27:15 - The skills gained from being a lifeguard 28:34 - Matt's personal water use29:25 - Can Karen recall the water safety code?Show notes
Tony's Peecycling podcast recommendation
Drowning Prevention Week
Welsh Water’s Head of Vulnerable Customer Support, Pete O’Hanlon, and Water Efficiency Lead, Annie Lamb, join Mike and Karen to explore the many innovative approaches Welsh Water takes to help vulnerable customers increase their water efficiency.
Get in touch with the show with any of your questions or comments: [email protected].uk
0:00 - Introduction and hellos1:02 - A toilet with a hot water flush?!3:10 - Pete & Annie join the show3:50 - The perils of leaky loos5:15 - The origins and purpose of Welsh Water's vulnerable customer team7:17 - Services that the team offer9:39 - How many people does Welsh Water help per year?11:50 - The team's work with the charity, Designed to Smile15:42 - How do the team know what vulnerable customers may need in terms of water efficiency?19:40 - Experience with customers22:56 - The team's use of behavioral science 24:51 - Welsh Water's general water efficiency use27:51 - Upcoming products the team wish to employ30:56 - Future areas of Wales the team wish to explore34:00 - Final thoughts and closeShow notes
Welsh Water Priority Services
Welsh Water's Cartef Community
Mike & Karen are joined by Defra's Head of Water Efficiency and Demand Management, Katie Smith, for a detailed discussion of Defra's plans to help everyone save water.
Get in touch with the show with any of your questions or comments: [email protected].uk
0:00 - Introductions 1:08 - Tony V's toilet trouble from back in the 1970s 4:05 - Katie joins the podcast and discusses her role at Defra6:12 - Actions that the government want to implement to help the public reduce their water use8:25 - Why has it taken so long for reduction targets to be established?9:40 - The role of the non-household market in reducing water use12:57 - The ongoing issues of leaking toilets 14:00 - The continual mystery of dual flush toilet buttons17:23 - Mythbusting about the Defra's targets for households and business customers 25:25 - Defra's view on smart metering 28:17 - Katie's water saving tips 31:00 - Shower song recommendations
Show notes
CCW's water meter calculator
Mike & Karen are joined by British-born California resident, Chris Worrall, to discuss his one-man mission against household water waste in the Golden State.
Get in touch with the show with any of your questions or comments: [email protected].uk
0:00 - Introduction and hellos1:42 - Thoughts on Jonathan Ross' unusual shower confession5:24 - Chris joins the show and explains the water situation in San Jose8:04 - Chris' plan to cut costs and reduce water waste11:04 - The trouble of swimming pools14:15 - Chris' expert level spreadsheet of his water bills 19:31 - The impact of regular water bills being distributed to consumers21:24 - The changes that Chris has made to reduce water use 23:40 - Chris' water use and quick wins 24:45 - Low flow regulation in California 31:03 - Final thoughts and takeaways
'Waterfall' returns for an exciting new season! And we're kicking off with a very special episode featuring South Staffs Water's Mumin Islam discuss two innovative water efficiency projects specially crafted especially for faith-based communities.
Get in touch with the show with any of your questions or comments: [email protected].uk
0:00 - The start of a brand new season of 'Waterfall'
2:55 - Mumin joins the podcast
8:25 - The importance of serving different communities in tailored ways
9:10 - The work of 'Reviving The Sunnah'
13:50 - Water use within Islam
17:13 - Working with Cambridge Central Mosque
19:20 - Fostering a connection between the people and the environment
21:23 - Water saving within cooking
25:10 - The purpose of the projects
28:10 - How are the results going to be shared
35:50 - Mumin's personal water use
37:00 - Final thoughts and farewell
Show notes
Reviving The Sunnah
Water & Wudu – Cambridge Water & Cambridge Central Mosque: Reviving the Sunnah
Cambridge Central Mosque
With a brand new season right of 'Waterfall' right around the corner, here are some of our fave moments from our third season.
Get in touch with the show with any of your questions or comments: [email protected].uk
Follow us on X: https://x.com/CCWvoice
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0:00 - Introduction and hellos
2:45 - Cath's Water Night horror story (#60 - Tapping Into Tomorrow: The Next Generation Of Water Savers)
6:00 - Karen finally reveals her water usage (#54 - From Crisis To Conservation: Colombia’s Water Journey)
9:38 - Producer Tom's insanely quick trivia knowledge (#56 - Loyal To The Soil)
13:57 - Tim Harris discusses why they fought the law for the fen and the impact of sphagnum moss in the area (#50 - Norfolk Broadsides)
17:49 - Tom of Moors For The Future talks about the power of sphagnum moss (#57 - Improving Bog Standards)
21:16 - Mike discusses a strange discovery found in a toilet (#58 - Gloom And Bloom: Saving Water Via Emotional Engagement)
22:48 - The perils of using your phone on the toilet (#55 - Clearing Up FOG)
26:01 - Are you a lid up or lid down toilet user? (#51 - Leaky Loos)
28:33 - Thames Water's Andrew Tucker discusses leak issues beyond the standard pesky loo (#51 - Leaky Loos)
32:21 - Laura Moss' extraordinary water usage (#49 - Waterfall Live!)
33:40 - Craig Foster of OndoTech explains how the LeakBot app can push behaviour change (#59 - LeakBot: Reducing Household Water Use Through Innovative Technology)
36:30 - Tony V reflects on how he discovered the podcast and his thoughts on mulching (#53 - Tony’s Water Saving Odyssey)
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