
  • Chiropractors like to tell people that they are “a chiropractor who does something different” or that they “aren’t like most chiropractors.” I’m not sure what percentage of chiropractors say they are different, but it could be the majority, which is funny if you think about it.

    If EVERYONE is different, no one is different. Just something to think about.

    Anyway, I’m getting sidetracked.

    The reality is that chiropractors are different. I know that from my time as a chiropractor and I know it because I’ve worked with hundreds of chiropractors over the last several years. When I create podcasts and in-depth trainings for chiropractors, I try to keep in mind that chiropractors have different practice styles, talents, and opportunities.

    My goal has never been to populate the chiropractic profession with a bunch of little Dr. Jerry Kennedys. ONE of me is MORE than enough. That’s why I’ve always tried to focus on concepts and principles more than how I would specifically run a practice.

    We live in a world today where chiropractors have a LOT of marketing options. Some chiropractors get overwhelmed by trying to do them all. Other chiropractors get overwhelmed so they don’t try to do any of them. Either extreme is a recipe for disaster.

    To keep things simple and help chiropractors avoid marketing overwhelm, chiropractors should categorize their marketing into 3 categories: internal, external, and retention. Let me explain.

    Internal Marketing
    Internal marketing is when chiropractors use their existing patients to get more patients. Basically, we are talking about a referral-based practice.

    Referral-based chiropractic practices are often considered the golden goose of chiropractic practices. Although, some referrals do “just happen” there are things that chiropractors can and should do to ensure that as many referrals happen as possible.

    This is also true about online reviews, which is sort of like a modern-day referral. Some people leave reviews without being asked. Most people don’t. If you want more reviews and the benefits that come from them, you should have a system in place to get more reviews.

    External Marketing
    External marketing is when chiropractors reach out to people who are not existing patients in order to attract them into their practice. When chiropractors first get started, EVERYTHING is external marketing because new chiropractors don’t have many patients.

    External marketing can be online or offline. External marketing can be cheap (shaking hands and kissing babies) or expensive (paying for marketing help). External marketing can be short-term or long-term. Generally speaking, there are external marketing options available to every chiropractor.

    The important thing is that chiropractors have an external marketing strategy and that they focus on the external marketing that makes the most sense for their practice.

    When chiropractors are new, they should focus on marketing that is affordable and fast. You don’t want to take big financial swings when you have an extremely limited budget. And you also don’t want to focus all your energy on long-term marketing, when you need patients NOW.

    Once a chiropractor has some practice momentum, their external marketing often changes. They can afford to pay someone for help with Google ads. They can invest in chiropractic SEO which is a more long-term marketing strategy.

    Regardless of whether you are just getting started or your practice has been around for 20 years, there need to be people in your local community who are finding out about your practice this month who didn’t know about your practice last month. Most of the time, that happens through some form of external marketing.

    Retention Marketing
    Retention marketing is like internal marketing in the sense that you are dealing with existing patients. But the goal of retention marketing is to make sure your patients follow through with their recommendations, and that you maintain the doctor-patient relationship for as long as possible.

    I’m not at all advocating unnecessary care or patient manipulation tactics. However, people don’t understand chiropractic or how their body works. If left to their own devices, people will assume that chiropractic is only for acute care and the instant that they feel better, their body is completely better.

    Chiropractors who are not proactive about retention will typically have a leaky-bucket practice. Patients rarely complete their initial recommendations. The chiropractor often doesn’t do a good job establishing a long-term relationship with their patients. The result is that people leave early and they rarely come back. That’s no good.

    Chiropractors don’t have to go about marketing their practice the same as everyone else. In fact, they shouldn’t. Chiropractors are different…not just because they do different things within the practice itself, but because they are different people.

    A chiropractor’s personality, talent, and opportunities will impact which marketing strategies make the most sense for them. Chiropractors who ignore those factors when making marketing decisions are doomed to struggle with their marketing.

    In summary, chiropractors should have at least one marketing strategy in each of the 3 categories. Most successful chiropractors have multiple strategies in each of the 3 marketing categories.

    Ignoring one or more categories will result in the chiropractor having marketing blindspots that will most likely keep them from reaching their practice goals.

    Business & marketing training for chiropractors: https://rocketchiro.com/join

    Free practice assessment: https://rocketchiro.com/chiropractic-practice-assessment

    Best chiropractic websites: https://rocketchiro.com/best-chiropractic-websites

    Google Ads Management for Chiropractors: https://rocketchiro.com/google-ads-management-for-chiropractors

    Chiropractic SEO: https://rocketchiro.com/chiropractic-seo

  • The other day someone asked me what an abundance mindset meant to me. Honestly, it made me roll my eyes. I was thinking, “Here we go. One of these manifest your future guys.”

    I know this isn’t going to set well with a percentage of chiropractors, but I’m going to say it anyway. The law of attraction is stupid. You aren’t God. You aren’t a little god. You don’t create the world around you with your thoughts. You don’t manifest anything.

    There…I said it. It felt good, too.

    Now, don’t get me wrong. I know mindset is important. How you think impacts how you act. How you act impacts your life. So in that sense, mindset does impact your life, but only as much as it impacts your actions.

    If you could only pick one, I would tell you to get your habits right before worrying about getting your mind right. I don’t particularly care how you feel about the task at hand, positive habits will move the needle regardless of how you feel.

    A positive mindset alone is of little value. There is no scenario where you can think yourself into the life of your dreams. Sooner or later, you are going to have to put the rubber to the road…pen to paper. If you want to change your life, you are going to have to work for it.

    With that said, it’s easier to have good habits when you have a good attitude. A positive mindset can give you the energy and motivation needed to work hard. A positive mindset may help you stay the course at times when you might have otherwise quit.

    That’s why the best-case scenario for your success is for you to have positive habits AND a positive mindset. They work hand-in-hand, but the driving force for your success will be your positive habits.

    We live in a world that overemphasis the power of thoughts. There are people out there who are so convinced that they can manifest things that they aren’t honest to themselves or anyone else about their situation.

    They act as if admitting that they are struggling or saying that their practice isn’t doing as well as they would like is some sort of death nail to their future best life. People like that go around living life like the people in the Lego Movie, “EVERYTHING IS AWESOOOOME!!!”

    If that’s something you struggle with, let me ease your mind. Your thoughts and words don’t have that sort of power. You aren’t God….which is a good thing.

    You aren’t going to wreck your future blessings in life by admitting that you are currently having a hard time. The reason you are struggling is because you don’t know what you are doing and you have bad habits. It’s not because you complained when you should have said something positive.

    Lying is never good…even when you are doing it to yourself. And if you keep telling yourself that everything is fine when everything isn’t fine, that’s exactly what you are doing. My suggestion is that you be honest with yourself.

    Don’t think more highly of yourself than you should. Don’t think less of yourself than you should. Have an honest mindset. If you need help, ask for help. If you don’t know what you are doing, start learning.

    The future, more successful YOU knows things that you don’t currently know and has habits that you don’t currently have. So work on that. Start learning new things. Start developing better habits. That’s how you’ll become the person you want to become.

    OH…and it doesn’t hurt to have a good attitude along the way.

    Business & marketing training for chiropractors: https://rocketchiro.com/join

    Free practice assessment: https://rocketchiro.com/chiropractic-practice-assessment

    Best chiropractic websites: https://rocketchiro.com/best-chiropractic-websites

    Google Ads Management for Chiropractors: https://rocketchiro.com/google-ads-management-for-chiropractors

    Chiropractic SEO: https://rocketchiro.com/chiropractic-seo

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  • When I graduated from chiropractic college back in 2004, chiropractors were still asking themselves, “Do I really need a chiropractic website?” Thinking about that makes me feel like I’m 100 years old.

    For many years now, chiropractors have accepted the fact that they need a website for their practice. Now I know there are still a few holdout chiropractors who still don’t have a chiropractic website, but those chiropractors are the exception to the rule, not the norm.

    In fact, one of the first things that many new chiropractors do when they start their own practice is set up some sort of chiropractic website. Over the last 20 years, chiropractors have gone from, “Do I really need a chiropractic website?” to “I definitely need a chiropractic website.”

    Unfortunately, many chiropractors treat their website like a box they need to check. They know (or at least think) they need a chiropractic website, but they don’t necessarily understand why or how their website can help them.

    Chiropractors do the same sort of thing with social media. They know social media can help them reach more people and grow their practice, but they often don’t understand how. So most chiropractors get on social media without a plan, and most chiropractors don’t really benefit from their social media efforts.

    Chiropractic websites are similar. Most chiropractors have a website, but most chiropractors aren’t getting the full benefit from having a website. When they started their practice, they threw something up on the internet themselves or they paid someone at a chiropractic website company to do it for them, with little or no thought as to the point of the website.

    I’m constantly amazed at the number of chiropractors who KNOW they have a crappy website, but they don’t do anything about it. They’ve had a crappy website for YEARS. It’s like they just assume that websites don’t work in their area.

    Maybe it’s not your area. Maybe your website just sucks.

    And if you aren’t getting anything from your chiropractic website, why do you have it? Even the $20/yr you pay GoDaddy for a URL is a waste of money if the website isn’t helping your practice grow. Heck, I’d rather waste $20/yr on Lotto scratchers than pay for a pointless URL. At least the scratchers give me a possible ROI.

    Your chiropractic website is supposed to be an asset to your practice. Your chiropractic website should be functioning like a virtual marketing CA who’s out on the internet attracting new patients to your practice and helping them schedule their first appointment.

    But most chiropractors and chiropractic website companies miss the point. Websites that chiropractors build themselves are usually terrible. And by terrible, I mean they look bad, the user experience is bad, the sites don’t show up on Google, and the process of becoming a new patient is clunky and unclear.

    Chiropractic website companies aren’t much better. Some of the very first chiropractic website companies took a more-is-more approach to websites. Instead of focusing on the main thing, which should be scheduling a new patient appointment, they fill the website full of everything anyone could possibly want to know about chiropractic.

    It seems like almost every chiropractic website company that has popped up over the years has decided to copy and paste what they saw the OGs doing. Chiropractic website companies are creating cluttered, unorganized, unfocused chiropractic websites…and chiropractors everywhere are paying for them.

    Why do they do that? Well…the answer is simple. The chiropractic website companies are making websites for chiropractors, not patients. The chiropractors are the ones paying for the sites, so the site has to appeal to the chiropractor…otherwise, they won’t pay for it.

    Are you starting to see a problem yet? If you pay for a website that is attractive to chiropractors, but your patients aren’t chiropractors, your website is built for the wrong person. A great chiropractic website is built with the new patient in mind. If you miss that, you miss the whole point.

    Your chiropractic website should be built and designed in such a way that it helps new patients find you, and when those people find you, your website should help them choose you.

    When a good fit for your office finds your website, it should be exactly what they were looking for. There should be an internal sigh of relief for them that says, “Thank God. I found the right place.”

    Then the process of becoming a new patient should be so straightforward a knuckle-dragging Neanderthal could figure it out. Clutter is not helpful. A lack of clarity is not helpful. The detailed history of chiropractic, the 5 different phases of chiropractic care, and a stupid spinning spine are NOT helpful. They are distractions.

    So if your chiropractic website isn’t helping your practice reach new people and helping those new people choose you, why do you even have it? It’s pointless.

    If you would like a better chiropractic website, I would love to help you. Contact Rocket Chiro and let me know that you want a better website.

    If you prefer to DIY your website and you need some advice, check out my NEXT Step program. There is a section of the membership area called “Quality Websites” that covers everything chiropractic websites and SEO.

    Business & marketing training for chiropractors: https://rocketchiro.com/join

    Free practice assessment: https://rocketchiro.com/chiropractic-practice-assessment

    Best chiropractic websites: https://rocketchiro.com/best-chiropractic-websites

    Google Ads Management for Chiropractors: https://rocketchiro.com/google-ads-management-for-chiropractors

    Chiropractic SEO: https://rocketchiro.com/chiropractic-seo

  • I’m going to make this short and sweet (and harsh). New chiropractors have NO IDEA what they are doing in terms of running a chiropractic practice. Chiropractic College did NOT prepare you.

    Your lack of knowledge and bad habits are going to cost you a LOT of money. And if you don’t start taking steps to change it, there’s a better than 50/50 chance you will fail as a chiropractor.

    If you don’t outright fail, you may be just successful enough that you don’t quite (which would be better), and stay stuck in a stressful, low-profit chiropractic practice. You’ll constantly be frustrated.

    You will probably get angry about the fact that you get better results with your patients than other chiropractors in your area, but they are successful and you aren’t. But here’s the thing, they aren’t more successful than you because they get better results with their patients.

    They are more successful than you because they know things about running a practice that you don’t know, and they have good habits that you don’t have.

    If you want to be successful, have less stress, and help the number of people that you say you want to help, you need to start learning things about running a practice that you don’t currently know, and you need to start developing habits that you don’t currently have. There’s no way around it.

    I don’t care if you were the youngest person in your chiropractic class or you were the oldest. Time is NOT your friend. If you keep lying to yourself about needing help, you will fail. You’re not going to “figure it out” with time.

    The only thing that the passing of time will do is make you older. So stop thinking about doing something. Stop talking about doing something. START DOING SOMETHING. You desperately need help.

    Business & marketing training for chiropractors: https://rocketchiro.com/join

    Free practice assessment: https://rocketchiro.com/chiropractic-practice-assessment

    Best chiropractic websites: https://rocketchiro.com/best-chiropractic-websites

    Google Ads Management for Chiropractors: https://rocketchiro.com/google-ads-management-for-chiropractors

    Chiropractic SEO: https://rocketchiro.com/chiropractic-seo

  • Search engine optimization (SEO) is incredibly valuable for chiropractors who want to attract more new patients. If that’s you, the reality is there are people in your area who are actively searching for their next chiropractor. The difference between your practice showing up on the second page of Google and showing up on the top of the first page can be the difference between thriving and barely surviving.

    But I don’t think that “SEO is important” is shocking news to most chiropractors. Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know that people aren’t going to the Yellow Pages looking for a chiropractor. They are going to the internet. What they find or don’t find determines who their next chiropractor is going to be.

    Although most chiropractors understand that SEO can be very valuable for their practice, that’s about where their SEO knowledge stops. Sometimes I’m shocked at the basic lack of understanding chiropractors have regarding SEO.

    It’s not that I expect chiropractors to be SEO experts, but it’s impossible to make good decisions about something that you misunderstand. Many chiropractors are in a position where they want to improve their SEO, but their ignorance about SEO makes them susceptible to dishonest SEO services.

    Many chiropractors think that their chiropractic website company is doing ALL their SEO for them. (They aren’t.) Other chiropractors are paying for expensive SEO, but they don’t even know what is being done for them. Ignorance may be bliss, but it’s not helpful when making business decisions. SEO is no exception to that rule.

    As I said, I don’t expect chiropractors to be SEO experts. But I do want to give you some basic information that will help you make better SEO decisions when deciding how to spend your chiropractic SEO dollars. Here are 2 things you really should know about chiropractic SEO.

    1. SEO is Just Relationship Building with Google
    Chiropractors understand referrals, so I’m going to talk about referrals to better explain SEO. When someone refers a potential patient to you, it’s because the referring person trusts you and believe you will do a good job. They have most likely come to that conclusion through conversations and personal experiences with you.

    The simplest way to think about Google is as a referral source. When someone goes to Google and types in “Chiropractor near me” they are asking Google for a referral. They are asking Google who the best chiropractor near them is.

    The order in which Google ranks chiropractors in a search has to do with trust and proximity. The chiropractors in the area who Google trusts the most are the chiropractors who will rank the highest. If Google doesn’t trust a chiropractor or is unsure about a chiropractor, those chiropractors will rank the lowest in the search results.

    Google wants to give the best answer to every question that people ask. So if Google doesn’t trust you and isn’t sure that you are going to treat people well, your chiropractic practice is not the one Google is going to refer people to. You won’t rank well.

    That’s why the purpose of good chiropractic SEO is to build trust with Google. But Google doesn’t build trust through conversations and experiences the way that you and I do. Google builds trust through data and analytics.

    Google looks at things like structured data, metadata, image tags, and internal linking. Google looks at backlinks, citations, website authority, and reviews. Google is constantly gathering data about a chiropractor to determine if that chiropractor is trustworthy. Building trust the way that Google understands it and communicating who you are and what you do to Google in a way that Google understands is what quality SEO is all about.

    This is also why trying to trick Google with shady SEO hacks isn’t a good idea. Is that how you would treat a person who you want to trust you and refer people to you? Hopefully, not. You don’t build relationships with people by being shady and you don’t build trust with Google that way either. Trying to hack Google is bad SEO practice.

    The “secret” to SEO is that there is no secret. In order to build trust with Google and rank as high as possible, you have to do a lot of little things, consistently, and correctly (the way that Google cares about). If you do that, your website will build authority. It will demonstrate to Google that you are trustworthy. That authority and trustworthiness will be the reason you outrank the other chiropractors in your area.

    2. SEO Is NOT Just Adding Words To Your Website
    There are a couple different extremes when it comes to SEO. Some people try to make SEO sound so complicated that no one short of a NASA engineer could possibly understand it. Other people try to make SEO sound so simple that a knuckle-dragging Neanderthal could do it and do it well. Both of those extremes are incorrect.

    Any chiropractor who thinks they can just add a bunch of keywords to their website and rank well is living in a fantasy world. Google is NOT stupid. If there ever was a time when keyword stuffing worked, it was a VERY LONG TIME AGO. It doesn’t work anymore. Frankly, if Google sees you doing it, it will undermine trust and hurt your rank.

    Google looks at a lot of different factors to determine trust/rank. Some of the big things are your Google Business Profile, on-site SEO, online reviews, and off-site factors like backlinks and citations. I would argue that SEO is more complex than it is complicated. It’s like an onion…there are lots of layers.

    If a chiropractor wanted to improve their SEO, but they weren’t in a position to pay for managed SEO, I would advise them to do a few things.

    1.) Prioritize Online Reviews

    Reviews aren’t everything, but I’ve seen time and time again that chiropractors who have 2-3x more reviews than everyone else do VERY well in Google Maps results.

    Also, getting more reviews is something that any chiropractor can do. Yes, there are services and software that make getting more reviews easier. But I’ve seen chiropractors do very well without them.

    2.) Get The Basics Right

    I don’t recommend it, but many chiropractors choose to build and maintain their own website. If you are on a shoestring budget, I get it. But if you can afford $125/mth, I would be happy to do it for you and it will be MUCH better than what you are doing.

    With that said, if you are doing your own website, the bare minimum for SEO is you have to get the basics right. Your site title, metadata, image tags, and headlines should include your most important keywords.

    I’m continually amazed at the number of chiropractor websites that don’t have the word “chiropractor” anywhere on the homepage. It’s baffling to me. I’m even more baffled when I see it from a chiropractic website that a chiropractor is paying for. That should never happen, but it does.

    Business & marketing training for chiropractors: https://rocketchiro.com/join

    Free practice assessment: https://rocketchiro.com/chiropractic-practice-assessment

    Best chiropractic websites: https://rocketchiro.com/best-chiropractic-websites

    Google Ads Management for Chiropractors: https://rocketchiro.com/google-ads-management-for-chiropractors

    Chiropractic SEO: https://rocketchiro.com/chiropractic-seo

  • I recently went on ChatGPT to ask about common objections to chiropractic. I ended up writing an article about the 9 different chiropractic objections that were presented. I wanted to write something from a chiropractor’s perspective to either confirm or deny each allegation.

    The 9 chiropractic objections were this:

    Lack of Scientific Evidence Overemphasis on Spinal Manipulation Risk of Injury Inconsistent Training & Standards Scope of Practice Promotion of Unproven Therapies Cost & Insurance Issues Alternative to Proven Medical Treatments Association with Anti-Medical Sentiment

    So in this week’s podcast, I decided to talk about these 9 chiropractic objections. I discuss which objections are fair and which ones aren’t. I also talk about why chiropractors tend to be insecure and why they shouldn’t be.

    Let’s talk about it!

    Business & marketing training for chiropractors: https://rocketchiro.com/join

    Free practice assessment: https://rocketchiro.com/chiropractic-practice-assessment

    Best chiropractic websites: https://rocketchiro.com/best-chiropractic-websites

    Google Ads Management for Chiropractors: https://rocketchiro.com/google-ads-management-for-chiropractors

    Chiropractic SEO: https://rocketchiro.com/chiropractic-seo

  • I was talking with one of my clients the other day. He told me that he thought I was selling my NEXT Step (NS) membership a little short. He’s a regular listener to my podcast, so he frequently hears me say that NS is great for chiropractors who are getting started.

    While he agrees with that statement, he told me that my NS membership was extremely valuable to him even though he has been out of chiropractic college for over 15 years. He commented that just because a chiropractor has been able to keep their doors open for 10-15 years, that doesn’t mean they know what they are doing.

    I agree. A lot of chiropractors survive for years without ever thriving. They can’t seem to get their practice to the level they want. They can’t seem to put together consistent practice success. It’s frustrating.

    Over the years, when I speak to chiropractors like that, it’s obvious that they never mastered the basics of business/running a practice. For some reason, the average person assumes if they know how to do a job in the business they would automatically know how to run the business itself. Chiropractors are no different.

    Chiropractors make a lot of assumptions. Many chiropractors assume if they know how to take care of patients, they will know how to run a practice. They assume if they do a good job of taking care of patients, they won’t have to worry about the business. Chiropractors assume that if they can just get through the 5-year mark or the 10-year mark in practice, they will be fine. Unfortunately, none of that is true.

    If you are going to be a successful chiropractor, you are most likely going to have to own your practice. If you own your practice, you need to be a competent small-business owner in order to thrive.

    No, you don’t have to be the CEO of a Fortune 500 company. You don’t have to know how to manage 25 different locations with 200 staff members. However, you do need to learn some small-business basics, and you need to develop some good small-business habits.

    The future (more successful) you knows things that you don’t currently know and has habits that you don’t currently have.

    Regardless of how many years you have been in practice as a chiropractor, if you want to help more people and make a good living doing it, you need to start with the basics. Be honest about your shortcomings. Start learning new things about running a practice. Develop better habits. Get help.

    If you aren’t sure where to start, check out my NEXT Step program. It’s an incredible resource for chiropractors who are getting started and for chiropractors who have been out for a while but still feel stuck.

    If NEXT Step isn’t a good fit for you, find something else that can help you. We live in an age where information is abundant. If you aren’t getting help it’s because you aren’t looking for it. That’s on you. It’s no one else’s fault.

    The last thing I will say is this. There’s a Chinese proverb that states, “The best day to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second best day to plant a tree is today.” If you have been out in practice for 10 years and you still aren’t where you want to be, you can’t do anything about the past.

    Don’t let your pride get in the way of your future success. Be honest about your situation and start making changes today.

    Business & marketing training for chiropractors: https://rocketchiro.com/join

    Free practice assessment: https://rocketchiro.com/chiropractic-practice-assessment

    Best chiropractic websites: https://rocketchiro.com/best-chiropractic-websites

    Google Ads Management for Chiropractors: https://rocketchiro.com/google-ads-management-for-chiropractors

    Chiropractic SEO: https://rocketchiro.com/chiropractic-seo

  • The other day I was in a FB group and the topic of patient retention came up. I commented that many chiropractors don’t focus on patient retention as much as they should because it doesn’t produce immediate changes in their practice like outreach can.

    It got me thinking about the differences between retention and outreach, so I wanted to talk about it on the podcast.

    So in this podcast episode, I talk about the pros and cons of retention vs the pros and cons of outreach. I also discuss what chiropractors should do if they are getting started vs if they have a more established practice.

    Let’s get into it!

    Business & marketing training for chiropractors: https://rocketchiro.com/join

    Free practice assessment: https://rocketchiro.com/chiropractic-practice-assessment

    Best chiropractic websites: https://rocketchiro.com/best-chiropractic-websites

    Google Ads Management for Chiropractors: https://rocketchiro.com/google-ads-management-for-chiropractors

    Chiropractic SEO: https://rocketchiro.com/chiropractic-seo

  • New Chiropractors Need To Understand The Power Of Praise

    New chiropractors need to realize if they are going to be successful they are NOT going to do it alone. Success takes a group effort. Even if you run a micropractice by yourself, there will be others along the way that aid in your practice success.

    So in this final podcast episode of the series, I talk about the importance of saying thank you. I discuss the type of people who will help you while you are in practice, and the ways to acknowledge them.

    As a bonus, I also talk about the importance of understanding areas where you can be great. I talked about this more in episode 467: How To Be Great & What To Do When You Suck.

    Business & marketing training for chiropractors: https://rocketchiro.com/join

    Free practice assessment: https://rocketchiro.com/chiropractic-practice-assessment

    Chiropractic podcast: https://rocketchiro.com/chiropractic-podcast

    Best chiropractic websites: https://rocketchiro.com/best-chiropractic-websites

    Chiropractic SEO: https://rocketchiro.com/chiropractic-seo

  • New Chiropractors Need To Understand Pre-Suasion

    Pre-suasion is a concept that’s unfamiliar to most chiropractors. The concept is pretty simple. People don’t generally make decisions in 1 big step. The decisions that people make are usually a series of small steps in a series. Small decisions have fewer steps. Big decisions have many steps. But the concept is the same.

    If a chiropractor understands the power of pre-suasion, they can help create an environment that helps patients make better decisions. The more effective a chiropractor is as pre-suasion the easier patient decisions will be for them and patient complients (and retention) will increase.

    So in this podcast episode, I talk about the power of pre-suasion. I discuss why it’s important NOT to ask patients to make BIG decisions. I also talk about how environment and reputation impact pre-suasion.

    Let’s get into it!

    Business & marketing training for chiropractors: https://rocketchiro.com/join

    Free practice assessment: https://rocketchiro.com/chiropractic-practice-assessment

    Chiropractic podcast: https://rocketchiro.com/chiropractic-podcast

    Best chiropractic websites: https://rocketchiro.com/best-chiropractic-websites

    Chiropractic SEO: https://rocketchiro.com/chiropractic-seo

  • New Chiropractors Need To Understand Consistency

    Consistency isn’t difficult to understand. It’s not an exciting topic. A seminar for chiropractors about consistency isn’t going to put a lot of butts in seats.

    However, consistency is a foundational element of a chiropractor’s success. In fact, you would be hard pressed to find anyone who’s is successful in any area of life who isn’t being consistent in that area. It’s VERY important.

    So in this podcast episode, I talk about the role of consistency in success. I discuss hoping to be an overnight success is not realistic, how big change happens quickly, and the importance of making time for the important things.

    Let’s get into it!

    Business & marketing training for chiropractors: https://rocketchiro.com/join

    Free practice assessment: https://rocketchiro.com/chiropractic-practice-assessment

    Chiropractic podcast: https://rocketchiro.com/chiropractic-podcast

    Best chiropractic websites: https://rocketchiro.com/best-chiropractic-websites

    Chiropractic SEO: https://rocketchiro.com/chiropractic-seo

  • New Chiropractors Need To Understand Authority

    When I talk about authority as a chiropractor, I’m not talking about ruling your practice with an iron fist. I would describe a chiropractor with high authority as someone who is well known, admired, and trusted.

    When a chiropractor has high authority, it’s like a cheat code for their practice. It just makes everything easier.

    So in this podcast episode, I talk about the superpower of authority. I discuss where people get authority, how to borrow authority, and what to do when you have it.

    Let’s get into it!

    Business & marketing training for chiropractors: https://rocketchiro.com/join

    Free practice assessment: https://rocketchiro.com/chiropractic-practice-assessment

    Chiropractic podcast: https://rocketchiro.com/chiropractic-podcast

    Best chiropractic websites: https://rocketchiro.com/best-chiropractic-websites

    Chiropractic SEO: https://rocketchiro.com/chiropractic-seo

  • New Chiropractors Need To Understand Relationships

    “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know” is a statement that has been around for years. The reason people say it is because relationships have always created opportunities. It’s no different as a chiropractor.

    Chiropractors who are well know and connected in the community tend to have larger practices. Chiropractors who are good at establishing a trusting relationship with their patients tend to have great patient retention. Heck, even SEO (search engine optimization) is just building a relationship with Google. The chiropractors who rank the highest in your area, they have the best relationship with Google.

    So in this podcast episode, I talk about the importance of relationships and trust. I discuss how relationships vary, the types of relationships that are important, and why it’s important to be have patience when building relationships.

    Let’s get into it!

    Business & marketing training for chiropractors: https://rocketchiro.com/join

    Free practice assessment: https://rocketchiro.com/chiropractic-practice-assessment

    Chiropractic podcast: https://rocketchiro.com/chiropractic-podcast

    Best chiropractic websites: https://rocketchiro.com/best-chiropractic-websites

    Chiropractic SEO: https://rocketchiro.com/chiropractic-seo

  • New Chiropractors Need To Understand Outreach

    Often when new chiropractors get started they are starting with nothing. They don’t have a bunch of people waiting for them to open. They don’t have a bunch of connections in the community that are ready to refer. Most new chiropractors are starting from scratch.

    One of the most critical things for new chiropractors is to meet new people. In fact, if you are a chiropractor, there should be people in your area who didn’t know about you last month who know about you this month, and that should be the case EVERY SINGLE month. If it’s not, you aren’t going to make it.

    So in this podcast episode, I talk about the importance of outreach and meeting new people. I discuss the many outreach opportunities that exist for chiropractors now. I talk about long-term marketing, short-term marketing, online marketing, offline marketing, and much more.

    Let’s get into it!

    Business & marketing training for chiropractors: https://rocketchiro.com/join

    Free practice assessment: https://rocketchiro.com/chiropractic-practice-assessment

    Chiropractic podcast: https://rocketchiro.com/chiropractic-podcast

    Best chiropractic websites: https://rocketchiro.com/best-chiropractic-websites

    Chiropractic SEO: https://rocketchiro.com/chiropractic-seo

  • New Chiropractors Need To Understand People Management

    One of the most difficult things about being a chiropractor is people management. Chiropractic is a very high-touch business. Really, chiropractors are in the people business. As a result, there are people problems.

    Now some chiropractic coaches will lead you to believe that it’s normal for everyone to “stay, pay, and refer.” I can tell you from my own experience and from the experience of ALL of my clients, that expecting everyone to stay, pay, and refer just leads to disappointment. I’m not saying that NO ONE will stay, pay, and refer. I’m just saying it’s not the majority.

    It’s important for new chiropractors to have realistic expectations of their patients. It’s also important for new chiropractors to know that great patients are often the result of a good process. Great patients don’t just fall out of the sky.

    So in this podcast episode, I talk about how onboarding and follow-up are two of the most important aspects of managing your people. I discuss a few things that will help get your new patients started on the right foot. I also talk about the difference between short-term and long-term patient follow-up.

    Let’s get into it!

    Business & marketing training for chiropractors: https://rocketchiro.com/join

    Free practice assessment: https://rocketchiro.com/chiropractic-practice-assessment

    Chiropractic podcast: https://rocketchiro.com/chiropractic-podcast

    Best chiropractic websites: https://rocketchiro.com/best-chiropractic-websites

    Chiropractic SEO: https://rocketchiro.com/chiropractic-seo

  • New Chiropractors Need To Understand Business Basics

    The vast majority of chiropractors who are seeing a lot of people and making a good living in the process are chiropractors who own their own practice. Simply put, they are small-business owners.

    Now the good news is chiropractors don’t have to be business experts to be successful. However, chiropractors do need to have some basic small-business competence otherwise their practice will never operate successfully…or at least not for very long.

    So in this podcast, I talk about the importance of business basics. I discuss leadership, structure, and staff. I also talk about the importance of continuing to work on your business and why it’s important to be open to change.

    Let’s get started!

    Business & marketing training for chiropractors: https://rocketchiro.com/join

    Free practice assessment: https://rocketchiro.com/chiropractic-practice-assessment

    Chiropractic podcast: https://rocketchiro.com/chiropractic-podcast

    Best chiropractic websites: https://rocketchiro.com/best-chiropractic-websites

    Chiropractic SEO: https://rocketchiro.com/chiropractic-seo

  • New Chiropractors Need To Understand Who They Are

    Have you ever asked yourself the question, “Why would people choose me?” I’m going to assume you aren’t the only chiropractor in your area. That means all of your potential new patients have a choice. So why you?

    Another good question is, “Who am I trying to help?” I know that some young chiropractors think they can help anyone with a spine, but that’s a very impractical way to run a business. If you try to be everything to everyone you will end up being nothing to most people.

    Businesses that clearly know who they are, what problems they solve, and who they help the most are the most successful businesses. Chiropractic practices are no exception to that rule.

    So in this podcast episode, I talk about the importance of knowing who you are. I discuss why chiropractors need to clearly identify the people they help and the problems that they solve.

    Let’s get into it!

    Business & marketing training for chiropractors: https://rocketchiro.com/join

    Free practice assessment: https://rocketchiro.com/chiropractic-practice-assessment

    Chiropractic podcast: https://rocketchiro.com/chiropractic-podcast

    Best chiropractic websites: https://rocketchiro.com/best-chiropractic-websites

    Chiropractic SEO: https://rocketchiro.com/chiropractic-seo

  • New Chiropractors Need To Understand Their Situation

    The starting point for all new chiropractors is acknowledging their situation. Being a successful chiropractor is very possible, but it’s not easy. If a new chiropractor approaches the process with blissful ignorance, they are most likely in BIG trouble.

    Many young chiropractors have told me they are scared to start their own practice. I always tell them that the reason they are scared is because starting a practice is scary. It is a big deal. If you think you aren’t supposed to be at least a little nervous…that’s unrealistic.

    So in this first podcast episode of the series, I talk about the reality of being a new chiropractor. I discuss the importance of being good with your hands, debt, and the lack of high-paying jobs. I also talk about success and the mistake of always trying to hit home runs.

    Let’s get into it.

    Business & marketing training for chiropractors: https://rocketchiro.com/join

    Free practice assessment: https://rocketchiro.com/chiropractic-practice-assessment

    Chiropractic podcast: https://rocketchiro.com/chiropractic-podcast

    Best chiropractic websites: https://rocketchiro.com/best-chiropractic-websites

    Chiropractic SEO: https://rocketchiro.com/chiropractic-seo

  • A lot of chiropractors take the time to identify their weaknesses and come up with strategies to improve. I think that’s a mistake. I don’t believe that people go from horrible to great.

    I believe people go from good to great. It makes more sense for chiropractors to identify their strengths and then come up with strategies to leverage those strengths to improve their practice.

    Chiropractors don’t have to be great at everything. Being great at everything is an unrealistic expectation that will result in frustration for any chiropractor who tries to do it.

    I talk about that and more in this week’s podcast. Let’s get into it!

    Business & marketing training for chiropractors: https://rocketchiro.com/join

    Free practice assessment: https://rocketchiro.com/chiropractic-practice-assessment

    Chiropractic podcast: https://rocketchiro.com/chiropractic-podcast

    Best chiropractic websites: https://rocketchiro.com/best-chiropractic-websites

    Chiropractic SEO: https://rocketchiro.com/chiropractic-seo

  • Chiropractic is NOT just about backs and necks. I think most chiropractors would agree with that to some degree or another.

    Sometimes I forget that some of my listeners don’t know that I was a chiropractor for 9 years. I’m not just some guy who’s trying to help chiropractors to make a buck. I genuinely care about the chiropractic profession, which is why it’s always strange when someone accuses me of being anti-chiropractic.

    Yes, I do criticize the chiropractic profession. But that’s not because I hate it. It’s because I love chiropractic and I would like to see the profession grow. Chiropractic care is awesome, and more people need to be exposed to it.

    With that said, I thought it might be interesting to talk about a few things that I HATE about the chiropractic profession and why I wish they were different. Also, I talk about a few things that I LOVE about chiropractic and what makes the profession so great. So in this podcast, that’s exactly what I do.

    Let’s get into it!

    Business & marketing training for chiropractors: https://rocketchiro.com/join

    Free practice assessment: https://rocketchiro.com/chiropractic-practice-assessment

    Chiropractic podcast: https://rocketchiro.com/chiropractic-podcast

    Best chiropractic websites: https://rocketchiro.com/best-chiropractic-websites

    Chiropractic SEO: https://rocketchiro.com/chiropractic-seo