The power of faith is believing what Christ has accomplished for us and attributing it to the righteousness of God.
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Because of our faith in Jesus and his redeeming work, the Lord credits the righteousness of Christ to us, and we are reckoned as perfect in him.
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Пропущенные эпизоды?
There is meat available to every believer, spiritual food that will cause us to grow mature in the righteousness of Christ.
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When you are planted beside the living water, you can draw on his strength to see you through.
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Spiritual growth and maturity may come slowly into our lives, but we must not lose hope. God is faithful to finish the work he has begun in us.
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In Christ’s kingdom, today is the day. Now is his time for his calling on each one of us to be fulfilled. We must not let any excuse sidetrack us.
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It is time we stopped measuring our righteousness against that of others. God has imputed to you the full measure of perfect righteousness in Christ.
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When Jesus ascended to the Father, his perfect obedience had fulfilled all the demands of the law, and his blood was presented in full payment for our sin.
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God has provided each one of us with an inheritance whereby we can stand before him with perfect righteousness in Jesus Christ, and we should want it.
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When we see worldy forces carrying people swiftly toward their goals, we must not despair or be dismayed at the power they have and we lack. God has a different way for us.
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When we walk into a situation and we’re not there in our own strength, when we give God the glory and we’re not there for ourselves, we can see God move.
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Jesus gave his followers an inheritance that can make us far richer than any person on the face of the earth. It is an inheritance to a perfect righteousness.
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God doesn’t have to send an angel to speak to his children; he has already put his resources within each one of us: the Holy Spirit himself.
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Jesus has sent the Holy Spirit to be the helper for all who follow him, and he will not turn a deaf ear to our cries for help!
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Nothing will move Christ’s followers if we are walking in loving, pleasing obedience to the Father.
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God is not after just the victory in his followers’ lives. He will help us, of course, but what God really wants is a people who worship him.
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The deeper our relationships are, the more important it becomes that we live in an authentic godly way so that our testimony has the powerful ring of truth.
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If you are called to work for the Lord and are busy fulfilling that calling and trusting in Jesus, nothing can hinder that divine mission.
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The blood of Christ brings victory and praise when we are willing to trust in the gift of our salvation.
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Jesus, our Lord and High Priest, took his own blood to the true mercy seat for the remission of our sins. As believers in Christ, we are now reconciled with God forever.
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