Связанные с
Гильдия кастинг-директоров и звукостудия Vox records представляют:
Кто такой кастинг-директор?
Почему практически никто из кастинг-директоров не имеет кинемотографического образования?
Где кастинг-директора ищут новых будущих кинозвезд?
Как сделать идеальный актерский ансамбль, который соберёт большую кассу?
Российский кинематограф делает новый огромный виток, ведь профессия кастинг-директора – уже не равно ассистент режиссера по актерам. В наших подкастах вы услышите реальные истории о том, как живут и работают люди, отвечающие за героев наших любимых фильмов и сериалов.
Привет, меня зовут Антон DAS.
"Надо поснимать" — это подкаст о людях которые работают в кино- и фото-индустрии, об их профессиях и о том, как можно попасть в этот мир и развиваться в нём. Мои гости делятся здесь своими историями и личным представлением о том, каким должен быть специалист.
Телеграм-канал подкаста: https://t.me/needtoshoot
VK: https://vk.com/needtoshootМои работы: https://antondas.ru/
Блог: https://blog.antondas.ru/
стограм: @saintantondas
Mähime videotest, filmidest, videoideedest, sarjadest ja ka ühiskonna probleemidest, kui tuleb mõni hea idee teeme ka sellest hea video!
Vaata shitposte ja slaidi DM'idesse: www.instagram.com/ajumahispodcast/
Kirjuta meile: [email protected] -
Podcast fotograafidelt fotohuvilistele.
Light-hearted photography chat in the virtual pub
Kas tunned end väsinuna? Mõttelõng jääb lühikeseks? On võimalik, et kannatad kunstipuuduse all. Leevenduseks on Vitamiin K! Igakuises meelelahutuslikus kunstisaates anname ülevaate viimase aja (sleeper)hittnäitustest, vestleme nii proffide kui asjatundmatute külalistega ning vahel küsime mõnelt noorelt tegijalt: “Aga kes sina oled?”
Each week friends Mike and Charlie have Randy (the random number generator) select a film for them to watch from the Criterion Collection. Then they discuss and review it for your listening pleasure. It’s a podcast about the love of film, expanding horizons, painstakingly cataloging the duration of every long take, and friendship.
EKKMi saade (kaasaegsest) kunstist, elust ja muudest asjadest.
Trabalho bimestral
Jer is a full-time software engineer who has been drawing comics since he was seven. Kyle is a full-time content creator with a flair for the melancholy. Together they talk about how to make art and survive while doing so.
Recorded live on Twitch every Thursday at 7:00PM PST [Twitch.tv/ironohki and Twitch.tv/Knewbridge] -
You started your business because you love photography… but when it comes to the marketing, strategy, and admin side of things? It’s slowly killing the joy you once found in your craft.
You worry that too much structure will throttle your ability to think creatively…but as it turns out, strategy isn’t suffocating- it’s freeing!
And “profit” isn’t a dirty, four-letter word- it’s an essential ingredient in making sure your business runs well and serves the needs of everyone in your sphere of influence- your clients, your loved one, and you.
Join brand photographer Abby Grace to learn how to cultivate both sides of creative entrepreneurship- being an artist AND a CEO. -
Listen as middle-aged women drink custom, crafted cocktails and debate with enthusiasm the merits of storytelling through its various mediums. The focus is on audio books and how it contrasts with movies, television, paper and e-books but we may wander into comic and online serial web novels. And, if we have too many, maybe raconteurs.
Humming Fools is a fortnightly podcast and amateur auditory guide dedicated to artists, dreamers, and anyone with the creative urge—you know who you are. Hosted by two nobodies, the show chronicles the exploits of friends Kyle Stück and Noah Baslé and their conversations with other artists; the show equally celebrating the superstars, the Average Joes, and even the basement dwellers. Stick around and see what Kyle and Noah end up learning from their fellow artists, along with all the strange, difficult, and wonderful places their own creativity takes them.
A new resource for all things installation art is here! Join host Anastasia Parmson – an artist herself — as she uncovers stories, challenges, and lessons from behind the scenes.
The show brings you in-depth conversations with internationally renowned artists and arts professionals who have exhibited installation art on the global stage. In each episode, you will hear about the creative process and the personal journeys of these exceptional artists.
We will gain insights into the unique joys and challenges; as well as the logistical and financial aspects of working with installation art.
Join us every fortnight as we shine a light on this underserved field, helping artists feel less alone in their studios and providing a platform for community building and knowledge sharing.
Subscribe to The Installation Art Podcast on your favourite podcast app and follow us on Instagram @installationartpodcast to stay updated and connect with fellow enthusiasts.
Website: https://installationartpodcast.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/installationartpodcast
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/installationartsociety/ -
Hi I’m Angie, and it took me years to realize my struggles with art were actually a symptom of something else. I had trauma from my past that needed healing.
I decided to do whatever it takes to finally break free. Eventually my relationship to myself and others improved – and so did my art.
I’m sharing what I’ve learned to help artists like you with healing trauma. -
Коли нам добре або погано ми звертаємось до одного з ідеальних винаходів людства — книжки. Чи є місце для читання під час війни? На які книги варто звернути увагу зараз, а про які краще забути назавжди? Як змінюється сучасна українська література під впливом війни? Ці та інші питання Олена Гусейнова обговорює з відомими письменниками, видавцями, критиками, літературознавцями та іншими гостями подкасту «Книгосховище».
پادکست سینمایی سینه پاد.
درباره دنیای مالی هنر و تجارت فیلم و سینما . کسب درآمد از هنر و حضور در بازارهای جهانی
Hisubmit.ir -
Kuuldemängud ja järjejutud.
Eesti- ja välismaisetelt parimatelt põnevus-, õudus- ja ulmekirjanikelt.