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في #بودكاست_40دقيقة
نسعى لجعلك مُستمع و مستمتع معنا في كل مواضيعنا التي نطرحها كما أننا نركز على تقديم الحلول التي تنساب إلى روحك و تجعلك أفضل -
Dirty Words provides a platform for diverse voices and stories from the frontlines of our food and plant medicine systems. The goal is to show what is possible and what is necessary to create equitable access to food and plant medicine.
The American Dream – an ideology that drives many of us to take risks, aspire big, and work hard. Why is it so hard to actually achieve?
That’s what Elias Torres (founder, advisor, Henry Crown Fellow) explores on the American Dream podcast.
Join Elias every other Tuesday as he talks with entrepreneurs who know what it feels like to be the only “other” in the room. Hear them share their stories, learn from their mistakes, and leave with the information you need to pave your way to your own American dream. -
Tri9i, a Moroccan podcast where ambitious passionate people share their journey to inspire our audience. We believe that our environment shapes who we are. We’d like for Tri9i’s guests to be part of our audience’s environment. Tune in for friendly conversations with inspiring people generously sharing their experience.
Welcome to An Espresso Shot of Confidence, the podcast that empowers people to share their awesomeness with the world LOUDLY and PROUDLY. When you feel confident in yourself, your values, and your actions, you have the power to smash through blocks, change negative narratives and smash through blocks. Each week, we will explore confidence from many different angles and discover how living authentically gives you the power to make magic.
There will be regular guests that inspire, empower, give food for thought, and challenge taboos. They have all decided to challenge their stories and make things happen.
And, as always Don’t Forget To Be Awesome -
"How the $%# do we know what channels we should put our marketing dollars into?” Every marketer asks themselves this question, and more often than they’d like to admit. Destination marketers, attraction marketers, and anyone advertising in the tourism industry have to deal with their own set of questions on top of everything else. Publishers want our money, and they will fight for it.This is Tourism Media Mayhem. It’s madness out there. Sasha and Josh, traditional and digital experts respectively, will attempt to tame the chaos and provide reasonable, debatable insights. It’s not always black and white. Don’t worry; there will be arguments. Oh yes, it’s a bloody battle on Tourism Media Mayhem.
Et Ta Flemme ? C’est le podcast d’une génération en quête d’inspiration, de jeunes inspirants, et inspirés !
Yo ! C’est Théo ! 😉 Et bienvenue dans la saison 3 de Et Ta Flemme ! 🎙
Au programme ? Parcours de vie, découvertes, voyages également, engagements, projets, études et formations, et bien évidemment de la flemme ! 🙌
Un épisode toutes les deux semaines ! 😁 Une série Etudiant et entrepreneur : toujours LA série phare de Et Ta Flemme, sur laquelle le podcast est basé avec des découvertes de projets, de parcours de vie atypique, d’études en tout genre et de développement d’expériences !
📚 Une série « Hors-Piste » où deux fois par mois, je pars à la rencontre de personnes inspirantes et inspirées qui ont su construire LEUR parcours de vie, en s’affranchissant de barrières, en créant leur propre média, voyage, entreprise et bien d’autres projets tous aussi inspirants et passionnants !
🎨 En bref ! Tu l’as compris, encore une année chargée en projets et en belles découvertes !
J’ai hâte de te partager tout ça alors si toi aussi tu cherches à monter ton projet, en découvrir de nouveaux et t’inspirer de personnalités, abonne toi au podcast et n’oublie pas de le noter sur la plateforme sur laquelle tu l’écoutes ! ⭐️
Et toi ? T’as la flemme 😏 Et Ta Flemme, c’est un appel à créer, et ne pas procrastiner. On a le temps, alors pourquoi le laisser passer ? 🙌
Toi aussi ! Deviens membre de "La Flemme" 😌🤪🎙️ https://plus.acast.com/s/et-ta-flemme-le-podcast-de-la-creation-et-lentrepreneuriat-etudiant.
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.
A new podcast from The Solo Project that explores the importance of place — and how, like never before, you can chose *how* you want to work, *where* you want to live.
Marketing For The Culture powered by the African-American Marketing Association interviews marketing leaders on the latest insights and best practices in the industry.
📆 Vous retrouverez une bonne pratique d'entreprises toutes les semaines 🔍.
🚀 Vous souhaitez préparer l'avenir de votre entreprise ? #Workshops ➡️ https://reverseconseil.com/
📒 Retrouvez le livre 200 Bonnes pratiques d'entreprises : https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=IBOrEAAAQBAJ
🔔 Vous pouvez suivre Pratiques d'entreprises sur toutes les plateformes de streaming.
✉️ Une question ? Un partage de bonnes pratiques ? ➡️ [email protected]
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.
KopfGeld ist ein Podcast der Berliner Sparkasse. Bei uns hörst Du Geldgeschichten von jungen Berlinern, Finanzprofis und Insidern mit Ideen und Fakten zum Thema Finanzen im Alltag.
Dabei teilen sie mit uns ihre Erfahrungen und Tricks in Sachen Finanzen bei der Wohnungssuche, Jobentscheidung, erstes Gehalt oder die Studienfinanzierung.
Was sagen sie zum Thema nachhaltiger Konsum? Wie kommt man mit wenig Geld durch den Alltag? Wie organisiert man überhaupt seine Finanzen?
Das Wichtigste vorweg: Geld beginnt im Kopf. Also Ohren auf und abonniert uns hier! -
Curiosity involves lots of questions. Or just enough, good questions.
Curiosity That Matters is a series of conversation with thought leaders and experts working at the intersection of design, policy, innovation and impact.
Each episode, we spend around 45 minutes discussing a framework, concept, mental model or approach that my guest either created or is an expert on.
We cover topics such as collective imagination, expansive thinking, creative bureaucracy, nurture capital, dark matter in design & policy, the boring revolution and much more.
We talk about the guests' journey and their curiosity, and delve deep into the topics at hand.
As for the questions... I'm still working on mine
The INSIGHTS segment of The Daily Dose Plus Podcast is a space for open and thought-provoking conversations on the trends, policies, and issues shaping our w...
"Partners in the Process" is a podcast hosted by Bobby and Shelly Guehne who have built 3 successful businesses, a family of four, and a super strong marriage in over 2 decades as a couple that focuses on all things business. Join them as they share insights, experiences, interviews, and advice on navigating the world of entrepreneurship and business together.
Welcome to the Datasets Podcast. Be well prepared to Learn and Share Insights about Entrepreneurship, AI, Wealth, Biohacking, Cultivating Relations, Surviving & Thriving In The Next Crisis, etc.
Listen on Spotify here: https://open.spotify.com/show/4TPpyiI1rqmbBOkORjH2N0
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Join The 2000+ Glitches In The Free Podcast Newsletter Crew: https://fellowglitch.gumroad.com/ 🛸
We're glad to have you join this community! -
Startup Sales Academy is your destination for everything from launching your startup to starting your career in sales. Actionable advice from people who've actually done it.
The E-commerce Queen Podcast is a podcast for all things E-commerce, online business, and self-development.
The host of the podcast, Sara Lampela is a 22 year old E-commerce entrepreneur who has 3 years of experience in selling products internationally with Amazon FBA as well as building her own E-commerce brands on Shopify.
The goal of The E-commerce Queen is to inspire other ambitious women to step into the world of E-commerce, help them to start and grow their own online businesses and bring the feminine essence into the E-commerce space.
New episodes every Sunday! -
منصة للكتابة والنقاش حول مهنة الصحافة ومستقبلها
برنامج تسجيلي يستعرض المفاهيم والأساليب التربوية وكل ما يتعلق في تربية الأطفال ومشاكل قد تواجه الآباء أثناء مراحل تربيتهم لأطفالهم وتقدم أفضل الطرق التربوية للوصول لطفل سليم جسدياً ونفسياً وتربوياً ، إلى جانب الحلول السهلة التي يحتاجها الآباء في رحلة حياتهم مع أبنائهم ، وتبرز أهمية هذا البرنامج في كونه يبسط النظريات والدراسات التربوية باللغة المحكية والسهلة التي يكون نتاجها الإيجابي يشبه قراءة ودراسة هذه النظريات من كتب.
Le podcast qui raconte l'histoire des intrapreneur(e)s et entrepreneurs au sein des cabinets d’expertise comptable 🎙