
  • In this episode, join Jen as she interviews Rachel Varitimos, a Human Design Expert and Empowerment Coach, who helps individuals harness their unique potential and transform their lives. Dive into the world of Human Design, learn about its components, and how understanding your own blueprint can bring clarity and confidence in your personal and professional life.

    Show Notes:

    Introduction to Rachel Varitimos (00:45)

    Human Design expert and empowerment coach

    Passionate about hosting retreats and building sisterhood

    What is Human Design? (02:35)

    How it combines astrology, I-Ching, with the human chakra system, and quantum physics

    Offers insights into your unique strengths and weaknesses

    Understanding Human Design Types (07:15)

    Manifestor, Generator, Manifesting Generator, Projector, and Reflector

    Each type has its own strategy for decision-making and energy management

    Rachel's Journey with Human Design (13:10)

    Personal experience with Human Design

    How it changed her life and business

    Jen's Human Design Reading (22:50)

    Discovering Jen's type, strategy, and authority

    Tips for better decision-making and tapping into her potential

    How Human Design Can Benefit YOU as an Entrepreneur (34:40)

    Identifying your strengths and weaknesses

    Aligning your energy and decision-making with your type

    Enhancing collaboration and understanding within a team

    Incorporating Human Design into Retreats and Coaching (49:13)

    The power of sisterhood and community

    Emphasizing vulnerability, trust, and safety in personal growth

    Connect with Rachel Varitimos (52:42)

    Instagram: @Rachel_Varitimos

    Retreats, masterminds, and Human Design coaching services

    Learn how to step into your true potential by understanding your unique Human Design blueprint. Listen to this insightful conversation with Rachel Varitimos and discover how to make decisions confidently and create a life you love. Connect with Rachel, get your personalized reading and explore the transformative power of Human Design in your personal and professional life.

  • Do you remember those books of mazes from childhood? The ones where you’d start at one end, then have to navigate your way through a series of obstacles to get to the other side?

    I like to think of (and teach!) the selling process like those maze games. Not only is it such an accurate visual, but by gamifying it, sales automatically become way more fun.

    Selling doesn't need to feel icky or uncomfortable. In fact, if selling feels that way to you, then you're doing it wrong.

    If you want to make more sales this month, this week, or even today, then this new post is for you!

    Read on to learn how to identify the common selling mistakes service-based business owners and coaches make, and how to avoid them in your business to create the outcomes you desire.

    Navigating the Sales Maze

    Much like the maze games, when you’re selling, you start at one end with your prospects with the goal of coming out at the other end with them as your customers. You may hit walls or obstacles along the way, you may even need to backtrack at times, but you’ve got to keep going, searching for alternative routes.

    If you're someone like me who really manages and thinks about using their energy strategically, then you may put a little bit more effort in upfront to figure out your game plan to get to the end goal, versus just trying to go through the maze haphazardly. When you learn from the mistakes of others, and you navigate the sales maze with intention, focus, and a strong desire to close, then you can reach your destination, aka the sale, more efficiently.

    I make a lot of high ticket sales. And that requires focus and intention to navigate the maze. Sometimes I come up against a wall that I didn't even know was there… I come up against a prospect's obstacle because I didn’t dig deep enough at the start, so I didn’t know it existed. And this is key, whether you’re selling low, mid, or high ticket offers: You need to understand your prospect’s motives for buying. You need to uncover their reason for why they want to make the purchase and what may prevent them from doing so. These are the potential obstacles that you need to help them overcome. This is the sales maze. And if you treat it like the game it is, it can be incredibly FUN.

    Avoiding the 3 Common Selling Mistakes

    I'm going to give you the 3 common mistakes that service-based business owners and coaches make. And of course, I'm not just going to give you the mistakes, but I will also share ways to avoid them.

    Mistake #1: Not being confident in your offer’s value

    Now, notice I didn't say “in YOUR value.” While being confident in yourself and the value you bring to the table is a foundational component, often what ends up happening is the value of your offer gets lost in the process. Both matter, but you and your offer are two separate identities.

    The key to your prospect is the results you are going to bring to them through your offer. We have a tendency to make things about ourselves when in reality, it's not about us. So stop making it about you, and start making it about them. Stop making the sale about you and start making the outcome the focus of the sale. What happens after they purchase? When you focus on your prospect’s outcomes, you take yourself out of the equation.

    The minute you believe in the value of your offer - of your product or service - then you're able to communicate that value naturally and authentically, with believability. And that energy gets transferred to your prospect like a magic wish. It's really freakin’ powerful.

    Mistake #2: Focusing too much on selling, rather than relationship-building

    Some people actually focus too much on selling. What do I mean by that? They're not focused on relationship-building, they're focused solely on selling. I want you to ask yourself, Is my focus consumed by the transaction?

    You may feel as though you don’t need to focus on the relationship to get people in the door, but your ability to move people through your ascension ladder and get them to continue to buy more from you is dependent on the relationships you cultivate.

    So figure out what you need to do to build trust and build an authentic relationship with your prospects. It's just like building a relationship with anyone else. How did you create a friendship you cherish? What are the tenants that you have with your friends? What do you value in your relationships with your friends? Determine that, then begin to figure out how you can create that with your clients, too, even if you're selling en masse.

    Mistake #3: Not following up

    Consistent follow-up is the key to converting probable purchasers into clients, yet so many people avoid this step in the process.

    I always ask myself, Why do people not follow up? I have found that it ultimately comes down to them feeling uncomfortable. Whether they don’t feel confident in the value of their offer, or they simply don’t know what to say, they resist following up because they don’t want to just say, “Hey, are you going to buy my stuff or not?”

    That brings me back to Mistake #2 - focusing too much on selling and not on relationship-building. If you approach your sales process through the lens of building a relationship, your interactions with your prospects change. You reach out not to simply check on the sale, but to share information, ideas, or other useful things with the genuine intention to connect and help.

    And yes, of course, naturally moving forward with you will come up. And if it doesn't, you have an opportunity to bring it up that feels more in the flow of a regular conversation.

    The sales are in the details. You WILL make sales and have fun doing it by establishing a real rock-solid belief, building authentic relationships, and creating a follow-up system that adds value.

    Diving deeper

    If you’re ready to invest in yourself and want a step-by-step approach to improving your sales, I’d like to invite you to join me in Your Success Frequency Membership - it’s a must-have for anyone who wants to transform their business to earn more money by doing more of what they love. This will help you begin selling in a way that helps you skip those dead ends, make the sales you deserve, and have fun doing it!

    In the membership, you’ll learn what you can do on a daily basis to take action toward your sales goals. We’ll cover strategies you can implement, you’ll automatically get my 22 Revenue Generating Ideas, and you’ll get access to a monthly call with me. You’ll also be a part of a community of other awesome entrepreneurs in the midst of growing their businesses.

    It's only $27 a month when you pay annually, so it’s very accessible. Sign-up to get the tools, knowledge, and support you need to take action toward your sales goals.

    Your Success Frequency Tip of the Day:

    Today's strategy is to practice positive self-talk. Listen to the language that you use to talk to yourself because that language has a massive impact on your energy and your mindset. I always tell people: It takes way more energy to be negative, worried, and/or anxious than it does to be in a happy, positive state of mind.

    So when you start hearing negative thoughts, write them down, and get them out of your head, because when they're in your head, they're swirling. When they're in your head, they're an infinite loop, a broken record. So get them out of your head, that's the very first step. Then, work with a coach who can help you reframe them into something positive. Then, the very next time you hear yourself saying anything that you wouldn’t say to your very best friend in the most loving and kind way, take it out of your head, put it on paper, and put it someplace else. Reframe it, work with it, and move through it.

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  • I’ve just come back from attending a retreat in Sedona with my high level mastermind group, and I’m bursting with fresh energy and ideas to share with you.

    Retreats like these are vital to help us think differently, but that won’t translate into us attaining our goals unless we then take action and do differently as well.

    As I launch into taking steps to implement the 3 biggest lessons I learned into my own business, I’m inviting you behind the scenes so you, too, can immediately put them to use for greater success in your business.

    Read on to get a peek into the high impact changes I’m going to be making based on my time amongst a powerhouse group of multi-6 & 7-figure entrepreneurs.

    Here are 3 lessons that I learned from my high level mastermind that you can begin to implement immediately in your business.

    Lesson 1:

    Throughout the weekend, I realized that a recurring theme for me was that sometimes I need to slow down. To speed up, you need to first set the right foundations into place. What this really comes down to for me (and, I believe for you, too) is looking at the different actions I’m taking in my business and assessing the intentions behind those actions.

    Is there a purpose behind all of the actions that you’re taking? And is that purpose driving you towards the goals you want to achieve?

    If the intention isn’t there, then all of the podcasts you record, the social media posts you put up, every item you check off your to-do list is missing the impact you could be making if it had the driving force of intentionality behind it.

    This weekend was a huge reminder for me to look at the different actions I'm taking to determine how I can get more intentional with them so that they take up less time, and they serve more of a purpose.

    Lesson 2:

    The second big lesson I had over the retreat was the importance of building a team and becoming a better leader. While I have people on my team, once I started to look at their roles from the perspective of an integrator, I realized that I have three different divisions to fill: Growth, Operations, and Fulfillment.

    Growth is everything sales related. Operations is all the what I would call “boring stuff” like accounting, HR, and legal. Fulfillment is everything that happens after the sale in my client’s journey.

    This all comes from the book, Traction, which I read a couple of years ago. And after hearing it again and again over the weekend, it just really dawned on me that I need to get my team in order. Maybe this is the 15th time you're hearing you need a team, too. If you've resisted it, I would re-read that book, and get the right support because a team can really impact your business.

    Now, I'm not going to spend tons of money I don't have on hiring, but I am going to figure out how I can make a team of people from a mix of contractors, part-timers, and perhaps one full time person to help me generate revenue and grow my business. I see where I'm at right now and know that in order to get to my next level, I need more of a team.

    For me, there are a ton of things in my business that are not getting done that are revenue-generating activities. And I know that if I put my focus there, and had some help behind the scenes to make more things happen, it would immediately result in more revenue. So for where I'm at in my business, even though I called Operations “the boring stuff,” that's not my next hire. My next hire is someone who can help me with Growth. This will be someone who can help me with all of the specific intentional activities that will help grow the business.

    Once you outline this all on paper, and put a chart together of who's doing what role in your business, then you can see where the gaps are and it becomes so obvious what you need to fill.

    Lesson 3:

    The third lesson I took away from the retreat was not something that was directly taught, but was more something that I witnessed - that is the power of community.

    The people in the room were on fire, each of them running 6-7-figure businesses and just absolutely crushing it. The opportunity to network with, learn from, and collaborate with these people who will likely become lifelong friends is invaluable.

    When you put yourself in the right space like I did in this mastermind, that authentic bonding can lead to potential collaborations in the future for all of us. It's just so important.

    I want you to think about who is in your community right now. How are you expanding your community? How are you meeting amazing people who not just want to cheer you on, but also collaborate with you? While it sounds cheesy to say, “Let’s help each other grow,” it’s that energy that will get your further in life and business.

    The easiest, fastest way to grow is to borrow someone else's credibility. So if someone else has an audience and they say you're the bomb.com, then their audience is going to come follow you. And it works reciprocally. Give more than you take, always.

    For the past couple of years, I have not embedded myself into a mastermind. I'm in coaching groups, and other high level groups. But the ability to meet with other entrepreneurs in person in a learning environment, where you're all trying to achieve a common goal, aka grow your business and grow yourself professionally, allows for very quick bonding and the formation of an intentional community to cultivate.

    Looking to join your own mastermind group?

    Who's in your mastermind? Are you in the right groups? If you aren’t currently in one and are looking to join a mastermind, the one I lead has three spots open. We have not had our first in-person retreat yet, so it is the perfect time to join. I am opening the doors this week to talk to people who are interested. All you need to do is DM me on Instagram @jengitomer and let me know that you want to chat about the mastermind. There will be no pressure; we need to see if it would even be a good fit for you AND for the group. We’ll be spending the next 10 months together, so it’s important it’s cohesive. If it's not a hell yes for you, and it's not a hell yes for me, then we don't move forward. There are no hard feelings, and we get to chat and have a conversation and potentially collaborate or and continue to communicate in the future. I look forward to chatting with you!

    Your Success Frequency Tip of the Day:

    Immerse yourself in cold water. Take a cold shower for a minute each day this week, and see how you feel afterwards; it will immediately raise your vibration.

    If you want to get into the details of all of the health benefits, feel free to Google it - they are far-reaching and amazing. Taking a cold shower is similar to taking a cold plunge, just a bit easier and more accessible. If you can't do a full minute, then work yourself up to it. Start with 20 seconds, then go to 30 seconds, and keep working up your tolerance. I promise it's going to raise your vibration.

  • Did you know that many entrepreneurs often resist sales, even though they know it is the lifeline in their business?

    If you, too, find yourself avoiding this crucial component to achieving your goals, you’re not alone and today’s new post is here to help!

    Below, we’ll get to the root of where your resistance lies to uncover the beliefs swirling around in your head that may be holding you back.

    Read on to build your sales confidence, learn how to sell with intention, and lower your resistance to talking about all the things that make you squirm like pricing.

    Do you ever feel like you're held back in your business by sales resistance?

    Do you feel like you either struggle to close deals because you don’t ask for the sale on a discovery call, or you simply don't talk about your offers as much as you could or should?

    That sales resistance is present within your business. Today, I'm going to share some strategies that will help you break through that sales resistance, and help you overcome those sales obstacles so that you can create the coaching business or the service-based business that you're hoping for.

    First, we need to understand where the resistance comes from. Because, just like anything else, we're not going to simply put a bandaid on top for it to resurface later; we need to get to the root of it.

    In my conversations with hundreds of entrepreneurs, I have found that resistance often comes from fear - fear of rejection, fear of failure, or a general lack of confidence, not just in yourself, but in what you offer.

    What beliefs exist in your head that cause you to resist selling?

    Are these beliefs your own, or are they stories that you’ve heard and searched for supporting evidence to enhance them over time? Are these stories serving you? Or are they limiting your business’ ability to thrive?

    Let's take the common belief that selling is manipulative and pushy as an example. You may know that, logically, people don’t have to be pushy to sell. You’ve likely bought plenty of things sold to you that didn’t make you feel manipulated in any way. So why does your brain tend to think that, “Oh, if I talk about my offers, I’m going to sound pushy.”

    Well, the thing is, we've all been pushed before, and we don't like that feeling. And as a result, we REALLY don't want to generate that feeling for other people, so we’ve built up this story to protect ourselves from that.

    But you absolutely CAN sell your offers without being manipulative or pushy. To do so begins with your intention.

    Where's your intention?

    Did you start your day with intention? Did you start your sales with intention? Because sales need to begin with intention and purpose to not come across as pushy or salesy. If your purpose is to genuinely help solve a customer's problem and you approach your sales from that intention, you will create a win-win where both you and your customer feel at ease and empowered.

    Here’s how to sell with intention:

    Identify the right customers

    Build trust and credibility by offering value, giving them free resources in some way that they value

    Be clear on how you're helping them

    Start talking about your offers in a helpful way

    Finally, in order to lower the resistance to making sales and talking about your offer, you also have to get comfortable with pricing.

    Now, there's one big sales resistance piece that I didn't talk about and that is the resistance entrepreneurs create for themselves. This is a self created thing around money and talking about pricing and selling.

    If you're struggling to talk about pricing, then that goes back to building confidence in the value of your services. Don't make it personal - this isn’t about self-confidence, but rather confidence in the value that you offer.

    Write down (for yourself) the benefits and outcomes that you offer to your clients and how you help them achieve their goals. Because when you focus on the value that you provide, you can actually build your own confidence and communicate what that worth is for the offer so much more effectively.

    Plus, when you become confident in your offer, then your confidence will get magically transferred to everyone else. That feeling of confidence is an energy transfer thing. How you show up changes how people perceive your ability to help them in a more positive way.

    Practice, practice, practice

    What often happens for entrepreneurs is you work on something like your mindset, and you get really good at the head stuff. But then, when you go to implement and integrate, it doesn't always transfer. It's not always that easy. Sometimes it’s hard to take that leap from the strides you made in your mind to real world action. It doesn't always happen immediately, and that's okay.

    But how often do you actually practice talking about your pricing? How often do you practice talking about your offers? The more you practice, the more comfortable and confident you're going to become. You can practice with friends, family, or whomever. The key is to roleplay until you decrease your anxiety around the conversation. You learn the skill, you practice the skill, and then you implement it. When you do this, there’s so much less confusion and stress surrounding it.

    If you keep practicing and trying, eventually you're going to create the difference that you want to create.

    Finding Your Frequency Weekly Tip

    I had a special listener request which I’m now adding as a new segment to my weekly podcast. We’ll call this tip, “Finding Your Frequency.”

    My friend, Honoree Corder, just released an amazing book called, You Must Market Your Book. If you're an author, I highly recommend you go to Amazon and get that book. Her suggestion to me was to include a quick way that you can tune up your frequency each week.

    For this week, I recommend you give yourself a quick burst of physical activity to tune up your frequency.

    Yesterday, I needed to pick myself up, so I started dancing. I picked up my dogs and included them in the fun. Before I knew it, I’d been dancing for 15 minutes and every part of my being was in a different mental state.

    It doesn't have to be a long run or workout, just a quick burst of energy. Take 5 minutes to change your physical state and in doing so, you’ll boost your energy level, reduce stress, increase mental focus, and much more. Tag me on Instagram and let me know how you’re feeling afterwards!

    Diving deeper

    If you want a step by step approach to improving your sales, I’d like to invite you to join me in Your Success Frequency Membership - it’s a must have for anyone who wants to transform their business to earn more money by doing more of what they love.

    In the membership, you’ll learn what you can do on a daily basis to take action towards your sales goals. We’ll cover strategies you can implement, you’ll automatically get my 22 Revenue Generating Ideas, and you’ll get access to a monthly call with me. You’ll also be a part of a community of other awesome entrepreneurs in the midst of growing their businesses.

    It's only $27 a month when you pay annually. Sign-up to get the tools, knowledge, and support you need to take action towards your sales goals.

  • Don’t you just love when life presents you with inspiration in the most unexpected ways?

    A recent bathroom renovation in my beach condo has got me thinking about business renovations or, what I like to call, a business edit.

    A business edit is a process where you get rid of the things that are no longer serving you, and then call in more of the things that are for greater reach & profitability.

    Periodic assessments like this can be powerful vehicles for transformation - for both you AND your clients.

    Read on to tune into your gut, realign with your zone of genius, and serve more from a place of purpose.

    What is a gut renovation?

    I’m currently in the midst of a gut renovation in my master bathroom, which is where literally everything is torn out to be redesigned. You take the room “down to the guts” and start fresh.

    I love the imagery of taking things down to the guts, of getting down to the root of things in order to rebuild something better. This same concept can be applied to your business. There are times when it is useful to go back to your foundation and restructure with intention.

    The use of the word “gut” here also has a dual meaning. When renovating your business down to the gut, you also want to work from your internal gut aka your internal, intuitive compass.

    Tune into your breath, and intentionally find your flow. Then, I want you to ask yourself, Was my business built by listening to my gut?

    If, like so many others, you built your business by doing All The Things to get it up and running (and have been running ever since), now could be a great time to take an assessment, review what’s making you money, review where you’re spending your time, and determine if all of that is actually the way you want to proceed.

    Think of it as an exercise like cleaning out your closet

    When you clean out your closet, you’ve first got to take everything out to see exactly what you’re working with. Then, you begin editing it down - some stuff is given away to charity, some tossed out, and the rest is left to be put back in and organized as a more curated collection. Boutiques do the same thing - they don’t present a full clothing line but only hand-selected items that they call an edit.

    That’s why I like to call this process a business edit - you’re curating your offerings and workflow. In your business edit, you want to put all of your cards on the table. You want to assess what you’re doing, how you’re doing it, what’s making you money, what isn’t, what you enjoy, what you don’t. Then, from your gut, you want to determine what you’re going to put back on the shelf - and what’s being edited out.

    You literally get rid of the things you no longer need that are no longer serving you and, in doing so, call in more of the things that are. What you’re left with is a collection of things you actually enjoy doing and you get to monetize that collection, because this is YOUR business.

    Do this mindfully

    Word of warning: If you keep doing this over and over, you may never make traction in your business. But, if you haven't reassessed your direction in a while, now is a great time to pause and check in with your gut.

    What is your gut telling you is your zone of genius? What is the thing that you were put on this planet to do? How can you serve more people by creating more aligned offers with your purpose?

    When you conduct your business edit with client outcomes in mind, it makes it easy to monetize your curated offerings. Powerfully describe the ways in which you can help your clients transform. That’s what’s going to help you take your business to the next level.

    Diving deeper

    If you’d like more guidance in tuning into your success frequency, please join us in Your Success Frequency Membership - it’s a must have for anyone who wants to transform their business to earn more money by doing more of what they love.

    It's only $27 a month when you pay annually, and you’ll be able to join me & an amazing group of humans as we connect and make more money!

  • We’re officially one month into 2023, and it’s a great time to pause for a little self check-in: How is your year going so far?

    If you didn’t get the results you wanted in January, don’t despair. I’ve got a quick new post to help you get to the root of what may be the missing piece of your puzzle.

    Read on to drive yourself to success with a simple tune-up to your sales engine.

    When you find yourself asking, “What can I do now?”...

    When you're trying to earn more money, most people immediately go to the camp of, What can I do? How can I work harder? How can I do more things to achieve my goal?

    Because we are a society of doing, we've been taught all of our lives that the harder you work, the more money you earn. Do, do, DO. But the thing is, at a certain point, there aren’t any more hours to work. And even if there were, you didn't get into entrepreneurship to become your own worst boss.

    So what do you do if what you're doing isn't resulting in what you want?

    My answer: Look back at your energetics.

    Your sales engine needs fuel.

    Recently, I switched back to a gas car from a Tesla. And much like cars require fuel to run, when you're selling, you also need sales energy to drive your sales engine to reach your intentions and your targets. Simply put, if you're in high vibes, operating from a high frequency, you are more likely to come across as motivated, confident, even persuasive in a positive way. And then, when you're faced with an objection, you might even look at it as their indication that they want to buy, and you may be able to react and respond differently because of the energy that you're in. Ultimately, this leads you to earn more money.

    On the other hand, if you have low energy levels or are running on a low sales fuel tank, you may struggle to put yourself out there. That energy will come across on social media, in the emails you send out, and in your interactions with others. This can result in low or no sales, and can cause you to miss out on a lot of opportunities. Just like your car can't run without fuel, your business, your income, and your sales can't run without positive sales energy.

    Where to start to refuel your sales energy

    Where does your energy come from? Think about it. It comes from a good night's sleep. It comes from regular exercise, and what you consume and eat in your diet. It comes from your attitude, your gratitude. These are your energetic foundation.

    When you take care of your physical and mental well being, then you can create the sales energy that you need to succeed in your business. It's just like fueling up a car - you need to fuel up your sales engine. When you do that, that helps you maintain your focus and accelerate; it helps you put your pedal to the metal.

    In this society of doing, I want you to also understand that it's not just about doing, it's about who you're being. Who you're being is not thought about or questioned often. And yet, if you don't take a look at who you're being, you're missing a really important piece of the puzzle.

    Think about this: Who would you be if you were already the person who achieved your goals? What would that look like? What would that feel like? What would the energy of that be like? How would you be making decisions? And how could you live that in advance?

    If you want to be the person that's making half a million dollars (or whatever your goal is), determine what that person would have energy for. And what would they not have energy for? What would their non-negotiables be? How would they be showing up? What would that look like for you? Because if you've dreamt of a goal, then that is the first signal that you can achieve that goal.

    So if you didn't get the results that you wanted in January, then you need to ask yourself, Where are you being that person? Who would be getting those results? And if you did, then you need to ask yourself, Who are you being? And how can you amplify that, because that's exactly what you get to do throughout the year: Amplify the person who you want to become, amplify those actions, live that person in advance.

    I hope this will encourage you to fill up that sales tank, fill up your sales fuel, so you can tune into your success frequency and drive home the intentions that you're hoping to achieve this year.

  • As a fellow coach or service-based business owner, you know that in order to achieve the success you're hoping for this year, it requires focus, motivation, and dedication.

    But all too often, work + life can get in the way of your productivity. The good news? All it takes to get back on track are a few purposeful actions that I’m going to share with you here.

    Read on to realign your efforts to better serve your larger goals and tune your frequency to exactly where you want it to be.

    There are no coincidences

    One of my clients just posted about clutter and its impact on business. And right now, everything - literally everything - in my beach condo feels cluttered.

    I just got back from a little travel, and I am doing a renovation project in my condo at the beach. Renovating a bathroom has turned into a larger project, mostly because I keep adding things to it.

    When I got back to the beach, I discovered that my condo had been turned upside down. It looks like a freaking cyclone went through it. I walked into the bedroom, and all of the clothes from one of the closets are on the bed, there’s a massive hole cut into the closet, and there’s dust everywhere. We had to turn off the water last week, and apparently, when they turned it back on, it flooded one of my rooms. So one of the rooms has pieces of carpet literally cut out of it to prevent water seepage and mold. Essentially, the place is a complete disaster.

    I thought, Damn, I really wanted to have a productive week.

    If life has got you feeling off kilter too, I want to provide you with a couple simple actions I take in these moments to get back on track.

    Take these steps to tap back into your success frequency:

    Declutter your environment

    When you look around your workspace and your physical living environment, does it feel cluttered? Or does it feel neat and organized? Physical clutter is like having too many tabs open on your computer - it slows everything down and makes life difficult to navigate. Too many open tabs makes it harder for your actual machine to focus and get the task done that you're asking it to do because you're taxing the system. And it's the same thing when your physical space is cluttered or disorganized. It can be overwhelming and draining, making it much harder to focus and be productive.

    Take time to clean and organize the areas you inhabit to create harmony and balance. Neat environments promote positive energy flow and improve your overall well being.

    Prioritize your work projects

    Decluttering your physical space is just the beginning. If you really want to increase your productivity and achieve your goals, it's important to declutter your work projects as well.

    When you have too many projects or tasks on your plate, it can be overwhelming and chaotic, making it challenging to determine what’s actually important when it comes to achieving your goals. So now is when you stop and prioritize.

    Begin by determining what your revenue generating activities are. What activities do you need to do in order to create the income goals that you want? Rather than getting caught up in things you find fun or easy items to check off your list, starting with what specific tasks will get you to your income goals will help you win.

    Everything begins after the sale. After the money comes in, you get to serve the client, invest more in your business, pay yourself, pay your bills, and feel more free.

    Simplify your workflow

    Every single quarter, I take a look at all the things that I'm doing and assess what’s working and what isn’t. What can be simplified? Do I need to be doing this? Is this still impacting my business in a positive way?

    Sometimes we get in the thick of things and we're so inside that vortex of doing, doing, doing that we forget to zoom out and look at the big picture.

    I want you to ask yourself: Are there things I need to delegate? Are there things I need to stop doing altogether? Or are there ways I can simplify the process of what I’m doing?

    It's only when you allow yourself to look at the big picture view that you can refocus your energy and reset your frequency, tuning in to exactly where you want to be.

    Give the above a try! These simple steps can help you refocus, get back on track, and bring your aura back to a place of service so you can serve your clients and ultimately make more money.

  • How would you like to feel more energized, more creative, deliver more value, and convert more revenue in 2023?

    It’s all possible - IF you make this the year you invest in your own health and well being.

    That, my friend, is the game changer. Once you make your wellness your top priority, it has a trickle down effect: you will be better equipped to serve your business and your community.

    This week on Your Success Frequency podcast, I’m joined by Rachel Hoeppner aka Real Health with Rach. She is a Holistic Nutritionist, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, and Women’s Health, Hormone, and Fertility Specialist. She’s on the show sharing her incredible story of transformation, as well as her expert tips to help you achieve your health goals + feel your best this year.

    Dive in to Episode #11 to kickstart your health journey, learn more about how to heal your hormones, and get invited to a free training to guide you in becoming the expert healer of your own body.

    About Rachel

    Rachel Hoeppner is a Holistic Nutritionist, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, and Women’s Health, Hormone, and Fertility Specialist. She became passionate about and dedicated herself to holistic health as a result of her own journey to heal chronic hormone, gut, and thyroid dysfunction naturally. Her mission is to help women heal their hormones so they can achieve their health goals and look and feel their absolute best!

    She specializes in addressing stubborn weight loss, chronic fatigue, hormone imbalances (including symptoms related to periods, PMS, PCOS, or Endo), thyroid dysfunction, autoimmune symptoms, fertility, pregnancy and postpartum care, food sensitivities, and digestive issues. She decided to dedicate her practice to the speciality of women’s health, hormones, and fertility after her own realization that women are underserved, written off, or not listened to more often than men in our current healthcare system.

    Through 1:1 and group coaching, Masterclasses, and free challenges, Rach is able to further her mission of educating women on the science of how their bodies work, how to easily and effectively care for the specific needs women have, and how to cultivate life long, sustainable wellness!

    You can find her on Instagram @realhealthwithrach (as well as Facebook & TikTok). Feel free to connect with her via DM - she’s the Voice Note Queen!

    In this Episode

    While I typically provide more detailed show notes outlining all of the concepts in the episode, I highly recommend you go listen to hear everything in Rachel’s words. This extra special episode is jam packed with insights that will likely resonate with you in ways you might not expect.

    Listen in to hear:

    How Rachel came to her eventual diagnosis of PCOS and hypothyroidism that went undiagnosed for over a decade How being put on hormonal birth control at age 15 led to many years of painful trial and error to get finally get off medication How Rachel helps women heal their bodies from the inside out, without dieting, overexercising, or counting calories How to identify the symptoms of your hormones being off How healing is possible, no matter how deep of a hole you’re in How to take ownership of your health and move beyond the traditional gatekeepers of the medical institution How she helps burnout entrepreneurs take control of their health journey to be more effective in business

    Join the Free Challenge w/ Rach

    Are you ready to take that first step in understanding your hormones with the ultimate goal of healing them?

    The first step is to know what's going on in your body. Rach is a huge proponent of bodily autonomy and agency over your health - and that starts with knowing what's going on inside. Everyone’s body and experience is different, which is why she wants you to become informed. Rach is all about helping you become the expert of your own body.

    Rach is hosting a free 5 day Happy Hormones Challenge. In it, you will get video trainings with her for 5 days in a row, where she’s going to teach you how to identify the symptoms that are going on in your body, your specific hormonal imbalances, and some actions that you can start taking right away each and every day to have happier hormones by the end of the week. You will also start to understand and use terminology that resonates with your story and your journey.

    You can sign-up for the free challenge here.

  • While I may not know you personally, if I had to guess, just by the mere virtue of you being here, I’m going to say that you likely have some pretty hefty business goals that you want to achieve this year.

    And in order to crush those goals, you're going to need to do what's known as income producing, or revenue generating, activities in your business - not just once, not just every few months, but daily.

    In today’s new post, I’m giving you some of my favorite ways to produce revenue that are not only easy, but they’re also FUN.

    Read to discover how you can generate more money - consistently AND reliably - in your business in 2023.

    I love what I do, but I hate the sales part…

    Most service-based entrepreneurs and other small business owners usually get into their line of work because they love doing what they do. I once worked with a baker in New York City who absolutely loved to bake her cakes. But when it came to actually selling them? It was definitely NOT her favorite thing. Does that feel familiar to you?

    I hear this a lot. But here’s the thing: In order to be a successful business owner, and in order to reach your goals, you're going to have to make sales. That’s just how business works.

    This is actually how I see it: You GET to make sales. I don't look at sales and selling as something that feels icky or uncomfortable; I look at it as something that could actually be fun. That is, if you let it be fun.

    Generating revenue is a daily activity

    Before I share with you some of my favorite revenue generating activities, you’re probably wondering how much time you will need to dedicate to this.

    Fostering consistent revenue in your business isn’t a weekly, monthly, or whenever-I-feel-like-it kind of thing. It needs to happen every single day.

    The biggest trap that many entrepreneurs get themselves into is they attain a bunch of clients and then spend all of their time serving, serving, serving. Then, all of a sudden, those contracts or services end up expiring or wrapping up, and they find themselves suddenly back at square one. They’ve got to start all over again to fill up their client roster. And this isn’t something that happens magically; there’s a ramp up period to cultivating a new audience and warming them up to the idea that they need what you’re selling.

    This is exactly why I teach my clients to make time for income-producing activities every day - so they never find themselves back at square one.

    Here are 3 things you can do every single day to generate revenue in your business

    Talk to your audience every single day.

    Take steps each day to build the top of your funnel by creating engagement. You want to be at the front of people’s minds. You can maintain a warm audience that is receptive to you by providing value where they hang out.

    Make your offers known and easy to buy.

    Talk about your offers. People cannot buy from you if they aren’t clear on what you’re selling. Create irresistible offers, put them out there in a way that is easy to understand & access, then make it simple for people to purchase. Don’t make people jump through hoops - that’s the quickest way to lose leads.

    Cultivate referrals from your existing client base.

    Your current clients are the path to more people like them. When someone says good stuff about your work, other people take notice and want to know more. I built most of my business through referrals. Make a list of the people you're currently working with, check out their connections online, and set-up a simple affiliate-based or referral-based system that rewards them for sending people your way.

    Final Notes

    It’s easy to make all of the above incredibly complicated. My challenge to you is to instead find ways that you can incorporate the above activities in the simplest way possible. Take these things, write them down, and figure out how you're going to implement them in your business.

    I encourage you not to procrastinate on them. There's no point in getting to the end of the year and saying, I wish I would have done X Y, Z. Now is the time to do X, Y, Z. So take action. Take action because doers make dollars, and movers make money. So move.

    Extra Resources

    If you want help setting up a system to generate more income in your business in 2023, I recommend that you hire a coach. I have one spot available this quarter - just one and if that's something you're interested in, let me know.

    You can also go to jengitomer.com/whysf to join the success frequency membership.

  • Have you ever tried to drive around on a flat tire? It’s a pretty useless endeavor that requires a whole lot of effort for very little progress.

    It’s no way to drive, nor is it any way to start a new year. Literally, or metaphorically.

    In today’s new post, I want you to pull over, take a pause, and do an energy check with me before you launch too far into 2023. I’m going to ensure you’re not being dragged down by heavy energy carried over from 2022 that could prevent you from hitting your goals at full speed.

    Read on to learn how your outcomes are directly impacted by the energy & frequency that you bring to whatever it is you're trying to achieve, and how you can take more effective action from a high vibe state.

    When a year-end review leads to a shame spiral…

    I have to share something with you. As you know, New Year's was this past weekend. And over the weekend, I did what I normally do, which is I started to write out my accomplishments to end the year, really thinking through and honoring what I’ve achieved. As I wrote that list, which was long and mighty, I also got really hard on myself about what I didn't achieve.

    Have you ever done this? You set a goal at the beginning of the year, and then by the end, when it didn't come to fruition, you get down on yourself and that leads to a shame spiral. The thoughts in your head fall down the rabbit hole into a very negative space.

    That’s where I found myself. And the thing is, I actually did really well last year. In fact, 2022 was my best year in business yet. But instead of focusing on all the amazing things that I did achieve and all of the incredible achievements I helped my clients attain, all I was focused on was the fact that I didn't hit this uber crazy, pie in the sky goal that I had set for myself the year before.

    Can you relate? Have you ever done this to yourself where you don't celebrate the thing you “should” be celebrating because it's just never good enough for you? Do you find yourself constantly moving goalposts? If so, you’re not alone. It's a common thing that really high achieving entrepreneurs do. But here's the thing:

    If you go into this year, bringing the baggage from last year, bringing those feelings of not good enough, it’s not going to serve you. It’s like trying to climb uphill while carrying a backpack filled with bricks. You might eventually get where you’re trying to go, but it's going to weigh you down along the way, taking more time, energy, and effort to get there.

    It’s time to take an energetic pause

    Before you get too far into this year, I want you to really check in with your energy. Are you carrying around any heavy energy from last year? Are there any emotions or disappointments weighing on you still?

    It's okay if it exists, but you have to acknowledge it and accept it before you can move on from it.

    If you’ve got negative energy from any lingering resentments from last year, it’s time to free yourself. Freeing yourself - taking off that backpack of bricks - is a choice. You can put it down, and one by one, you can put the things away in their place where they need to go.

    It may take some time, it may take some energy, it may take some effort, but once you've let go of that unnecessary baggage, you're going to feel so much lighter. You’re going to be able to move at speeds you never realized when you were so weighed down.

    How to unpack

    Freeing yourself doesn't mean you just shut it down and move on. Your feelings are real and I'm not asking you to ignore them - I'm asking you to unpack them. And there's a difference. When you unpack something, you take a look at it, you analyze it, you receive the lessons learned, and then you put it away. You thank it, and you put it in its place. And that place may be somewhere off your back. You'll be amazed at the freedom, the possibility, the abundance, and the joy that will come your way.

    As I began to unpack my own suitcase, and to forgive myself for not achieving exactly what I wanted to achieve, I was finally able to recognize all of my amazing achievements. I felt my breath and my energy shift. I was hit with fresh inspiration. And I want the same shift for you.

    Check in with your energy and determine if you're carrying any baggage that you need to let go of. If you are, take some time to reflect and journal, then seek support and guidance.

    It's often really hard to see yourself from your own perspective, which is why coaches are so important because they offer that outside perspective. Coaches can mirror for you what they're seeing. And if you work with someone you trust, then they can help you see what it is that you're unable to see within yourself.

    3 Resources to Kick Start your 2023

    Get Coaching from Me

    If you want to work with me, I have an amazing methodology that I use to uncover what stories are holding you back or limiting you. I use the power of breath along with other strategies that help my high level clients rewrite their story’s ending.

    Right now, you may be playing a story in your head over and over again. It's time with the new year, this new portal that we've entered into, to turn the page and begin a new chapter. Perhaps it's time to begin a new volume. And in order to do that, you need to let go of these old stories. In my coaching process, I can help you to forgive yourself, reframe your mindset, and begin to take action on your new goals from a place of high vibe + high frequency.

    Remember: Your outcome is directly impacted by the energy and the frequency that you bring to whatever it is you're trying to achieve.

    If you’d like coaching from me, you can DM me on Instagram to chat more @jengitomer

    Download My Monthly 4 Intentions One Pager

    As a fresh & free resource for you, I broke down goal achievement into four main categories for each month, called The 4 Intentions. Once you achieve these four main categories, then everything else will fall into place.

    You can get the free one pager at jengitomer.com/4intentions

    Once you begin this process each month, be sure to tag me. I would love to see what you want to achieve and intend to do so I can cheer you on and route my vibrational energy your way.

    Inquire about Joining my Mastermind

    In other big news in terms of the support I offer for high achievers like you, I am opening the doors to my mastermind. I have a couple of spots available, and would love to chat with you about it more if that interests you.

    In this mastermind, I help women create multiple six figure businesses without the hustle in an aligned, loving, soulfully caring way. And we have so much freaking fun doing it.

    You get coaching with me one on one, and group coaching alongside the other members of the mastermind. You get a community of amazing women to bond with - actual people who want to collaborate, not compete, and lift each other up. You also get to attend in person retreats specifically for the mastermind. This opportunity is all about getting the exact kind of support that entrepreneurs need to accelerate their momentum and their business’ growth for 2023.

    If this is something that you feel called to, please send me a DM on Instagram. I am not a high pressure person, and I will not push you into this. If you're interested in talking about it, we will set up a call to see if it's a good fit. And if it's not a full body YES from you, then guess what? I'm not going to ask you to move forward. I only want to serve people in this program in this container who really want to be there.

    The members from this past year have made amazing strides. One woman is well on her way to 500k. Another woman grew her business from $16k a year to $92k. Another woman keeps having her biggest cash months yet. But it's not just about making money. That part's easy. It's about upgrading your mindset to a whole new level. It's about creating a business that works for you, not the other way around. It's about having fun. It's about creating new friendships, new bonds, and finding your soul sisters.

    Let me know you're interested in the mastermind, and let's have a chat about it. I'd love to see if it's a good fit for you. I'd love to see you there. I'd love to help you grow. I'm only taking on a few new people. I keep this group small because the members all get a lot of my personal time and energy, and I'm careful with where that energy goes.

    Here’s to your success in 2023! Visualize that backpack on your back and see if it's filled with feathers or full of bricks, and go activate your success frequency.

  • The holiday season may be referred to as “the most wonderful time of the year,” but it’s also the busiest and most overwhelming time of the year for many of us entrepreneurs.

    If your energy is waning and you’re struggling to get into that holly-jolly spirit, it’s time to take a step back, take a breath, and reassess before the fun times pass you by.

    In today’s new post, I’m sharing 5 quick & constructive tips to help ground you and release the pressure of the holiday season.

    Read on to reset your frequency and get yourself into an energetic space that allows you to actually enjoy the holidays and enter the new year with fresh vibes.

    Enter: The Most Stressful Time of the Year

    Because I'm a pretty empathetic person, I’ve been feeling the stress and anxiety that is often in the air around the holiday season. It can be a pretty busy and intense time for anybody, let alone for entrepreneurs because there's the pressure of meeting your end-of-year goals while also managing the demands of the holiday season. Let's be frank - buying gifts, making sure that your house is in order, preparing for company, cooking, baking, and having kids out of school can be pretty overwhelming.

    I thought it would be useful to take a few minutes to talk to you about some strategies that I use to both manage stress and avoid burnout during this busy time of year.

    5 Practical Strategies to Manage Holiday Stress & Avoid Burnout

    Review your goals and expectations and bring them back to reality.

    This goes above anything else, because you can do all the other things that I'm about to tell you, but if you don't do this one thing, then none of the other things will really matter.

    If you are trying to do a billion more things before the end of the year, then I challenge you to take a step back, take a breather, and really ask yourself, Is this realistic? Or are you just rushing to achieve it so that you can say you did it in 2022? Are you actually achieving this in the best way possible? As high achievers, we often put too many things on our lists and set the bar too high, which leads to failure and disappointment.

    If you bring your goals and expectations back down to reality, then you give yourself space to actually take care of yourself during this stressful time of year.

    Take breaks and prioritize self care.

    Make sure you carve out time for yourself.

    Self care isn't just bubble baths and meditation. Think about what restores you, mentally and physically, and make time for those things.

    For me, waking up to take a tennis lesson was self care today. It creates focus, allows me to be present in the moment, gets me Vitamin D in the sunshine, and gets me exercise. Making time for tennis makes me feel great.

    Your thing may not be tennis; maybe your thing is getting enough sleep, or cold plunging, or time to read in a quiet space. Whatever it is, make it a priority. Renew your resources as often as you need.

    Look at your (now realistic) goals and ask yourself, What can I delegate?

    Where can you ask for help? I find that so many people I work with hate asking for help. I don't know if it's because you feel like it makes you less of a person, or it makes the accomplishment less of an accomplishment if you've gotten help, but the truth is, when you ask for help in the areas that you really need help, then you can spend more time on higher level tasks.

    It doesn't just have to be business help. It could be help with general life tasks, too. Be open to assistance.

    Set boundaries.

    It is okay to say no. If you're a yes person, please realize that every time you say yes to something, you're also saying no to something else.

    By saying yes to doing something for someone else, you're also saying no to yourself. Resist the urge to say yes just because it’s easier. Be deliberate with your decisions, particularly this time of year with your time. Every time you're asked if you want to go somewhere or do something, actually ask yourself if you want to do it. If not, saying no will help you avoid feeling overwhelmed or burnt out due to being overcommitted to things you’re dreading.

    Practice gratitude.

    Really focus on the things that you're grateful for. Because when you do that, it will help you shift your perspective. It'll help you reduce stress, and it'll help you really reflect on the positive aspects of your life.

    You can also take your gratitude practice deeper by expressing gratitude to the people in your life. Think about who makes a difference in your life, who you love, who you appreciate - everyone from family, friends, to clients and colleagues. When you express that gratitude, they'll feel good, and you'll feel even better.

    Ending the year on a high note

    Right now, I want you to take some time for yourself. Really get yourself into a great place to come into the new year by grounding yourself and enjoying this holiday season. Enjoy this time, because it's not going to come around again for another year. So really take the time to focus on yourself, your family, and your well being. Enjoy those around you so that you can come back for the new year feeling fresh, grounded, and ready to have your best year yet.

    Wishing you a Happy New Year - here’s to activating your success frequency!

  • As we wrap up 2022, I’m celebrating not just the holidays, but all of the goals that I checked off my list this year.

    Want to know my secret weapon in making those big, audacious dreams happen?

    I’m actually preparing to use it again for next year right now, and I’m inviting you to join me in the process.

    In today’s new post, I’m sharing the three benefits of using the power of visualization with the tool of the vision board.

    Read on to get a peek into the dynamic elements I include to take my vision boards to the next level of intentionality. You can also download my free holiday gift to you - my guide to the ultimate vision board - here.

    What is the power of visualization?

    Visualization is the practice of mentally rehearsing, or picturing, the achievement of a goal. You use your imagination to create really detailed images of exactly what you want to achieve. This allows you to see the outcome before it even exists.

    There are tons of benefits to using visualization. When you visualize your goals, it helps you stay motivated and focused on what you want to achieve. Because we think in pictures, when you create the images of your goals in your mind, it will help you begin to feel more confident and energized to take action to make them happen. It will give you the frequency that you need to achieve.

    When I was writing my book, I was deep into visualization exercises. Every single morning, I would visualize the email that I was going to send my publisher when the manuscript was complete. To me, when I sent that email, the book would be 100% complete. And so every morning, I would visualize the email. And when it came time to actually send that email, I knew exactly what I was going to write, because I had visualized it hundreds of times. I had visualized how I was going to celebrate. I had visualized what it was going to look like to be an author. And all of those things, all of those images in my head, actually helped me create a book. I don't know if I would have published a book had I not been deep into visualization practices. So that's just one example of the power of visualization.

    What have you visualized lately?

    Are the visualizations that you're creating in your head helping you, or are they hurting you? Are you visualizing productive things that are going to help you achieve what you want? Or are you letting negative beliefs and images of worry get in the way of your success?

    If we don't create our mindset with intention, with visualization, then our brains WILL wander. And when it does, it will typically be wandering to an unproductive place that doesn’t lead to success.

    It's really important that you fine-tune what images you're playing in your head, just like you would purposely pick what you are going to watch on TV. You want to purposely pick what you're playing over and over in your head.

    So, how do you do that? There is something I do every single year. It's actually one of my favorite things that I do with my stepdaughter. She looks forward to it, too. It’s what I refer to as my secret weapon for achieving my goals: it’s my annual vision board.

    How a vision board can become your secret weapon, too.

    If you’re here already, I know I don’t need to sell you on the concept of vision boards and their efficacy, in general. I will say, however, that most people are not using them to their full capacity.

    Vision boards work well, but can become even more powerful if you’re incredibly intentional with how you make them. I can count the number of things on my vision board that came true to a T - literally to a T - over the last couple of years.

    I have a really simple guide to help you do the same, and I'm giving it away for free as my end-of-the-year gift to you. It will help you think about the eight elements that should be going on your vision board. I've outlined what those eight elements are and actually guide you through the easiest way to make a vision board, including how to do it with your kids, if you want.

    This is a fun, artsy project for the end of the year, perfect to combine with your relaxing holiday time off to set yourself up for success in the year ahead. You can certainly make a digital vision board, but I’d encourage you to join me in making it by hand. I find there’s something magical in creating a physical board to see in person.

    Just go to jengitomer.com/visionboard and download my free guide. You’ll also see a video on what I do to make my vision boards and how fun it is to incorporate all eight elements, which are key to calling in exactly what you want in all the different categories of your life and business.

    How to use your vision board

    Our brain has something called the RAS, which stands for the reticular activating system. This is the part of the brain that plays a role in sifting and sorting all of the incoming information that comes through. During the course of the day, we see billions of things. And our brain has to say, which of those things are important to pay attention to, and which of those things can we just leave in the periphery? But it doesn't know which of those things is important unless we tell it.

    And so when you create a vision board and every single day, you spend a couple of minutes looking at what it is you want to call into your life, what you want to manifest, all of a sudden, your brain knows to start calling in more and more of those things that you want to call in because you're teaching it and training it exactly what you want it to do. And so it actually helps you focus on the important goals that you want to create.

    When you have your goals in the forefront of your brain every single day, your brain is activated to say, How can we make this happen? Rather than being focused on worries and what-ifs, it’s focused on productive goals and works on strategies to make them happen.

    Wrapping up:

    Remember these three benefits of using the power of visualization with a vision board:

    It will help you clarify your goals. It’s going to help you clearly define what you want to achieve in business, whether it's increasing sales, offering new products or services, creating a bigger audience, or launching a new product, or whatever it may be. Creating this visual representation of your goals, is going to help you understand what you want to achieve, and what you need to do to get there. It's going to help you stay motivated and energized to achieve those goals. Put your vision board somewhere that you see it everyday so it's a constant reminder. Seeing those images, quotes, and whatever it is that you put on there is going to be inspiring, and a powerful way to keep you pushing towards whatever it is you want to achieve. Getting creative is fun. When was the last time you got to have a ton of fun in your business and do something that also helps you get to where you wanted to go? When you get creative, you are going to come up with new ideas and you're going to think about new approaches because you're already going to be thinking outside the box.

    What’s going on your vision board?

    I encourage you - I invite you - to make a vision board and activate your success frequency. Tag me in it on IG @jengitomer so I can see it; I cannot wait to see you succeed in this coming year!

  • When you surround yourself with the right people, the effects can be truly life changing.

    But finding a like-minded, supportive community to surround yourself with as an entrepreneur can be difficult.

    If you’ve ever felt alone on your own island, unsure of who to turn to when you need guidance, then this new post is for you.

    Today, we’re diving into the value of being a part of the right community and how those people will influence your growth + development over the next decade and beyond.

    Read on to discover ways to not only find your people, but also weed out groups that are decidedly not for you.

    Who are you spending the most time with? Who are you letting into your inner circle?

    We’ve all heard the phrase, “You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.”

    The fact is, the people you surround yourself with can lift you up, or drag you down. Our circle creates a huge impact on our lives and businesses. This is why finding the right community can be literally life changing.

    And yet, as an entrepreneur, it can be difficult to find a community of like-minded people who actually want to support you and help you grow your business. I’m sure you’ve met plenty of people out there who are only in it for themselves and not really open to collaboration. So how do you sort out the takers and connect with a community that cares?

    Three places to start when seeking out your own community

    If you want to find the right community, there are three places that I recommend you look:

    1) Events and conferences. Find gatherings to attend that are centered on a shared goal or interest.

    2) Online. Join in on social media and actively participate in places like LinkedIn, Instagram, or in Facebook groups.

    Now, a note about the two suggestions above: You can definitely find the right people in those places, the only thing to keep in mind is that you really have to be prepared. You will need to do a lot of research on who’s in those “rooms” and learn to walk away from those who aren’t there to give and reciprocate.

    3) Find a leader and join their community. I find this to be the most efficient way to build community. Seek out a leader you respect and see what groups they have going on. If you can find the right leader, you can often find the right group.

    Once you find a group, here are some things to look for before joining in:

    Look for a space where you can be yourself. No hiding your feelings necessary; you want to be able to break down when you need and get built back up by the group. Look for a space where the individuals involved are communicative and responsive when you need them. You want people who will make time for you as you will for them. Look for a space of where people are doing similar things, and are in or around the same level of business that you're at. Maybe they are even a little ahead of where you're at, so that you can grow with them. Look for a space where people collaborate instead of compete. You want people who will build you up, not tear you down. Look for a leader who cares about fostering the community. You want a leader who is intentional about who comes into the group and ensures everyone participating is a good fit.

    Creating intentional growth over the next 10 years

    Finding the right community is all about assessing how they are impacting your business, not just over the next year, or the next couple of years, but over the next decade.

    So many people set goals 12 months at a time, but they forget to look at the big picture of the next decade. When you look back over the past few decades of your own life, it’s no doubt amazing to see how much you grew and who had an impact on that growth.

    If you want to experience impactful growth over the next decade, being intentional about your circle will be a game-changer.

    I repeat: Community is created through intentional action. It's created by only letting specific people in who fit that community. And yes, it sounds exclusive. But not everyone is a right fit for everything. And that's okay. Not everyone is the right fit for your community. That doesn't mean there's not a community for everyone. It just means you need to be practical about who fits into yours.

    Want to join my community?

    I love having you a part of this wider community here via this blog and the podcast.

    I also have my Legacy Makers Mastermind that might be a good fit for you, if you’re searching. It’s a year-long program that I’ve spent decades developing as a container that allows people to get vulnerable and experience transformation in their lives and businesses. If that’s something that you’re interested in, feel free to DM me on Instagram for more details.


    What I want you to walk away with today is inspiration to think about your community. Who's in your network? Who are your top five people that you can call anytime, for life or business? And maybe it's the same five people for both. The key is, you know that no matter what, they will be there for you without judgment, just like you will be there for them.

    Who are those people? And how are you expanding that group so that it becomes more and more of the people who will build you up, who will support you, and who will help you crush your goals, not just for this next year, but for the next freaking decade?

    With the advent of AI, and the way it's growing in popularity and gaining traction, the way it's exploding community, real people, not bots, are more important than ever. I challenge you to go find the right community for you. Find your community, and activate your success frequency.

  • Is it just me, or does it seem like AI technology has made some big leaps this week? Between the photo generating apps on Instagram & Tiktok blowing up, and several new systems introduced to me by colleagues, I’m once again amazed by the advances in technology we’re seeing in a relatively short period of time.

    While impressive, perhaps you also (rightly so) find these developments more than a little scary. Whether you’re a writer, a video editor, or other service provider, it may not be long before AI will be capable of producing the work you do - for far faster and cheaper.

    So the question becomes, how do you maintain your job and continue to stand out in this changing world?

    In today’s new post, I’m sharing how you can leverage the tools that are out there to make your job easier, while still providing a greater level of service to your clients than any AI can compete with.

    Read on to learn how to make yourself truly invaluable & irreplaceable in 2023.

    Smarter & faster

    Years ago, on an episode of the Sell or Die podcast I host with my husband, we had Richard Brody on as a guest. He’s an incredible tech mind with many claims to fame, most notably (to me) the spell-check function in Microsoft Word. On the show, he said something that scared the hell out of me. He said, “The machines are going to become smarter than we are.”

    Those words have stuck with me ever since. And now, all of the sudden, I feel like I am seeing that prediction come to life.

    Between the way photo apps are now able to create mock images of you in both the past and future, to the data we get on the words we use in our sales proposal videos (Use something more persuasive! Insert an empathy word here!), it’s becoming abundantly clear that technology is exceeding many of the capabilities of humans. What the machines are able to accomplish rapidly is absolutely incredible.

    This may have got you thinking: Am I going to be out of a job soon?

    How to not become obsolete

    If you’re a service provider of any kind, it’s not dramatic to be asking yourself that very question. There’s no outsmarting or outpacing a machine.

    You can now go to a website, pop in a couple of topics, and get an entire blog post written for you in minutes. You can download a program that allows you to upload a long video and have it broken down for you into short, usable clips. AI can do work that typically takes you hours within minutes.

    So what can you do to increase your own job security going into 2023? How can you make yourself invaluable?

    Here are a couple of things you can do to be irreplaceable:

    Use technology to enhance what you're doing.
    Leverage the tools that are out there to make your job easier. Rather than hiding behind technology, it's going to be the people who stand in front of it, who use it as a stepping ladder, that ultimately get ahead.

    Provide a greater level of service to your clients.
    The level of service that you provide and the experience that you give to your customers is so freaking important. If you want someone to choose you over a bot, you’ve got to deliver a 5-star experience. You may not be faster, but your clients need to see that working with you is superior overall in your interactions and delivery.

    Showcase your human empathy.

    Empathy is your ability to relate and connect with the other person to form a relationship. You need to show your customers that you deeply understand where they’re at and what they’re seeking. Then, you create trust in your ability to help them get there.

    Relationships take time. Building trust takes time. And so now more than ever, with machine learning becoming so prevalent and AI being so sophisticated that you can basically say what you want and get a form of it immediately, the human element will be what sets you apart.

    Your voice and the energy behind it are irreplaceable and what you need to use to stand out. AI can do a lot of things, but it’s not you. AI doesn’t have your energy. AI cannot make people feel seen and heard and understood in the ways that you can. And that, my friend, is your success frequency.

    This is why your success frequency is more important now than ever before. So live into it, and act on it.

  • How are you feeling?

    We’re in the home stretch of the end of 2022, soon to be launching into the new year, and a lot of entrepreneurs are feeling… Busy. Frenzied. Overwhelmed. Add the holidays on top of that, and it’s easy to see how so many are experiencing an energetic depletion.

    If any of that feels familiar, you’re not alone. I recorded this week’s brand new podcast episode & compiled the accompanying notes below just for you.

    In today’s new post, I’m sharing how you can set yourself up to win the rest of the year and hit the ground running in 2023 without the frenzy.

    Read on to discover how to achieve more by actually doing less, working with your energy instead of against it.

    First, let’s check in with where you’re at.

    I’d like you to pause for a moment before proceeding. Take a deep breath, hold it at the top, then let it go. Take a few more, if it feels good, releasing any stuck energy and re-centering your body.

    Now - from this neutral, grounded state - how are you feeling? Really, truly - I want you to reflect honestly. Perhaps even journal out a few lines. What kind of energy are you operating from at the moment?

    We’re in the home stretch of 2022. Are you feeling the need to rush to complete the things you have yet to accomplish this year? Are you furiously planning for next year, feeling hectic and frenzied, like there’s just not enough time for it all? How are the holidays affecting you? This season can also bring up some complicated emotions.

    There is a lot going on and our bodies can only handle so much. If you’re experiencing overwhelm, you’re not alone.

    Adjusting your state of being

    I’m glad you’re here and taking the time to stop + reflect because - and this is important - big achievements and growth do NOT come from a frenzied state of energy.

    The top entrepreneurs who get ahead and will be set up to win in 2023 will do so by adjusting their state of being to exactly who & what they want to be. They figure out how to regulate their bodies and minds so they can create from cool, calm, collected energy. They deeply understand that success frequency matters. The move forward with intention.

    The power in setting a daily intention

    Intentions are powerful stuff. They make things happen. Intentions can and will create transformation in your life and business.

    When you set an intention for the day, you activate a part of your brain that then searches, filters, and sorts information in a way that allows you to have a one track path to achieve that intention.

    Your intention for the day can be simple. It could be that you want to focus on being extra kind to everyone you encounter. Or it could be that you want to show love to the members of your family. Your intention could be that you want to finalize the details of a project you’ve been working on. Or it could be that you want to show up and make an impact in your Instagram stories.

    Whatever it is, the minute you set your intention, your brain starts to look for ways to help you make it happen. You approach your day with your energy focused on what you want to achieve.

    But it’s also true that if you don't set an intention, and you just roll into your day, your brain isn’t working to make anything specific happen. And, most likely, a lot of goodness that could happen simply doesn’t happen.

    How to incorporate intention setting into your daily routine

    I always wanted to be a person who set a daily intention but for a while, I couldn’t get it to stick. I would forget to do it and it wasn’t happening for me consistently.

    So, I decided to use the technique of habit stacking to help incorporate intention setting into my morning routine.

    Each and every morning, I prepare and drink my cacao. It’s a ceremony I treat myself to to calm my nervous system. Starting the day from this grounded place energetically compounds and helps me approach everything that comes later from a centered space.

    Because this cacao habit is already a solid fixture in my routine - I never miss it - it is the perfect thing to stack a new habit onto. Habit stacking is really powerful because you simply connect your new desired habit onto an existing one. So now, I drink my cacao and then set my intention for the day. Just like that, my brain now thinks: cacao → intention.

    Do you have something similar you do to center yourself each morning? Or perhaps it’s simply a morning routine you never skip on like brushing your teeth. Whatever habit you choose, stack your intention setting onto it.

    Intentions are how you achieve more, yet do less

    This is a busy time of year. That’s a fact. But just because you want to get more done doesn’t mean you need to hop on the frenzy train. If you get smarter with how you work with your time and energy, you can do so much less and still meet your goals.

    This means creating intentions, and making a plan to work with your energy, not against it.

    I have a free download that I just created to help you with this. You can find it at jengitomer.com/winning. It's a whole new planner that helps you map out your day/week/month around your personal life, your business commitments, the holiday social scene, and your cycle. It's how I plan, and I'm giving it to you for free. Use it to set your tone, vibration, and frequency to end the year on an energetic high note. Here’s to you winning the rest of 2022!

  • Are you being bombarded by Black Friday sales already even though it’s not even Thursday yet? Me too!

    These days, it seems like Thanksgiving gets lost where Halloween ends and Christmas begins. But I’m not ready to write it off as the lost holiday - it’s just too important.

    In today’s new post, I’m encouraging you to use this Thanksgiving holiday as a time to reinstate & refresh your own gratitude practice.

    Because cultivating consistent gratitude can literally change your life.

    Read on to peek inside my own daily gratitude habit and learn how practicing gratitude daily will have compound effects that transform every aspect of your world from your sleep to your relationships to your business.

    Training your brain to operate from gratitude

    I went shopping with my mom yesterday, and we visited one of those big discount stores that tends to be hit or miss. On our way in, she turned to me and said, “I don't know if this is worth it, Jen. The last three times I've been here, it's really been a miss. I haven’t liked anything.”

    My response? “Terrific. This is a hit or miss kind of store. So if you’ve had a bunch of misses, that means today is going to be a hit. We’re going to walk in and find a bunch of stuff we love.”

    She looked at me like I was nuts, but I could tell her mood had improved and she was entering the store with a fresh energy.

    While this is a bit of a trivial story about shopping, I share it because it’s the epitome of how I think. When encountering negativity or roadblocks, my brain quickly refocuses its energy onto a more positive direction. And I attribute a large part of this skill to a conscious practice of gratitude.

    Where’s your own gratitude practice at?

    Do you have a gratitude practice in your day to day life? What does it look like? Does it feel like it suits you, or could it use a refresh?

    This week, you’re no doubt hearing more about gratitude than normal. But with all of the benefits that gratitude can bring to your life, I can’t help but wonder why we as a society only tend to focus on it for one week out of the year.

    The many benefits of a consistent gratitude practice have been scientifically proven again and again. Physically, it improves sleep and cognitive functioning. Emotionally, it improves overall happiness, optimism, and positivity. Gratitude allows us to feel more satisfied with our lives because it trains our brains to seek out the good. The more grateful we are, the more we naturally dwell on the positive versus the negative.

    A simple gratitude practice you can adopt daily

    So with all of the indisputable benefits in mind, why aren’t more of us regularly incorporating gratitude into our daily lives?

    I hear from clients that they tried for a bit, but couldn’t get the habit to stick. Or, they found that it worked for a while, then it stagnated.

    For me, daily gratitude comes naturally now. But it didn't always.

    I believe that gratitude is truly a practice. And just like anything that you practice - a sport, a musical instrument, a foreign language - the more you do it, the better you'll get at it and the more natural and easy it becomes.

    To reap the full benefit of gratitude, you’ve got to commit to it daily.

    My daily gratitude practice begins each morning with journaling. I keep it simple, jotting down everything I’m feeling grateful for at the moment. Then, I read it back to myself aloud so I can hear it as well. Next, I express my gratitude to someone else. This step keeps the positive energy of gratitude circulating.

    It’s really that simple. And because it’s simple, it makes it easy to stick to daily.

    Use this Thanksgiving to reinstate your own gratitude practice

    This is the perfect time to launch a daily gratitude habit of your own. Make sure it’s something you can commit to every day. Here’s why:

    While you may not notice the benefits of practicing gratitude from doing it just for one day or even a week, gratitude roots itself into your life & brain slowly. There is a compound effect that after several weeks and several months, you are going to begin to notice a higher vibration… that you’re operating from a higher frequency within you.

    And let me tell you this: it is going to rock your world.

    If you know me, you know that I'm all about energy. I'm all about the frequency that you bring to this world. And the truth is, it begins with the gratitude that you bring.

    Spread some gratitude this week, and continue to do so in the weeks to come. Then watch the magic happen.

    Thanks to you

    Before I sign off, I want to let you know that I'm grateful for you. I'm grateful for your loyal readership and, to those who also subscribe to the podcast, your loyal listenership! I'm grateful every time you share my blog & podcast with someone else, and for every time you message me to let me know what resonated with you. I am so grateful for you taking the time to be here and invest in yourself.

    Until next time, I'm Jen Gitomer and I'm reminding you to go activate your success frequency.

  • Have you ever received a no - whether in life or business - that stopped you in your tracks?

    If so, you’re not alone. Many entrepreneurs have experienced a complete halt in progress at some point in their careers due to a rejection that stung so badly that they never launched again, stopped selling their course, or otherwise quit what they were pursuing.

    But the most successful people don’t let rejection take them out. In fact, they use rejection as a stepping stone on their way to yes.

    In today’s new post, you’re getting my signature Rejection Cycle Method - an empowering process that shifts your energy towards rejection and allows you to change your station to open you up to greater opportunities moving forward.

    Read on to learn how embracing those nos can end up leading to more yeses than you’ve ever dreamed of.

    How do you view rejection?

    When I say that word, rejection, what comes to mind for you? Do you immediately make a meaning of it? Do you immediately get a feeling inside your body? Is everything inside of you saying, Oh, no… I don't want to get rejected. The feeling can be uncomfortable. That’s because your brain is making meaning of rejection.

    I find that so many entrepreneurs feel like rejection means something about them. Perhaps you feel this way, too. When someone says no to you, or when they don't choose to move forward with the offer that you presented, maybe you feel misunderstood or invalidated. Perhaps there’s even some resentment bubbling up. Rejection can feel personal when we make it about us, about our own self-worth.

    Identifying your rejection story

    There are so many stories that happen in your brain when someone says no to you. I want you to identify the story that's happening inside your head. We'll call that your “radio station” - it’s the station that goes on, playing on repeat like a broken record over and over in your head whenever you are experiencing some form of rejection.

    These stories cause us to create meaning. And these meanings don't necessarily mean what we think they mean. These stories can be rooted in childhood, or have been developed over time through our life experiences. We make them up in our head, then live them out again and again whenever rejection surfaces. This is why it’s so important to identify them, so you can become more aware of when they’re playing on your radio station and stop them so you can change the channel if/when they’re no longer serving you.

    The rejection domino effect

    If you don't stop the rejection stories playing on repeat and change your channel, they will likely prevent you from moving forward.

    The next time a launch doesn’t go as planned, your stories may cause you to never have the courage to launch again. The next time a new product doesn’t sell, your stories may cause you to stop developing new products altogether. Your stories are powerful forces when left unchecked, toppling your progress, drive, and overall confidence. This is your opportunity to change the channel before they do the damage.

    My Rejection Cycle Method

    This process is about embracing rejection, not just overcoming rejection. I am going to teach you how to actually embrace it in a way that helps you further your business.

    The Rejection Cycle Method has 5 steps:

    Embrace the nos Celebrate the nos Stop the bleeding Change your station Cycle back to embracing the nos

    So how do you go about embracing the nos? You begin by taking away their meaning. You no longer allow no to “say” anything about you. No isn’t good or bad; it’s just no.

    You can then celebrate the nos by seeing them as valuable information you can use. When you remove the emotion surrounding rejection, you allow your brain to move back to creativity mode. In creativity mode, you can brainstorm solutions on how to get back to yes.

    Stopping the bleeding is about switching your energetic state. The station that's playing silently inside your head is what's being emitted on the outside through your frequency. So in order to not allow rejection to seep into any of your interactions that follow, you’ve got to shake it off, and mindfully change your station.

    You change your station by checking your frequency and choosing how you want to move on energetically. Change your station to one of confidence and trust in the yeses to come.

    Then you cycle back to a place of acceptance by embracing those nos. When you embrace the nos, you end up giving yourself an opportunity for more opportunities to come. When you give yourself the ability to be said no to, you also give yourself the ability to get more yeses.

    Opening up to more yeses

    What could you get if you let go of your fear of and resistance to rejection? What could you achieve? What could come to you if you started to embrace the nos?

    My mom used to say to me, If you don't ask, you don't get.

    What aren’t you getting because you’re afraid to ask for it?

    I recently heard Jamie Kern Lima of IT Cosmetics speak at a conference I attended. On the subject of rejection, she said that she looked at the most successful people and realized that every one of those successful people received rejection on their journey to Yes. They received it, leveraged it, and moved beyond it to greater opportunities. Isn’t that a powerful way to think about it?

    If you want to be one of those especially successful people, realize deeply that every no you receive is just a step on your way to Yes.

    Greet your next nos with gratitude. That gratitude will literally change the frequency inside of you, and thus change your outward experience in life and business.

    What's your frequency going to be?

  • While it may only be the start of November, I’d like to invite you to begin shaping your 2023 to be your happiest and most successful year yet, right now.

    Now is the perfect time to go inward and align yourself with everything you’re hoping to achieve in life and business for next year, before the busyness of the holidays and end of year festivities dominate your days.

    After all, if you wait to start planning your 2023 until January, you’ll already be starting off behind.

    In today’s new post, I’m sharing the dynamic end of year process that I use to lead myself and my clients through wrapping up the current year mindfully, and preparing to launch into the new year with intention + direction.

    Read on to walk through the exercise with me and ensure you start your 2023 full of fresh energy to achieve your biggest + brightest goals in life and business.

    How you can create your most successful and blissful year yet

    What does that look like for you? Those things - success and bliss - are different for everyone. For some people, success is money-related. For others, it’s more time-related. For many, it’s both, but the rewards of each are highly individualized. Creating a business and lifestyle that works best for you means you first need to get clear on the outcomes you’re seeking.

    In this exercise that I’m going to share with you, you’re going to dig deep into what’s meaningful for you and what you really want to achieve in 2023 so you can enter into the new year with the intention you need to make your dreams come to fruition.

    I use this exact exercise each year myself. I check myself into a spa to set the high vibrational tone for my day. Most spas don’t allow electronics, which allows me to disconnect and go inward. The peaceful environment - from the smells, to the music, to the energy - calms my nervous system and allows me to connect with my true feelings as I reflect and plan. I bring a journal and get to work.

    Step 1: Set goals + intentions for the new year

    Determine what your goals and/or intentions are for next year.

    What goals are you wanting to achieve in 2023? Are you trying to scale an offer so that you can work less and create a bigger impact? Are you trying to create multiple offers?

    You can separate out your business and personal goals, too. Often, they aren’t always the same. We get so ingrained as entrepreneurs when we hear the word goal that we automatically think it must be business oriented. But you can also incorporate personal goals in your planning. Do you have health or wellness goals? Family-centric or relationship goals?

    Begin to think through what your goals are and write them down.

    Step 2: Audit this past year

    Review what worked well and what didn't work well this year.

    After you’re looked ahead by setting goals, it’s time to reflect on this past year. Afterall, in order to best get ahead, you need to look at your history.

    In this step, do an audit of the programs you have now, and determine what's working for you and what's not.

    Note: When I say “working for you” I don’t just mean what’s been bringing in profit. “Working for you” means it's something that’s utilizing your energy in the best way possible. For example, if you have a program that's bringing in a shit ton of money, but every time you have to do something for that program, you feel like it's draining you, then that program is in some way not working for you; it is actually working against you. Your energy is everything. You get a certain amount of energy a day, and if you use it and lose it in ways that don't create significant acceleration for your business, then you lose the opportunity to maximize the rest of your time.

    As you assess your programs, if you find something that no longer feels aligned, ask yourself, Is it something I need to either get rid of? Or can I tweak it in some way?

    I have a program that I've run all year that I already know, in my heart, I'll be tweaking for next year. I don't know how I'll be tweaking it or what that looks like because I haven't done this exercise yet for myself. But when I go journal and go deep, I fully plan to assess what’s working, what’s not (for me and my customers), and seek out ways I can tweak it where it feels good for everyone.

    Step 3: Innovate on your existing programs for the new year

    This step is all about determining what you need to innovate, freshen up, give more life into, and expand on in terms of your current offerings.

    What could use some tweaks to better serve you, your clients, and your goals in 2023?

    Is there something that's bringing in good money for you? I like to look at where my revenue streams are. Then I think about if it’s worth an investment in my time and energy to freshen it up and make it even better. If you make an existing offering even better, you will be sold on it even more, and you will then be able to transfer that energy into even greater opportunities to sell even more of it.

    This step is a great place to tune into your gut feelings. What could you sell more of if it was improved and updated?

    Step 4: Let go of what’s no longer serving you

    Determine which programs you need to retire or let go of.

    Look at your current programs and figure out what needs to go. What's no longer serving you? Maybe there's an offer that it's time to retire, or perhaps roll it in as a bonus, or as an add on/upsell to a different program, rather than being a full program in and of itself.

    Step 5: Embrace the space for new opportunities

    Look for opportunities to offer something new.

    In this step, I want you to think about not just how you can innovate what you currently have, but how you can add in something fresh. In the preview step, when you determined what you were ready to get rid of, you also opened up space for new things.

    What else do your customers need that you can provide? Think about where the gaps are between where they are now and where you can help them get to. And based on that, what are the new offers, if any, that you'd like to create for next year that will help them close that gap.

    Step 6: Look at your circle

    Determine who are the meaningful people in your circle and find ways you can grow together.

    In this step, think about your circle. How can you proactively help the other people you love in life + business grow with you? What can you do to support them? What can they do to support you?

    Brainstorm ways that you can all grow together in the coming year from collaborative promotions, to knowledge sharing, and more. Find ways you can all reach that next level together.

    Wrapping up

    I would love to hear how and when you take yourself through this exercise. DM me over on Instagram and let me know what you’re most excited about in 2023.

    You don’t have to check into a spa like I do. That's my happy place; I suggest you conduct this in your happy place - whether that’s a room in your house, in a park, in a cafe, or on a mountain. You do you - go where your energy is open and at peace to conduct this session for yourself.

    And don’t forget to have fun in the process! Embrace the energy of excitement as you create a year you’re looking forward to. Because when you have more fun, you make more money. I'm a big fan of the more you play, the more you profit.

    I hope you activate your success frequency - cheers to your 2023!

  • How do you know when it's time to change or pivot in your business?

    A good indicator is when you find yourself consistently not wanting to do something in your biz. In these moments, it’s useful to stop and ponder, Why? What’s coming up for me? What’s no longer feeling in alignment?

    I’ve been experiencing some of this tension myself with my podcast, and I’m excited to share that after much consideration, I’ve got a new name & new direction to share with you.

    Meet the Your Success Frequency podcast.

    In today’s new post, I’m sharing behind the scenes details of the podcast’s evolution, what exactly I mean by frequency, and how you can begin to dial in to the right frequency for greater success, purpose, and overall well being.

    And don’t worry - I’ll still be bringing you the insights you came here for in the first place on sales, business, and mindset. Though now, it will be framed through the fresh & transformative lens of frequency.

    Read on to discover how this new podcast is going to help you shift your energy to create change in your business that brings forth the highest yields.

    Is it time to make a pivot?

    I have been sitting on this feeling for months that I've wanted to change my podcast’s name, but I couldn't quite figure out what I wanted to change it to. Over the past year, there's been this massive transformation for both me and my clients with tons of growth, and the name “Breakthrough Babe” no longer felt aligned.

    Have you ever felt the same in your business? You've started out as one thing, and it’s worked well for a while, but over time you grow, you change, you transform into your next embodiment and suddenly you know it’s time to pivot.

    When you find yourself feeling uncomfortable or resistant, that’s the time to dive deeper into the root of what you’re feeling. Because when you’re in alignment, you’ll be in flow, not force. So how do you create that flow when it’s missing in your business?

    Meet Your Success Frequency

    I am renaming the podcast to Your Success Frequency. Frequency is the energy you have inside, which is then the energy you put out on the outside. That energy is the make it or break it between sale and no sale. You can feel someone’s frequency by the energy they’re putting out - from their verbal and nonverbal communication, to their social media posts, to their proposals, and more.

    Your frequency gets transferred into everything you do. So in order to be successful in business, what I have boiled it down to is your frequency, and how high vibrational that frequency is.

    What I have uncovered in the last decade of being an entrepreneur and being in the company of high achievers who are doing amazing work and enjoying massive success is that the one thing they all have in common is their frequency. They are all tuned in to a high vibration frequency in their head.

    What station are you tuned into?

    We are always creating something based on the energy we’re bringing to what we do. Think of your frequency as a radio station you tune in to.

    If you’re tuned in to a low vibe frequency, you may often find yourself feeling like a victim. You make decisions from a place of scarcity. Your misery loves company and regularly seeks out fellow low vibrational people to commiserate with.

    On the other hand, if you’re tuned in to a high vibe frequency, you act and make decisions from a place of abundance. You believe there is always more coming to you, and that there’s plenty for everyone. You shine your light into every situation you come into, literally shifting the energy in the room to a higher vibration.

    So if you don't like your current outcomes, it’s time to change up the station you’re tuning in to. On my podcast, we're going to talk a lot about how to change up that channel, and how to tune in to the right frequency. And that frequency yields more sales, clients, happiness, joy, as well as a greater overall sense of purpose and well being.

    That's why I've renamed the podcast, because everything boils down to frequency. I believe it’s my mission to share this with you. It's my mission to teach the world how to dial in to the right frequency.

    What’s coming up next…

    Over the next couple of episodes, I'm gonna be talking about times where I've changed my frequency. We’ll dig into what that looks like, how I was able to change it, and how long it took in the beginning versus how quickly it can happen now. You will see what tuning in to a higher frequency and dialing in your energy can do in the overall transformation in your business.

    Diving deeper

    I'd love your thoughts about your frequency. Do you have a story about a time that you changed your frequency? What did that look like? Send me a voice note or message on Instagram @jengitomer. Maybe I’ll even interview you in a future episode!

    This week, I invite you to activate your success frequency by figuring out what that means for you.

    Until next time, here's your high vibes, your energy, and your frequency.

  • When working with your clients, have you ever stopped to consider not just the best path, but the quickest path, to their desired transformation?

    As a service-based business owner, you’re likely used to providing results to your clients over weeks or months at a time. But wouldn’t it be incredible - for both you AND your clients - if you could bring their ideal outcomes to fruition in one day?

    In today’s new post, I’m diving deep into VIP days - what they are, why they should matter to you, and how you can craft them into mutually beneficial golden opportunities for you and your clients.

    VIP days aren’t just a day - they’re an experience. And I’m going to help you brainstorm how to create your own that are impactful and irresistible. Read on to accelerate your clients’ results while infusing quick cash into your business.

    Now, what happens on a VIP day that makes it so powerful for your client, a VIP day. And sometimes by the way, it's two days, sometimes it's two and a half days, sometimes it's half a day, you get to decide what that looks like for you.

    What are VIP Days?

    A VIP day is like a coaching or service session on steroids where your client gets to walk away having achieved the outcome(s) they've been hoping for in just one session with you. Instead of extending your services over time, you help them undergo an accelerated transformation in one day.

    Whether you're new to business, or if you've been in business for 10+ years, the way I look at VIP days is twofold: abundant transformation for your client, and a quick cash injection for you and your business. It's a win-win for everyone involved.

    VIP days are gold in business because they're literal gold to the business owner, but they're also unparalleled gold to your client.

    For example, one of the things I work with my clients on is we identify and overcome limiting beliefs and stories. In a VIP day, it’s basically a mindset day on steroids. In working with me, we've already pre-identified some of your blocks. During our VIP Day together, we are then embarking on a journey to work through them - we go through the focused process of identifying your stories, overcoming them, and shaping + embodying new stories that we create together for you. While this can be done in coaching over time, when it's done in a day, the impact is truly amazing. It's such a relief because you're no longer waiting to continue to work through this; you have an end result. By choosing a VIP Day as a client, you have a defined time where you know you will get to walk away with answers. And that feels really good.

    When you provide a VIP Day for your client, you help them achieve something that would normally take weeks or months to achieve, but you achieve it in a day, while giving them your full attention as your VIP.

    By the way - If you hate calling it a VIP Day, no problem, call it whatever you want. I actually call it a “Breakthrough Day” with my clients. The concept is the same; brand it as you wish in line with your own business.

    Examples of VIP Days

    This week, I'm hosting a VIP day for one of my clients who I've been working with for about a year now. She's coming to Charleston to meet with me at the beach, and I’ve crafted a VIP Breakthrough Business Day for her. She wants to create a business plan to really set herself up for success for 2023, and she’s going to work with me to formulate an entire strategy to prepare for the year ahead. If we were doing this in a coaching package, we’d be working week to week, or meeting maybe every other week, so this big business plan could take a really long time to create. So we decided, why not just sit together for a day and accelerate her results? It's a total win.

    Here are some other examples:

    If you're a graphic designer and you're creating a branding package for someone, the back and forth can be annoying. Why not do it in a day? I find that when you're in a service based industry, the back and forth can be a major time waster. It's also an energy drain because it's frustrating when you're waiting to hear back and then the client wants, like 600 changes. And then you have to explain that there's only this many revisions, etc. That back and forth can be cut out when you accelerate the path to your clients success by doing it in a chunk of time.

    If you are a copywriter writing a website’s text or launch copy for someone, perhaps you can knock it all out with your client in a day, rather than going back and forth with questions and revisions over a week or month.

    I've been on the receiving end of VIP Days, multiple times, myself. I recently did a nutrition + health + wellness kind of VIP day where someone came to me. She helped me clean out my kitchen pantry, took me grocery shopping, helped me identify meals and recipes that we cooked together, and taught me new cooking techniques to make things simpler and more accessible for my skill level. We also worked through my stories of “I don’t know how to cook” so I could gain confidence as a competent home chef. It was useful, and so much fun.

    Remember, VIP Days are not just a day, they’re an experience. This isn’t about sitting in front of a computer with someone for 8 hours - no one wants to do that. You are there to help your client get out of their head, gain clarity, and make breakthroughs. Get creative in how you can achieve your mutual goals in your time together like the nutrition day I had. A part of my client’s Breakthrough Day will include a visit to my favorite Wellness Center where I’ll take her to her first cold plunge, into the sauna, and to compression therapy. This will clear the headspace for us to then craft breakthroughs for her 2023 business plan.

    Brainstorming VIP Days for your business

    When I started my business back in New York in 2013, I discovered VIP Days by accident. I don't even know that they were called VIP Days. I had a client come to me and she said, “I have this big contract I'm working on and I need your help learning how to sell right away. I need help creating the proposal, asking for my price, and landing this deal.”

    Basically, she had the opportunity of a lifetime. And she knew that if we continued to work together week to week, that we would eventually get there, but she needed more than what was accomplishable over time. She needed it right then. So I listened to what she needed, and I crafted an offer based on her needs.

    This is exactly what you need to do, too. You need to listen to what your clients need, and then you can craft an offer based on those needs and their level of urgency in achieving those goals.

    For that first VIP Day client of mine, I crafted an offer that would teach her how to create her irresistible offer, how to create her contract, time with me to practice & roleplay her pitch, and ultimately help her to walk away feeling confident in her ability to land the deal. She invested $5,000 at the time in me as a newbie business owner for this VIP Day. Of course, it took me some prep time to create auxiliary information, strategy sheets, etc. But those were things that I could reuse in my business later. And guess what? She got the deal. And the deal that she closed on was over $100k in revenue, and life changing to her business. That VIP Day was a win-win for us both.

    So when you think about creating an irresistible offer of your own VIP Day, it doesn't matter if you're brand new to your business or if you've been doing this for 10 years. What matters is your ability to get your clients results. If you can get your clients results, and you can offer them the transformation that they're seeking, then you can charge for that value. And you can charge an expedited fee to make it happen right away.

    What do you currently do that takes time for your clients that could be done at an accelerated rate? If you had XYZ information, could you do it faster? Could you speed your clients’ results? If you were able to collaborate with your client one on one, what could you achieve faster, quicker, better?

    Determine what those services are. Then brainstorm about the type of experience you could create that could get your clients excited to speed up their outcomes with you.

    What your irresistible offer looks like? What does the experience that you're creating look like? What does your ideal VIP Day look like? Because people aren't just paying for the service. They're paying for the memorable experience. Maybe it involves you putting the person up in a fancy shmancy hotel and working from that hotel room, and perhaps a really cool Airbnb. Maybe you work from the beach, or another creative space related to your industry. It can be so many different things. Open your mind to the possibilities, and think about what would feel transformational to your clients.

    What's the quickest path to your clients’ transformation? And how can you get them there? How can you get them out of their head and into an experience that creates the ultimate day, the ultimate memory, and the ultimate outcome? That's what it's about.

    But how do you sell that?

    VIP Days are a great way to add $5k or $10k to your business in a day. The truth is, many entrepreneurs charge up to $25k a day for a VIP day, I'm just throwing out the $5k to $10k range because most of my clients that I work with at the moment are charging somewhere in that range for their VIP Days. That's why I've said it's a great way to add a cash injection to your business. VIP Days create money on demand, and they are a great way to give your clients the results that they need right now.

    So you might be thinking, I have these great offers, I offer packages, and I've been raising my prices. I'm working on my money stories, but how do I create something that someone would really want to buy for such a higher price point in one swoop? The answer: It's all about creating that irresistible offer.

    When you create the price, the price is based on the value - it's not based on you or your worth. It's based on the value that you are going to deliver to your clients. You need to have a ton of confidence in what you offer to your clients. And by the way, if you're already charging $2k - $5k for a package, you already have clients who are paying that amount of money. Now, you can have them pay it for a day's worth of work with you. Here’s where you determine what it’s worth to them. What is the value to your clients to get the information, skills, knowledge, expertise they need quickly? What is that worth for them to have it right now, rather than over time?

    Think about it. When you want something delivered fast, you pay extra for expedited shipping. The concept of paying extra for accelerated results is not new. People will pay extra to get results that they want right away, because that's part of the value.

    Diving deeper

    I do have a course on creating and selling VIP Days, though it's not really easy to find. But if you're interested in it, just DM me on Instagram and I'll make it available to you. I'm going to be updating it soon and really throwing in the whole enchilada because I've been doing these now for pretty much a decade and have become a master at both delivering and selling them. And I love teaching you how to make VIP Days happen in your business. So many of the Mastermind clients who I work with closely have not only experienced a VIP Day with me, but also have been selling and or crafting their offers to sell as VIP Days, too.

    Up next, I will share with you what you need to think about in order to sell these VIP days, how you can feel confident in your pricing, how you can ask for the sale, and how you can create the outcome that you're hoping for. But first, you need to know what it is you're selling. So take some time this week, to really unearth and craft the ultimate VIP Day experience for your clients.