
  • In this episode, we sit down with mental health expert Mark Butler to explore critical issues impacting workplaces today. Mark delves into:

    Mental Health Challenges in the Workplace: Understanding common issues and their impacts.

    Trauma-Informed Leadership: Why it's crucial for modern leaders.

    Recent Legislative Changes in Australia: What you need to know.

    Strategies to Prevent Burnout: Tips to promote mental well-being.

    Emotional Intelligence and Self-Care: Creating supportive environments.

    Reducing Mental Health Stigma: Empowering employees to take charge of their well-being.

    Tune in for an enlightening discussion on creating healthier, more supportive workplaces.


    00:00 Introduction to the Zoe Routh Leadership Podcast

    00:29 Exciting Developments in Space Exploration

    01:10 Impact of Space Tourism on Business

    02:58 Personal Reflections and Upcoming Program

    05:18 Introducing Today's Guest: Mark Butler

    06:46 Mental Health Responsibilities in the Workplace

    15:40 Understanding Burnout: Causes and Responsibilities

    24:05 Emotional Intelligence and Burnout Prevention

    27:59 Trauma-Informed Leadership

    30:59 Workplace Responsibility for Mental Health

    32:15 Understanding Burnout and Other Workplace Stressors

    35:33 Exploring Moral Injury

    38:14 The Fast Five Questions

    45:09 The Look In, Look Up, Look Out Model

    47:09 The Importance of Boundaries

    54:27 Developing Emotional Competence in Leadership

    56:55 Conclusion and Upcoming Episodes

  • My guest this week is an engineer turned systems productivity expert and author. Lauren Jones is a specialist in continuous improvement and her book, 10% Better, focuses on strategies to improve business processes and performance incrementally. Lauren shares how small, consistent improvements can lead to significant gains over time and how growth in both personal and professional realms can go hand-in-hand.

    We talk about the significance of inspiring and empowering people, overcoming the challenges of micromanagement and fostering trust within teams. Lauren’s practical and pragmatic insights will inspire reflection and change - 100%!


    See more at http://www.zoerouth.com/podcast/leadership-framework-lauren-jones

    Key Moments

    Planet Human: GPT is moving on in leaps and bounds - with a new voice feature that is fun to play with!

    Planet Zoë: The manuscript for Olympus Rising is complete which is very exciting. My focus now shifts to non-fiction and research for my next leadership book, tentatively titled Power Games.

    Lauren Jones' journey into productivity (00:03:26) Lauren Jones' transition from engineering to productivity consulting and her experience in operations management.

    The intersection of technical expertise and leadership (00:07:05) The discussion on how technical expertise and systems thinking intersect with leadership and management.

    Measuring business improvement (00:12:25) The importance of measuring various aspects of business performance, including quality, customer satisfaction, and financial indicators.

    The 10% improvement approach (00:18:16) The steps for achieving a 10% improvement, including inspiring and empowering the team, and tracking progress.

    The self-preservation instinct (00:22:00) Discussion about micromanagement, self-focus, and the detrimental impact of self-preservation instinct on leadership and team dynamics.

    Changing perspectives (00:23:52) The speaker shares personal examples of changing perspectives on ageism, gender roles, and work-life balance, highlighting the need for challenging and evolving mindsets.

    Future of work (00:33:02) Anticipated changes in the workplace, including automation, paperless operations, and a shift towards result-oriented focus rather than hours worked, with a positive outlook on embracing change.

    Leadership masterclasses (00:34:47) Introduction of leadership and management masterclasses aimed at emerging leaders, addressing the challenges of transitioning into management roles and the need for formal training.

    Insights on business management and improvement (00:37:07) Key takeaways on business management, improvement, and the importance of good systems for delegation, coaching, and trust-building.

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  • It’s a solosode week and I am delving into the intricacies of leadership and personal development and exploring the idea of feeling stuck. I’ve got four practical steps that will help to get you moving in the right direction.

    Feeling stuck is a natural part of the leadership journey, but it doesn't have to be a permanent state. By reframing your mindset, setting clear goals, seeking feedback and support, embracing change, and prioritising self-care, you can navigate through stagnation and become more effective in your role. Remember to live with grace, approaching each challenge with compassion and resilience. Let’s navigate this challenging state together!


    See more at http://www.zoerouth.com/podcast/leadership-strategy-stuck-zoe-routh

    Key Moments

    Planet Human: China’s Change’s-6 spacecraft landed on the dark side of the moon.

    Planet Zoë: I’m all about creative reinvention right now! Olympus Rising, which is the third book in the Gaia series, is with the editor. I'm working on my non-fiction book, Power Games and planning the new program, Grace Under Fire.

    Tips for Getting Unstuck (00:08:59)

    Tips for getting unstuck, including getting visible, being a giver, and leveraging the law of reciprocity.

    Getting Visible (00:09:15)

    The importance of making yourself known and seen in your community or industry.

    Being a Giver (00:10:05)

    How contributing to others can create opportunities and build relationships.

    Leveraging the Law of Reciprocity (00:11:30)

    Understanding how giving can lead to receiving and the benefits of mutual support.

    Practical Steps to Implement (00:13:00)

    Concrete actions you can take to apply these tips in your daily life.

    Personal Stories of Getting Unstuck (00:14:20)

    Real-life examples and anecdotes illustrating the effectiveness of these strategies.

    Reminder to Live with Grace (00:15:50)

    A reminder to live with grace, lead in service, and live well.

  • Elias Kanaris joined me to share his incredible journey from his upbringing in Libya to his leadership development work as a CEO. His story is one of influence, resilience, and the power of values instilled early in life. Elias's international background and his ability to navigate cultural nuances offer a rich perspective on leadership that transcends borders.

    Elias's experience during the tragic events of 11 September 2001 serves as a stark reminder of the need for adaptability in leadership. Stranded in Gander, Newfoundland, for five days, he learned invaluable lessons about self-care, the importance of community, and the necessity to rewrite the rules in the face of change. His insights are a testament to the strength of the human spirit and the capacity for leaders to emerge stronger from adversity.


    See more at http://www.zoerouth.com/podcast/elias-kanaris-leadership-journey

    Key Moments

    Planet Human: Inspired by Mary Beard’s SPQR The History of Ancient Rome, reflecting on the 2000 year history of Rome and what it tells us about society - and leadership - today. From savagery to community we’ve come a long way!

    Planet Zoë: I'm focused on Power Games, which is my next non-fiction book. I'm drilling into what happens at workplaces when we play these power games. And how can we navigate that?

    Elias Kanaris' background (00:06:15) Elias Kanaris talks about his upbringing in Libya, values instilled by his parents, and how it led him to leadership.

    Elias Kanaris' experience on 9/11 (00:09:46) Elias Kanaris shares his experience of being on a diverted flight during the events of 9/11 and spending five days in Gander, Newfoundland, Canada.

    Lessons learned from the experience (00:15:08) Elias Kanaris discusses the lessons he learned during the 9/11 experience, including the importance of self-care, looking after others, and adapting to changing rules.

    The power of language and communication (00:18:35) Elias Kanaris talks about the significance of words, shares a study on the impact of positive and negative words, and provides recommendations for leaders to use language wisely.

    Filtering Out the Negative (00:22:37) Discussion on the danger of filtering out negative aspects and the need to maintain positivity amidst destruction.

    Balanced View of Life (00:23:10) Importance of having a balanced view of life, considering personal faith, and applying transparency to received information.

    Emotional Maturity and Forgiveness (00:26:07) Exploration of Nelson Mandela's forgiveness as a reflection of emotional maturity and the impact of forgiveness on personal growth.

    The Power of Forgiveness (00:28:42) Discussion on forgiveness, the impact of holding grudges, and the concept of atonement versus forgiveness.

    Adapting to Change (00:30:59) Adapting to change, evaluating decisions, and the importance of seeking alternative perspectives and mentorship.

    Leadership Insights and Fast Five (00:33:36) Insights on leadership tips, challenges in the workplace, and a fast-paced Q&A session with Elias Kanaris.

    Balancing Past Wrongs (00:38:36) Exploration of balancing past wrongs from an indigenous perspective and the need for leaders to accept responsibility for historical failings.

    The Power of Forgiveness and Courage (00:39:16) Reflection on the power of forgiveness, separating individuals from their deeds, and the story of Malala Yousafzai as a model of forgiveness and positive focus.

  • We are exploring the important but often overlooked art of negotiation with expert Sam Trattles, who shares her journey to loving something that many people hate. We explore Sam’s uniquely Australian APEC method and discuss the nuances of high-stakes negotiations, such as those in international conflicts. Our conversation covers managing emotions, understanding motivations, and the impact of power dynamics. Sam imparts wisdom on engaging with senior leaders and the importance of mindset in seeking fair outcomes. Whether you're navigating boardroom battles or seeking to resolve complex conflicts, this episode is packed with actionable insights that will elevate your negotiation game.


    See more at: http://www.zoerouth.com/podcast/leadership-framework-sam-trattles

    Key Moments

    Planet Human: Exploring the little incremental changes add up to a big change in society - from telehealth and e-scripts to identify theft and proving we are human!

    Planet Zoë: Enjoying a period of routine at home before it’s time to hit the powder. Olympus Rising is almost ready to go to the editor and then the focus will be on on Zoë’s first non-fiction book in four and a half years, tentatively called Power Games.

    Introduction to Negotiation and Sam Trattles (00:04:32)

    Zoë Routh introduces Sam Trattles, an expert in negotiation, and sets the stage for the discussion on negotiation.

    Sam Trattles' Journey into Negotiation (00:06:00)

    Sam Trattles discusses her background in negotiation and her transition into negotiation training and development.

    Corporate Negotiation Experiences (00:07:42)

    Sam shares her experiences negotiating contracts, sponsorships, and leadership challenges in corporate roles.

    The Enjoyment of Negotiation and Healthy Debate (00:08:30)

    Sam explains her love for problem-solving and the importance of healthy debate in negotiation.

    The APEC Method of Negotiation (00:12:36)

    Introducing the APEC method, emphasising the significance of preparation and the steps involved in the negotiation process.

    Complex Negotiations (00:19:28)

    Discussion on handling high-stakes, complex negotiations with different ideologies and emotional baggage.

    Dealing with Difficult People (00:20:10)

    Considerations for negotiating with difficult individuals, understanding motivations, and seeking fair outcomes.

    Emotions in Negotiation (00:22:24)

    Addressing emotional influences in negotiations, managing emotions, and facilitating problem-solving.

    Managing Emotions in Negotiations (00:26:54)

    Strategies for managing emotions in difficult conversations and high-stakes negotiations.

    Power Dynamics in Negotiations (00:28:33)

    Exploring real versus perceived power, and strategies for cutting through power dynamics in negotiations.

    Negotiation Mindset (00:36:15)

    Encouraging a change in mindset by reframing negotiation as conversations and consciously observing negotiation opportunities.

    Emotional Aikido Skills (00:39:44)

    Explanation of five emotional aikido skills to manage emotions during high-tension situations in negotiation.

  • This is a profound conversation with Paul Glover, an ex-lawyer and leadership legacy coach, who shares his remarkable journey from incarceration, after being indicted by a federal grand jury on 33 counts of corruption, to redemption. Paul’s time in prison was a period of intense self-reflection and transformation, driven by a commitment to his family and a desire to become a better person. Emerging from the addictive “dark and grubby and greedy and vile” underworld Paul was confronted with dismantling his own ego in the pursuit of forgiveness.

    We delve into the importance of ethics, the power of humility and simple gratitude, and the role of support systems in personal growth. Paul’s candid leadership insights emphasise the need for self-reflection, accountability, and ethical decision-making frameworks and offers invaluable lessons for us all.


    See more at http://www.zoerouth.com/podcast/leadership-journey-paul-glover

    Key Moments

    Planet Human: A quick look at the fascinating concept of digital twins and AI technology as Reid Hoffman interviews ‘himself’! This is a theme that resonates deeply with my novels - imagine the possibilities and challenges as we interact with digital replicas of ourselves!

    Planet Zoë: I'm bursting with excitement to share that my upcoming novel, Olympus Rising is nearing completion. If you're seeking a gripping tale that intertwines with leadership and the future, keep your eyes peeled for its release. In the meantime catch up with The Olympus Project, Olympus Bound and grab the prequel novella Terra Blanca for free.

    Paul Glover's journey and challenges (00:05:01)

    Paul discusses his journey from being a trial attorney to getting involved in criminal activities and the impact on his life.

    Life in prison and aftermath (00:07:20)

    Paul shares the devastating impact of his imprisonment on his family and the emotional turmoil he faced.

    Self-reflection and transformation (00:09:16)

    Commitment to change, self-reflection, and the support Paul received from his wife during his transformation.

    Taming the ego and ethics (00:13:34)

    The role of ego in unethical behaviour and the importance of self-reflection.

    Insights on ethics and the law (00:16:09)

    Paul shares his perspective on ethics and the law, emphasising the importance of making black and white ethical decisions.

    Breaking free of ego and echo chamber (00:21:53)

    Zoe and Paul discuss breaking down the ego conversation justifying poor behaviour and breaking free from the echo chamber.

    Self-Reflection and Responsibility (00:22:29)

    Paul discusses the importance of creating one's self-image and the necessity of self-reflection for personal growth and transformation.

    Support and Environment (00:25:00)

    The impact of a supportive environment on individuals post-incarceration and the difficult choice of seeking and accepting support.

    Continuous Atonement and Gratitude (00:27:04)

    Paul emphasises the ongoing commitment to atonement and the practice of daily gratitude as part of his personal growth and transformation.

    Challenges in Reintegration (00:29:20)

    The challenges of finding employment post-release and the subsequent transition to coaching within distribution and manufacturing.

    Corporate Culture and Leadership (00:33:21)

    Insights on the shift in corporate culture post-pandemic and the need for a human-centric approach to leadership and team sustainability.

    Power and Toxic Leadership (00:36:01)

    Reflections on the destructive nature of power, the importance of humility in leaders, and the pressures that lead to toxic behaviour.

    Future Technology and Leadership (00:38:26)

    Paul's fascination with artificial intelligence and the anticipated shift in leadership roles from managerial to coaching and mentoring.

    The impact of environment and support (00:45:05)

    Discussion on the influence of environment and support on individuals' ability to break free from negative consequences and the need for new environments and support systems.

    The relationship between power and humility (00:45:05)

    Exploration of the relationship between power and humility, and the importance of humility, curiosity, and compassion in leadership.

    The role of the fool in leadership (00:46:21)

    The significance of having someone who can provide honest feedback and speak truth to power in leadership, drawing from the mediaeval concept of the fool.

    Ethical decision-making framework (00:46:21)

    Explanation of the "meaning, magnitude, and measure" framework for making ethical decisions, with a focus on consequences, universal principles, and values.

  • Ever wondered how a spy hones the skill to read people with precision? Our guest this week shares his riveting journey from the military to mastering human intelligence. Retired spy and a three-time award-winning speaker, JJ Brun's story is not just about espionage; it's a masterclass in understanding human dynamics that every leader can learn from. JJ's expertise in the DiSC® model offers a fascinating lens to decode how people think and act. His insights into behavioural traits and communication styles are invaluable for anyone looking to navigate the complex world of leadership and personal development. JJ even puts your host under the microscope, assessing my behavioural traits using the DISC model. As a DiSC practitioner myself, it was an enlightening experience!


    See more at: http://www.zoerouth.com/podcast/leadership-dynamics-brun

    Key Moments

    Planet Human: I’ve been watching Netflix show 3 Body Problem which sent me down a rabbit hole about the Fermi paradox. It is the identification that there is a high likelihood of existence of life somewhere out there in the universe. Fascinating stuff!

    Planet Zoë: If you are in Canberra on 30 May consider coming along to my in-person book launch for Olympus Bound. It’s going to be a fun celebration at the Shine Dome - it’s free to attend, details and registration here

    JJ Brun's Journey to Becoming a Spy (00:05:43) JJ Brun shares his unexpected path to becoming a spy and his experiences in the military.

    Spy School Experience in the UK (00:09:50) JJ Brun recounts his surreal and challenging experience at a spy school in the UK.

    Understanding Self and Personal Traits (00:17:01) JJ Brun discusses his self-discovery and understanding of his traits in relation to his career as a spy.

    Sharing Knowledge and Mission (00:20:45) JJ Brun emphasises the importance of self-awareness and sharing knowledge for personal and professional growth.

    Decoding Human Capital (00:21:52) Discussion on decoding human capital, understanding pace and priority perspectives, and identifying leadership styles.

    Understanding Leadership Styles (00:24:02) Explanation of the four leadership styles and how leaders adapt their style to the environment for effective leadership.

    Personality Insights and Archetypes (00:27:13) Exploration of personality insights, style blends, and how hobbies can provide clues to preferred communication style. Brief mention of archetypes.

    Spying and Intelligence Work (00:32:31) Insights into the life of an intelligence officer, including building rapport, understanding and discerning human behaviour, and experiences in the field.

    Building Relationships in Espionage (00:39:42) A detailed case study of building a relationship with a challenging individual, using communication styles to navigate interactions, and learning to ask quality questions.

    Feel Good Icebreaking Questions (00:42:47) JJ Brun discusses the importance of memorising effective icebreaking questions and shares his mentor's influence.

    Personal Branding (00:43:40) JJ Brun explains how he branded himself as a retired spy and the importance of brand identity.

    Spy Museum Experience (00:46:20) JJ Brun shares his experience at a spy museum and the branding ideas he gained from it.

    Challenge Coin Business Card (00:47:33) JJ Brun discusses his unique business card and its military background.

    Fast Five Q&A (00:48:39) Zoë Routh asks JJ Brun five rapid-fire questions on future technology, leadership, workplace problems, leaders, and favourite leadership book or podcast.

    Misconceptions About Spying (00:51:37) JJ Brun addresses misconceptions about spying and emphasises the difference between reality and Hollywood portrayals.

    Balancing Archetypes (00:54:51) Zoë Routh discusses the importance of balancing archetypes for leadership and team growth.

  • This week I’m joined by the remarkable Helen Young-McLaughlin, CEO and founder of the Leverage Academy and a leadership coach based in Maryland, USA. Helen opens up about her personal battle with burnout and the transformative power of empathetic communication in the workplace. Her story is a testament to the resilience and adaptability required of leaders today. Helen is passionate about mindful middle management, and moving beyond the hustle culture hangover with a leadership framework built around intention, growth and impact so that everyone can grow and thrive without the burden of burnout.


    See more at http://www.zoerouth.com/podcast/leadership-framework-helen-young

    Key Moments

    Planet Human: SpaceX's Starship and its monumental leap towards lunar and Martian missions. As someone deeply fascinated by the prospects of a permanent human presence in space, I also touch upon my novel, Olympus Bound which explores this very theme.

    Planet Zoë: Leadership in the Wild - Currently, I'm in the rugged terrains of Western Australia, collaborating with Outback Initiatives on a leadership development program. Here, we're pushing boundaries through caving and bushwalking.

    Understanding burnout and communication (00:04:00) Zoe and Helen discuss the link between burnout and communication, sharing personal experiences and insights.

    Effective communication for middle management (00:12:36) Helen shares her perspective on effective communication, emphasising the importance of connectedness, clarity, and curiosity.

    Empowering through curiosity (00:19:40) The conversation explores the challenge of staying curious and avoiding the urge to solve problems, emphasising the importance of empowering others through communication.

    Collaboration in the Workplace (00:24:29) Challenges and solutions for effective collaboration among individuals of different status and influence.

    Obstacles to Collaboration (00:25:49) Identifying and addressing the obstacles to collaboration in the current work environment, including remote and hybrid work setups.

    Reactivity as an Indicator (00:29:25) Understanding reactivity as a red flag, using curiosity to diagnose and address issues before making changes.

    Future Technology and Workplace Wellness (00:32:44) Discussion about the potential benefits of technology for workplace wellness, including the concept of "pods" for virtual breaks.

    Leadership Book Recommendation (00:35:42) Recommendation of the book "Dare to Lead" by Brené Brown, emphasising vulnerability and courage in leadership.

    The Future of Work (00:37:24) Envisioning a future workplace where mental health, learning, and well-being are top priorities for all individuals.

    Workplace Burnout and Values Alignment (00:38:53) Highlighting the impact of workplace burnout and the importance of aligning values with work to create a positive environment.

    Speaking Up as a Leader (00:41:51) Encouragement to speak up as a leader, overcoming biological urges for connection and safety to steer towards fulfilling potential.

  • Do you think fun has a place at work? I do! I think it’s vital in fact and in this episode we are exploring the power of fun with my guest Dr Mike Rucker, author of The Fun Habit.

    Mike has spent much of his career in service to workplace wellbeing and performance, as an organisational psychologist, behavioral scientist, and charter member of the International Positive Psychology Association. He’s a big believer that in our our overprescribed lives we need to seek fun where we can. We’re not talking about zany fun here, it’s finding pleasure in the everyday. It's not about the big milestones, but the small moments that build our rich tapestry of life. As leaders, creating an environment where fun is woven into the fabric of work can transform well-being and productivity. It's serious business to ensure our teams genuinely enjoy their work.


    See more at http://www.zoerouth.com/podcast/leadership-fun-mike-rucker

    Key Moments

    Planet Human: A big win for carbon neutral cattle here in Australia.

    Planet Zoë: Olympus Bound has launched! It is out now, the advance reviews have been fantastic and I’m excited to see it getting in readers’ hands. Order your signed copy from my site, or get the paperback and ebook options on Amazon. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

    The Importance of Fun at Work (00:03:28)

    Introduction to the concept of fun at work and its significance for workplace well-being.

    The Beginning of Fun as a Focus (00:04:38)

    Guest Dr. Mike Rucker shares how fun became a focus for him and its connection to positive psychology.

    Challenges with Pursuing Happiness (00:09:32)

    Discussion on the problematic pursuit of happiness as an outcome and its impact on emotional flexibility and comparison to others.

    The Role of Agency and Autonomy in Fun (00:14:10)

    Exploration of the importance of agency and autonomy in creating positive experiences and avoiding habituated routines.

    The Fun Habit Book Premise (00:18:30)

    Explanation of the premise of the book "The Fun Habit" and the importance of breaking habitual routines to incorporate joy into life.

    Defining and Incorporating Fun (00:21:40)

    Discussion on defining fun for oneself and strategies for incorporating it into the workday.

    The Valence of Fun (00:21:57)

    Mike explains the psychological concept of valence and its association with pleasure and enjoyment.

    The Misunderstood Concept of Fun at Work (00:24:17)

    Zoe and Mike discuss the misconception of fun at work, addressing the negative connotations and the need for a redefined understanding.

    Creating an Enjoyable Work Environment (00:29:11)

    Mike delves into the connection between meaningful work and enjoyment, emphasising the importance of creating an enjoyable environment.

    Future Technology and Work-Life Balance (00:33:44)

    Mike discusses a technology concept related to work-life balance and the potential benefits of AI in managing work communications.

    Transition Rituals in the Workplace (00:36:42)

    Mike highlights the need for transition rituals in the workplace to separate work and leisure life, promoting a healthier work-life balance.

    Parity and Reward for Work (00:38:35)

    Zoe and Mike touch on the topic of parity and reward for work, expressing their views on the unequal distribution of abundance resulting from labour.

    Reclaiming Control and Enjoying Work (00:41:42)

    Mike emphasises the importance of reclaiming control at work and finding enjoyment, particularly by reclaiming lunch breaks and other breaks in the workday.

    Enjoyment and Productivity (00:42:32)

    Focusing on the importance of enjoyment in pocket moments for increased productivity and creativity.

    Leadership and Interpersonal Dynamics (00:49:00)

    An excerpt from the novel Terra Blanca: Insurrection highlighting interpersonal dynamics in leadership.

  • I’m just back from a two-week epic hike along the Australian Alpine Walking Track and reflecting on the fact that the heart of any expedition is its people. Drawing on these recent experiences for this solo episode, I explore the importance of nurturing relationships, understanding individual drives, and creating a supportive environment that empowers your team. We had some tough times on the trek; challenging terrain and brutal weather. But we also had lots of joy; laughter, dancing and gratitude in the bush! And much like life and leadership, when things get too much we simply focus on putting one foot in front of the other.


    See more at: http://www.zoerouth.com/podcast/leadership-adventure-zoe-routh

    Key Moments

    Planet Human: A biotech breakthrough that has the potential to transform lives with the ability to grow a ‘mini liver’ in lymph nodes, rather than relying on a transplant.

    Planet Zoë: 200km in two weeks - Zoë reflects on an amazing experience in the Australian bush.

    **Challenges and experiences during the trek (00:02:39)**

    Zoë shares the physical and emotional challenges faced during the bushwhack, including navigating off-track and encountering feral animals.

    **Leadership dynamics in the bush (00:04:52)**

    Zoë explores the leadership dynamics and decision-making processes involved in the intense bushwhack experience.

    **Factors contributing to successful teamwork (00:13:11)**

    Zoë discusses the factors that contributed to the successful teamwork during the trek, including shared responsibilities and collective decision-making.

    **Lessons for applying to the workplace (00:15:11)**

    Zoë draws parallels between the bush walking experience and workplace projects, highlighting the importance of a meaningful "why" and an energiser for the team.

    **Key points for project success (00:16:18)**

    Zoë emphasises the importance of relationships, setting parameters, and adapting as you go for project success.

    **Adapt as you go (00:20:25)**

    Importance of flexibility and adaptability in facing unexpected challenges during the adventure.

    **Practice appreciation and gratitude (00:21:32)**

    The significance of acknowledging and expressing gratitude for the experiences, company, and moments during the journey.

    **Have fun along the way (00:22:35)**

    Emphasising the necessity of incorporating enjoyment and fun into the leadership journey, even during challenging times.

  • Words matter and my guest this week is an accomplished author and ghostwriter with over 100 books to her name - averaging around one book a month! Rhiannon D’Averc shares her writing process, her experience ghostwriting in various voices, and the importance of detailed outlines. Many leaders are charged with translating complex ideas into compelling narratives and Rhinannon’s insights into how she organises her research and removing roadblocks are not just applicable to writing but to any leadership role: it's all about efficiency and clarity. We also talk about how Rhiannon embodies a client's voice through interviews and written materials and discuss some of the challenges of editing and finally publishing a book. All of which is extremely top of mind for me as I prepare to launch Olympus Bound!


    See more at http://www.zoerouth.com/podcast/leadership-communication-rhiannon-daverc

    Key Moments

    Planet Human: Discussion about the Australian Research Council's investment in space agriculture and its relevance to future space exploration.

    Planet Zoë: Back from an epic adventure on the Australian Alpine walking trail and focused on the upcoming launch of Olympus Bound.

    Getting Started as an Author and Ghostwriter (00:05:32) Rhiannon D’Averc’s journey into writing and ghostwriting, and her prolific output of over 100 published books.

    Writing Process (00:07:08) Insights into Rhiannon's streamlined writing process and her approach to removing roadblocks.

    Ghostwriting Process (00:08:34) Discussion of the process of getting into someone else's head and embodying their voice in ghostwriting.

    Managing Ego as a Ghostwriter (00:10:01) Rhiannon's perspective on dialling down her ego as a ghostwriter and dealing with edits.

    Capturing Ideas of Future Experts (00:11:32) Exploration of capturing future-oriented ideas, including using sci-fi as a medium to reach wider audiences.

    Marketing Efforts and Impact (00:17:07) Rhiannon’s marketing efforts for her own books and the challenges of balancing writing and marketing.

    The importance of innovative messaging (00:20:21) Discussion on using science fiction for broader audience reach and interesting ideas and perspectives worked with different clients.

    Exploring future technology in finance (00:21:01) Working with a financial expert on future finance vision, linking it to technology, and discussing the future of social media.

    Social media and blockchain technology (00:22:00) Exploring decentralised social media through blockchain technology and its implications.

    Cherry-picking stories for nonfiction books (00:24:04) Helping authors select stories to bring their ideas to life and the significance of storytelling in nonfiction books.

    Insights about people and leadership (00:26:17) Rhiannon's observations about human nature and leadership, emphasising shared experiences and fallibility.

    The fast five with Rhiannon (00:27:30) A series of quick questions covering future technology, leadership tips, workplace issues, political leadership, and favourite leadership book.

    Writing and editing process for books (00:33:16) Discussion on the phases and timeline of writing a book, including the research, interview, writing, and editing phases.

  • My guest today has an incredible track record in technology and innovation, is a 2 x author and entrepreneur who bridges the gap between hardware and software. Ajay Malik is the driving force behind Secomind, a forward-thinking company dedicated to incorporating AI seamlessly into products, workflows, and customer support processes.

    In our far reaching conversation we attempt to answer the question of, where do leaders start with AI? We’re exploring general principles and good practices, how to identify where AI can have an impact in business and what that might look like. We’re not talking about job elimination, but instead exciting things like efficiency, exploration and experimentation!


    See more at: http://www.zoerouth.com/podcast/leadership-principles-ajay-malik

    Key Moments

    Planet Human: Exciting developments in the realm of ‘space farming’ happening in Melbourne right now!

    Planet Zoë: Bali, Olympus Bound - pre-orders available now - and hitting the Australian Alps trail.

    Getting Started with AI in Business (00:02:24)

    Addressing the question of how to start integrating AI into business practices.

    Ajay Malik's Journey into Computer Science and AI (00:04:11)

    Ajay Malik shares his journey into computer science and AI.

    Principles for Integrating AI into Business (00:05:58)

    Discussion about the principles to consider when integrating AI into business practices.

    Avoiding a Cost-Cutting Approach to AI (00:07:01)

    Exploring the misconception of starting AI integration with a focus on job elimination.

    Selecting AI Solutions for Business (00:10:48)

    Guidelines for curating and finding the right AI solutions for specific business needs.

    Platform Approach for AI Integration (00:11:36)

    Emphasising the importance of a platform approach for AI integration and data security.

    Centralised AI Platform (00:16:40)

    Discussion about the need for a centralised AI platform to manage multiple tools and applications.

    Future of Centralised AI Solutions (00:19:01)

    Exploring the potential for centralised AI solutions and the development of such platforms.

    Security Concerns with Centralised AI (00:20:15)

    Addressing the security concerns associated with centralised AI platforms and the need for encryption.

    Barriers to AI Adoption (00:22:54)

    Challenges leaders face in adopting AI, including fear of job elimination, scepticism, and uncertainty about where to start.

    Starting with Small AI Projects (00:27:18)

    Advises starting with small AI projects, using the "t-shirt sizing" approach, and ensuring measurable benefits.

    Examples of AI Implementation (00:29:52)

    Real-life examples of AI implementation in customer support, operations, and product improvement.

    Leadership Tip: Enabling Team Success (00:36:41)

    The importance of enabling team success and serving as a reverse boss to support and empower team members.

    Future Technology: Brain-Computer Interface (00:35:13)

    Desire for a brain-computer interface for communication and control, leveraging brainwaves for interaction.

    Leadership Book Recommendation (00:39:05)

    Recommendation of "Leaders Eat Last" by Simon Sinek as a favourite leadership book.

    The future of AI and its accessibility (00:40:55)

    Discussion on the impact of AI on society, concerns about the accessibility of AI technology to all individuals.

    Technology and its impact on society (00:42:49)

    Exploration of the impact of technology on society, considerations for ensuring technology benefits all individuals.

    The potential of AI to improve productivity and efficiency (00:44:25)

    Discussion on how AI can enhance productivity, efficiency, and reduce costs, with a focus on reaching individuals at all socio-economic levels.

    Considerations when implementing AI (00:47:25)

    Exploration of criteria for evaluating AI solutions, including centralised platforms, privacy, security, explainability, and ethical principles.

  • This week I have two guests on the podcast: Jason Walker and Rey Ramirez, the innovative minds behind Thrive HR Consulting. Jason has a background in re-engineering workforces and Rey comes from the world of mergers and acquisitions, together they are at the vanguard of using AI to streamline HR.

    We dive deep into the intersection of artificial intelligence and human resources, exploring cutting-edge tools that are reshaping how we approach everything from employee engagement surveys to recruitment processes. Imagine AI providing real-time data analysis and creating interactive survey experiences – it's happening now, and we're discussing the implications.

    If you’re looking for actionable insights on responsibly harnessing AI - this is the place.


    See more at http://www.zoerouth.com/podcast/leadership-perspectives-thrive-HR

    Key Moments

    Planet Human: Reflecting on We Work’s Adam Newman’s erratic journey now he’s in the news again wanting to buy back his co-working business.

    Planet Zoë: As you listen to this, Zoe is busy bushwalking the Australian Alpine Walking Trail, a 15 day hike of 240km! While that’s happening there’s goodies galore for those who pre-order Olympus Bound - get the paperback or the eBook on Amazon (please email your receipt to get your goodies).

    Introduction of Jason Walker and Rey Ramirez (00:03:56) Zoe introduces Jason Walker and Rey Ramirez, co-founders of Thrive HR Consulting, and their expertise in AI tools for HR processes.

    Getting Started in HR Processes with AI (00:05:03) Jason and Rey talk about their backgrounds and transition into consulting, focusing on innovation and client satisfaction.

    The Latest Tools and Strategies in HR and AI (00:08:27) Discussion on the current excitement around AI in HR and the challenges of implementing AI tools in organisations.

    Interactive Employee Engagement Surveys with AI (00:16:07) The benefits of AI-enabled surveys, including interactive and empathetic interactions with employees, and the potential for use in various organisational functions.

    Security Concerns Related to AI Voice Technology (00:20:52) Discussion about security issues, including the potential for deepfake voice cloning and the need for robust security features in AI tools.

    Hurdles and Considerations for AI Implementation (00:21:55) Obstacles and considerations for leaders when selecting and implementing AI tools, including planning and ethical use.

    AI Strategy and Employee Impact (00:22:13) Planning an AI strategy, ethical considerations, and addressing employee displacement concerns.

    Guardrails and HR Leadership in AI Implementation (00:24:30) The importance of setting policies, piloting AI tools, and HR leadership in implementing AI for efficiency and profitability.

    Independent Review and Certification for AI Tools (00:33:44) The need for independent review and certification of AI tools to ensure ethical and responsible use.

    HR Leaders and AI Technology (00:44:29) The importance of having an honest discussion with the c-suite about AI and building a strategy around AI technology.

    Considerations Before Implementing AI (00:46:43) Advice for HR leaders on hypothetical scenarios, guardrails, and staying informed about technology trends.

    Future of Leadership and Technology (00:48:21) Recommendations for blogs, podcasts, and discussions on the intersection between technology and humans in the workplace.

  • We are all about the pursuit of workplace happiness this week with my guest Lori-Ann Duguay.

    LorAnn is the owner and founder of People Powered Solutions, and the author of The Happiness Factor, a delightful book filled with actionable insights for creating happy cultures drawn from Lori-Ann’s extensive experience in the HR space.

    She shines a light on the 10 fundamental needs of employees that are key to fostering a joyful and productive work environment. We discuss how effective communication and a robust onboarding process are not just nice-to-haves but essential for long-term success. The heart of our conversation centred on the importance of purpose, how as leaders we demonstrate and communicate purpose in a way that resonates across the organisation. That’s a big ask but Lori-Ann’s insights make it feel achievable for all. Press play for a hit of happiness!


    See more at http://www.zoerouth.com/podcast/leadership-strategies-lori-ann-duguay

    Key Moments

    Planet Human: The Intersection of Social Responsibility and Free Speech on Twitter/X

    Planet Zoë: Zoë is still in Bali, writing away making good progress on her fourth novel, tentatively called Olympus Rising. Olympus Bound is available for pre-order now.

    **Lori-Ann Duguay's Career Journey (00:04:48)**

    Lori-Ann Duguay discusses her transition from a large organisation to HR consultancy and her mission to create happy and productive workplaces.

    **Choosing Happiness as a Focus (00:07:17)**

    Discussion on why happiness was chosen as the main focus in Lori-Ann's book and business.

    **Research for the Ten Happiness Factors (00:09:54)**

    Insight into the research process and the identification of the ten fundamental needs for employee happiness.

    **Importance of Effective Communication (00:13:11)**

    The essential role of communication in ensuring message interpretation and understanding in the workplace.

    **Secrets to Successful Onboarding (00:14:56)**

    The significance of a successful onboarding process and the impact on employee retention and success.

    **Maintaining Purpose in the Organisation (00:20:34)**

    Discussion on the importance of maintaining purpose in the organisation and making new employees feel welcomed and part of the team.

    **Purpose-driven leadership (00:20:58)**

    Discussion on keeping purpose at the forefront of daily tasks and how it drives motivation and resilience.

    **Conveying purpose (00:22:10)**

    Specific ways to convey purpose, such as storytelling, visual displays, and involving the team in the process.

    **Growth plans (00:26:13)**

    The importance of growth plans in mapping out career trajectory and skill development within the organisation.

    **Vertical and horizontal development (00:32:54)**

    Exploring the significance of both vertical and horizontal development in leadership and skill enhancement.

    **Use of AI in business (00:34:36)**

    Leveraging AI for administrative tasks and maintaining brand consistency in content creation.

    **Best leadership tip (00:36:56)**

    The importance of being human as a leader, emphasising vulnerability and empathy.

    **Lack of accountability in the workplace (00:37:22)**

    Highlighting the challenge of lack of accountability and its impact on organisational culture.

    **Thumbs up for a remarkable leader (00:38:11)**

    Acknowledgment of an exceptional leader's approach to employee engagement and visibility.

    **Favourite leadership book (00:39:52)**

    Recommendation of "Five Dysfunctions of a Team" for understanding high-performing team behaviours.

    **Starting workplace culture transformation (00:42:30)**

    The need to assess the current state using tools like the "Happiness Factor" culture check.

    **The 10 needs assessment (00:42:55)**

    Understanding the 10 needs and their delivery within the company, identifying areas for improvement and investment.

    **Assessing the employee experience (00:42:55)**

    Evaluating the current employee journey, touchpoints, and fulfilment of the 10 needs at various stages.

    **Key takeaways on leadership and culture (00:44:39)**

    Reflection on growth paths, buddy system for onboarding, and creating defining leadership moments.

  • My guest this week, Nadeem Ahmad, believes that mindset is everything. He's a testament to how shedding limiting beliefs can unlock our true potential and provides powerful insights into how we can create a growth mindset. Nadeem is a visionary tech leader who has taken his extensive experience as a CTO and pivoted to helping entrepreneurs and start-ups to embrace innovation and technology. He shares his leadership journey, from burnout to bouncing back, and insights from his fantastic book, Becoming an Innovation Navigator. We explore how innovation isn't just for products or services – it's for personal growth too.

    So, are you ready to foster a culture of innovation, embrace a growth mindset, and navigate the exciting journey of curiosity and learning?


    See more at: http://www.zoerouth.com/podcast/leadership-innovation-nadeem-ahmad

    Key Moments

    Planet Human: Democracies have been shrinking and authoritarianism has been on the rise - this is problematic because abuse of power is rife.

    Planet Zoë: I’m on a writer’s retreat in Bali as my husband takes part in his company’s conference. A change of scene is so inspiring!

    **Introduction to Nadeem Ahmad (00:03:29)**

    Nadeem Ahmad, with three decades of experience in technology, discusses innovation and leadership, and his book "Becoming an Innovation Navigator."

    **Nadeem's journey to innovation (00:04:33)**

    Nadeem shares his career journey, burnout, and transition to the entrepreneurial world, offering insights into his personal and professional experiences.

    **Challenges of embracing innovation (00:07:21)**

    Leaders struggle with innovation due to limiting beliefs and the need for a growth mindset.

    **Innovation as a personal journey (00:11:10)**

    Nadeem emphasises that innovation is not just about business and technology; it's about personal growth and human interactions.

    **Unlocking your inner leader (00:12:23)**

    The importance of leadership in driving innovation, focusing on inspiring and understanding human needs to facilitate smoother innovation processes.

    **Overcoming uncertainty in innovation (00:15:43)**

    Nadeem discusses the need to balance innovation and uncertainty, emphasising the importance of a growth mindset, informed decisions, diversified projects, and a culture that embraces failure as a learning opportunity.

    **Curiosity and innovation (00:18:53)**

    Exploring the role of curiosity in innovation, drawing parallels with children's curiosity and its potential to alleviate uncertainty in the business context.

    **The evolution of innovation (00:19:47)**

    Discussion on fostering a culture of curiosity, experimentation, and rewarding failure in businesses.

    **Understanding innovation (00:20:28)**

    Comparison of large-scale organisational transformation and small-scale mindset-based innovation.

    **Consolidation vs. constant improvement (00:23:32)**

    Debate on the need for stability versus continuous improvement in organisations.

    **AI's growth and impact (00:26:35)**

    Explanation of the reasons behind the booming growth of AI, including Moore's Law, global data expansion, plummeting training costs, and increased global investments.

    **Approach to AI and experimentation (00:28:51)**

    Advice on approaching AI, understanding customer needs, aligning with business goals, and keeping up with trends.

    **The guardian archetype (00:40:03)**

    Explains the role of the guardian archetype in maintaining traditions and balancing innovation in leadership.

    **The herald and threshold guardian (00:40:03)**

    Describes the roles of the herald and threshold guardian in Joseph Campbell's hero's journey and their relevance in contemporary workplaces.

    **Guardians as catalysts for achievements (00:42:19)**

    Discusses how guardians can serve as catalysts for great achievements and the importance of preserving values whilst being cautious in innovation and progress.

  • Are you listening to what your body is telling you? And what has that got to do with how you show up as a leader?

    My guest, somatic leadership expert and educator Dr. Pavini Moray, and I explore how tuning into the body's signals can guide better decision-making, boost leadership empathy and prevent burnout. Our conversation also covers the significance of creating trauma-informed workplaces and developing skills to process triggers.

    I love this idea of the body as a continuous source of wisdom and insights. Helping us to process what’s going on internally and giving us little external signals - a tightening of the shoulders, a clench of the jaw, a shallow breath. What’s happening below our necks? Let’s find out!


    See more at http://www.zoerouth.com/podcast/somatic-leadership-pavini-moray

    Key Moments

    Planet Human: What does Microsoft’s market capitalisation valuation of $3 trillion tell us about where wealth and power - unelected - really lives?

    Planet Zoë: Embarking on an outdoor experiential program with emerging leaders in the science world - very cool! Continuing to mull global power dynamics and how that will influence this year’s writing, fiction and nonfiction.

    Introduction to Somatic Leadership and Dr. Pavini Moray (00:04:27)

    Bringing the Body into the Conversation (00:06:40) Discussion on the importance of paying attention to the body's signals and incorporating the body in leadership and decision-making.

    Understanding the Body's Signals as a Source of Wisdom (00:08:42) Exploration of different signals the body provides.

    Practising Somatic Awareness and Interpreting Body Signals (00:11:05) Insight into the process of practising somatic awareness, cultivating curiosity, and interpreting body signals for better decision-making.

    Impact of Ignoring Body Signals and Potential for Stress and Burnout (00:16:09) Discussion on the consequences of ignoring body signals, leading to stress, burnout, and the importance of paying attention to early signs of burnout.

    Personal Experience and the Importance of Paying Attention to Body Signals (00:19:40) Personal experience shared by Zoë about the impact of ignoring body signals and the shift in mindset after going through a significant health event.

    Stepping into Leadership (00:20:49) Exploring the impact of stepping into a leadership role and holding power in an organisation.

    Somatic Awareness and Power (00:22:02) Understanding the concept of holding power and learning to feel its impact on others through somatic awareness.

    Listening and Empathy (00:28:08) Understanding the role of deep listening and empathy in embodying power and creating human connection in leadership.

    Trauma-Informed Workplace (00:31:28) Recognising and addressing trauma in the workplace, creating a culture of consent, and developing skills to handle triggers and responses.

    Technology and Empathy (00:38:57) Exploring the potential of technology to enhance empathy and somatic practices, and its impact on human potential and love.

    Avoiding Pain and Repair (00:42:57) Discussion about avoiding pain and repairing relationships, and the tendency to sweep aside difficult questions.

    Understanding Personal Power (00:47:04) Dr. Pavini Moray emphasises the importance of recognising personal power and influence, and the impact of each individual's actions.

    Somatic Leadership Practices (00:50:24) Zoë Routh discusses the importance of somatic practices, such as body scans and breathing exercises, for centred leadership and compassionate responses.

  • My guest this week is the insightful Russel Lolacher, a fellow Canadian with a background steeped in communications and leadership before an employee experience epiphany in 2018 ultimately led to the creation of his fantastic podcast, Relationships at Work.

    Russel shares his wisdom on fostering better organisations through stronger relationships. He takes us on his personal journey into the realm of relationship building at work, highlighting the power of personalisation, connecting work to value, and empowerment. It's all about creating a workplace culture that thrives on positive connections.

    We delve deep into how power dynamics and leadership styles influence workplace relationships and culture. Russel underscores the responsibility that comes with power, advocating for leaders to be more accessible and engaged. It's a call for intentional and meaningful interactions—something every leader should hear.


    See more at http://www.zoerouth.com/podcast/leadership-relationships-russel-lolacher

    Key Moments

    Planet Human: OpenAI has showcased Sora, a text to video tool that looks like it has huge potential to democratise media production.

    Planet Zoë: Reflecting on the Leadership Conclave and already thinking about the next event. Subscribe to the Monthly Round-Up to be the first to know about future events and get a free People Stuff ebook. Or if fiction is more your thing, please apply for an Advanced Reader Copy of Olympus Bound.

    Introduction to Russel Lolacher (00:05:26) A diverse background and powerful personal leadership journey

    Impact of Negative Leadership Experiences (00:09:42) Discussion of the long-lasting impact of negative leadership experiences on individuals and consultants.

    Leadership Behaviour and Impact on Culture (00:10:53) Exploration of how leaders get away with bad behaviour and the focus on results over leadership development.

    Shift in Leadership Perspective (00:12:06) The impact of the global pandemic on leadership perspectives and the need for self-awareness among leaders.

    Surviving and Influencing Toxic Cultures (00:14:12) Strategies for leaders to survive and influence toxic cultures, focusing on what they can control and building relationships.

    Building Relationships at Work (00:18:31) The importance of relationships in workplace culture and the similarity between building relationships at work and in personal life.

    Professionalism and Its Impact (00:20:06) Challenging the notion of professionalism and its potential impact on diversity, equity, and inclusivity.

    Ageism and Gender Bias (00:20:42) Discussion on ageism, gender bias, and the changing expectations of employees in the workplace.

    Power and Responsibility (00:21:46) Exploration of the impact of power on leadership, responsibilities, and the disconnect between executives and employees.

    Accountability and Leadership (00:22:57) Analysis of the lack of accountability in leadership roles and the shifting perspectives on power among new generations.

    Remote Work and Office Return (00:25:33) Debate on the push for employees to return to the office and the impact on diversity, equity, and inclusion.

    Remote Work Challenges (00:27:56) Discussion on balancing remote work flexibility with the desire for connection and community in the workplace.

    Intent in Digital Leadership (00:28:43) Importance of intention and meaningful efforts in building a digital culture and fostering connections in a hybrid or digital model.

    Purposeful Gathering (00:31:14) Emphasis on purposeful gatherings, whether virtual or in-person, and the need for intentional interactions.

    Redesigning Meetings (00:32:10) Approach to redesigning work practices with relationship-based principles and tips for intentional and meaningful meetings.

    Understanding Impact as a Leader (00:34:41) Insight into understanding the impact of leadership on employees and the importance of self-awareness and situational awareness.

    Future Technology and Leadership (00:37:50) Desire for advanced AI technology to support and enhance leadership capabilities.

    Leadership Tips and Decisiveness (00:38:21) The universal tip of listening and the importance of decisiveness in leadership.

    Checkbox Mentality in Leadership (00:38:58) Frustration with the checkbox mentality in leadership and the lack of follow-up and understanding of the impact of actions.

    Effective Leadership and Onboarding (00:40:13) Discussion on the frustration with ineffective onboarding processes and the missed opportunity to support new employees.

    Leadership Assessment (00:35:04) Insight into assessing leadership impact through the perspectives of the environment, work culture, and self-awareness.

    Leadership Role Model (00:41:14) Recognition of a leader doing something right

    Russel Lolacher's Leadership Experience (00:41:26) Russel's transformation from a poor leader to a compassionate one, learning from past mistakes.

    Shift from Top-Down Leadership (00:46:04) Discussion on the need to move away from top-down leadership and the potential challenges in global politics.

  • In this solosode I’m advocating for reading fiction to enhance and broaden our leadership perspectives - and then using this new outlook to increase curiosity and creativity in our leadership. It's not just about thinking outside the box; it's about reshaping the box entirely. By developing fresh ideas, we can tackle the challenges that come our way with a renewed vigour and rigour. This segues into the seven early warning signs of power abuse - a slippery slope in any organisation. I walk us through the red flags and how to mitigate them, from the complicity of organisational systems to speaking truth to power.


    See more at: http://www.zoerouth.com/podcast/leadership-power-abuse-zoe-routh

    Key Moments

    Planet Human: Intuitive Machines recent moon landing, its underwhelming broadcast, and how art and life collide.

    Planet Zoë: Olympus Bound is with the typesetter and Zoe is looking for advance readers email [email protected] with ARC in the subject line and you could be getting an early look at the ebook version of Olympus Bound

    The Importance of Developing Perspective (00:04:23)

    Discussion of creativity, problem-solving, and the role of perspective in leadership.

    Expanding Perspective Through Reading Fiction (00:05:20)

    Exploration of how reading fiction can enhance perspective and strategic thinking.

    Technical Skills for Developing Perspective (00:10:43)

    Tips for developing perspective and problem-solving skills, focusing on hypothesising and examining situations from multiple perspectives.

    Early Warning Signs of Power Abuse (00:12:02)

    Identification and discussion of seven early warning signs of power abuse in organisations and leadership.

    The Lack of Diversity in Leadership (00:21:07)

    The importance of diverse perspectives in leadership teams and the impact on decision-making and technology implementation.

    The Impact of Technology on Prosperity (00:22:24)

    Exploration of the hypothesis that technological advancements do not always lead to greater freedom and prosperity, and the need for control of the narrative.

    The Need for Diverse Perspectives in Decision-Making (00:23:30)

    Highlighting the importance of diverse perspectives in decision-making, especially in considering the negative impacts of solutions like AI implementation.

    The Importance of New Blood in Leadership (00:27:02)

    Emphasising the significance of new leadership perspectives and the impact of limited turnover on organisational vitality.

    Addressing Power Traps in Systems (00:28:08)

    Exploration of power traps within organisational systems and the potential solutions to counter abuses of power.

    Developing Independence, Interdependence, and Influence (00:30:38)

    Discussion on empowering individuals to be independent agents of power, encouraging interdependence, and expanding the narrative in decision-making.

  • Have you ever encountered someone in your professional life who seemed charming at first, but turned out to be a bit too self-centred for comfort? This week on the podcast we're diving deep into the world of narcissism with my guest, the insightful Lindsay Ruiz who has deep experience in this area and focused her doctorate in organisational development and change around narcissistic behaviour. Together, we unravel the complexities of narcissistic behaviour and its impact on the workplace. It's a conversation filled with personal stories and research that will arm you with the knowledge to navigate these tricky waters.

    Press play for a thoughtful exploration of the human psyche, the complexities of workplace dynamics and the nuances of narcissism.


    See more at http://www.zoerouth.com/podcast/leadership-systems-lindsay-ruiz

    Key Moments

    Planet Human: NASA's discovery of building blocks of life on the asteroid Bennu in the Osiris-REx mission and the use of artificial intelligence to decode chicken speech and its potential impact on understanding animal communication.

    Planet Zoë: Apply for an Advanced Reader Copy of Olympus Bound!

    Introduction to Lindsay Ruiz (00:04:42)

    And her background in dealing with narcissism in the workplace.

    Understanding Narcissism and Narcissistic Abuse (00:07:13)

    Explanation of narcissism as a personality disorder and the impact of narcissistic abuse on individuals.

    Causes and Traits of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (00:10:24)

    Discussion on potential causes and traits of narcissistic personality disorder, including environmental, genetic, and neurobiological factors.

    Emotional World of Narcissists (00:13:47)

    Insight into the emotional world of narcissists and the lack of self-awareness and empathy.

    Narcissists' Pursuit of Power and Control (00:16:50)

    Explanation of how narcissists seek power, manipulate their environment, and get away with their behaviour, especially in the workplace.

    Comparison of Narcissism, Psychopathy, and Machiavellianism (00:19:35)

    Comparison of narcissism, psychopathy, and machiavellianism as part of the "dark triad" of personalities.

    Institutional Complicity and Betrayal in Narcissistic Abuse (00:21:52)

    Discussion on how institutions contribute to the thriving and protection of narcissists, and the lack of support for victims of narcissistic abuse in organisational settings.

    Systemic Issues in Workplace (00:24:37)

    Exploring how competitiveness and political environments contribute to promoting narcissistic leaders.

    Speaking Truth to Power (00:28:31)

    The difficulties in creating environments for dissent and constructive conversations with leaders.

    Narcissistic Clusters (00:35:56)

    Exploring how narcissists attract and enable each other in power structures.

    Enabling Narcissistic Behaviour (00:38:20)

    Discussion on the rewards and motivations for being an enabler of narcissistic behaviour.

    Preventing Abusive Behaviour (00:40:04)

    Suggestions for systemic changes, personal empowerment, and redefining ethical leadership.

    Leadership Crisis (00:46:44)

    Reflection on the current leadership crisis and the difficulty in finding exemplary public leaders.

    Favourite Leadership Podcast (00:49:20)

    Lindsay recommends "The Path," a podcast showcasing non-linear success stories.

    Impact of Narcissistic Abuse (00:52:31)

    Discussion on the pervasive and systemic nature of narcissistic abuse and the need for awareness.

    Creating Safe Cultures (00:54:12)

    Reflection on creating safe cultures in workplaces and communities to prevent emotional wounds.

    Dealing with Narcissists (00:55:19)

    Zoë's tips on identifying and dealing with narcissists in the workplace.

  • My guest this week is a former lawyer turned empathy guru, and she's here to share her secret sauce for creating a more connected workplace: storytelling.

    Dr. Ann Kowal Smith and I explore how stories aren't just for entertainment—they're powerful tools for challenging our assumptions, widening our circles of empathy, and sparking those "aha" moments that bring us closer to our colleagues. We delve into the magic of literature, from short stories to essays, and how they create safe spaces for us to share and grow together.

    Imagine expanding your imagination, seeing the world through different lenses, and finding common ground in the most unexpected places. That's the power of storytelling in action, and Dr. Smith is here to guide us through it. It feels counterintuitive, but we can make our workplaces more ‘real’ through fiction.


    See more at http://www.zoerouth.com/podcast/leadership-stories-ann-kowal-smith

    Key Moments

    Planet Zoë: Zoë has swapped skiing for running as she settles back into her routine, plus exciting developments as the launch of Olympus Bound gets ever nearer. If you would like to get an advance eBook copy and write a review before the launch, Zoë would be thrilled! You can do so here.

    Building a More Empathetic Workplace (00:02:26)

    Zoë introduces the topic of building a more empathetic and connected workplace.

    Using Stories to Build Connection and Empathy (00:03:41)

    Dr Ann Kowal Smith discusses using stories to build connection and empathy in the workplace.

    The Genesis of the Work (00:05:44)

    Dr Smith shares the genesis of using stories to create genuine, engaging conversations in the workplace.

    Encouraging Engagement with Literature (00:07:01)

    Dr Smith discusses overcoming resistance to engaging in literature-based conversations in the workplace.

    The Power of Stories to Expand Imagination (00:13:35)

    Dr Smith explains the power of stories to expand imagination and push people beyond their comfort zones.

    Deriving Personal Connections from Stories (00:16:51)

    Dr Smith and Zoë discuss how individuals derive personal connections and lessons from stories.

    Using Written Word for Interpretation (00:19:04)

    Dr Smith explains the use of written word to allow participants to visualise and interpret stories without external influence.

    The Importance of Stories in Unpacking Assumptions (00:20:01)

    Discussion on how stories can reveal cultural biases and unpack assumptions.

    Curating Stories for Building Connections (00:21:37)

    The process of curating stories with specific parameters to spark meaningful conversations.

    Duration and Frequency of Reflection Point Assignments (00:25:38)

    The ideal duration and frequency of sessions with a team for building the muscle of connection and empathy.

    Facilitation and Structure of Conversations (00:28:27)

    The facilitation methodology, emphasising process-oriented facilitation and the importance of open-ended conversations.

    The Intersection of Fiction and Workplace Practices (00:38:27)

    Zoë and Dr Smith discuss the integration of fiction into workplace practices and its impact on leadership and connection.

    The Power of Stories in the Workplace (00:39:50)

    Using stories to unite communities and improve workplace collaboration.