Технология – Бельгия – Новые подкасты
Thoughts and ideas on agile process and product development. For agile scrum masters, software developers and leadership, architects, and executives.
www.agilekoolaid.com -
CTRL+F provides a deep-dive into emerging technologies, dissects the ever-evolving landscape of tech policy, and uncovers the scientific breakthroughs that are reshaping our world.
Each series of CTRL + F is dedicated to exploring a particular facet of the technological revolution, whether it's the rise of artificial intelligence, the implications of blockchain technology, or the future of cybersecurity.
Our first episode will go live on Tuesday, July 9! These are conversations you don't want to miss!
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
GrayMatter's podcast featuring one-on-one discussions with digital transformation leaders, culture change experts, cybersecurity professionals and operational technology specialists.
A daily news update on the latest in artificial intelligence, covering advancements in AI technology, industry partnerships, and key players shaping the future of AI.
“AI Literacy for Entrepreneurs”, with host Susan Diaz, helps you integrate artificial intelligence into your business operations. We’ll help you understand and apply AI generative in a way that is accessible and actionable for entrepreneurs at all levels. With each episode, you'll gain practical insights into effective AI strategies and tools, hear from leading practitioners with deep expertise and diverse use cases, and learn from the successes and challenges of fellow business owners in their AI adoption journey. Join us for the simplified knowledge and inspiration you need to leverage AI effectively to level up your business.
Benoît Vanderose et Anthony Simonofski sont deux professeurs à l’Université de Namur, en génie logiciel et en transformation numérique respectivement, mais avant tout … ce sont des fans de pop-culture ! Chaque mois, ils décodent un enjeu clé du numérique (IA, Metaverse, Cybersécurité, …) à travers la culture populaire (films, séries, livres, jeux-vidéo) pour mieux comprendre comment réalité et fiction se façonnent mutuellement.
Suivez les sur:
- Linkedin (Anthony): https://www.linkedin.com/in/anthony-simonofski-26793385/
- Twitter (Benoît): https://twitter.com/bvdose
Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations. -
Between them, Richard Allan and Nicklas Berild Lundblad have over 50 years of experience in internet technology policy. And they still love talking about it.
In this podcast, they dig into major technology policy questions before policy makers, teasing out the trade-offs they have to consider. They reflect on their own experiences from both sides of the business and politics divide.
Some episodes are aimed at technology policy professionals as Richard and Nicklas share what they have learnt along the way. They believe there is public value in services having effective policy teams and want to help these develop, grow and, well, make new mistakes... -
Insights, Interviews, and in-depth analysis about the present and future of GIS with a lot of historical context to build upon. Author - William Tewelow Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/geoint-tewelow/support
Die Computer Welt ist umfangreich und komplex. Als einfache/r Computer-AnwenderIn ist es daher nicht einfach am Ball zu bleiben. Mit dem Computer Löwe Podcast "Computer Wissen" bekommst Du die wichtigsten Tipps, Tricks und Neuigkeiten regelmässig aufs Ohr. Ein grosses Thema im Podcast ist die Nachhaltigkeit in der IT-Branche. Über die Entwicklung in diesem Bereich, wird im Podcast laufend berichtet. GreenIT ist nämlich ein immer grösser werdendes Thema und sehr wichtig.
Daniel Gerber ist der Gründer und Inhaber der Firma Computer Löwe in Wildegg und teilt mit diesem Podcast seine Erfahrung. -
ما در فرداشهر، هوشمندسازی رو برای معضلات تهران یک راهحل تاثیرگذار میدونیم.
راهحلی برای سر و سامون دادن به زندگی حدود 15میلیون نفر که سفرهشون از خیابونها و کوچهپسکوچههای این شهر رنگ میگیره.
ما، اینجا «ساختن تهران»، «توسعهی تهران» و «ارتقای تهران» رو از طریق تبدیل تهران به شهری هوشمندتر از حالا دنبال میکنیم.
شهری که نه فقط خودش بلکه شهروندانش هم باید هوشمندانه رفتار کنن.
ویدیو کست فرداشهر به تهیه کنندگی و میزبانی بهراد رضازاده و سردبیری و کارگردانی صوتی عباس نیک نفس و با همکاری مجتمع رسانه ای کندو تولید و منتشر میشود.
شما نسخه تصویری این پادکست رو در یوتیوب می تونید ببینید و نسخه صوتی این پادکست در تمامی پادگیرها منتشر خواهد شد
تهیه کننده و کارگردان:
بهراد رضازاده
سردبیر و سرپرست نویسندگان:
عباس نیکنفس
تدوین نسخه صوتی:
عباس نیک نفس
تدوین نسخه ویدیویی:
مرتضی بطحایی
تیم پژوهش و نویسندگان:
نسیم نورمحمدزاده
نوشین محجوب
علی قاضیان
محسن نجفی
برنامه ریز و دستیار کارگردان:
نعیمه عامریHosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Ransomware, cyberwarfare, supply chain hacks—today’s headlines are full of dire warnings related to cybersecurity and digital transformation. But where are the solutions?
LET’S CONVERGE is a podcast dedicated to exploring the ways top business and tech leaders are meeting today’s complex security challenges. Join thought leaders from Tanium, an industry innovator in security software, as they discuss the latest cyber trends and strategies with C-suite executives, CISOs, CIOs, and an array of revolutionary thinkers and award-winning journalists. -
At Tanium, we live, dream, and debate cybersecurity 24/7. Now, with TANIUM PODCAST, you’re in on the conversation. Go behind the scenes with our team leaders, partners, and customers in the U.S., UK, Europe, Asia, and elsewhere around the globe. We’ll discuss the latest products, perspectives, and success stories at Tanium, an innovator in security software and the industry’s only provider of converged endpoint management (XEM).
Dusk till Data is Dynapps' debut videocast series. Across seven episodes, we spotlight our customers and digital experts, and share their business challenges and how they've successfully addressed them with our expert guidance.
Le podcast qui décortique l’intelligence artificielle, par Next.ink
Échos Numériques est le podcast du Digital Lab de HEC Liège-ULiège qui vous plonge au cœur des débats sur la transformation numérique. Revivez les moments forts de nos soirées-débats et explorez les coulisses de cette révolution digitale à travers des réflexions inspirantes qui boosteront votre quotidien. Rejoignez-nous pour un condensé commenté d’échanges passionnants entre expert·es qui décortiquent différentes facettes du digital.
Welkom bij de podcast North Sea Port – De toegangspoort tot de Noordzee! Ontdek de fascinerende wereld van onze haven, van Vlissingen en Terneuzen tot Gent. Elke aflevering duiken we in verhalen van de mensen achter de schermen van een van 's werelds grootste diepzeesluizen. We bespreken alles van de constructie van de Nieuwe Sluis tot de impact van North Sea Port op de lokale en wereldwijde economie.
Wil je meer weten? Bezoek www.northseaport.nl en blijf op de hoogte van de laatste ontwikkelingen! Duik met ons mee in de fascinerende wereld van North Sea Port! -
Welkom bij de podcast van Digitaal Vlaanderen!
In elke aflevering gaan drie vooraanstaande experts van Digitaal Vlaanderen in gesprek met een bijzondere gast over toekomstveranderende onderwerpen zoals artificiële intelligentie, digitale veiligheid en slimme steden.
Deze podcast opent ongetwijfeld deuren naar ideeën die je blik op technologie en de samenleving voorgoed zullen veranderen.
Schuif aan onze keukentafel en veel luisterplezier! -
📺 Obs.Ions.Tech est une émission Twitch, présentée par Lâm Hua, un mercredi sur deux !
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Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.
Helping Africans get ahead in the Cryptocurrency space
هرتزکست به مسائل مرتبط به تکنولوژی می پردازه
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