Естественные науки – Эстония – Рекомендуемые подкасты
Not your typical ’alternative health’ show, Alfacast is a weekly discovery into the often misunderstood realms of real science, nature and the human condition. Dr. Lando and Mike Winner cover an assortment of topics from a unique perspective seldom heard in today’s counter culture echo chamber.
Interested in human behavior and how people think? The Measure of Everyday Life explores ideas about how we live and why people act as they do. Independent Weekly has called the show "unexpected" and "diverse" and says the show "brings big questions to radio." Join host Dr. Brian Southwell (@BrianSouthwell) as he explores the human condition.
Episodes air each Sunday night at 6:30 PM in the Raleigh-Durham broadcast market and a podcast of each show is available online the Wednesday following. The show is made possible by RTI International. -
The leading nervous system podcast
Join hosts Jessica Maguire and Madeleine Eliza for expansive, thought-provoking conversations with some of the world’s brightest thinkers. We explore the latest research into neuroscience, nervous system regulation, the brain-body connection, self-mastery, growth and change.
When you change your nervous system, you change your life.
Your hosts:
Jessica Maguire
Founder of Nervous System School, Jessica Maguire has helped tens of thousands of people to repair and optimise their nervous system via the Vagus Nerve Masterclass and Vagus Nerve Program. Jessica has a Masters in Physiotherapy and 13 years of clinical experience working with the body. She has also studied neuroscience, neuroplasticity, and brain-body medicine. Jessica is a TEDx speaker and is recognised as a leading global educator in the field of nervous system regulation.
Madeleine Eliza
A senior leader who has worked with some of Australia's fastest growing digital businesses, Madeleine is passionate about leading teams through rapid growth and change, and the personal transformation that comes from operating way outside your comfort zone. With a background in the creative and performing arts, Madeleine is a huge advocate of play as a tool for expression and expansion. She writes and teaches on feminine leadership and embodiment.
Мы думаем не так, как мы думаем.
Forensic Fix is a podcast from MSAB that covers the latest news and trends in the field of Digital Forensics. The show features guests from the industry who share their insights, experiences, and advice on various topics related to Digital Forensics.
The podcast covers a wide range of subjects, including mobile device forensics, welfare, industry news and more.
Listeners can expect to hear about the latest tools and techniques used by Digital Forensic professionals, as well as how the field is evolving in response to the ever-growing threat of cybercrime and how much digital evidence is a part of most investigations.
Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting out in Digital Forensics, this podcast is must-listen for anyone interested in the field. -
Keskkonnateemad on naljast kaugel. Aga seda probleemi annab parandada! Saates "Rohepöörane" vaatavad Mart Valner ja Madis Vasser otsa viimase aja olulisematele keskkonnauudistele ja vürtsitavad neid teravate ja lõbusate kommentaaridega – Mart arengukoostöö ja õigluse spektri läbi ning Madis energeetika ja kliima vaatepunktist. Rohepesijad, hoidke alt!
Conversations about forecasting and geopolitics
tellingthefuture.substack.com -
Planet: Critical is the podcast for a world in crisis. We face severe climate, energy, economic and political breakdown. Journalist Rachel Donald interviews those confronting the crisis, revealing what's really going on—and what needs to be done.
www.planetcritical.com -
*EST: Taskuhäälingu KultuuriReflektor missiooniks on peegeldada olulisi ja päevakohaseid teemasid ning leida üles varju jäänud diskussioonid kultuurivaldkonnas. Arutame valdkonna jaoks olulisi küsimusi, loome diskussioone, reflekteerime ja otsime ebakõlasid. Seda just praktikute abiga, et leida uusi lahendusi probleemidele, millega tööalaselt igapäevaselt silmitsi seisame. Taskuhääling on mõeldud nii praktiseerivatele kultuurikorraldajatele, kui ka niisama kultuurist huvituvatele inimestele.
Nimi KultuuriReflektor on põnev sõnamäng. Ühelt poolt on see midagi, mille eesmärk on olulisele valgust heita, välja tuua midagi, mis muidu jääb varju. Reflection ehk peegeldus näitab ka meie valdkonna ja tööstuse praegust olukorda. Kõige olulisemana - KultuuriReflektor on koht, kus meie jaoks olulistel teemadel reflekteerida ja peegeldada.
KultuuriReflektor on kakskeelne podcast, mille eestvedajaks on Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia kultuurikorralduse magistriprogramm. Podcasti algusmuusika autor on Zane Dombrovska. Kui Sul on lisaküsimusi, ettepanekuid ja teemasid, võta ühendust: [email protected].
*ENG: Cultural Reflector is a bilingual initiative run by the Cultural Management MA programme of the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre. The jingle is composed by Zane Dombrovska. For more information, or if you want to suggest a topic for discussion, please contact [email protected].
More information: https://eamt.ee/en/departments/musicology/cultural-management/masters-studies/podcast/ -
Dialoogia on kord kuus kuulajate kõrvu jõudev taskuhääling, kus saatejuhid Maria Murumaa-Mengel ja Maia Klaassen räägivad inimestega, kes uurivad inimesi - sotsiaalteadlastega. Mida nad teada on saanud? Mida nende teadmistega pihta hakata?
Dialoogia is a podcast that comes around once a month to talk to social scientists about their research topics. Hosts Maria Murumaa-Mengel and Maia Klaassen will guide you through complex topics in a fun and accessible way, asking questions like why are we like this? How can we fix what is broken? What the hell do you actually study? -
Translation is the process of turning basic scientific research into therapies that cure disease, new sources of energy that heal the planet, and other things that move the world forward.
The Translation Podcast takes a deep dive into scientific advancements with a massive potential to improve society. We talk directly with the people advancing the science with their own hands and minds, and focus on how we can translate the science from the bench to the benefit of all.
Initially centered on biology and synthetic biology, we’ll talk with the most promising young scientists in the field. We aim to demystify the science for a general audience and to shine a light on how great science turns into great business. We hope these discussions will inspire scientists, entrepreneurs, and investors to help commercialize breakthrough research.
If you’re an author of an upcoming paper in biology or know of any interesting papers dropping soon and want to hear from the authors, drop us an email at [email protected]. -
Kõikidele elusolendite ja maailmas viibijatele – Biotoopia taskuhäälingus kohtume teadlaste, kunstnike ja mõtlejatega, et kogeda erinevaid viise, kuidas mõelda elust, teadvusest ja teistest eluvormidest.
Mina olen Mario Kadastik. Poliitik, teadlane ja energeetika entusiast. Antud podcasti mõte on arutada huvitavaid teemasid aktuaalsetest tehnoloogiatest ja kontseptsioonidest, mis võivad tunduda tuleviku teemad, aga on tihti juba osaliselt võimalikud täna. Saated on põnevad vestlused huvitavate saatekülalistega. Üldiselt üritame jääda poole tunni piirkonda.
A series of talks powered by Rural NEET Youth Network covering the challenges of rural NEETs – young people Not in Employment, Education or Training living in the countryside.
This podcast is based upon work from COST Action Rural NEET Youth Network supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology). COST is a funding agency for research and innovation networks. Our Actions help connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientists to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers. This boosts their research, career and innovation. Visit www.cost.eu. -
Tartu Ülikooli Psühholoogia Instituudi saatesari, kus arutleme selle üle, kuidas meie otsuseid mõjutatakse. Esimeses hooajas on meil külas 7 kihvti saatekülalist. Mõned neist teadlased, mõned praktikud, kõik kaudselt või otseselt tegelemas inimeste mõjutamise teemadega!
Kiwis are proud of their Number 8 wire mentality – their ability to innovate with the most basic materials, including the ubiquitous fencing wire. But in the 21st century, science and technology have provided tools we never imagined, opening up new horizons for primary sector innovation.
In this series, Lincoln Agritech looks at the challenges and opportunities ahead of our agritech sector. Where is it headed? What opportunities beckon? And how can we make sure New Zealand agritech is ready and able to take advantage of them?
Senior Lincoln Agritech staff lead discussions with industry and political leaders, looking at the issues, and discussing how we innovate beyond Number 8.
To find out more about Lincoln Agritech, visit www.lincolnagritech.co.nz
To subscribe to our newsletter, go to https://www.lincolnagritech.co.nz/contact-us/ (link at the bottom of the page).
Over 150+ Episodes. We speak to Pharma & Biotech Industry leaders and hear their stories of personal and professional growth.
Perfect for both aspiring leaders and experienced individuals looking to help make a positive impact in the world of Clinical Research. -
The goal of the Psych Health and Safety USA podcast is to increase awareness of the importance of psychological health and safety, grow the community of psych health and safety advocates, and help reduce exposure to psychosocial hazards in workplaces in the United States. Each episode will feature not only guests with expertise in health and safety, psychology, academia, policymaking, and thought leadership but others with lived experience involving exposure to psychosocial hazards in a variety of work settings and environments.
Host: Dr. I. David Daniels -
Mõttekoda Praxis
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