Образование – Норвегия – Новые подкасты

  • I podkasten “DET DU IKKE VISSTE!” inviterer Amir Shaheen gjester fra et bredt spekter av bransjer - Alt fra en anerkjent kokk til en influencer, fra en danser til en skuespiller, og fra en regissør til en operasanger. Mer enn å bli kjent med disse fascinerende personlighetene, utforsker Amir deres unike reiser: Hvordan gikk de fra å drømme om karrieren til å faktisk oppnå den?

    Amir dykker ned i viktige faktorer som utdanning, nettverksbygging, og strategisk bruk av dette nettverket. Hvordan kan andre dra nytte av deres erfaringer for å bryte gjennom i konkurransetette bransjer?

    I en verden som er i konstant endring, hvor teknologi utvikler seg raskere enn noen gang, oppstår det stadig nye måter å oppnå suksess på. "DET DU IKKE VISSTE!" utforsker disse veiene til suksess, og gir lytterne innsikt i hvordan man kan navigere i karrierelandskapet for å realisere sine drømmer.


    “Det er viktig at vi deler denne informasjonen med hverandre her hjemme. Jeg ønsker å gi andre den hjelpende hånden jeg selv manglet.” - Amir Shaheen

    Du finner @Amirshaheen på Instagram.

    Ønsker du å inngå et samarbeid med denne podcasten? Kontakt Splay One på [email protected]

    DET DU IKKE VISSTE! med Amir Shaheen er produsert av Splay One.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Norveççe öğrenmenin yolunu bulmaya çalışıyorsan, yanlış yapıyorsun.

    Norveççeyi Türkçe öğrendiğiniz gibi öğrenin: Çok fazla şey duyarak. (En azından ne anlama geldiğine dair belirsiz bir fikirle!)

    Pratikten felsefiye ve flört etmeye kadar binlerce Norveççe Söz, Türkçe çevirileriyle birlikte doğrudan beyninize sunuluyor.

    Sadece ifadeler, dolgu yok!

    Sadece iletişim kurmak için değil, aynı zamanda Norveççe'de ilginç bir insan olmak için Norveç dilinin temellerinin çok ötesine geçin.

    Norveççe öğrenmek için yalnızca ses içeren bir araç olan bu araç, araba kullanmak, yürümek veya ev işleri için harika bir arkadaştır.

    Bu podcast, ister DuoLingo gibi bir uygulama kullanıyor olun, ister bir Norveççe dersine kayıtlı olun, mevcut dil çalışmalarınız için mükemmel bir tamamlayıcıdır.

    Yeni başlayan biriyseniz, iyi bir Norveççe giriş kursuna ek olarak bu aracı kullanmanızı öneririz.

    Norveççe Öğrenme Hızlandırıcı, dil tutkunları ve dünya gezginleri tarafından dil sevgisi için yaratılmıştır!

    Her bölümün altyazısı mevcuttur. (Podcast oynatıcınız destekliyorsa.)

  • Hvis du prøver å tenke deg inn i å lære gresk, gjør du det feil.

    Lær gresk som du gjorde norsk: ved å høre mye av det. (Med minst en vag idé om hva det betyr!)

    Tusenvis av greske fraser, sammen med de norske oversettelsene, presentert direkte til hjernen din: fra praktisk til filosofisk til flørting.

    Bare setninger, ingen fyllstoff!

    Gå langt utover det grunnleggende greske språket for å ikke bare kommunisere, men faktisk bli en interessant person på gresk.

    Som et verktøy for kun lyd for å lære gresk, er det en flott følgesvenn for bilkjøring, turgåing eller husarbeid.

    Denne podcasten er det perfekte supplement til dine nåværende språkstudier, enten du bruker en app som DuoLingo eller er påmeldt i en gresk klasse.

    Hvis du er nybegynner, anbefaler vi at du bruker dette verktøyet i tillegg til et godt gresk introkurs.

    Den greske læringsakseleratoren er laget av språkelskere og verdensreisende, for kjærligheten til språk!

    Hver episode har undertekster tilgjengelig. (Hvis podcastspilleren din støtter det.)

  • I denne serien kan du lytte til mediefaglige temaer. Podkastene passer godt til elever i videregående skole, men også for deg som ønsker å lære mer om mediefaglige spørsmål.

    Programledere som Andreas Veie-Rosvoll, Sarah Natasha Melbye og Jonis Josef snakker med ulike fagpersoner. De tar for seg rasisme i norske medier, psykisk helse på internett, mediepolitikk, mediehverdagen i 2030, samer i dagens samfunn, fakta og fiksjon, lyddesign i radioreklame, medier og makt, bærekraft og medieproduksjon, samarbeid i kreative prosesser med mer.

  • Zero Pain Philosophy is here to help veterinary professionals worldwide achieve Analgesic Excellence in your clinic. Established by vet specialists Matt Gurney & Carl Bradbrook, we offer a variety of educational resources to help spread pain management know how including both free and paid content including podcasts, pain updates, webinars and a telemedicine service. Our content is delivered by European & American Specialists in Veterinary Anaesthesia & Analgesia. Resources are for vet professionals: pet owners - ask your vet to use our telemedicine service to seek case advice.

  • ALIS-podden er ALIS-utvalgets podcast om spesialisering, næringsdrift og ansettelse, det gode liv i allmennpraksis og enda flere relevante temaer for allmennleger i spesialisering. ALIS-utvalget er et rådgivende organ for Allmennlegeforeningen.

  • Gikk du glipp av et foredrag eller en panelsamtale i fysisk format? Vi samler nå noen populære sesjoner fra Musikkontoret Braks arrangementer og publiserer dem som podkaster.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • The series of these podcast is going to cover what machinery safety is, why it matters, how you can apply engineering solutions to solve problems while also keeping them safe and complaint with the relevant characteristics and requirements.

    I have been in an engineering position, surrounded by machinery of some description since 1992, I have a strong background in electrical and mechanical engineering disciplines, and I have always had a curiosity to learn about engineering. I've studied it academically all the way up to degree, and post graduate level. I have travelled the far reaches of the globe and seen and assessed 1000's of machines in all different industries. I have consulted on the design following directives, regulations and standards on multimillion pound projects, and I still haven't learned everything there is to know. I think I will be an eternal student wanting to know more about machinery safety.


    Machinery safety is a niche of general health and safety, and requires specialist knowledge to be able to apply it correctly. While occupational H&S safety concentrate on human behaviour, the management and safe systems of work, machinery safety deals with how that machine will manage the task it is being designed to do in a safe and reliable way. Its design should not to create any undue risk to the person using the machine. We all want a machine to be safe and not harm us or our friends and loved ones.

    My aim is to share my experiences so that when you are faced with a scenario that will be discussed, in any one of the episodes, you will have the right steps to take. You might not, know the answer, but you will, have an idea on how to get to the right place, that is safe and compliant.


    Health and Safety, but more specifically, machinery safety, is a learned skill, and with the right approach, framework and knowledge you will soon be on your way to making the right choices, if done correctly there is no need to fear or shy away from taking the first steps.



    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Educators, elevate your professional development and career with The Black Scholars Podcast – your go-to resource for insightful, genuine, and thought-provoking content tailored to the challenges you face daily. Stay informed with in-depth discussions and solution-oriented research. And, for access to exclusive interviews, career advice, and book reviews, consider subscribing today (via Apple Podcasts). It’s not just a podcast; it’s a toolkit for your growth in the educational and professional landscape.

  • A captivating podcast that takes you on an auditory journey through the rich and diverse world of animal sounds. Join us as we explore the Earth's ecosystems, from lush rainforests to vast savannas and everything in between, through the incredible vocalizations of the creatures that inhabit them.In each episode, you'll immerse yourself in the mesmerizing and often mysterious world of wildlife sounds. Our team scours the globe to capture and showcase a wide range of animal calls, from the haunting howls of wolves in the northern wilderness to the vibrant chorus of frogs in tropical rainforests.Listeners can expect to hear the majestic trumpets of elephants, the haunting calls of whales, the melodic songs of birds, and the amusing chatter of primates. Whether it's the roaring lion or the gentle rustle of a small critter, brings you up close and personal with the symphony of nature.This podcast is not only an audio treat for nature enthusiasts but also an educational resource. Our expert naturalists and wildlife biologists provide fascinating insights into the behavior and significance of each animal sound, helping you gain a deeper understanding of the creatures that share our planet.If you've ever wanted to embark on a sonic adventure through the wild, "WildSound Safari" is your ticket to a world of mesmerizing, real-life animal sounds. Join us on this auditory safari and let the captivating voices of nature transport you to the heart of the wild.

  • Truth or lies?

    What we believe informs our actions, and actions have outcomes, whether good or bad. Believe it or not, even to life or death! So let's cut to and through the lies that cost us - replacing them with truth - and see life transformed for the better!

    "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." John 8:32

  • The Yorkshire Terrier Explained
    The Yorkshire Terrier, affectionately known as the Yorkie, is a small dog breed with a big personality. Known for its luxurious silky coat and spunky character, the Yorkie has become a beloved companion worldwide. Originating in England during the Industrial Revolution, this breed's journey from a ratting dog to a fashionable lapdog is as fascinating as its distinctive appearance. This essay explores the Yorkshire Terrier's origins, characteristics, and role in modern society.
    Historical Background
    The Yorkshire Terrier was developed during the 19th century in the county of Yorkshire, England. The breed emerged from the Waterside Terrier, a small Scottish breed brought to England by weavers who migrated for work during the Industrial Revolution. These terriers were initially bred for catching rats in mills, a valuable trait in industrial settings.
    Development as a Companion Dog
    Over time, the Yorkshire Terrier was crossbred with other terrier breeds, possibly including the Skye Terrier and the now-extinct Paisley Terrier, to refine its size and coat. The breed’s transformation from a working-class ratter to a fashionable companion for Victorian ladies was marked by its growing popularity in English society.
    Size and Appearance
    Yorkshire Terriers are toy-sized dogs, typically weighing around 7 pounds. They are known for their fine, straight, and silky coat, which is steel blue and tan. Yorkies hold themselves in an upright, confident manner, with a compact body and a well-proportioned head.
    Grooming Needs
    Their luxurious coat is hypoallergenic but requires regular grooming. Many owners choose to keep their Yorkies in a “puppy cut” for easier maintenance, but the traditional show ring appearance involves a long, flowing coat that reaches the ground.
    Despite their small size, Yorkies possess a bold and confident temperament. They are energetic, affectionate, and loyal to their owners. Their alertness and tendency to bark make them excellent watchdogs.
    Adaptability Yorkshire Terriers adapt well to different living environments, making them suitable for both city and country living. They thrive on human companionship and can suffer from separation anxiety if left alone for long periods. Common Health Issues
    Yorkies are generally healthy but can be prone to dental issues, hypoglycemia, and certain genetic conditions like patellar luxation. Their small size also makes them more susceptible to injury.
    Exercise and Diet Although they are active indoors, Yorkies need regular exercise to maintain their health and happiness. A balanced diet appropriate for small breeds is essential to keep them in good condition.
    As Companion Animals
    Yorkshire Terriers have become one of the most popular companion animals, particularly favored by those who appreciate their compact size and lively personality. They are often seen as a symbol of luxury and have been popularized by celebrities and in popular culture.
    In Shows and Competitions
    Yorkies are a staple in dog shows, admired for their beautiful coats and graceful demeanor. They also excel in various dog sports and competitions, showcasing their agility and intelligence.
    The Yorkshire Terrier, from its humble beginnings as a ratter in industrial England to its status as a cherished companion, represents a remarkable evolution. Their adaptability, spirited personality, and elegant appearance make them a favorite among dog lovers. The Yorkie exemplifies how a breed can transcend its working-class roots to become a symbol of companionship and style in the modern world. Thanks for listening to Quiet Please. Remember to like and share wherever you get your podcasts.

  • Hi, friend! I'll keep this short and sweet, because ADHD!

    Whether you're newly diagnosed or have known for a century, Outsmart ADHD is the podcast for you. Join me and my guests as we explore the latest research, share personal stories, and provide actionable advice to help you live your best life with ADHD.

  • We create space for “Conversations about Mental Health that Change Lives” by bringing you the “Stories Underneath the Slogans”

    We want people to learn that they’re empowered by their experience, NOT inhibited. We aim to bring clarity to what mental health is and what it actually looks like in people’s lives.

    The podcast is a collection of people, professionals, doctors, therapists, advocates, teachers, professors, and other stakeholders trying to improve the lives of other human beings through the lens of mental health.

  • Dette er en podkast for deg som ønsker å lære mer om manifestering, ønsker personlig vekst og manifestere det du drømmer om. Podkasten er ment til å skifte perspektivet ditt, inspirere og motivere deg til å gjøre de forandringene du trenger for at du skal manifestere dine drømmer.

    Manifesteringscoach Silje deler sine erfaringer og perspektiver som hun har fått på sin healing- og manifestasjonsreise.
    Dette er ikke bare en podkast om å skifte fokus eller tankesettet, men også om en dypere forståelse av energier og transformasjon.

    Følg Silje på Instagram: @manifestermedsilje

  • Dette er ein intro og liten smakebit på min podcast som kjem ut ganske snart til ein plass nær deg, der du sit og lyttar til dine podcastar! Dette blir eit fint lite univers der eg vil dele mine innsikter rundt sjølvutviklingsprosess og det å bygge seg sjølv innanfrå og ut. Det kjem til å handle om tøffe tak, det å vere i offerolla, kome seg ut av det som gjer vondt, gå gjennom møkka, ut i lyset, nyte det som er godt i livet, finne og halde i det som gjer godt i livet, skape og dele glede. Ja her inne kjem det til å vere rett frå levra, rått og autentisk. Eg vil dele frå eit terapeutperspektiv men og vel so mykje frå eit menneskeleg persepektiv, både frå arbeidsliv og lerfart livserfaring. Hjerteleg velkomen og takk for at du vil vere her inne ilag med meg!

  • Want to get smarter in less than 10 minutes? Then check the Daily Facts podcast that brings you interesting and surprising facts from around the world every day! Did you know that the longest recorded flight of a chicken lasted for 13 seconds? Or that there's a species of jellyfish that can essentially live forever? With the Daily Facts podcast, you'll learn something new and fascinating with every episode. Tune in daily and impress your friends with your newfound knowledge. Listen now on your favorite podcast platform.
    Hosted by Amalia Dupray and Montgomery Jones.