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Introductory meditation for a retreat at Kintore College, May 5, 2022. Starting with the passage of the woman caught in adultery (Jn 8), Fr. Eric Nicolai speaks about possibilites of entering into true prayer.
Music: Handel, Opera Rinaldo, Aria "Lascia ch'io pianga", arranged for guitar by Bert Alink
Thumbnail: Rembrandt Christ and the Woman Taken in Adultery 1644 National Gallery, London.
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#91: A lot of people have heard about the practices of sleep hygiene, and are using them, but still struggle to achieve sleep. It may seem like sleep is something that either happens effortlessly or not at all. Recent research, however, suggests that falling asleep is a skill that can be learned.
Find more at https://www.OptimalWork.com.
#80: Could there be a link between ego depletion and the increase of depression in modern times? We think there could be. But it’s not ego depletion itself; rather, it’s the theory of ego depletion that may be causing it. In this episode, we discuss what ego depletion is thought to be, and why implicit belief in it does more harm than good.
#73: If we want to focus more intensely on something, it could be easy to think we just have to try harder. But recent advances in neuroscience give us two alternate approaches, which we’ll be discussing in today’s episode.
#61: Is the world divided between good sleepers and bad ones? Do poor sleepers simply have to be content with not sleeping well? In this episode, we’ll discuss the skills and ideals that can help you master sleep.
#57: How do you go about pursuing high ideals and forging relationships? You might immediately think of action, but also important is rest. In this episode, we look at the science of rest, showing how to rest well, so you can work more effectively and for higher ideals, stay energized, and forge deeper bonds with others.
#56: Stress is ubiquitous in these times, but it’s hard to know how to deal with it. Worrying is one response, but it can actually increase stress. So, what is stress, what causes it, and what can you do about it?
#24: Dr. Majeres and Sharif discuss an approach to sleep developed by Dr. Guy Meadows, as found in his book, The Sleep Book, and an app he has called Sleep School for Insomnia. The approach, which is centered around the idea of acceptance, mirrors OptimalWork's approach to any challenge: essentially, applying reframing, mindfulness, and challenge to sleep. We cover the theory and practice of this approach so that you too can master sleep — and use the principles to master anything else!
Note: In the conversation, the app was referred to as The Sleep App for Insomnia, but is actually Sleep School for Insomnia.
#5: Dr. Kevin Majeres and Sharif, OptimalWork co-founders, discuss how to gain victory over tiredness - in the context of afternoon tiredness, naps, and missed sleep. The discussion was mainly inspired by the following questions:
If every time I feel tired I jump on the treadmill will that amplify the feeling of tiredness because I am acting on it? Can you address the advisability of the short afternoon nap? How do we get back on track of our sleeping schedule, once we had left it? -
#35: In this episode, Dr. Kevin Majeres and Sharif discuss the question of worrying. Worrying is when you have some bad outcome that you continually think about how to avoid. It is one of the top reasons people get stressed out, experience burnout, and feel fatigue. Dr. Majeres helps clarify the precise nature of worrying, as well as steps to take to overcome it.
Recorded 12/31/20, New Year's Eve. Each year begins with the Feast of Mary, Mother of God. The greatest of Our Lady's titles, her motherhood is a cause of wonder, hope, and encouragement for Christians and the world. Humanity begins again in Mary and we can begin again in her Son who comes to bring us new life. Jesus shares everything with us, even his Mother.
Today, November 28, is the anniversary of the Apostolic Constitution “Ut Sit” from 1982, in which Pope John Paul II establish Opus Dei as a Personal Prelature. It was the definitive canonical suit that Opus Dei needed in order to have that new energy in the mission of the church. Fr. Eric Nicolai preaches on this 38th anniversary in Lyncroft centre and explains its significance.
Music: FALL - Adrian Berenguer (Album Singulairty) from Musopen.org
Jesus told the woman at the well in Samaria, "If you only knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, 'give me to drink,' you would have asked him, and he would have given you living water." Let us say to Jesus, "Lord, increase my faith," so that we recognize the gift of God, Jesus who has come into this world to save us, Jesus who comes to bring us eternal life.
A meditation by Father Thomas Bohlin.
Lk 14, 28: ”Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won't you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it?
Jesus said we are building tower.
The daily building of that tower is also in our use of time. He says this to show that if mere human prudence means that a person should try to work out in advance the risks he may run, with all the more reason should a Christian embrace the Cross voluntarily and generously, because there is no other way he can follow Jesus Christ. Sometimes that regards how we build the tower, or the house of our sanctification.
Famous C.S. Lewis passage from Mere Christianity.
“Imagine yourself as a living house. You have one version of renovation, but God wants something quite different. He doesn't just want just a quaint cottage, he wants to build a palace. So he too can live and take his place in it.
How happy we were when we heard Pope John Paul II say these words to the pilgrims in St. Peter’s square on Oct 7, 2002:
St Josemaría was chosen by the Lord to announce the universal call to holiness and to point out that daily life and ordinary activities are a path to holiness. One could say that he was the saint of ordinary life. In fact, he was convinced that for those who live with a perspective of faith, everything is an opportunity to meet God, everything can be an incentive for prayer. Seen in this light, daily life reveals an unexpected greatness. Holiness is truly within everyone's reach.
He doesn’t actually mention “work”, or professional work, but this is indeed the activity that all of us are engaged in everyday. So even on a holiday, when we’re not “working”, we’re engaged in an activity that sanctifies us.
Music: Adrain Berenguer, Fall (Album Singularity) 2017.
Thumbnail: Construction Eiffel April 15, 1888 Roger Viollet Getty Images
“Que solo Jesús se luzca” es una biografía del fundador del Opus Dei ilustrada con más de 300 fotos, mapas, infografías y textos autógrafos. En el deseo de sus autores, Jesús Gil y Enrique Muñiz, está que “las imágenes permitan a los lectores sintonizar con la vida de san Josemaría”.
Descarga el libro en https://opusdei.org/es-es/article/biografia-san-josemaria-escriva/
Narración: Daniel Santamaría
Música: No.4 Piano Journey - Esther Abrami -
#109: Is self-love always selfish? In this episode, Dr. Kevin Majeres and Rashad Badr discuss why true self-love is actually a necessary step for being able to love others.
Find more at https://www.OptimalWork.com.
#103: Do you ever find that you don’t have enough time to accomplish all the things you’d like to? Small blocks of time may seem inconsequential, but they add up. Making wise use of these blocks can increase your productivity by 20% — the difference between getting ahead and falling behind. How to do it? That’s the topic of today’s episode.
Find more at https://www.OptimalWork.com.
#102: Negative feedback is a part of life. It’s also essential in helping us identify our biggest opportunities for growth. In this episode, we discuss how to give and receive negative feedback and the role it plays in the social dimension of growth.
Find more at https://www.OptimalWork.com.
#92: We’ve often spoken about the importance of maintaining a cheerful tone around us. But sometimes people find that inwardly they are very harsh and demanding with themselves. In this episode, we’ll discuss how to aim for the ideal of cheerfulness, but interiorly: with ourselves, our thoughts, and our emotions.
Find more at https://www.OptimalWork.com.
#88: Have you ever wondered whether you would be able to sustain a new habit over a long period of time? Have you ever felt an initial peak of optimism give way to a valley of despair? Join us as we discuss why this happens to some people, how this relates to a concept called psychological flexibility, and how to stay grounded during challenging times.
Find more at https://www.OptimalWork.com.
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