This week we finish breaking down Weight Loss. The Office gang continues to lose weight for the Dunder Mifflin Weight Loss Challenge, and a truly unexpected proposal happens. We hear an audio clip from Paul Feig about what it was like to be the Season 5 “Tastemaker”. Jenna tells us about some very special cats at Pratt Institute, Angela breaks down what it was like to have a fruit fly wrangler on set and we learn everything we ever wanted to know (and maybe not wanted to know) about the famous Jim and Pam gas station proposal. Enjoy!
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Kristján Einar og Bragi fara yfir fyrir austurríska kappakstur tímabilins en næsta keppni fer fram á sömu braut um næstu helgi.
Today we’re breaking down Weight Loss. To kick off Season 5 and this two part episode, Angela shares that the DVD commentary features commentary from The Office crew! The crew gives the lowdown on how they shot this episode that spans over an 8 week period. It was a continuity nightmare with fruit flies, goatees, and a cast member that had to have their shirt digitally altered in post. The ladies also break down an old tech alert that caused camera interference and we find out what’s going on with Meredith’s sunburnt face. Enjoy this episode now, so you can get in bed with your nice comforter, several cozy pillows, read a chapter of your book and have lights out by 8:30. That’s how you sleep at night.
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This week we finish breaking down Goodbye Toby. During Toby’s goodbye party, Michael tries to get closer to Holly but finds himself being pulled back to Jan after discovering some big news that involves a pro tennis player. Meanwhile, an unexpected proposal happens. Jenna and Angela give Toby a “Show Bible Goodbye”, Angela shares how she almost didn’t make it to set for a very important scene and a couple of Michael’s parody songs are brought to life! This episode is so special you won’t want to say goodbye to it. Toby on the other hand... I mean, who does he think he is?
Parody songs performed by Joshua Snyder and Jordan Duffy.
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Aftur er Formúla 1 í Bahrain en nú var notast við aðra uppsetningu á Shakir brautinni. Keppnin og vikan upp að keppni var vægast sagt viðburðarrík og fara Kristján Einar og Bragi vel yfir gang mála!
Kristján Einar og Bragi fara yfir dramatískan Bahrain kappakstur þar sem alvarlegt óhapp var á fyrsta hring.
Kristján Einar og Bragi fara yfir allar helstu fréttirnar úr heimi Formúlunnar þessa vikunna. Auk þess tala þeir um öll helstu svindl sem hafa orðið í sportinu, hvort sem um skemmtilegar túlkanir á reglum er að ræða eða bara hreint og beint svindl.
Kristján Einar og Bragi tala óvenju mikið um nokkuð tíðindarlausan Mónakó kappakstur, enda fer meginhluti þáttarins í söguhornið hjá Braga!
Today we’re breaking down Goodbye Toby. To kick off this two part episode, Paul Lieberstein sent in audio clips to talk about what it was like to write himself off the show and introduce Holly Flax, played by Amy Ryan. When Toby has his last day at Dunder Mifflin, Michael insists on throwing him a huge going away party. Angela Martin scoffs at the idea, so Phyllis steps in. While breaking down Pratt Institute, Jenna ends up quoting her own book, The Actor’s Life: A Survival Guide. Creed chimes in about his famous “quabity assuance” scene and Angela learns the difference between “hot to trot” and “fired up”. This episode is cruisin’ for a bruisin’, so listen up!
Link to Jenna’s book, The Actor’s Life: A Survival Guide: https://www.amazon.com/Actors-Life-Survival-Guide/dp/1944648224
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Today we’re breaking down Job Fair. Michael, Pam, Oscar and Darryl set up a booth at Valley View High School’s Job Fair in hopes of finding a new intern. Jim, Andy and Kevin golf with a potential client. Jenna and Angela speculate what a crossover episode between The Office and Monk would have been like, a fan gives a theory on why Pam skipped volleyball during PE and the ladies reveal which Office castmember is really good at golf. We’d never tell this to its face, but this is a wonderful and gifted episode.
Listen to Stephen and Lori Saux' Down Syndrome Parenting and Advocacy podcast, If We Knew Then:
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Kristján Einar og Bragi gera upp lokaumferðina í Formúlu 1 sem fór fram í Abu Dhabi. Keppnin var ein sú slakasta á árinu en samt fundu þeir Pitts bræður nóg að tala um.
This week we’re breaking down Did I Stutter? When Stanley snaps at Michael, Michael must stand up for himself as Stanley's manager. Meanwhile Dwight buys Andy’s car, and Pam has to forgo contact lenses and wear her backup glasses to work. Angela rocks her original Did I Stutter? shooting draft, Jenna does a deep dive on Mad Libs and the ladies reveal The Office writing staff’s mantra: “small, real, relatable”. This is a wonderful episode that definitely doesn’t sound like noise coming out of an ugly scientist.
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This week we’re breaking down Night Out. In pursuit of finding the love of his life, Michael clup-hops with Ryan and Dwight in New York City. Meanwhile, the rest of the Dunder Mifflin crew gets locked in the parking lot. Terry Carnation, host of the podcast Dark Air, reads today’s episode summary and we hear from Noel Petok on what it was like to play Ryan’s friend, Troy. Angela gives us the history of the slow clap, Kate Flannery sends in an audio clip about what it was like getting hit in the head with that football and Jenna gives great advice on how to avoid a UTI. So pour yourself a glass of wine and sink into a hot bath because you deserve this episode.
Listen to Dark Air with Terry Carnation: https://www.stitcher.com/show/dark-air-with-terry-carnation
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Has George Russell's crash with Valtteri Bottas at Imola hurt his Mercedes chance? Could Lando Norris be next on their radar? Why are cars able to unlap themselves? All this and loads more as we review that incredible Emilia Romagna Grand Prix in the latest WTF1 Podcast.
This week we’re breaking down Chair Model. After a disastrous dinner party, Michael is single and finds himself falling in love with a chair model from an office supply catalog. Meanwhile Kevin and Andy fight to get their parking spaces back from a construction project by confronting the Five Families. We hear from Paul Faust who actually played himself as one of the heads of the Five Families. Jenna spots a sparkling Michael accessory, Creed Bratton gives theories on why the character Creed was trying to score three office chairs, and Angela reveals something pretty special about the chair she’s been using to record Office Ladies. You totally should listen to this episode, no shortn’t about it.
Check out Paul Faust’s Survival Kits at 1800Prepare.com
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This week we’re breaking down Dinner Party! Michael finally outsmarts Jim and Pam forcing them to come over to his condo for dinner. Steve Carell reads this week’s summary, and we hear from Melora Hardin, John Krasinski, Rainn Wilson, Ed Helms, Beth Grant and director Paul Feig on what it was like to be a part of this infamous episode. The ladies also discuss the writer’s strike, which scene was the hardest to get through without laughing and a gassy car incident. So put that Osso Buco in the oven, turn off your tiny plasma TV and curl up on your bed bench to enjoy the behind-the-scenes magic of this amazingly cringey episode.
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This week we’re breaking down The Deposition. When Jan sues Dunder Mifflin, she brings in Michael as a witness which to no surprise, doesn’t go well. Back at the office, Kelly smack talks Pam when Jim loses to Darryl at ping pong. Angela shares how her kitchen table has been turned into a ping pong table, Jenna looks up the difference between “trash talk” and “smack talk” in the Merriam Webster dictionary and the ladies discuss a missed storyline simply labeled “Dwight gets stuck in the wall”. So grab your paddle Seemiller style ‘cause we’re serving up all the spin serves with this episode.
Check out actress Valeri Ross’ bio: https://www.valeriross.com/bio
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Kristján Einar og Bragi fara yfir nokkuð rólegan Rússlandskappakstur, en eins og venjulega finna þeir nóg um að ræða.
Gamanið heldur áfram í Formúlu 1 og er því nóg um að ræða fyrir þá Kristján Einar og Braga er þeir fara yfir fyrsta F1 kappaksturinn á Mugello brautinni.
Kristján Einar og Bragi fara yfir mjög svo viðburðarríkan kappakstur á hinni sögufrægu Monza braut.
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