The Threads social media app launched on 5th July. Instagram users were able to sign up with just a few clicks. It joins a plethora of other social media apps like Snapchat, Twitter and TikTok, all of which are readily accessible on our phones.
With all these apps at our fingertips, it’s never been easier for us to discover new people to follow, keep in touch with our friends and stay up to date with the latest news about our favourite celebrities. But Professor Devi Sridhar, the chair of global public health at the University of Edinburgh, is concerned about the harmful effect that all these apps could potentially be having on the health of young people. She talks to Marnie Chesterton about why they should be better regulated in order to protect our children. Marnie is then joined by Professor Andrew Przybylski from the University of Oxford who says that more studies need to be carried out.
Next up we find out more about phages – ‘good’ viruses that infect and destroy bacteria and could hold the key to fighting disease. Tom Ireland, author of a new book, The Good Virus, tells Marnie about the history of phages and their potentially exciting future.
This week the European Court of Human Rights ruled in favour of middle-distance runner and Olympic champion Caster Semenya in a case related to testosterone levels in female athletes. Marnie speaks to developmental biologist Dr Emma Hilton about what causes differences in sexual development and the impact they can have.
We also hear from Dr Stuart Farrimond who explains how the microclimates in your garden can affect the plants you can grow.
Presenter: Marnie Chesterton Producer: Harrison Lewis Content producer: Alice Lipscombe-Southwell Assistant producer: Robbie Wojciechowski Editor: Richard Collings
Learning skills.
Reshma is the co-founder of Girls Who Code, and she’s embarking on a second time founder journey now with her new organization Moms First. And she says being a second time founder is, in some ways, even harder than going at it completely green. So her question is, how do you reconnect to motivation for a project you love and feel passionate about – but which (for mostly external reasons) is maybe not organically as energizing as previous projects?
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Nesse episódio do podcast 100% français authentique, decidi falar sobre o metô de Paris!
Vou te falar 17 curiosidades sobre esse meio de transporte tão icônico de Paris que tenho quase certeza que você não deve conhecer.💡Ah!💡
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Dans cet épisode, on revoit ensemble les conjugaisons que tous les élèves devraient connaître au niveau B2. Cet épisode est une manière très efficace pour vous tester et refaire des révisions.
Pour télécharger le manuel gratuit que TOUS les apprenants doivent avoir c'est ici : https://ehouionline.com/
Si vous voulez prendre des cours particuliers avec moi : [email protected]
Cet épisode est aussi disponible sur YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52ikcKbqH-w
How to ask for something in French? Have you ever wondered how to say ‘Do you have…?… or ‘Can I have’…. or ‘May I…..in French? You’ve come to the right place! (Published in May 2022).
Listen to the episode and head to https://speakfrenchavecmoi.com/how-to-ask-for-something-in-french/ for the full FREE transcript!
Merci et à bientôt,
Speak French Avec Moi is a French podcast for beginners and travelers with free transcripts
Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/french-speak-french-avec-moi--4468664/support. -
This interview is taking you to Ardèche, that (so) beautiful part of France where I used to spend the summer holidays as a child. Meet André Rouy aka « Dédé l’Ardéchois » and discover the history of the train network in Ardèche – the only French département which doesn’t operate any more trains. Dédé and… Read More →
The post FV 134 : Dédé l’Ardéchois (Part 1): local heritage and history of the railway appeared first on French Your Way.
By popular demand, I have recorded a series of episodes to help you learn or recognise common French slang expressions. As you may know, the French you learn in the classroom and the French you hear in the street or in the movies can sometimes sound quite different! In this episode we’ll go through some… Read More →
The post FYW 245 : French slang expressions (4) appeared first on French Your Way.
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What we know about what happened at the clinic.
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