
  • In this episode, I describe how to access focused learning bouts, creative states, and the underlying neural circuitry involved. I frame this in the context of our daily 24-hour cycle in order to make it practical, clear and precise about timing. I review the role of fasting, meal timing and specific types of nutrients for promoting certain states of mind. I also review various other tools and biological factors that directly or indirectly gate brain function and that we can control. I answer commonly asked questions about the science of psychedelics, binaural beats, and visualization. Thank you for your interest in science!Read the full show notes for this episode at hubermanlab.com.Thank you to our sponsorsAG1: https://athleticgreens.com/hubermanLMNT: https://drinklmnt.com/hubermanlabTimestamps00:00:00 Introduction 00:00:30 Sponsors: AG1 & LMNT 00:04:53 The Daily (Learning) Routine 00:07:13 Plasticity Is NOT the Goal 00:09:26 No Obligation To Change 00:09:59 Practical Plasticity Language 00:13:37 Pillars of Neuroplasticity 00:15:16 My Daily Routine: Chronotype Management 00:17:20 Plasticity of the Wake-Sleep Circuit: Morning Light 00:19:09 Delay Caffeine! 00:21:19 Light, Black Coffee, Hydrate 00:22:57 High Alertness, Linear Tasks/Learning 00:25:12 Background Music/Noise: Yay or Nay? 00:26:52 “GO” versus “NO-GO”: The Basal Ganglia & Dopamine 00:28:37 Leveraging GO, NO-GO 00:30:08 Non-Specific Action 00:32:06 Clear, Calm, Focused: The GO, NO-GO Sweet Spot 00:33:48 When Very Alert, Work In Silence; When Tired, Include Background Noise 00:35:28 Temperaments Vary: And So Should This 00:36:01 The 3 Hour-Long Post Waking Block 00:36:20 Early Morning Exercise and GO Networks 00:38:05 Fasting, Ketogenic Diets, & Food Volume 00:39:41 Sodium/Electrolytes 00:40:57 Avoiding Hot Lunch, Food Pre-Occupation 00:42:01 Post Lunch Low/No Cognitive Load 00:42:56 Hydration, NSDR, Nap 00:44:54 Creativity Work 00:46:26 Creativity Is A Two-Part Phenomenon 00:51:15 Psychedelics 00:58:20 Afternoon Light As Insurance 01:00:26 Evening Nutrition 01:01:21 Repacking Glycogen: Hormonal Factors 01:04:11 Pre-Sleep Anxiety: Normal and Easy To Solve 01:07:08 The Power of Objective Tools 01:08:14 Visualization 01:11:34 Mini-Synthesis 01:13:31 Resetting Your Clock 01:15:55 Don’t Trust the Mind Now 01:16:59 Two, (Maybe 3) Optimization Bouts Per Day 01:18:33 Organizational Logic 01:20:22 Wim Hof Breathing, Binaural Beats, Ice Baths, Etc. 01:24:42 Variation Among People, and Dogs 01:25:49 Accurate Versus Exhaustive 01:27:57 Familiar and New Ways To Support Disclaimer & Disclosures

  • This episode introduces neuroplasticity—which is how our brain and nervous system learn and acquire new capabilities. I describe the differences between childhood and adult neuroplasticity, the chemicals involved and how anyone can increase their rate and depth of learning by leveraging the science of focus. I describe specific tools for increasing focus and learning. The next two episodes will cover the ideal protocols for specific types of learning and how to make learning new information more reflexive.
    For the full show notes, visit hubermanlab.com.
    Thank you to our sponsors
    AG1 (Athletic Greens): https://athleticgreens.com/huberman
    LMNT: https://drinklmnt.com/hubermanlab
    Waking Up: https://www.wakingup.com/huberman
    Momentous: https://www.livemomentous.com/huberman
    (00:00:00) Introduction
    (00:00:32) Sponsors: AG1, LMNT, Waking Up
    (00:03:50) Plasticity: What Is it, & What Is It For?
    (00:06:30) Babies and Potato Bugs
    (00:08:00) Customizing Your Brain
    (00:08:50) Hard-Wired Versus Plastic Brains
    (00:10:25) Everything Changes At 25
    (00:12:29) Costello and Your Hearing
    (00:13:10) The New Neuron Myth
    (00:14:10) Anosmia: Losing Smell
    (00:15:13) Neuronal Birthdays Near Our Death Day
    (00:16:45) Circumstances for Brain Change
    (00:17:21) Brain Space
    (00:18:30) No Nose, Eyes, Or Ears
    (00:19:30) Enhanced Hearing and Touch In The Blind
    (00:20:20) Brain Maps of The Body Plan
    (00:21:00) The Kennard Principle (Margaret Kennard)
    (00:21:36) Maps of Meaning
    (00:23:00) Awareness Cues Brain Change
    (00:25:20) The Chemistry of Change
    (00:26:15) A Giant Lie In The Universe
    00:27:10) Fathers of Neuroplasticity/Critical Periods
    00:29:30) Competition Is The Route to Plasticity
    00:32:30) Correcting The Errors of History
    00:33:29) Adult Brain Change: Bumps and Beeps
    (00:36:25) What It Takes to Learn
    (00:38:15) Adrenalin and Alertness
    (00:40:18) The Acetylcholine Spotlight
    (00:42:26) The Chemical Trio For Massive Brain Change
    (00:44:10) Ways To Change Your Brain
    (00:46:16) Love, Hate, & Shame: all the same chemical
    (00:47:30) The Dopamine Trap
    (00:49:40) Nicotine for Focus
    (00:52:30) Sprinting
    (00:53:30) How to Focus
    (00:55:22) Adderall: Use & Abuse
    (00:56:40) Seeing Your Way To Mental Focus
    (01:02:59) Blinking
    (01:05:30) And Ear Toward Learning
    (01:06:14) The Best Listeners In The World
    (01:07:20) Agitation is Key
    (01:07:40) ADHD & ADD: Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder
    (01:12:00) Ultra(dian) Focus
    (01:13:30) When Real Change Occurs
    (01:16:20) How Much Learning Is Enough?
    (01:16:50) Learning In (Optic) Flow/Mind Drift
    (01:18:16) Synthesis/Summary
    (01:25:15) Learning With Repetition, Forming Habits
    As always, thank you for your interest in science!
    Title Card Photo Credit: Mike Blabac