
  • Diving into the wonders that is Estonian Football.

  • EdTech Estonia Podcast ootab kuulama!

    EdTech Estonia Podcast tutvustab Eesti haridustehnoloogia iduettevõtluse mitmekülgsust. Kohtume startup-founderitega, kelle silmi paneb särama haridus, kuid kelle soov on tehnoloogiaga korda saata midagi vägevat maailmas. Lisaks tutvustame teemaga seonduvaid eksperte, õpetajaid, tugitöötajaid, kes teavad, milline on olukord päriselt täna ja praegu.

    Saatejuht on Sabina Sägi.

  • Welcome to ‘The Estonian Experience’, a Podcast about life as a foreigner in Estonia.Recorded in Richter Studio. in Tallinn, Estonia. Support this podcast:

  • Arutleme vabalt.

    Lahkame probleeme ja pakume lahendusi mis vastavad mõlemale anarhia põhiprintsiibile ehk austavad inimese eneseomamise õigust ja ei vaja ellurakendamiseks sundi.

    Ancast Estonia Telegramis:

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Estonian listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Estonian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Estonian and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Tallinn, Tartu, or Pärnu? Maybe you want to speak Estonian with your grandparents from Narva?

    Our podcast provides a rich blend of cultural and linguistic insights to thoroughly engage you in the authentic Estonian experience, primarily found within the picturesque borders of Estonia. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Estonian listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Paranda oma kuulmisarusaamist meie Eesti lugudega täna!

  • Before the written word, the people of Estonia handed down their stories and traditions orally. History of Estonia Podcast attempts to catalog the History of Estonia starting with the land that was settled and moving along a defined timeline. Once we reach modernity, we will go back in time once again and dig into more detail and dwell on the places, events and stories that deserve to be told more thoroughly.

  • Found in Estonia bi-weekly podcast is sharing conversations with internationals who have made Estonia their home.
    It’s here to inspire more open-mindedness, bring people together and turn "anonymous foreigner" stereotypes into real-life humans.
    Foreigners are sharing their experiences, useful tips, recommendations, and hilarious thoughts about Estonians and life in Estonia.

Learn more about all the episodes and join the monthly newsletter:

  • Work in Estonia Talk aims to give an insight to expats working in Estonia. We cover two sides of the story; one expat guest working in Estonia, and one of their local co-workers. Recruitment process, adapting to a new country and how does Estonia compare to different cultures are among the diverse topics covered in the podcast.

    Work in Estonia Talk podcast is ideal for:
    - People who wish to get an insight into the experience of living and working in Estonia as an expat
    - Employers who wish to hear about the foreign recruitment experience of companies.

  • Introduction to the Regisong Podcast

    What is Regisong?
    Regisong, Regilaul, Runic song, Runo song, and Folk songs in runic verse are synonyms to Estonian folk songs’ oral tradition. These folk songs carry the wisdom and knowledge of thousands of years about the Estonian’s culture and survival strategies. These songs weaved together with people and nature give us a unique artistic vision and understanding of life’s ways. “It (Regisongs) has a quality to work as an incantation or a spell that can heal and regenerate a person” (Lauri Õunapuu – Regilaul: Song of the Ancient Sea). A tremendous amount of work has been done in Estonia to preserve and revive them, to systematize and analyze its lyrics in depth. Due to all these efforts, The Estonian Folklore Archive holds almost a million Regisongs today. The devotion and hard work of the earliest researchers of Regisongs have produced easy access to numerous collections of albums, publications, and resources (hardcopy and online). These works ascertain the importance of Regisongs as a bearer of traditional Estonian culture, providing a sense of security and belonging to many people for years. It embodies that these songs are simple, beautiful, and work as a breath of fresh Estonian air, which provides a sense of home.

    With such tenacity, the Regisong Podcast Series has been born. The podcast aims to offer its listeners an opportunity to listen to ancient Estonian Regi songs’ traditional performances. Set within the poetic characteristics, it delves into reinvigorating the vanishing uses of the Regi verse. This podcast series presents ten Regisongs belonging to a different age. The singers who made the performance belongs from various Estonia parts and share a deep and profound relationship with the songs. Further narrated with eloquence and grace by Indrek Koff in his words, adds meaning, introduces the themes in the songs, background stories related to them, and relevance in today’s time.

    The Podcast series is accompanied by the unique & soulful voices of:
    Peter Volkonski,
    Liisi Koikson,
    Celia Roose,
    Melika Hainsoo,
    Priit Pedajas,
    Kaido Kama,
    Mari Kalkun,
    Timu Kalmu,
    Ando Kiviberg, &
    Lauri Õunapuu
    Without the collaboration of few people, the series would not have seen the light of the day. Therefore, the gratitude for the kind courtesy goes to:
    Advisor: Janika Oras (Scientist and Custodian of the Sound Collection at the Estonian Folklore Archive)

    Narrated by: Indrek Koff, Hasso Krull
    Artistic Leader: Lauri Õunapuu (Estonian traditional musician)
    Translated by Pirjo Leek
    Transcribed by: Kirsika Mersmaa (Assistant of Estonian Traditional Music Centre)
    Edited by: Kikee D. Bhutia (Folklorists at University of Tartu)

    Estonian Traditional Music Centre

  • *EST: Taskuhäälingu KultuuriReflektor missiooniks on peegeldada olulisi ja päevakohaseid teemasid ning leida üles varju jäänud diskussioonid kultuurivaldkonnas. Arutame valdkonna jaoks olulisi küsimusi, loome diskussioone, reflekteerime ja otsime ebakõlasid. Seda just praktikute abiga, et leida uusi lahendusi probleemidele, millega tööalaselt igapäevaselt silmitsi seisame. Taskuhääling on mõeldud nii praktiseerivatele kultuurikorraldajatele, kui ka niisama kultuurist huvituvatele inimestele.

    Nimi KultuuriReflektor on põnev sõnamäng. Ühelt poolt on see midagi, mille eesmärk on olulisele valgust heita, välja tuua midagi, mis muidu jääb varju. Reflection ehk peegeldus näitab ka meie valdkonna ja tööstuse praegust olukorda. Kõige olulisemana - KultuuriReflektor on koht, kus meie jaoks olulistel teemadel reflekteerida ja peegeldada.

    KultuuriReflektor on kakskeelne podcast, mille eestvedajaks on Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia kultuurikorralduse magistriprogramm. Podcasti algusmuusika autor on Zane Dombrovska. Kui Sul on lisaküsimusi, ettepanekuid ja teemasid, võta ühendust: [email protected]

    *ENG: Cultural Reflector is a bilingual initiative run by the Cultural Management MA programme of the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre. The jingle is composed by Zane Dombrovska. For more information, or if you want to suggest a topic for discussion, please contact [email protected].

    More information:

  • EBSi podcastis Satelliit kohtuvad äri ja juhtimine, inimesed ja kogemused. Eesmärk on luua uut teadmust ning küsida õigeid küsimusi. EBSi podcasti saatejuht on Aveli Jänes.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Saade räägib kuidas luuakse strateegiasprintide ja disanisprintidega kiirelt innovatsiooni. Saatejuhiks on Andres Kostiv strateegia- ja disainisprintide agentuurist Futurist.

  • Welcome to The Art of Digitalisation, a podcast brought to you by one of the most digital countries on earth, e-Estonia. Directly from the heart of the e-Estonia secret headquarters. Or briefing centre as we actually call it. In every episode, we bring you digitalisation experts from across the globe, sharing their expertise and advice on how they transformed businesses, governments, and more, using innovation through technology. Whether you’re taking your first steps on your own digitalisation journey, want captivating insights from renowned experts, or love some Estonian straight-faced humour, this is the podcast for you.

  • Inspireeriv Ülistus on vestlussaade, kus inspireerime koguduse ülistajaid mõtestama muusika tähendust ja praktikat koguduses ja isiklikus elus. Räägime, kuidas teenitakse ülistusmuusikaga erinevates kogudustes ja julgustame kõiki selles valdkonnas kasvama.
    Saateid juhib Ragne Ülevain ja vestluskaaslasteks on erinevad pastorid, teoloogid ja muusikud üle Eesti.

  • Räägime UX / UI disainist, AI-st ja tootearendusest.

  • Финфлюэнсер Григорий Илькевич и юрист Георгий Джаниашвили разговаривают на юридические темы, рассказывают как правильно действовать с точки зрения закона и как можно облегчить жизнь предпринимателей.

  • ❗️🇪🇪 below❗️(ENG) Hello and welcome to EstoCast, a podcast presented by Estonian Museum Canada/VEMU, Estonian Music Week and Eesti Elu/Estonian Life newspaper. In each episode of Estocast, join us as we delve into another dimension of Estonian culture in Canada, Estonia, and elsewhere. Through discussions of books, music, art, history, science, and more, we discover what it is to be Estonian and what Estonian people have to offer the broader world. // (EST) Tere tulemast kuulama taskuhäälingut EstoCast, mida teevad ühisel jõul Väliseesti Muuseum/VEMU, Estonian Music Week ja ajaleht Eesti Elu/Estonian Life Torontos. Pakume eesti- ja ingliskeelset kuulamist kõigile, kel on tahtmist süveneda eesti kultuuri rikkusesse ja selle erinevatesse tahkudesse siin Kanadas, Eestis või mujal maailmas. Arutelud kirjanduse, muusika, kunsti, ajaloo, teaduse jm teemadel aitavad meil mõista, mida tähendab olla eestlane ja mida on eestlastel maailmale pakkuda.

  • News analysis and culture from Estonia, with Tallinn-based journalists S. Garlick and Maris Hellrand, plus guests.

  • Publication Manager of the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra Anita Maasalu or Kärt Ruubel, pianist and Brand and Communication Manager of ERSO introduce musicians of ERSO, guest conductors, soloists and upcoming concerts

  • - Radio: Radio NABA (Latvia), Raadio 2 (Estonia)
    - Labels: @AmberMuse / Ovum / Runemark / W&O Street Tracks
    - Projects: @QueerOnAcid
    - Booking: info at ambermuse dot com.