黃聖峰的台澎自決建國聊天室.Shin-Hong Ng's Chatroom for the FP Statehood Movement
Tayvan · Sìng-Hong N̂g
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此 Podcast 將從黃聖峰所主張的「終止代管.自決建國」台澎國際法法理建國路線探討以下議題:1.台澎史實、台澎國際法法理地位、自決建國程序相關知識2.各種台澎法理地位論述、建國/獨立主張的分析、比較與評論3.台澎自決建國運動相關議題的說明與探討4.新聞時事評論This podcast will discuss various topics from the angle of the International Law School of FP Statehood Creation Movement advocating "Terminating Mandated Military Occupation & Creating Statehood through Self-Determination", in particular, the historical facts and legal status of Formosa & the Pescadores, and knowledge of creating statehood through self-determination.