Fitness consistency with a touch of adventure! Are there easy ways to change my fitness and add accountability to my life? Is mindset really that important to what I want? These are just a few of the questions Fitness Consistency & Adventure Coach Kelly Howard dives into each week on the Being Fit is Freedom Podcast. Being FIT and happy is as much about mindset, habits, and dreams as it is about skipping the scale and learning tools that keep you working out, consistently! It’s putting yourself first so you can create the energy, confidence, vitality, and freedom you need to turn dreams into a reality, conquer the corporate ladder, or confidently take that adventure bucket list trip you’ve always dreamed of. Discover why 10,000’s successful women turn to Kelly to master their mindset and gain a new outlook on health, fitness, weight loss, and living a life of freedom and fun.
先有健康的身體,才能快樂的減重 知名健身瘦身Youtuber,最勵志的故事就是曾經體重高達87公斤的宅男,為了追求現在的老婆開始奮發運動和調整飲食,因此成功贏得美人歸才有現在幸福的一家三口加一隻貓的家庭!
「一休陪你減重 從心開始」Podcast 提供各種我自己個人在減重路上飲食調整心路歷程分享的頻道! 歡迎大家收聽,讓我陪你一起大變身!
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Monica Reinagel and Brock Armstrong help people create the mindset, habits, and lifestyle that lead to weighing less without dieting. Each series tackles a different aspect of how to become someone who weighs less.
I denna podden pratar vi om Martins resa från soffpotatis till spänstig sparris eller till ett hållbart och hälsosamt liv om man så vill, med hjälp av Samantha Lerviken som driver företaget Hälsa Som Val.
1%FITNESS 總教練 李泓鋕 Allen
Springfield College M.Ed.
美國NSCA肌力與體能專家, CSCS
美國ACE私人教練, CPT
Mike Boyle功能性教練, CFSC
MBSC Intern
College of Holy Cross(D1) S&C Coach
北京賽普 體能教練
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CrossFit trainer and veteran Conor Murphy tells stories and interviews fellow trainers and celebrities with the goal to educate, entertain, and inspire others about the fitness industry.
Cass simplifies all things health & fitness for the everyday person. Learn her personal tips & tricks on how to make health & fitness fit more easily into your life! Cass will always motivate you to challenge your ego.
Some people may think she's a bitch or just plain dumb. But, as always... that is subject to your opinion.
Keep up with Cass on all socials @builtbycass.
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Twitter: -
Welcome to the Mind Muscle Experience. This podcast is for those who won’t to explore the world of health and fitness, understand the importance of it, and want to explore the deep connection between the body and the mind.
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Helping motivate you to fast for weight loss or maintenance so that you can achieve the health goals that you have set yourself. Pursuing an alternative method to reverse type 2 diabetes diagnosis, reducing insulin and the chance of developing type 2 diabetes, reducing oxitative stress on body and organs, improving heart health, preventing cancer, improvoing heart and brain health and living longer.
Host:Luka([email protected])
Producer:Uncle Der Studio -
即時收聽Organic Vision工作室的podcast!我們誠邀您一起收聽有關健康和營養的討論。
Organic Vision的座右銘是幫助所有人通過一個完善的個人發展計劃不斷提升自己,成為最好的自己。我們的podcast將為您提供小貼士和不同的資料,令您生活得更自信和積極,從內到外感覺更加良好。
Bringing to you live from the studios of Organic Vision - our very own podcast channel! We invite you to dive into eye opening educational discussions on health and nutrition.
This will include in depth analyses of eating clean, how to sustain a healthy lifestyle, detoxing, what it involves and how it works to heal our bodies, as well as tips on personal development. We strive to offer you the most accurate, latest scientifically backed information on health, so that you can learn to take care of yourself better physically, emotionally and mentally.
Organic Vision’s motto is to help everyone become the best version of themselves, and to constantly improve ourselves through a great personal development program. Our podcast will offer you tips and resources to gain more self-confidence and positivity, to feel good from the inside out. -
簡單來說就是:好好地吃, 好好地睡, 好好瞭解自己。
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我是一個營養師,最不營養的那種如果我是營養素那我願意變成一顆青豆雖然你不愛我,但最後我會化為纖維變成大便,守護你然後噗通一聲,我們永別不見!--Hosting provided by SoundOn
你認為的養生,真的是養生嗎?你總是睡前喝一杯熱牛奶以為比較好睡早上喝一杯溫開水以為對身體比較好感冒了就要多喝溫開水是爸爸說的排便不順就多吃香蕉是媽媽說的眼睛不舒服就吃葉黃素是大家說的用糙米、紫米取代白米是鄰居說的卻總頭暈、頭痛、精神不佳你有想過為什麼嗎?我將用古中醫的知識來顛覆你的養生觀念讓你真正找回健康【更新時間】暫時停更,詳情請見若有任何問題,歡迎來訊也歡迎加入LINE社群,一起聊健康【想更認識我】FB:部落格:寫信給我:[email protected]歡迎與女巫互動--Hosting provided by SoundOn
收聽:Apple Podcast|Spotify|Mixerbox
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營養師下班了!這是叮噹&Liz營養師下班後開的Podcast節目,來和我們一起聊聊下班後的那些是…好事壞事,只要能紓壓的都是好事。希望能讓你在上班通勤、下班放鬆、假日無聊的時候,聽到滿滿的好玩與有趣!●夢想:無形置入營養觀念●注意:小心笑聲音量●更新:沒意外應該是每週二晚上下班可以email或用以下方式找到我們↓*Facebook粉絲專頁:白袍下班後*Instagram:@dietitian_afterwork{music by Flummusic.ok: Funky Logo, Taigasoundprod/}{Hosting Provided by SoundOn}--Hosting provided by SoundOn